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英美等国家的人深受基督教的影响,上帝(G od)是他们心中至高无上的神,人们常挂在嘴边的是“上帝保佑(G od bless m e!)”、“上帝保佑你(G od bless you!)”,甚至连打哈欠后也说G od bless you!英美人在祈求成功时,常把一只手的食指与另一只手的中指交叉(Cross one s fingers或keep one s fingerscrossed)。例如:She crossed her fingers duringthe race so that Jack would win.(杰克赛跑时,她交叉中指与食指,祈求杰克获胜。)如果某人说了谎,为了减轻说谎的罪过,也要“cross one s fingers”。例如:Jack crossed hisfingers when he to…  相似文献   

想知道地道的美语吗?想学会最新、最酷的口语吗?Please join us。G od knows。天晓得!例句:G od know s where he w ent。天晓得他去哪儿啦!It’ll cost G od knows how m uch.天晓得要花多少钱。Thank G od。谢天谢地!例句:Thank God you’re safe。谢天谢地你平安无事!H ow com e?怎么回事,怎么搞的?例句:H ow com e he didn’t find out?他怎么会没有发现呢?D on’t push m e.别逼我。例句:I’m not pushing you,if you don’tw ant the job,don’t take it.我不想勉强你,如果你不想做这份工作,就不要接受。H e pushed her into m …  相似文献   

1.When a fly sees a bee gathering pollen,he says,“Why do you work so hard? Look! How I live a free and easy life!”苍蝇看到蜜峰在采集花粉,就说道:“你干吗要那么辛苦呀?你看我生活得多自在!”2.Then the fly begins to talk big.“Ieat delicious dishes and kiss many faces ofbeautiful girls,what about you?”接着苍蝇开始吹牛了。“我吃过鲜美的饭菜,吻过许多漂亮小姐的脸,你有过吗?”3.“But many times you are drivenaway by house keepers and you have noplace to hide yourself,”says the bee.“Isthere anyone…  相似文献   

1.Tom says you work hard,so you do,and so does he.汤姆说你工作努力,你确实是这样,而他也是如此。“so 主语 助动词”,前后主语一致(本句中都是“you”),表示对前面提到的事情予以肯定,译成“某人(物)确实是这样”。“so 助动词 主语”,前后不是同一主语(本句中一个是“you”,一个是“he”),表示提到的情况也适用于后者,译成“某人(物)也是如此”。2.I was traveling alone in the lonely mountain.I didn’t  相似文献   

听说你被拐卖,真地把我吓坏,你虽从小痴呆,却对社会无害,谁人如此大胆,竟敢拿你去卖,我真替他担心,卖得出去才怪!that you wereabducted to sell,I'm real-ly scared.Although youare himoobde,cileh owsienvceer chhairldm--less to the society,who is so bold as tosell you!It's unbeliev-able that he can dis-pose of you.猎人发现一只猪,举起猎枪打死了猪。猎人走近了猪,猪却起来了。知道为什么吗?猜不到?猪也正纳闷儿呢。unter found apig and shot it.Howev-er,when he approached,it stood up.Do you knowwhy?Can't you make a…  相似文献   

There are so many kinds of idioms (成语) in Chinese.These Chinese idioms always come from some stories meaningful (意味深 长的)and interesting.Do you know which Chinese idiom the next five stories tell about? Story 1 Mr.Wang thinks he is clever,but he always does foolish things. One day he sees a beautiful bell at the top of a door."Oh! How nice! I will take it home." He thinks,"What can I do?" After a while he has a "good" idea."Aha! I have an idea now.I can plug (塞住) my ears.Then I will not hear the ring when I take off the bell."  相似文献   

Motto 箴言真谛 "He has learned to be friendly and generous. "(他也学会了友善和慷慨。) Questions 边想边读· If you have enough money, will you help the poor? · Where do the ghosts take Scrooge? · Why do you think he changes so much? Reading 阅读欣赏  相似文献   

His feetare so big.He could stamp outbushfires with them.他的脚太大了,他能用它们踩灭森林大火。N ice to see you on your feet.W ho sentthe derrick?很高兴看到你的脚。这是谁送来的起重机?His feetare so big,they cross the road before he does.他的脚太大了,他自己还没穿过公路,他的脚早已过去了。His face is so greasy,his freckle slipped off.他脸上的油太多了,他的雀斑都滑走了。He’s so greasy,when he cooks,he rubs the pan with his hair.他身上的油太多了,炒菜的时候,他用头发摩擦平底锅就有油了。He is so grea…  相似文献   

1 .It 15 a winter eveningTom 15 drivingh 15 ear to his sister’5 sehoolNow he 15 quitenear the sehool.But he Cannot find theSchool. 一个冬天的夜晚,汤姆正开车到姐姐的学校去。现在他离学校很近,但他幸漩随之女一一找不到学校。 2 .He sees an old man walking slowlyin tl飞e street.He drives uP the old man andasks him,“Exeuse me,do you know 11owto get to the sehool?,, 他看见一位老人正在街上慢慢地走。他开车靠近老人并问道:“劳驾,你 z镰翩麟、知道怎样去学校吗?”既或卜盛〕之之沙号 3.“Yes,it isn’t far f…  相似文献   

Mickey Mouse and the Pet Shop当Mickey第二天早上醒来时,店里已杂乱不堪。Mickey向四周望了望,然后他看见一袋鱼食在动。10.When Mickeywakes up the nextmorning,the shop is ina mess!And Mickeylooks high and low.Thenhe sees abag of fishfood that ismoving.Mickey向口袋里看了看。“原来是你啊!”他高兴地对小狗说“:你刚好需要吃些食物。”11.Mickey looksinside the bag.“Thereyou are!”he says tothe puppyhappily,“Youjust need somefood.”然后Mickey开始收拾店铺,小狗也在帮忙。ickey说“:或许你不一只乖狗,但是我…  相似文献   

1.当两个或两个以上的人称代词并列使用时,单数的顺序为"you,he/she and I",复数的顺序为"we,you and they",即单数人称二三一,复数人称一二三。如:You,he and I are in Grade Seven.你、他和我都在七年级。若承认错误或承担责任,常把I放在前面,即"I,he and you"。如:Sorry,I and she are not right.对不起,我和她都错了。2.当he和she并列作主  相似文献   

1.I don tenjoy English,nor do I like com puters.R ock m usic is O K,and so is skiing.(P2)前一部分为肯定句时,后一句用“so+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”,意为“……也是如此”,前一部分为否定句时,后一句用“neither/nor+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”,意为“……也不……”,谓语不能再用否定式。(以下题中划线部分的选项为答案。)考题再现:(1997上海)—D avid has m ade great progress recently.—,and.A.So he has;so you have B.So he has;so have youC.So has he;so you have D.So has he;so have you(M ET1991)—D…  相似文献   

Humor and Jokes     
My Brother Shaves Fifty Times A Day我哥哥每天刮脸五十次Harry:My big brother shaves every day.哈里:我哥哥每天刮脸一次。Henry:My brother shaves fifty times a day.亨利:我哥哥每天刮脸五十次。Harry:Is he crazy?哈里:他发疯了吗?Henry:No,he is a barber.亨利:不,他是理发师Notes:shave v.刮脸crazy adj.发疯的barber n.理发师Both are Bad两个都糟糕Teacher:Mary,I told you to write this poemtw enty times because yourhandwriting is so bad,but you haveonly written it seventeen times.老师:玛利,我要你把这首…  相似文献   

If you think you are beaten,you are;If you think you dare not,you don!t;If you want to win but think you can!t,It!s almost a cinch you won!t.If you think you!ll lose,you!re lost;For out of the world we findSuccess begins with a fellow!s will;It!s all in a state of mind.Life!s battles don!t always goTo the stronger and faster man,But sooner or later the man who winsIs the man who thinks he can.如果你认为你败了,那你就一败涂地;如果你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩畏惧;如果你想赢但是认为你不能;那么毫无…  相似文献   

1.envious妒忌的A:I am so envious of you.我好嫉妒你哦!B:Why?为什么?A:Because you seem to have so many talents!因为你看来有那么多项才能!B:Thanks.But I think you are a very talented person as well.谢谢。不过我觉得你也是个多才多艺的人。  相似文献   

One day Mr White sees a young woman in the street with her children.He is very surprised(惊奇的) to see all the children are wearing the same clothes - white hats,blue coats and yellow trousers. "Are you all these children's mother?" he asks the woman. "You're not wrong!" she answers.  相似文献   

Good job!干得好!I don’t feel completewithout you.没有你我总感觉少点什么。You are wonderful.你真棒!You look gorgeous today.你今天真漂亮。I trust you.我相信你!Thank you for being mypartner.感谢你成为我的搭档。I appreciate all the thingsyou have done for me.我感谢你为我所做的一切。You are the best friend Ihave.你是我最好的朋友。You make each daybrighter.你让每天充满阳光。You are so special.你真有个性!I love to watch your eyeswhen you are smiling.我爱看你微笑时的眼睛。As always, you look good…  相似文献   

There are a number of phrases built on the word “put”, such as put by, put for, put across, put over and so forth. The expression“putting one on”is among them. You tell a person something that he finds difficult to believe, and he may look at you closely and ask:“Are you putting me on?”He does-n蒺t think you are serious. Perhaps, you are joking with him, teasing him, try-ing to test his reaction(反应).The expression “putting one on”is closest to the phrase “to put one over on a perso…  相似文献   

看见你,我就更加坚信达尔文的进化论“:人是由猿猴变的。”On seeing you,I am much more firmly convinced to Darwinism that:"Human being evolves from the ape."他太胖了,当他踩到磅秤时,磅秤说“:一次只准一个人!”He’s so fat,when he steps on a scale,it reads,"One at a time,please!"她的腰围比她的智商还大。Her waist size is larger than her I.Q..我今天一整天都在找你……我在动物园呢。I found of you all day today...I was at the zoo.你让我想起了黑管———一种管乐器。You remind me of the clarinet—a wind i…  相似文献   

正[英语原文]An old man has a cat.The cat is very old,too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad.One evening,the old cat sees a littlemouse. He catches it,but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away. The old man is very angry. He beats his cat.He says:"You are a fool cat. I will punish you!"The cat is very sad. He thinks:"When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me  相似文献   

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