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Popular Fashions With the start of the new semester students around the country exchange their fun and fashionable clothes for boring school uniforms.“Theuniformmakesuslooklikeabunchofclones,especiallywhenwearedoingmorningexercisesintheplayground,”saidQing,astudentfromahighschoolinShanghai.“Butwearenotexactlythesamefromthetoptothebottom.Theboysweardifferentsportshoesandgirlshavedifferentdecorations(装饰品)intheirhair.Thesearetheareaswhereyoucanexpressyourself,”saidQing.Althoughitmightbe…  相似文献   

(A)吸烟有害健康,人人皆知。戒烟不易,故须体谅他人的戒烟苦楚。N on-sm okers just don t understand.I don t need to be told sm okingis bad for m e.I know that.But its like being in love w ith a m an who s nogood.Y ou know you re a fool,but you just can t help  相似文献   

AThe M ona L isaShe is widely seen as proofthatgood looks can lastfor ever.But,atnearly 500years ofage,tim e is catching up with the M ona Lisa.The health ofthe fam ous picture, paintedby Leonardo da Vinciin 1505, is getting worseby the year, according to the Louvre M useumwhere itis housed.“The thin, wooden panel on which theM ona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shapesince experts checked it two years ago,” them useum said.Visitors have noticed changes butrepairing the world s m ost…  相似文献   

(A) Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots ofways, they are very different. But what are the differences?  相似文献   

(A) Are you the only child in the family? If so,you are the most impor- tant in your family.Parents are the closest people to you in the world.But  相似文献   

A Letter to You and Me只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。因为贫穷,世界上有许多孩子吃不饱饭,穿不上衣服,上不起学,看不起病。作为一名  相似文献   

(A)Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly if it is not a social (社交的), business or family occasion (场合).The evening meal is usually  相似文献   

Bill and Air Force One One day Clinton is going to give a speech at an elementary school.He asks the teacher what the children are studying and she replies thatthey are learning about Greek tragedies.So the president decides to talkabout tragedies.He asks…  相似文献   

(A)Tao, Adelaide-born but based at the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA), was lauded for contributions to harmonic analysis and numerical theory.  相似文献   

Halley's Comet In 1986,a large piece of ice flying in space came toward our sun.It was Halley's Comet.It comes out about every 76 years.In the past,  相似文献   

(A) One day, Mr Black went into a restaurant. He put his coat on achair near the door. There was nothing in the pockets of his coat. Afterhis meal he put on the coat, then he found there was much money in oneof his pockets. He immediately realized that someone else had taken hiscoat away by mistake. “Whose coat is this?”he thought. He saw a waiternear the door, so Mr Black said to him, “Somebody put a lot of money inmy coat. I have no time to wait for him. I have to go. Return it to him,please.”The waiter took the money and went away. A moment later, an-other man came with a coat just like Mr BlackKs. “IKm sorry, ” said theman. “I took your coat and you got mine. Please give me my coat and the  相似文献   

(A)CELE BR A TIO N S spread across China w hen Shanghai w as given therightto host the2010W orld Expo(世博会)on D ecem ber3,2002.Shanghai w on the honor after beating rivals(对手)from R ussia,M exico,Poland and South K orea.“Im very proud ofbeing Chinese  相似文献   

(A)春去秋来,气候渐变,自然界也随之而改变,树叶变黄,天气变冷。大雁南飞,人们正忙于秋收和为明年做准备。这就是自然规律。做任何事情都要按规律办事,否则便会遭到自然界的惩罚。  相似文献   

导读: 湛蓝的天幕下, 浩渺的海洋中, 冰山宛若一座巨型的汉白玉 雕成的海上宫殿, 晶莹剔透, 绚丽多姿。但是, 直到 1912 年“泰坦尼克 号”的沉没, 人们才认识到它的冷峻与无情。 Fog at sea is dangerous. But icebergs at sea are terrifying. Just the mention of icebergs and we immediately think of Ti- tanic. Sure the iceberg that ship struck is large, but we know : one of the largest ever seen was in the Antarctic re- gion. It was 60 miles wide. It was over 200 miles long. Let us compare it to one of our st…  相似文献   

(A) We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet? Many people are surprised when they  相似文献   

(A)接连不断的不幸给伊能静以巨大打击,她痛苦,无奈,彷徨。然而幸运的是,她又走出了痛苦,重新书写自己美丽的人生!  相似文献   

(A)Good news for all Chinese middle school students in the countryside.They don!t have to pay for school anymore. 51-year-old Ren Yuqi is even  相似文献   

Europe’s spacecraft hits the moon September3,2006,Germany(AP)——Europe5s first spacecraft tothe moon ended its three-year mission Sundayby crashing into the moon surface in a placecalled the Lake of Excellence,to a round ofapplause(掌声雷动)in the missi  相似文献   

(A) Hello, everyone! My name is Li Qingfei. I'm a Chinese girl. My English name is Betty. I'm twelve. I'm in Class Two, Grade One of No. 5 Middle School.  相似文献   

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