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影响大学生的心理健康因素是多方面的,作为大学生最重要的成长环境之一的家庭教育所起到的独特作用是不容忽视的。本文通过对西华大学2007级新生的心理健康普测,就家庭教育模式对大学生心理问题的影响进行了分析。据此分析,文章认为,高校心理健康教育应重点关注大学生的家庭状况与成长,并提出了实现这种关注的高校家庭心理健康教育模式。  相似文献   


This study evaluated the impact of an environmental education program on students, parents, and the community. The program, in place for 5 years in 5th and 6th grade classes, was designed to help learners take an in-depth look at environmental issues in their community, make data-based decisions about those issues, and participate in resolving those issues. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies were employed (including student, parent, school personnel, and community member interviews). The authors discuss program connections to students' critical thinking, environmental literacy, and participation in the community; reading, writing, and speaking skills; student and teacher characteristics; and parent and community viewpoints.  相似文献   

This paper reports and discusses the principal findings of an Australian study exploring the decisions of high achieving Year 10 students about taking physics and chemistry courses (Lyons, 2003). The study used a ‘multiple worlds’ framework to explore the diverse background characteristics that previous quantitative research had shown were implicated in these decisions. Based on analyses of questionnaire and interview data, the study found that the students’ decisions involved the complex negotiation of a number of cultural characteristics within their school science and family worlds. Many of the students regarded junior high school science as irrelevant, uninteresting and difficult, leaving them with few intrinsic reasons for enrolling in senior science courses. The study found that decisions about taking physical science courses were associated with the resources of cultural and social capital within their families, and the degree to which these resources were congruent with the advantages of choosing these courses. The paper concludes that the low intrinsic value of school science and the erosion of its strategic value contribute to the reluctance of students to choose physical science courses in the senior school.  相似文献   

大学生家庭教育作用弱化成因分析与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,大学生家庭教育的作用有所弱化或者被忽视。要改变这种状况,就家庭而言,应主动适应高校人才培养对家庭教育的新要求,营造宽松氛围,化解子女对家庭教育的抵触情绪,经常性与学校保持联系,争取家庭教育的主动;就学校而言,则应加强培训和引导,为家庭教育发挥作用创造条件,一线教育工作者要主动与学生家庭联系沟通,深化家庭教育效果。  相似文献   

自由具有正当性,但自由是有限的。在学校教育中,学生、教师和家长的自由也是有限的。其伦理学依据表现为:自由原则不是人类生活的唯一原则,人类社会中的一些制度对自由起着限制的作用,自由会受到实际条件的限制,“恐惧自由”心理的作用,自由原则的应用有特定的范围。就学生而言,义务教育的强迫性表明儿童自由是有限的,学校对教学秩序的需求,控制了的教育环境,学生一些要求的“无理性”,以及教师布置的作业和组织的活动决定了学生自由的有限性;就教师自由而言,教育的目的和任务,中小学学生身心发展不同阶段的特殊性.教育考试制度和教师特殊的社会角色,决定了教师自由的有限性;就家长而言,在儿童的义务教育问题上家长没有选择的自由,在子女就学的学校选择中不少家长的自由会受到限制。因此,我们对教育领域中的学生、教师和家长的自由问题必须有清醒的认识,弄清楚在哪些地方允许自由,在哪些地方则应当对自由作适当的限制,不能将自由的概念用错地方,“在不应当给予自由的地方给予了自由,而在应当给予自由的地方又往往不给予自由”。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the perspectives of parents and teachers in the US with regard to the meaning and implications of disability in the context of schoolling, and of raising a child with a disability. The findings revealed broad conceptual differences in the perspectives of these two groups. Teachers’ beliefs were generally consistent with medical model perspectives on disability as biologically defined. Parents’ interpretations, more aligned with a sociocultural paradigm, were situated in the cultural meanings ascribed to disability and linked with issues of stigma, marginalisation and access. The findings also revealed the existence of master narratives on families of children with disabilities, entrenched in assumptions of pathological functioning and negative outcomes among these families. Implications for professional–family partnerships in the education of students with disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

大数据时代对人才的信息素养能力提出了更高的要求.高校的人才培养需要顺应时代要求,在教育教学的各个环节融入信息素养培育的理念,大力加强对学生的信息素养能力培育.该文讨论了高校本科生信息素养培育现存问题,立足于人文地理与城乡规划专业对本科生信息素养培育要求与南京邮电大学办学实际,建立了以学科专业为主线、以专业课教师为主导、...  相似文献   

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