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新的形势要求大学具有较高的理想层次。而现实却是相当一部分大学没有远大理想,志向过于功利化。因此,培养大学生树立一种与广大人民同呼吸、共命运的感情立场,教育大学生将个人的理想与人民的共同理想,崇高理想有机地结合起来,适时适度地结合大学生实际开展理想教育势在必行。  相似文献   

The 1991 movie Thelma and Louise and its protagonists continue to be cultural icons for many women of all ages. With quotations, song lyrics, the metaphor of the edge from the film, and collected wisdom from pedagogy, two religious educators reflect on their vocations and leadership drawing implications for the teaching ministry. The themes address friendship, the journey, risk-taking, awakening, turning points, and the choice to keep going. The authors believe that friendship and co-creating dialogue offer their students hopeful models of leadership for ministry and higher education in mutually beneficial ways.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Dewey's idea of "mutual national understanding" faces new challenges in the age of globalization, especially in education for global understanding. In this essay Naoko Saito aims to find an alternative idea and language for "mutual national understanding," one that is more attuned to the sensibility of our times. She argues for Stanley Cavell's idea of philosophy as translation as such an alternative. Based upon Cavell's rereading of Thoreau's Walden , Saito represents Thoreau as a cross-cultural figure who transcends cultural and national boundaries. On the strength of this, she proposes a Cavellian education for global citizenship, that is, a perfectionist education for imperfect understanding in acknowledgment of alterity. Our founding of democracy must depend upon a readiness to "deconfound" the culture we have come from, the better to find new foundations together. The "native" is always in transition, by and through language, in processes of translation.  相似文献   

At a time when some 24% of the Brazilian population of 182 million are functionally illiterate, the author shows how illiteracy is concentrated in traditionally poor and disadvantaged social and ethnic groups as well as in certain regions of the country. He surveys the changes in legislation, policies and attitudes relating to literacy over the past few decades and describes how literacy is increasingly seen as a continuous process rather than a short-term, low-cost intervention. While there is still a lack of a broad, coordinated policy and adequate funding in this area, and while the challenges remain formidable, the author concludes that Brazil is moving slowly in the right direction.  相似文献   

This article is part of a larger exploratory study that followed preservice early childhood teachers through their program and into their first year of practice, giving voice to their understandings of quality teaching and learning, and insight into the ways their preservice program prepared them for the challenges of teaching in diverse settings. Analyses of our graduates’ first-year interviews revealed participants’ perceptions on those elements of the program which best guided their decisions in practice, such as reflective thinking about their daily work and child observation and inquiry. Findings support the importance of engaging in differentiated instruction, reflective practice, and collaboration through a variety of experiences in the field, and illuminate everyday practices that bring richness to teaching and learning in early childhood education. Emergent questions about the best ways to provide quality early childhood teacher preparation are discussed in relation to the dilemmas early childhood teachers face in the current educational landscape.  相似文献   

Education is a dynamic discipline. Dynamic because an educational system does not stand on its own, apart from the social structure of which it is an extension. It must be steeped with its culture's moral and sociological beliefs in order to ensure the survival and growth of that particular culture through each new generation.  相似文献   

“. . . human experience is shaped, molded, and in a sense constituted by cultural and linguistic forms. There are numberless thoughts we cannot think, sentiments we cannot have, and realities we cannot perceive unless we learn to use the appropriate symbol systems ... to become religious involves becoming skilled in the language, the symbol system of a given religion.” — George Lindbeck 1 1George Lindbeck, The Nature of Doctrine (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1984), 34.

“My child is not learning anything. All they do in there is play.” — disgruntled parent after observing a preschool church school class.


从独白到对话:传统道德教化的现代性转向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
独白性教化以对社会成员的规范的一元道德价值设定为基础 ,以个体人格的依附性为基本依托 ,以个体对既定伦理目标的接受、认同、贯彻为目的 ,以威权性、灌输性为其基本特征。独白性教化切合于传统专制型社会政治意识形态传输的需要 ,因之而成为传统道德教化的基本形式。随着独白性教化的社会依据的解体 ,社会道德教化呈现出对基于平等、自主、个性的对话性的追求 ,对话性成为现代性道德教化策略的基本标示。  相似文献   

The epistemological paradigm, known as post-modernity, challenges some of the presuppositions of educational systems in general, and of religious education in particular. One of these presuppositions is the exaggerated primacy given to knowledge attained through reason. However, the paradigm shift invites us to make a transition from knowledge to wisdom—to the integration and transformation of knowledge into human experience. This transition helps us incorporate into the learning process those particular ways of learning that are preferred by many women, bringing us to a more holistic conception of religious education. It enables us to establish a new relationship between learners and educators in the model of a learning circle.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of the contents and contributors to the British Journal of Religious Education (UK) and Religious Education (North America). A content analysis of each journal was conducted for a 10-year period between 1992–2002. A total of 20 volumes were analyzed, with attention given to types of research published, composition of review boards, authors' gender, affiliation, religious identity, position, geographic location, and number of contributions. The question of what each journal can learn from the other is addressed, and implications for the field are drawn.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Tyson Lewis theorizes current lockdown practices, zero-tolerance policies, and No Child Left Behind initiatives in U.S. schooling by drawing on Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben's analysis of the concentration camp and the state of exception. Agamben's theory of the camp provides a challenging, critical vantage point for looking at the ambiguities that emerge from the complex field of disciplinary procedures now prevalent in inner-city, low-income, minority schools, and helps to clarify what exactly is at stake in the symbolic and sometimes physical violence of schooling. Key to understanding the primary relation between camp and classroom is Agamben's framework of the biopolitical, which paradoxically includes life as a political concern through its exclusion from the political sphere. Here Lewis appropriates Agamben's terminology in order to theorize the biopedagogical, wherein educational life is included in schooling through its abandonment. For Lewis, the theory of the camp is necessary to recognizing how schools function and, in turn, how they could function differently.  相似文献   

本文围绕高等教育政策文本中的权威、政策文本的数量、文本特别说明、政策主题等变量对改革开放二十年国家高等教育政策的发展进行了系统的定量分析,并归纳总结了我国高等教育政策制定的特点。高等教育政策制定在制定结构上,具有多权威控制和政策依赖的特点;在制定方式上体现了强调"试点"和"稳定"的政治文化;在政策发展上,形成了高等教育政策相对独立的地位。  相似文献   

Although numerous Russian intellectuals and academics had travelled to and had settled in Central Asia and in Kazakhstan prior to 1917, institutionalized higher education came to the region only as a result of the Great Socialist October Revolution of 1917. First came the State University of Tashkent in 1924 followed by universities in other parts of Soviet Central Asia. These universities had to face a number of special problems due to the backwardness of the societies in which they were located and to the multiethnic and multilingual student populations which they served and are still serving today. They also had to give special attention to the emancipation of women in what were predominantly Moslem societies. Yet the new institutions have successfully risen to the challenge and today are contributing to the spreading of culture, creativity, and socialist development in the parts of the Soviet Union where they are situated.  相似文献   

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