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Analysis on stability of strategic alliance: A game theory perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION Strategic alliances have become an increasing incidence and important practice of firms pursuing various kinds of economic objectives in the last two decades of the 20th century, as globalization becomes the most important feature of the global economy. From statistical data, there exist 60 strategic alliances on average over the time frame of the Fortune top 500 companies. As a newly emerging organization pattern, strategic alliances have been accepted as one of the most eff…  相似文献   

IntroductionTaxisthemainsourceofthefinancialrevenueofacountry.Itdependslargelyonthegrossnationalproduction,whichisinturndeterminedtoasignificantextentbythegrowthoffirms[1-2].So,inordertoincreasetaxrevenues,thegovernmentshouldpaysufficientattentiontothechoiceoftaxrateswhichmayaffecttheeconomicbehaviorofafirm,suchasinvestmentstrategy,capitalstructureanddividendpolicy[3-5].Therefore,itisinappropriateforthegovernmenttotakesomeofthekeyeconomicvariablesofthefirmasexogenousinalongperiod.Whenselectin…  相似文献   

The narrative of one ethnic minority early childhood student teacher tells of her journey as she (re)constructs her identities as a Cook Island woman and as a pre-service teacher, during a teacher education course in New Zealand. This story conveys her experiences of learning across different pedagogical paradigms. Findings show that teacher education lecturers can significantly enhance the learning experience for ethnic minority pre-service teachers by incorporating existing knowledges and understandings in course content and delivery.  相似文献   

An experiential approach employing game design and play was tried in a graduate adult education class. This article describes a follow-up study which attempted to capture class members' perceptions on value of game design/play; group interactions in game development; effectiveness of game design/play as a learning stimulant; appropriateness of the grading criteria; likelihood to use a similar strategy in their own teaching; and, identification of helpful resources in gaming. Game design/play appears to offer an effective adult teaching strategy which produces a variety of learning outcomes.Jessica Somers earned her BBA and MBA degrees at West Georgia College. She is currently a doctoral student in instructional technology at the University of Georgia and is a self-employed computer contractor.Margaret E. Holt is associate professor of adult education at the University of Georgia and is an associate with the Charles F. Kettering Foundation. Her most recent publication is a book co-edited with Dr. George Lopos for Jossey-Bass Publishers entitled,Perspectives on Educational Certificate Programs (Winter 1991). She is also a former editor ofInnovative Higher Education.  相似文献   

Spirit of the game: Empowering students as designers in schools?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper and the one which follows is to explore how the potential of computer games may be taken up in schools to support learning engagement among students. It is not the intention of the papers to dismiss existing classroom practices or overlook accounts of innovative practices in schools; the papers' aim is to provide educators who are interested in exploring the use of computer games in schools with information and ideas about how these games may be effectively used to engage students in their learning. This paper questions whether the empowerment of students to create games for one another based on the school curriculum may address the insignificance of computer games in the sociocultural setting of the school. Both papers have been commissioned by Microsoft (Asia‐Pacific) under the Partners‐In‐Learning Initiative. Under this initiative, Microsoft establishes partnerships with ministries of education, national and local government bodies, and other stakeholders to empower students and teachers to realize their full potential, mediated by information and communication technologies.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Serious games for learning have received increased attention in recent years. However, empirical studies on students’ gaming experiences...  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between cannabis use and educational trajectories among 42 young drug users, recruited at addiction treatment centres in Denmark. Quantitative research shows regular cannabis use to be associated with poor school performance and drop-out. However, these studies do not pay much attention to differences between educational tracks or to the links between the educational field and other fields. Drawing on a Bourdieusian framework we analyse the interviewees’ involvement in four different fields: the academic field, the field of vocational schools, the labour market field and the artistic field. We contribute to the literature on post-16 educational trajectories by showing how successful ‘investments’ in education depend not only on available resources (capitals), but also on the ability to navigate in an increasingly complex educational system. Furthermore, we show how regular cannabis plays into the ‘illusio’ of different fields, challenging the interviewees’ playing of educational games.  相似文献   

There are some fundamental—i.e., essential—differences between conceptual change theory and a rigorously applied discourse approach to the question of what and how people know. In this rejoinder, I suggest that the differences are paradigmatic because, among others, the units of analysis used and the data constructed are irreconcilably different. I now have abandoned my hopes for a collaborative extension of the two approaches, which I articulated not so long ago. I conclude that as alternative paradigms, conceptual change and discursive approaches will co-exist until one of them dies with its proponents.
Wolff-Michael RothEmail:

Wolff-Michael Roth   is Lansdowne Professor of Applied Cognitive Science at the University of Victoria, Canada. His research focuses on cultural–historical, linguistic, and embodied aspects of scientific and mathematical cognition and communication from elementary school to professional practice, including, among others, studies of scientists, technicians, and environmentalists at their work sites. The work is published in leading journals of linguistics, social studies of science, sociology, and fields and subfields of education (curriculum, mathematics education, science education). His recent books include Toward an Anthropology of Science (Kluwer 2003), Rethinking Scientific Literacy (Routledge 2004, with A. C. Barton), Talking Science (Rowman and Littlefield 2005), and Doing Qualitative Research: Praxis of Method (SensePublishers 2005).  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to explore if and how players of digital games think about knowledge and knowing in the context of playing a game. Specifically, the objectives of the study were to examine whether players of an educational simulation game engage with epistemic aims, epistemic ideals, and reliable processes in the context of the game and to describe the nature of these aims, ideals, and processes. An exploratory, multiple-case qualitative study design was employed. Adolescent gamers were asked to think aloud while playing a sustainable development simulation game and were subsequently interviewed about the game. The results revealed that players adopted specific epistemic aims, epistemic ideals, and reliable processes in the context of the game. These were related to three layers of knowing: knowing in the game, knowing about playing the game, and knowing about the game as a representational artifact. Although players were adept in achieving epistemic aims related to knowing in the game and knowing about playing the game, they did not spontaneously engage in critical examination of the game as a representation. The study sheds light on challenges of epistemic thinking in digital games and on some of the ways in which game design can support epistemic thinking.  相似文献   

Aging diversity in organizations creates potential challenges, particularly for knowledge management, skills update and skills obsolescence. Intergenerational learning (IGL) involves knowledge building, innovation and knowledge transfer between generations within an organization (Ropes 2011). Serious games refer to the use of computer games in raising awareness about educational topics, acquiring new knowledge and skills by enabling learners to engage and participate in situations that would otherwise be impossible to experience (Corti 2006). Although learning with the use of serious games is similar to traditional learning in several cognitive respects, there are noted differences in the learning style and structure of learning using serious games. The success of learning using serious games lies in the actual involvement of a participant playing the game, which in turn, creates increased cognitive links with real-life situations allowing the individual to make relevant associations, to use mnemonic strategies with the facilitation of multi-dimensional educational aids (e.g., visual, auditory). Some of the beneficial aspects of learning with the use of serious games include the elevation of several cognitive skills, which are directly or indirectly implicated in the learning process. Among them are attention and visuo-spatial abilities, memory and motor skills. However, several barriers have been noted that fall into two general categories: a) health issues (e.g., cognitive strain, headaches) and b) psychological issues (e.g., social isolation, emotional disturbances). Since the training conditions are learner-centered and highly determined by the individual, there is increased need for evaluating the learning outcomes using specific success indicators. Examples of games that are designed to facilitate IGL are scarce, while there are no examples of IGL games in most EU countries. The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the current literature of theories on learning through serious games in adults and the elderly with reference to the cognitive mechanisms implicated, benefits and barriers in learning using new technologies in different generations. Secondly, this paper reviews the existence of serious games designed to facilitate IGL in Europe, as well as the characteristics of serious games in raising awareness that could be used to facilitate IGL. In doing so, specific focus is placed on the development of success indicators that determine the effectiveness of serious games on raising awareness on IGL.  相似文献   

Educational leadership discourse has for sometime been the major intellectual pillar of what was once known as the field of educational administration. An examination of the postgraduate coursework programmes available to aspiring principal leaders at every Australian university supports such a contention. While this discourse does shed light on the ubiquitous concept of leadership, it does little to explain the context in which leadership theory is supposed to contribute to the operational environment of schools. This is where Bourdieuian scholarship is particularly helpful. By shedding light on the complex social space in which principal leaders function, Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field and capital are particularly helpful thinking tools. For a variety of reasons the economic field has held philosophical dominance for much of the last 30 years. This has impacted significantly on the work space of principal leadership and needs to be understood if the familiar narratives of leadership theory are to be of contextual use. When investigating the social space of contemporary principal leadership, my recent study of two sets of Queensland‐based principals will be used. The emergence of enterprise bargaining into the workspace of these principals will be used as a means by which to demonstrate the cross‐field contagion of the economic field on to the field of schools. The paper contends that the field of educational administration must endeavour to view leadership theory critically and contextually if the complexities associated with contemporary principal leadership practice are to be understood.  相似文献   

学习要点预热 张老师:Hello,boys and girls!同学们:Hello,sir!张老师:我们每天会遇到很多的人和事,我们对这些事往往有自己的看法:或者喜欢.或者不喜欢。是吧.小明?  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that the author of ‘The integration‐segregation debate: some sociological considerations’ ("BJSE, 6 (1)) fails to provide an adequate justification for not considering the contribution of the interactionist/interpretive paradigm to research, policy and practice in special education. His definition of the term ‘explanation’ is queried, and some consequences of ignoring this paradigm are spelt out. A critical examination of its historical influence would have enriched his own materialist account which, as it stands, fails to engage with progressive thinking in the area. It is suggested that the fault stems partly from the influence of a paradigmatic mentality.  相似文献   

Today’s societies place challenging demands on individuals, who are confronted with complexity in many parts of their lives. What do these demands imply for key competencies that individuals need to acquire? Defining such competencies can improve assessments of how well prepared young people and adults are for life’s challenges, as well as identify overarching goals for education systems and lifelong learning. Why are competencies so important today? The PISA 2000 results underline the importance of student engagement. PISA found strong relationships between students’ attitudes, learning strategies and performance. In addition to skills related to specific parts of the school curriculum, students need to be equipped with some general competencies to solve life’s challenges. As they progress to adulthood, they need to learn to be able to complete not just pre-rehearsed exercises, but must also be able to solve problems set in unfamiliar situations by thinking flexibly and pragmatically. PISA 2003 therefore made a first-time assessment of students’ problem-solving skills. Findings revealed that just under one in five 15-year-olds in OECD countries are ‘reflective, communicative problem solvers’ able to tackle difficult tasks and also just under one in five students have problem-solving skills that cannot even be classified as ‘basic problem solvers’. What could be the basic problem and what resolution can be sought for? There are several examples in learning theory that suggests promises which need to be revisited. Barr and Tagg [From teaching to learning. Change. November/December pp. 13–25. Retrieved June 15, 2006 from http://critical.tamucc.edu/~blalock/readings/tch2learn.htm, 1995] defined the differences of paradigms in terms of learning theory comparing the notions of ‘teaching’ and that of ‘learning’, obviously expressing preferences to the later for its more in-depth effect on the learner. One of the main learner-centric approaches providing adequate positive results is problem based learning (PBL). This paper revisits the pedagogic theory behind PBL and examines it through a practical case study of a TeaM challenge game [TeaM challenge games: http://kihivas.ini.hu] with respect to its value in teacher education. It will concentrate on issues centred around:
  • Traces of use of higher order thinking skills—according to Bloom’s taxonomy.
  • Pedagogic pre-assumptions (designer’s side): requirements for design and supposed impact of students and teachers.
  • Assignment within teacher training (training side): as the task of setting up such game is performed within Informatics teacher training at ELTE University and games were launched into public education.
  • Pedagogic realities (facilitator’s side): how the teachers at a specific participant school viewed their role, the game, its impact and pedagogic value, its role in fulfilling the National Curriculum and its benefit for students.
  • Indirect impact (staff’s side): how the game has affected the whole staff at school and what impact it had of the attitude of teachers.
  • Results (evaluator’s side): how the game was evaluated in several ways and what new methods it has introduced into public education.

T. N. Guru Row 《Resonance》2013,18(3):264-274
The identification of the occurrence of a material which has a structure that is ordered but not periodic in an electron diffraction work triggered a sensational discovery in 1984. It was found that a rapidly solidified alloy of Al with 10–14% Mn possesses an icosahedral symmetry in combination with long-range order. The discovery of such aperiodic forms has resulted in rewriting the basics of crystallography and has paved the way to search for these materials in Nature and look for specific applications.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - This paper presents a game-design workshop built around a digital art installation featuring video games displayed over a real-world skyscraper to...  相似文献   

Jerold Mathews 《Resonance》2009,14(2):172-178
This is an expository article showing how Zeck-endorf’s Theorem (every positive integer can be represented in one and only one way as the sum of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers) can be used to construct a number-guessing game invented by Professor George Andrews. Jerold Mathews is professor (emeritus) of mathematics at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, where he served on the faculty from 1961–1995. His interests include research in point set topology, history of mathematics and writing textbooks. He enjoys reading, photography and helping international students learn English.  相似文献   

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