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赛事认同关乎标志性体育赛事的长期稳定发展。基于认同理论,运用Bootstrap、线性回归方法展开赛事认同对标志性体育赛事发展影响机理的实证研究。结果显示:赛事认同对标志性体育赛事中赛事质量、赛事环境、赛事营销和赛事管理服务均具有显著的影响;赛事品牌形象在赛事认同与赛事环境和赛事管理服务的影响关系间具有部分中介作用;举办地意向在赛事认同与赛事质量、赛事环境和赛事营销的影响关系间具有部分中介作用;参与意愿在赛事认同与赛事质量、赛事环境、赛事营销和赛事管理服务的影响关系间具有部分中介作用;感知价值在赛事认同与赛事管理服务的影响关系间具有部分中介作用;感知综合实力分别对赛事认同与赛事质量、赛事环境、赛事营销、赛事管理服务的影响关系起调节作用。研究证明了赛事认同与标志性体育赛事发展的关系路径,为促进我国标志性体育赛事高质量发展提供理论参考与实践支撑。  相似文献   

如何确保奥运会世界首要赛事的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代奥运会是在曲折历程中逐步成为国际体育赛事中的首要赛事的.奥运会在举办与管理模式的经验包括:国际奥林匹克大家庭的组建及法律地位的确立;赛事的申办、监控、协调、管理模式的不断完善;奥林匹克思想体系与赛事举办理念的完善与发展;体育活动与相关文化、教育活动体系的丰富和发展;国际奥林匹克运动与国际社会的对话、交流与融合.奥运会保持世界首要赛事地位必须注意几个问题:研究各类国际体育赛事,动态监控其发展的基本态势与特点;进一步完善国际奥林匹克大家庭的管理,建立责权利统一的体系;加强对国际社会文化的干预,丰富奥林匹克思想体系的内涵;建立并统领世界体育赛事的调控机制,尊重各民族和地域性的传统体育;防止商业开发过度,警惕政治干预的负面影响,努力确保奥运会独一无二的国际社会地位.  相似文献   

为进一步丰富大型体育赛事选择与评估的理论与方法,从社会网络分析视角对赛事举办与体育城市国际竞争力的关系进行了探索。利用文献资料调研、数理统计等研究方法,对大型体育赛事举办意义和世界城市网络研究进行了梳理,提出了城市国际体育赛事网络的概念,整理出赛事网络指数和联系度的计算公式,并以上海6大品牌赛事为样本考察国际赛事网络关系,认为运动项目的国际化、商业化程度、赛事的等级和影响力,以及赛事价值链体系的完整性是城市影响国际体育赛事网络联系度的主要因素。  相似文献   

随着城市经济的发展,赛事规模不断的扩大和数量的不断增加,传统的赛事管理出现了诸多困难。本研究引入赛事群概念,引导体育赛事管理视域从一维走向多维,无疑是个重大的突破,将给城市体育赛事发展带来新的篇章。同时本研究按照不同标准对赛事群进行分类,以上海市为例构建了四大类赛事群和不同的赛事亚群,为赛事群管理搭建了一个初步的理论分析框架。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法、对比分析法等,以2012年至2015年福建省体育产业专项资金资助赛事名录为依据,从被资助赛事的地区分布、单位组织形式、赛事级别、赛事项目分布等4个方面对专项资金资助的赛事进行梳理分析,以期了解福建省体育产业专项资金的资助特征,从而提出福建省体育竞赛表演业发展建议,最终达到促进福建省体育竞赛表演业发展的目的。研究表明:被资助赛事地区分布不平衡、体育赛事运作主体市场化程度不高、体育赛事项目结构不合理是福建省体育赛事产业发展中存在的主要问题。专项资金统筹兼顾、向企业倾斜、错位竞争、引入优质的国内外赛事专业公司与机构是促进福建省体育赛事产业发展的有效方略。  相似文献   

越来越多的体育赛事组织通过建立赛事网站促进其与体育迷的交流和互动。依据市场营销理论,运用内容分析法,对中国三大马拉松赛事和国际五大马拉松大满贯赛事网站内容进行比较。结果显示:国际马拉松大满贯赛事把网站作为分销渠道,注重市场的推广;中国马拉松赛事把网站作为信息发布的渠道,缺乏与体育迷、客户的互动。  相似文献   

全球疫情背景下,体育赛事的举办与管理遇到空前的挑战,中国重大赛事的成功承办与疫情防控措施卓有成效。采用文献分析法、案例分析法、比较分析法和逻辑分析法等方法,从疫情防控成效、管理水平、推广性等视角,对比分析国家主导型赛事主导型赛事的防疫措施,总结防疫经验,梳理大型体育赛事防疫的中国智慧:坚持集中力量办大事、坚持集体主义价值观、政府强大的组织动员能力和工作人员认真负责的工作态度、以及人民群众高昂的防疫热情和顾全大局的安全防范意识是中国大型体育赛事疫情防控的制胜法宝。  相似文献   

朱序伟  邰崇禧 《体育世界》2010,(12):119-120,109
近年来,我国商业性体育赛事逐步增多,赛事运作的规模与水平不断提高。亚洲是世界田径运动发展的一个巨大而潜在的市场,国际田坛将更多地关注亚洲、关注中国,这对我国田径赛事的市场化推广极为有利,同时也对我国田径赛事的市场化运作提出了新的要求。本文对我国田径赛事市场化理论进行了探讨,分析我国田径赛事市场的内容、构成要素和在市场化运作中所面临的不利因素,并提出了发展对策,以期为我国田径赛事的市场化推广提供必要的理论参考。  相似文献   

杭州市即将迎来第19届亚运会,抓住国际大型体育赛事的举办契机建设国际赛事之都,将进一步带动杭州经济社会全面升级、城市能级全面提升。以杭州市建设国际赛事之都作为主要研究对象,利用文献资料、对比分析、实地调研等研究方法,梳理全球顶尖的国际赛事之都发展经验并提炼共同特征,通过国际对标查找差距,结合杭州的优势条件对其建设国际赛事之都提出路径优化建议。研究发现:真正顶尖的符合国际评价的赛事之都具备国际体育赛事体系健全、职业体育高度发达繁荣、赛事运作市场化程度高、赛事与城市全方位融合等关键特征。杭州可从四个维度来推进国际赛事之都建设,包括提高赛事体系能级、大力发展职业体育、优化赛事组织体系、打造“体城共同体”。  相似文献   

赛事赞助是体育营销的重要内容,赞助与被赞助方构成活动的主体和客体,其本质属性是建立在平等互利基础上的一种交换活动。因此,借鉴市场营销学科理论,从体育赛事活动的本体特性出发,建构科学的赛事赞助方案,是获取"双赢"的前提条件。研究表明一个科学合理的赞助方案,对于提高企业社会声誉和品牌影响力将是一个很大的推动。  相似文献   

Although Syria did not compete in Olympic Games between 1948 and 1970, its participation in most sport mega-events has been varied in terms of the level of participation, results, different championships and sports mega-events types since 1970. The nature of Syria's involvement in sport on the international stage reflects the nature of the institutional-culture context after the ‘Corrective Movement’ led by the late President Hafez al-Assad. This article relies on the official archive of the General Sport Federation in Syria, official International Olympic Committee publications and other material to examine the history of Syria's competitions and its results in different sports events. It is argued that Syrian competition in most regional/international games has not only been because of the social/political support represented by the Baath party but also it has been a means of reflecting the civilised and secular face of Syria and Syrians after a long period of coups in the 1950s and 1960s. This paper concludes by contending that political stability between 1970 and 2011 helped the sports movement to flourish. Even political conflicts after 2011 did not influence the desire for competition, but it was noted that the lack of security, and the increasing terrorism and political/economic sanctions, were the major barriers to Syrian sport on an international stage after the ‘Arab Spring’, which had a negative impact on the support of most sports teams and missions.  相似文献   

现代奥运会自诞生以来就带着不可消除的政治化属性,天然存在有利于民族国家形象的国际传播价值。电子信息技术的发展,促使体育国际传播保持原有传播价值的同时,也呈现了新的特征:突破时空限制的画面呈现、观众的虚拟在场、赛博空间中的跨文化交流样态。对此,在新的技术背景和传播环境下,以奥运会为代表的国际大型体育赛事的未来研究方向呈现出实体空间的跨文化交流研究、赛博空间中的网络田野调查与媒介记忆以及国际体育赛事的非仪式化传播研究的特征。同时,传播研究中的“媒介转向”对于现代奥运会国际传播研究来说也将成为一个重要的研究面向。  相似文献   


During the Peronist regime (1946–1955), the Argentine government encouraged and financed a wide variety of sports activities. This investment bore fruit internationally and Juan Perón tried to make political capital out of the achievements of Argentine individual athletes or national teams in international competitions. Such achievements were presented as a collective victory of Argentine society, transcending the divisions of social class, ethnic origins, place of residence, or political affiliation. Argentine participation in the London Olympics in 1948, the hosting of the world basketball championship in Buenos Aires in 1950, and above all the organization of the first Pan-American games in the Argentine in March 1951, all, served to promote patriotism and national unity at home and improve the country’s image in the international scene. This paper focuses on an analysis of a 250-page book published by the sports magazine Mundo Deportivo, sponsored by the Peronist government, on the eve of the games. Both the text and the images attest to its populist character, its quest for modernity, emphasis on social mobility, and an authoritarian way of imposing national unity. The initiative to hold such games in Argentina dated back to 1940 but it had to be postponed twice: first to 1948 because of the Second World War, and then to 1951 because of the London Olympic Games. Perón’s government wanted these games to serve as a proof of the regime’s success. To that end, the president urged the organizers to ‘spur no effort’, promising them any financial assistance they might need. A year and a half before the inaugural ceremony, held at the Racing stadium (officially named the President Perón Stadium), the organizational effort moved into high gear, and Perón supervized it personally. Argentina was indeed the big winner in this event, its athletes capturing a total of 153 medals.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,将奥运会的视觉形象作为研究对象,从符号学的视角来分析奥运会视觉形象的内涵和指示意义,探讨奥运会举办国的民族文化在奥运会视觉形象中的表现及与设计的关系;运用符号学理论加创新是我国大型运动会视觉形象设计与国际接轨的最好途径;总结奥运会视觉形象的发展规律并分析未来的发展趋势,以期丰富奥运会视觉形象系统的理论研究,从而开拓奥运会视觉形象研究的新领域.  相似文献   


This paper examines the confluence of global, regional, and national politics in the lead up to the 1991 Pan-American Games hosted by Cuba. Cuba’s contentious selection as host was wholly underpinned by the international politics of the time. Once selected, the preparations for the Games in Havana were surrounded by an unprecedented domestic economic crisis fueled by shifts in global politics. This paper analyzes how international politics informed the hosting of the 1991 Pan-American Games, and shaped the political challenge the Cuban government faced in hosting such an event. The Revolution’s use of sport domestically and internationally came to the forefront in its efforts as host and the results of those efforts proved to be providential given the emerging political economic contexts during and in the ensuing years after the Games.  相似文献   

陈庆伟 《精武》2012,(6):89-91
亚运会作为仅次于奥运会的大型体育赛事,其60年的发展历程亦如奥运会“自国际奥林匹克委员会1894年成立至今,政治在整个奥林匹克运动过程中无处不在”一样,始终受到来自亚洲各务政治、经济发展和地区间错综复杂国际关系的影响和制约。对亚运会的发起、初始、发展和深入等阶段与政治的关系进行逐届研究发现,政治对体育的作用主要表现在:因政治经济原因,第1届推迟,第6、第8两届撤销承办权;亚洲第一大国中国因“两个中国”问题抵制亚运会23年等;体育对政治的作用主要表现在:各举办国通过亚运会展现了国力、民风,重塑了国际形象,提升了国际地位,加大了国际影响。中国通过亚运“会籍”问题的解决,更加确立了“一个中国”的地位;南、北朝鲜在亚运会上齐聚一堂,表现了体育在促进国家统一方面的作用等。  相似文献   

运用思辨研究的方法从国家形象的概念与内涵出发,对我国国家形象面临的危机以及伦敦奥运会我国国家形象的构建与表达进行研究。认为:1)注重媒介传播过程中文化中国形象的构建;2)提升国家话语能力,摒弃体育政治功能的泛化;3)展现新体育观,避免民族主义的过度宣扬是新时期国家形象构建的主要策略。借助奥运会契机将世界关注的目标转向中国文化,积极培育多元行为的参与,坦诚推进文化的交流与沟通;通过中国体育代表团领导的话语能力及其效果,国家媒体对国家形象传播的话语能力及效果,中国体育代表团中运动员的个体话语能力及效果来实现国家话语能力是新时期国家形象构建的主要策略和价值取向。  相似文献   

奥运会是国际性的媒介议题,同时也是中国构建传播主体意识、促进国际话语新秩序建立的标志性新闻议题。采用现实建构主义的理论视角和框架分析中的“诠释包裹”研究路径,对比分析《中国日报》对于相隔14年的2008年北京奥运会与2022年北京冬奥会的报道框架。发现两届奥运会在报道框架上相同,但在框架的建构上却存在巨大差异。基于现实建构主义理论分析其原因,发现影响两届奥运会报道框架建构的主要因素为:(1)从全球化融入过程中凸显国际视野到后疫情时代强调本国视角;(2)从媒介霸权主义下的回应澄清到自信意识形态下的主动建构;(3)从首次办奥背景下关注竞技夺金到国家实力持续增强下重视运动参与。并得出结论,对比2008年北京夏季奥运会,在2022年北京冬奥会报道上,中国媒体在奥运传播的主体构建过程中迈出了重要的一步;同时,奥运国际传播始终根植于现实情境下国家之间的利益博弈关系。  相似文献   

Since its independence in 1946, Syria has fielded a team for every summer Olympic competition except 1956, yet has won only three Olympic medals. In contrast with its smaller, higher-powered neighbour Lebanon, its participation at the Olympics has been consistent but limited, with the country making little impact internationally. Yet the history of Syria's involvement with the Olympics reflects key elements of its political and social history: its ambitious but short-lived partnership with Egypt, the Baathist-supported promotion of women as athletes and head of the National Olympic Committee and its commitment to participation in the vexed but ideologically important Pan-Arab Games. This article uses official International Olympic Committee publications and related press coverage to examine the history of Syria's involvement with the Olympic Games, the Mediterranean Games and the Pan-Arab Games. It argues that Syria's participation was initially important not for its medal count but for the ‘sign of statehood' that membership in the Olympic community conferred, and that its participation in regional games supported Syria's political positions as a Baathist, Arab republic. It concludes by contending that these political commitments have renewed salience as the conflict in Syria that began in March 2011 continues, and the country's participation in Olympic and regional games becomes increasingly politicised.  相似文献   

Sport is a double-edged sword: it has the potential to bring nations together but it can also demonstrate and exacerbate the political tensions and conflicts of the world. Sporting events, especially the Olympic Games, can increase understanding, celebrate commonalities, facilitate cooperation and bridge differences but they can also provide a stage for political rivalries and struggles. This article critically compares the backgrounds of Hungary's non-participation in the 1920 Antwerp and the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Games, given the label ‘boycott’ by the international community.

The unique international political circumstances and Hungary's dependent position restricted the role, strength and efficacy of the contemporary Hungarian sport diplomacy to decide freely. The research implicitly describes the objectives and targets of the actual international alignments, the policy of the Hungarian regime and the processes which resulted in the involuntary non-participation.  相似文献   

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