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Rainger  Ronald 《Minerva》2001,39(3):327-352
This paper explores Roger Revelle's activities in oceanography and institution-building during and after the Second World War. In particular, it explores his shift from a wartime acceptance of science serving mission-oriented objectives, to a defence ofthe distinction between basic and applied science. For Revelle, the Federal government, and especially the military, became theguarantor of basic research in oceanography. This understanding led him to privilege military sponsorship over contract research,and the physical over the biological sciences. He drew upon that understanding to construct a unique institutional geography for science in southern California.  相似文献   

汤麟禹 《文化交流》2009,(11):60-63
今年9月3日,温州龙湾区宁村“七月十五汤和文化节”如期举行。浩浩荡荡的巡游队伍从拂晓到深夜,游经42个村,以其独具特色的形式纪念民族英雄汤和,献礼共和国60华诞。9月下旬,村长徐顺炜带领“拼字龙灯”这一“非遗”项目和部分巡游节目赴杭参加了浙江省国庆文艺巡游及“非遗”项目展示活动。广受欢迎。  相似文献   

Fabiana Bekerman 《Minerva》2013,51(2):253-269
This study looks at some of the traits that characterized Argentina’s scientific and university policies under the military regime that spanned from 1976 through 1983. To this end, it delves into a rarely explored empirical observation: financial resource transfers from national universities to the National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET, for its Spanish acronym) during that period. The intention is to show how, by reallocating funds geared to Science and Technology, CONICET was made to expand and decentralize to the detriment of universities. This was the primary tool used by the military regime to thwart higher education’s research development, bolstering research efforts at other realms. Thus, CONICET grew in budget, number of researchers, and staff size, creating new research institutes, while national universities struggled with reduced funding and were forced to shut down their institutes and programs. As a result, CONICET virtually concentrated all scientific research, foregoing the knowledge accumulated at universities, which drove a wedge between both institutions. This military approach to science and technology policy-making is discussed, bearing in mind the notion of dependence—both in terms of the state’s intervention in the inner workings of the scientific-university field as well as regarding the role played by international financial support in scientific research development.  相似文献   

安顺屯堡是明代朝廷"调北征南"军事政策下的产物,其民居不仅拥有独特的防御性空间体系,而且具有防卫侦察等功能的特殊装饰构件,装饰艺术内涵特征与创作手法特色鲜明.通过实地调研与收集资料,对屯堡民居装饰进行系统地调查与研究,发现安顺屯堡民居装饰主要蕴含了居住文化、军事文化、宗教文化等地域内涵,其装饰构件造型生动,材料质朴.装...  相似文献   

寇丹 《文化交流》2013,(2):40-42
语言是交流工具。因地域与生态的关系形成了语言极大的差异,所谓"十里不同风,百里不同俗",这个"风"里就包括了语言。浙江北部因地势平坦河网交错形成了吴语系;南部山多,仅一山之隔就影响了人们的往来交流,就出现了越语系和更多的地方语言。这就是一方土地上的方言了,比方言更小范围使用的就是土话。  相似文献   

宽敞的屋子里摆满了各种各样精巧可爱的竹编:玲珑剔透的竹篮、上圆下方的箩筐、圆圆的竹筛、尖尖的斗笠…… 墙上挂满了琳琅满目的竹编书画,线条如行云流水、灵动飘逸…… 江安然的竹编是临安昱岭关下一道美丽的风景。  相似文献   

I argue that, in American public discourse after the attacks of 9/11, the myth of World War II has become the dominant justificatory metaphor for the United States’ (already metaphorical) War on Terror, as broad-brushed analogies between the ‘Good War’ and recent US military adventures in Africa and the Middle East implicitly transfer the ethical values associated in national memory with America’s iconic just war onto our contemporary conflicts and counterinsurgencies. My examination of recent political and strategic discourses and practices suggests, specifically, that the ideological entrenchment the World War II metaphor has helped to shape a language of national security that rests on an unacknowledged logical and ethical contradiction: a tendency, on the one hand, to tout the humanitarianism of current asymmetrical military actions relative to the degenerate total-war engagements of the past yet, on the other hand, to figure the aims and strategies of today’s low-intensity operations in terms that are more appropriate to total warfare, for which the ‘Good War’ serves as moral alibi. By collapsing historical time and erasing, along with it, crucial distinctions between the conflicts that it brings together, this anachronistic cross-mapping of ethically and strategically incompatible structures of violence serves to naturalise what I call a hybrid culture of warfare, a fetishistic conception and practice of war that regressively mimics features of the total-war ethos while also testing the laws of war in unprecedented ways, through the use and the abuse of new weapons technologies.  相似文献   

The political, military and media rhetoric of the March–April 2003 invasion of Iraq is interpreted as a phenomenon of power in relation to an understanding of culture as a site of denegation. Patterns of tautology, euphemism and equivocation are identified and their rhetorical appeal analysed in terms of the denegational structure of each of these figures. The essay is thus governed by an understanding of figuration as instrumental, not ornamental; it shows how rhetoric can be studied as a cultural phenomenon and argues by example that a pragmatics of troping is crucial to such a study.  相似文献   

南宋的岳飞、明代的于谦和明末清初的张苍水三位民族英雄,并称为“西湖三杰”。“西湖三杰”不仅以惊天地、泣鬼神的崇高气节为历代所敬仰,而且以他们精妙瑰奇的书法艺术为世人所称道。岳飞挥笔《出师表》 在西湖之畔肃穆庄严的岳王庙内,陈列着岳飞手书的三国诸葛亮《前出师表》和《后出师表》碑。  相似文献   

The essay provides a critical intercultural analysis of the 2008 trial of the “mercenary” Simon Mann, accused of instigating an attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea. The author argues that Equatorial Guinean President, Teodoro Obiang, tried to turn this trial into a tactical, neocolonial critique of mercenary activities that were allegedly supported by the United Kingdom, Spain, and other Western powers. Unfortunately, he was only partially successful. The growing influence of private security corporations and the suasory power of new military “rescue” tales meant that there were no shortage of defenders of these types of coups. This study demonstrates how certain actions can, at times, be simultaneously characterized as dominant strategies and subaltern tactics.  相似文献   

Godin  Benoit 《Minerva》2002,40(4):375-397
Official science and technology statistics arefifty years old. Among industrial countries,the forerunners were the United States, Canadaand Great Britain. This paper traces thedevelopment and the construction of S&Tstatistics in these three countries, and theirsubsequent standardization, mainly by theOECD, in the 1960s. It shows how military andscience policy needs drove the construction ofstatistics, until economic considerations cameto dominate their development. It alsodiscusses how statistics interacted withpolitics by way of studies that documentedgaps between OECD Member countries and betweenthe OECD and the USSR.  相似文献   

Conclusion The development of radar, jet propulsion, ballistic missiles and the atomic bomb during the Second World War established and made visible to an unprecedented degree governmentally supported and directed research and development. National survival was now seen to depend on the mobilisation of a country's talents and resources in science and technology for military purposes.Prior to the Second World War, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics had established its own role in research. It also established the legitimacy of governmental patronage for scientific research far beyond aeronautics. It was during that period that American politicians and the organs of public opinion became convinced and persuaded the electorate to think that science was indispensable for national security and well-being. A very great deal has been accomplished since then, but the credit for a pioneering role in the conduct of research with the financial support of the federal government must be given to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.  相似文献   

Through funding from the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program, geographic information technologies were employed to create a high resolution, spatially accurate representation of the 1775 landscape of Boston's Inner Harbor and to conduct a geospatial and temporal assessment of the location, extent, and preservation potential of an American Revolutionary War battlefield and its associated cultural resources. Geographic information technologies provide the tools and methodologies to accurately create digital representations of historical landscapes. These tools enable the visualization and geospatial analysis of landscapes and significant historical events, greatly enhancing the understanding of temporal and spatial interactions between these events and the physical landscape upon which they occurred. Data sources include historical bibliographic and cartographic records, high resolution orthophotographs, constant value raster grids, and LIDAR data. A military terrain model was created utilizing American Battlefield Protection Program's KOCOA system categories, in order to identify defining features of the battlefield. KOCOA is an acronym which stands for Key terrain, Obstacles, Cover and Concealment, Observation and Fields of Fire, and Avenues of Advancement and Withdrawal. The KOCOA analysis provides an established method for identifying critical defining features of the battle and determining the influence of the landscape on the ephemeral battle events. The base map was created utilizing U.S. Navy Coast Survey maps dating from the mid-19th century. A digital elevation model was created to represent the 1775 topography, utilizing LIDAR data and constant value raster layers. The military terrain analysis provided valuable insights into battlefield events and decisions. Defining features of the battle were also identified and mapped. A detailed Environmental Systems Research Institute's ArcGIS Citation Data Model was used to link landscape and KOCOA features to the historical sources they were derived from. A comprehensive source table was created as part of this effort. The results of this investigation have provided a high resolution dataset of Boston's historical landscape during the time of the American Revolution. The geospatial analysis will aid in the development of long-range management strategies for the Chelsea Creek Battlefield and facilitate the assessment of threats to cultural resources posed by both anthropogenic activities and environmental change. The methodologies and interdisciplinary approach will also be applicable to other investigations seeking to recreate historical landscapes within a geographic information system.  相似文献   

Achim Trunk 《Minerva》2006,44(3):285-306
This essay discusses the wartime work of one of the world’s leading biochemists, the Nobel Prize winner, Adolf Butenandt. It describes the influence of the war on Butenandt’s Institute, and considers his role as a representative figure in the collusion of science, government, and the military in Nazi Germany.Achim Trunk is a biologist and historian who specializes in the history of the life sciences. He studied at the University of Cologne, and now works at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science, where he is editing the scientific and medical papers of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Between 2001 and 2004, he was a member of the Berlin team that studied the history of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society during National Socialism. As part of that work, he coordinated the working party on Adolf Butenandt.  相似文献   

In Central Asia, the introduction of mechanised farming and the transformation of the landscape caused by agricultural intensification over the last 50 years have resulted in the massive destruction of archaeological remains. In this paper, we focus on an underestimated and unexploited type of remote sensing for the study of landscape change and anthropic impact on cultural heritage: 1:10,000 Soviet military maps of the 1950s. We present their use in the case study of the Archaeological Map of the Samarkand region. We argue that their precision and the early date at which they were produced make it possible to employ them as a reference tool for systematic survey and archaeological heritage management in Central Asia and throughout the former Soviet Union. We discuss the results of an archaeological survey based on these maps and show how they can be used to evaluate the destruction of archaeological mounds during the last 50 years, by contrasting them with modern satellite imagery.  相似文献   

Simon J  Hersh M 《Minerva》2002,40(1):37-55
This paper examines the role of ethics in research with potentialapplicability to chemical and biological warfare. It focuses uponbiological warfare research, and examines the ethical dilemmas faced bythose working with dual-use potential technologies. It discusses thenormative, legal and ethical prohibitions against participation inchemical and biological warfare programmes from a Western perspective.It examines the motivations of individuals participating in CBW researchand concludes with recommendations for increasing awareness aboutethical and normative prohibitions. An appendix lists the results of asurvey of ethical codes in relevant scientific disciplines conducted viathe Internet.  相似文献   

Balmer B 《Minerva》2002,40(1):57-75
This article presents historical cases in which Britishscientists, principally scientific advisors, have attempted to defendresearch on biological weapons. Although the historical record is scant,there is a degree of continuity in their justifications, and a number ofthemes can be identified. It was argued, that biological weaponsresearch is morally justified because it produces humane weapons; thatit is no different from medical or other research; and that it is beingperformed for defensive purposes. It is argued that this defence isdirected primarily towards other scientists working on germ warfare, andwas formed part of the `moral economy' of that secretcommunity.  相似文献   

Helmut Krauch 《Minerva》2006,44(2):131-142
Translator’s note*: I am pleased to offer this translation of a lecture by Helmut Krauch, both because he is an old friend, whom I have known for more than forty years, and because it fills a gap in the history of science policy research. As this lecture makes clear, the Studiengruppe, led by Krauch, was the first in Europe to measure the share of nuclear and military research in total R&D expenditure and to make systematic technology assessments to guide government policy. Moreover, its Project ORAKEL opened the way to wider public debate on major policy issues in science and technology. Krauch’s book on Computer Democracy remains an outstanding contribution to the reform of Western democracy. I commend this essay warmly to all concerned with the history of science and technology policy. This is an edited translation of a lecture delivered at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis at the Research Centre for Technical Change and the Environment in Karlsruhe, 10 April 2000. We are grateful to the Institute for permission to publish the essay, to Professor Christopher Freeman, for generously preparing a translation, and to Dr. Reinhard Coenen for helping to prepare the final version.  相似文献   

David M. Baneke 《Minerva》2014,52(1):119-140
Why would a small country like the Netherlands become active in space? The field was monopolized by large countries with large military establishments, especially in the early years of spaceflight. Nevertheless, the Netherlands established a space program in the late 1960s. In this paper I will analyze the backgrounds of Dutch space policy in international post-war politics, national industrial policy, and science. After the Second World War, European space activities were shaped by the interplay between transatlantic and European cooperation and competition, limited by American Cold War diplomacy. At the national level, the Dutch space program was shaped firstly by two powerful companies, Philips electronics and Fokker Aircraft. As I will demonstrate, these two firms sought to gain crucial management skills as well as technological ones. Meanwhile, the nation’s astronomers were able to capitalize on an advantageous confluence of political, economic and scientific ambitions to forward their own agenda. They succeeded in obtaining two of the most expensive scientific instruments ever built in the Netherlands: the Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS, launched 1974) and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS, 1983). Both were joint Dutch-American missions, but the nature of the cooperation on each was very different, reflecting the changing relationship between America and Western Europe from the 1950s until the 1980s.  相似文献   

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