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Background: In developed countries, it is challenging for teachers to select pedagogical practices that encourage students to enrol in science and technology courses in upper secondary school.

Purpose: Aiming to understand the enrolment dynamics, this study analyses sample-based data from Finland’s National Assessment in Science to determine whether pedagogical approaches influence student intention to enrol in upper secondary school physics courses.

Sample: This study examined a clustered sample of 2949 Finnish students in the final year of comprehensive school (15–16 years old).

Methods: Through explorative factor analysis, we extracted several variables that were expected to influence student intention to enrol in physics courses. We applied partial correlation to determine the underlying interdependencies of the variables.

Results: The analysis revealed that the main predictor of enrolment in upper secondary school physics courses is whether students feel that physics is important. Although statistically significant, partial correlations between variables were rather small. However, the analysis of partial correlations revealed that pedagogical practices influence inquiry and attitudinal factors. Pedagogical practices that emphasise science experimentation and the social construction of knowledge had the strongest influence.

Conclusions: The research implies that to increase student enrolment in physics courses, the way students interpret the subject’s importance needs to be addressed, which can be done by the pedagogical practices of discussion, teacher demonstrations, and practical work.  相似文献   

本文论述了中专学校音乐课教学中教学方法的重要性,在了解学生心理的基础上应以愉快教学为主。  相似文献   

对于英语的学习,需要一定的私人时间来完成对单词和语法的记忆和巩固工作,但英语是一种语言,更具实用性,需要被运用到实践中去,换言之就是更需要有人配合来完成效果会更好。所以小组合作学习法就适合用于英语的学习。在组建小组学习的过程中可以进行有效地对话练习,在遇到难题时可以互相帮助,好的学习方法可以相互借鉴分享。在学习中培养合作精神,提高语言沟通交际能力,引发学习热情和积极性。  相似文献   

论述在中专物理教学中如何加强素质教育。  相似文献   

语文教学的目标如何能够在有限的时间内完成,对语文教学效率的提高是中专语文改革的重点,对此,本文对语文教学效率的提高提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse how mathematical problem solving is represented in mathematical textbooks for Swedish upper secondary school. The analysis comprises dominating Swedish textbook series, and relates to uncovering (a) the quantity of tasks that are actually mathematical problems, (b) their location in the chapter, (c) their difficulty level, and (d) their context. Based on an analysis of 5,722 tasks from the area of calculus, it is concluded that the textbooks themselves contain very few tasks that can be defined as mathematical problems, and that those that are mathematical problems are found at the end of a chapter at the most difficult level, and are presented in a pure mathematical context. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

教材是教学的基础,直接服务于一线的教学工作,随着中职学校的办学规模的不断扩大,办学模式逐渐走向市场化,教材的选用就成了各中职学校迫切需要关注的问题。本文以中职学校办学理念及特点为切入点,分析教材使用的一些问题,并提出相应的改进策略。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to illustrate how Swedish schools construct different pedagogic identities in the way they marketize themselves. We examine through a Bernsteinian lens how upper secondary schools promote themselves; what identities are being called for by the schools and how these identities are expressed. Moreover, the article intends to study how these identities are reflected in studied school actors and how they can be understood in relation to the labour market. We have analysed texts from various kinds of marketing materials, including websites and prospectuses of the schools. The empirical data also include interviews with various school actors. In addition, we attended and recorded observations at open houses and school fairs. Our findings indicate a strong differentiated market-oriented education system, mediated not only through distinctions in courses and programmes, but also through schools creating highly specific niches and targeting specific students as valuable commodities.  相似文献   

在实际教学活动中,学生的情感需要是非常复杂的,而这就需要教师根据实际情况进行切实可行的阶段性情感教育。本文通过对基于情感教育的生物教学的作用以及情感教育在中职生物中的教学策略分析来对中职生物教学的情感教育进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文针对中职语文的传统文化教学,分别从创设良好的情境;培养学生的文化认同;通过联系古今来拉近文化距离;引导学生积极思考和交流;增加学校图书馆传统文化藏书这五个方面提出了教学策略。  相似文献   

探讨如何在中职数学教学中应用"自学辅导法",以提高中职数学教学的质量和效率.  相似文献   

中职教育是为行业培养技能型人才的,由于这样的目标定位决定了中职学校入学的门槛很低,甚至是"零门槛"入学,从而导致了目前中职校学生普遍存在的现象是:学生文化课基础较差,厌学文化课、理论课,但对于实训课以及其他需要实际操作的课程,却往往会有兴趣。本文作者根据教学实践就中职礼仪实训课的教学方法作了进一步的探索。  相似文献   

英语听说教学是中学英语教学当中重要的目的之一。结合笔者多年教学经验,文章主要针对加强英语语音语调教学、口头作文、自由谈话、听力练习等做出详细的阐述,这些教学方法对于提高中学英语听说教学质量和提高学生学习情趣有着明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

“百年大计,教学为本。”,在目前大力提介素质教育的形势下,中等师范学校更是面临着前所未有的挑战和压力,要在激烈中,市场竞争中生存下去,中等师范学校就得确实加强教育类课程和实践,使之名副其实。  相似文献   

This study outlines some challenges of teaching about distant place and demonstrates how different strategies can influence school students’ framings of diversity. The analysis is based on an interpretive case study of 13–14?year-old students learning about Japan in a UK school. Their changing representations of Japan were tracked in detail over a 10?week period of study. The findings show that students’ representations of Japan were multi-stranded, demonstrating different levels of sophistication depending on the aspect of the country under consideration. Learning activities that enabled contact with the lives of young people from the distant place or that involved multiple images were shown to challenge stereotypes and to encourage more nuanced understandings of diversity between and within.  相似文献   

本文主要针对中专计算机教学现状进行分析,提出了存在的问题,并根据这些问题提出了一些教学对策,希望能够为中专计算机教学发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业改革完善,对学生要求德、智、体、美全面发展的教育方针得以全面实施。健美操在高中体育教学中占据了相当重要的位置,其拥有独特的运动特点与锻炼价值,是美和运动力的结合,很受广大高中学生的喜爱,但是,在当前的教学中仍存有不足之处。本文就高中生健美操教学存在的问题与怎样完善其教学方法展开探讨。  相似文献   

在党的十七大报告中提出,科学发展观的核心是"以人为本",而作为重中之重的教育也是一项以人为本的工程,特别是作为教育链上的最重要的一环——英语教学也必须贯彻以人为本的精神,建立起以学生为本、以学生发展为中心的教育理念,让学生在英语教学过程中得到全面、协调的发展。基于当前中学英语教学存在的问题,本文从顺应理论出发,揭示了顺应理论对"以人为本"中学英语教学的影响。  相似文献   

职业中专学校由于生源质量参差不齐等各种原因,在数学教学方面存在着诸多问题,学生缺乏学习数学的兴趣,厌学情绪明显.通过分析目前职业中专的数学教学状况及所存在的问题,并针对这些状况提出了相应的解决对策.  相似文献   

中职学生数学学习兴趣缺乏,严重影响教学质量.课堂教学是学习兴趣培养的主渠道.为此,教师在课堂教学中要充分利用各种有利因素,克服消极因素,培养学生的学习兴趣.  相似文献   

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