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Research findings: In order to assess the relations between sleep problems and temperament in infants, temperament ratings of 63 toddlers who presented with night waking problems were compared to those of 35 non-referred toddlers. An objective method to assess sleep patterns was used to validate the distinct sleep patterns of the two groups prior to the comparison of the temperament scales. Measures included: Toddler Temperament Questionnaire (TTQ) and the child's scales of the Parental Stress Index (PSI). On the TTQ, Night Wakers were rated as having lower sensory thresholds compared to the controls. Night Wakers were also rated as less adaptive than the controls. On the PSI, Night Wakers were rated as more distractible; less reinforcing; less adaptive and more demanding. Practice or policy: The results suggest that sleep disturbances in early childhood are closely associated with negative maternal perceptions of child temperament. It is proposed that early detection and treatment of sleep problems during early childhood may prevent some of the associated negative behavioral consequences.  相似文献   

Research findings: In order to assess the relations between sleep problems and temperament in infants, temperament ratings of 63 toddlers who presented with night waking problems were compared to those of 35 non-referred toddlers. An objective method to assess sleep patterns was used to validate the distinct sleep patterns of the two groups prior to the comparison of the temperament scales. Measures included: Toddler Temperament Questionnaire (TTQ) and the child's scales of the Parental Stress Index (PSI). On the TTQ, Night Wakers were rated as having lower sensory thresholds compared to the controls. Night Wakers were also rated as less adaptive than the controls. On the PSI, Night Wakers were rated as more distractible; less reinforcing; less adaptive and more demanding. Practice or policy: The results suggest that sleep disturbances in early childhood are closely associated with negative maternal perceptions of child temperament. It is proposed that early detection and treatment of sleep problems during early childhood may prevent some of the associated negative behavioral consequences.  相似文献   

High ability in children is a contentious issue in the Scottish educational system, which promotes equity through equality of opportunity in a non‐selective system. The aim of this research was to establish an understanding of the extent of available provision for very able children in a limited number of schools, and to chart teachers’ perceptions of high ability. Four Scottish schools were studied: one comprehensive high school and three primary schools, involving 17 teachers (primary principal and head teachers), one learning support teacher and three educational psychologists. Semi‐structured interviews, supported by open‐ended questionnaires, were the means of data collection. The data were submitted to a straightforward and qualitative content analysis. Results show tentatively that recognition of high ability is generally scarce in Scotland, that highly able pupils are often subjected to several decategorisations and that there is no consensus amongst teachers of how to understand high ability. A subgroup of able pupils was identified also, termed fast finishers’ by the participants.  相似文献   

Private speech: four studies and a review of theories   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

本文主要对近年来出土的一份重要的秦国文书--秦骃玉牍进行了探讨,并就四位学者在相关研究文章所提出的问题进行了进一步的检讨,包括玉牍文书的书写风格、玉牍文字释文与考释之举例、病主、文书的性质、华大山明神的准确含义以及诸文释文与考释之异同。通过分析,笔者认为玉牍甲、乙版的书写风格迥然不同,这与其书写方式关系不大(朱书、契刻),而是说明甲、乙版出于不同书者之手;文中通过对诸文释文字数不同的考察,解释了玉版中合文及重文符号的不同用法及其与句读符号之区别;文章还通过对玉版“众人弗智,余亦弗智”语中“智”字的不同理解,强调文中所记病主为秦骃一人,而非“众人没有病愈,我也没有病愈”的众人与我;关于文书的性质,笔者认为是秦骃病愈之后”告大(?)□、大将军文”,而非祷病文或祭华大山明神之文;本文赞同李零、王辉先生的看法并进一步论证了华大山是特指太华山,认为华大山之名不仅体现了太华山与少华山之别,更以华大山之“大山”二字展现了它在秦人心中与东岳泰(太)山所具有同样重要的地位;文中通过中对四篇释文与考释的排比,列出了诸文释文与考释异同表,以备考鉴。  相似文献   

This study used a data‐driven, person‐centered approach to examine the characterization, continuity, and etiology of child temperament from infancy to toddlerhood. Data from 561 families who participated in an ongoing prospective adoption study, the Early Growth and Development Study, were used to estimate latent profiles of temperament at 9, 18, and 27 months. Results indicated that four profiles of temperament best fit the data at all three points of assessment. The characterization of profiles was stable over time, while membership in profiles changed across age. Facets of adoptive parent and birth mother personality were predictive of children's profile membership at each age, providing preliminary evidence for specific environmental and genetic influences on patterns of temperament development from infancy to toddlerhood.  相似文献   

Profiles of infant temperament were derived from 990 infants at 6 and 12 months of age using observed measures from the Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery. Mothers and fathers completed questionnaires measuring parent affect and stress. Four profiles emerged at each age (typical, low negative, withdrawn/inhibited, and positive/active or low reactive) using latent profile analysis. Temperament profiles show some evidence of stability and heritability, particularly for the withdrawn/inhibited group. In addition, profiles relate to parent affect and stress in different ways for mothers and fathers. Results highlight the utility of a person-centered approach to temperamental research and are discussed in relation to developmental patterns of infant temperament.  相似文献   

In a widely cited study, Matas, Arend, and Sroufe showed that mother-toddler interaction during problem solving at age 2 years was related to the child's prior attachment security. The current study asked (1) whether an independent laboratory could replicate this attachment finding, and (2) whether problem-solving interactions relate to mother-child interactions observed at home and to child temperament measured at 6, 13, and 24 months. Replicating Matas et al., secure dyads worked more competently, and mothers showed better quality of assistance and supportive presence. Mother-child home interaction also predicted problem solving: positive involvement at home predicted effective, unconflicted problem solving. Negative control at home did not predict problem-solving interaction. Unadaptable temperament was generally related to dependency in problem solving. Several patterns of correlations appeared to be mediated by sex of child, e.g., difficult temperament in boys predicted more effective, unconflicted problem solving, while for girls it predicted more conflict.  相似文献   


This paper examines the employment status of 10 young men 10 years after leaving classes for the socially maladjusted. On the basis of their work careers, they were placed in one of 4 labour market sectors using the criteria (1) employed/unemployed at the time of the interview, and (2) history of long‐term/short‐term employment. Half of the young men were unemployed, 4 were working and 1 in prison. The large percentage of unemployed respondents was due to the exceptionally difficult economic situation prevailing in Finland at the time the interviews were carried out, as a result of which the national unemployment rate approached almost 20 per cent. Despite a lack of vocational education, all the young men but one had a positive attitude towards work, and those unemployed were actively seeking a job. There was almost no relation between the young men's school career and their work career, since those who had the longest‐lasting jobs were those young men who had had the most difficulties in school. When measured in terms of length of employment, the attachment of these young men to working life differed greatly: one had been for the entire postschool period (almost 10 years) in the service of the same employer, while another had had several jobs of a few months’ duration interspersed with periods of unemployment.  相似文献   

Meritocracy functions in Singapore as the key principle of governance and educational distribution. However, the concept of meritocracy itself contains a number of inherent contradictions, most evidently witnessed in the tension between its egalitarian and elitist strands. This tension is documented in the recommendations of Singapore's recent primary education review, already accepted by the Ministry of Education and to be implemented in the coming years. This article considers these recommendations against the backdrop of a tentative movement towards egalitarianism in educational distribution. Specifically, it provides a preliminary and provisional assessment of how far they would go towards providing for greater educational equity and, therefore, in recovering the ideology of meritocracy in the nation-state.  相似文献   

66 mother-infant pairs were examined when the infants were 9 and 13 months. The purpose of this report was to examine relations between infant proneness-to-distress temperament, maternal personality characteristics, and mother-infant attachment. There were no main-effect relations between infant proneness-to-distress temperament as assessed at 9 months and infant attachment classification at 13 months. This was true whether security of attachment (A and C vs. B) or proposed temperament (A1-B2 vs. B3-C2) groupings of attachment classifications were examined. Infant proneness-to-distress temperament, however, was associated with maternal behavior and personality. Furthermore, security of attachment could be predicted by an interaction between maternal personality and infant proneness-to-distress. The importance of considering goodness-of-fit relations in predicting attachment security is discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings. Mothers of 4-, 6-, and 8-year-olds completed two questionnaires: (1) the Object Attachment Questionnaire, which was designed to provide information on children's attachments to soft objects, thumbsucking habits, and pacifier use, and (2) Rothbart's Children's Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ), which rated children on sixteen temperament dimensions. Discriminant function analysis showed that the best predictors for distinguishing between children who had never had an attachment to a soft object and children who had were: low intensity pleasure, impulsivity, approach/anticipation, attentional focusing, and sad- ness. Children with soft object attachments were rated higher (i.e. showed more) on all of these dimensions. None of the temperament dimensions distinguished between children who rarely sucked their thumbs and those who frequently did so, while children who had used a pacifier scored higher on two dimensions (activity level and approach/anticipation) than children who had not used a pacifier even though one was available. Results support the hypothesis that individual differences in temperament are associated with the development of attachment to objects. Practice. Children with attachments to soft objects and thumbs were not generally insecure or difficult to manage. The pattern of temperament differences, however, suggests strengths that teachers might make use of in the classroom as well as difficulties that might require staff intervention.  相似文献   

The early development of inhibited approach was studied through the observation of infants' reaching toward objects. 48 infants were observed longitudinally at 6.5, 10, and 13.5 months as they reached for toys under high- and low-intensity/novelty conditions. It was predicted that if an approach system related to positive affect were in place by 6 months, infants should show relative interindividual stability across age in their latency to approach low-intensity/novelty toys. This latency would also be inversely related to temperamental positive affect, that is, children who smiled and laughed more would reach more quickly. It was also predicted that, if behavioral inhibition to high-intensity/novelty stimuli were developing over this period, relative instability of latency to grasp high-intensity/novelty toys would be found. This latency would also be positively related to temperamental ratings of fearfulness, that is, children who were more fearful, would grasp more slowly. These hypotheses were generally supported, with the exception of the relation between parent-reported fearfulness and latency to approach and grasp. In addition, sex differences in frequency of hesitations were found.  相似文献   

从学术自由理念的发展历程中考察德国、美国等一大批世界一流大学的形成与发展,可以得出高品住的办学理念、一流的大师云集、高素质的学生汇聚、卓越的科研成果和追求学术的超然与自由精神是一流大学的主要特征,其中以学术自由理念为一流大学的根本气质所在。目前我国高校中出现的一系列有违学术自由的现象发人深省。在理性主义与功利主义之间应该保持怎样的平衡、学术权力与行政权力二者之间是一种怎样的关系、学术自由与学术道德之间存在怎样的联系,这一系列问题的厘清将有助于中国大学实现创建世界一流大学这一目标。  相似文献   

厉鹗是清中叶文坛浙派诗的盟主,又是浙派词中期的领袖。他出身寒微而刻苦积学,虽才高学富而科场屡挫,落魄一生。其人瘦弱枯槁,不谐于俗,耽闲爱静,沉醉山水,淡泊名利,游心世外,甘寂寞而就枯槁。其创作心态偏于冷寂清幽,以“清”为其艺术审美的核心,文化品格倾重沉潜、内敛,有宋人精神。  相似文献   

200 pairs of twins were assessed at 14 months of age in the laboratory and home. Measures were obtained of temperament, emotion, and cognition/language. Comparisons between identical and fraternal twin correlations suggest that individual differences are due in part to heritable influences. For temperament, genetic influence was significant for behavioral observations of inhibition to the unfamiliar, tester ratings of activity, and parental ratings of temperament. For emotion, significant genetic influence was found for empathy and parental ratings of negative emotion. The estimate of heritability for parental report of expression of negative emotions was relatively high, whereas that for expression of positive emotions was low, a finding consistent with previous research. For cognition and language, genetic influence was significant for behavioral indices of spatial memory, categorization, and word comprehension. Shared rearing environment appears influential for parental reports of language and for positive emotions, but not for other measures of emotion or for temperament.  相似文献   

The kindergarten adjustment of 217 Causasian children (mean AGE=70 months) was examined in relation to their temperament and communicative competence. Both communicative competence and various dimensions of temperament accounted for a significant proportion of the variance in kindergarten adjustment. Children who were evaluated as normal-to-advanced in their level of competence were found to be significantly more adjusted to kindergarten than were those assessed as delayed. Along with age and gender, the temperament dimensions of attention span-distractibility, rhythmicity, general activity level, and mood were significantly predictive of children's adjustment. An understanding of these factors can help parents and professionals promote a successful initial experience within the educational system.  相似文献   

This study examined relations of temperamental fearfulness/anxiety proneness, attachment security, and maternal discipline with emerging internalization in 103 26–41-month-old toddlers. It was a further test of the model that proposed that child temperament (1) is an important underpinning of early internalization and (2) moderates the influence of socialization. All constructs were measured using multiple behavioral observations in several contexts at home and laboratory and parental reports. Fearfulness/anxiety was associated with several measures of internalization. There was also strong evidence of diverse pathways to internalization for children with different temperaments. For the relatively fearful/anxious children, maternal gentle discipline deemphasizing power, thus presumably resulting in an optimal, moderate level of anxious arousal, predicted internalization. For the relatively fearless children, however, security of attachment was associated with internalization. The findings are discussed within a framework proposing alternative pathways to internalization—one capitalizing on fear/anxiety and one building on positive, cooperative interpersonal set between the mother and child—with different pathways effective for children differing in temperament.  相似文献   

数据要素作为新的生产要素已成为数字经济时代的石油,数据要素市场化为进一步挖掘数据资源、发挥数据作用指明了前进的方向.目前,我国的数据要素市场化仍处在初级阶段,非市场化现象较为严重.必须通过加强数据立法建制工作、有序开放政府数据资源、维护数据要素市场的运营秩序、培育并做大做强数据资源应用服务产业等措施,让数据资源真正成为我国参与新一轮国际竞争的重要战略资源.  相似文献   

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