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研究性阅读教学是研究性学习的教育理念在阅读教学中的应用。章论述了研究性阅读教学的内涵和特征,并提出了研究性阅读教学的一般实施过程和对问题提出的原则要求。  相似文献   

研究性学习是一门课程,也是一种有效的学习方法,它在语文阅读教学中的应用将是大有可为的:(1)研究性学习的研究性、开放性特点在语文阅读教学中的应用——以点带面,课内精读与课外略读结合,拓宽学生的视野,培养学生独立研究的能力;(2)研究性学习的实践性特点在语文阅读教学中的应用——以读带写,以写促读,阅读与写作结合,使学生在读写的  相似文献   

随着信息技术在教育中应用的迅速发展,学校信息环境与师生信息素养的重要性越来越明显。我们在实施新课程标准改革,积极开展研究性学习的同时,将网络作为学习环境的一个有机组成部分。文章从网络环境下研究性学习的特点入手,探讨在小学语文阅读教学中如何利用网络开展研究性学习。  相似文献   

语研究性学习是一种全新的教育理念和课程形态,新课程和全新的教学理念要求每一位教师把研究性学习方式渗透到中学语教学的领域中来。因此,如何理解语研究性学习的特点,教师在研究性学习中应发挥怎样的作用,是亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

小学语研究性学习,要把握语学科的特点,对语言现象,语规律的探究是至关重要的;要立足于小学生这一基础,不能在假定学生语能力已经自动化的基础上进行研究性学习,要因学习内容而宜,选择适合学生的研究方式。  相似文献   

研究性学习,本来是指学生在教师的指导下,从学习生活和社会生活中选择并确定研究专题,用类似科学研究的方式,主动获取知识、应用知识、解决问题的学习实践活动。它既是一门单独的课程,又是一种具体的可在各学科学习中普遍使用的学习方式。如何让研究性学习丰富语学习策略,深化语学习特色呢?在新课程实践中,我们以名家典型案例为剖析、揣摩的对象,进行了探索与实践,得到了一些认识与体会:语课堂中的研究性学习需以张扬语自身特点为核心,在二的有机整合中相得益彰。下面我以王菘舟老师执教的《草船借箭》为例谈一谈。  相似文献   

研究性学习对于培养高素质的英语专业人才发挥着十分重要的作用。本文首先分析了探究性课堂学习的特点,然后阐述了研究性学习在高中英语阅读课堂中应用的意义,最后针对当前研究性学习运用在英语阅读教学中的问题,提出了相应的研究性学习应用在高中英语阅读课堂的解决对策,希望本文的研究能够为高中英语课堂教学改革提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

英语报刊阅读教学已经成为英语教学的重要和有益的补充。那么,在英语报刊阅读教学中能否开展研究性学习?在英语报刊阅读教学中开展研究性学习的理论依据和可行性怎样?其特点是什么?如何在英语报刊阅读教学中开展研究性学习?本文结合笔者的教学实践对上述问题作探讨。  相似文献   

仲宁  陈永果  黄国新 《天中学刊》2002,17(4):103-105
研究性学习是从科学主义与人文主义角度,吸取认知学习理论与人本主义学习理论的现代学习研究成果。研究性学习是以研究为本的学习,将研究性学习引入语文阅读教学中,可以提高阅读教学质量。研究性阅读教学的基本教学程序是:1.提出问题,确定阅读目标;2.自主探索,筛选目标信息;3.小组合作,共现研究成果;4.交流、评价、分析阅读目标。研究性阅读教学还需要探讨教材、教学评价、教学效率等问题。  相似文献   

一、研究性阅读教学的内涵 研究性阅读教学是研究性学习的教育理念在语文阅读教学上的发展与应用,是拓展语文教学空间、实施大语文战略的重要一环,属于广义的研究性学习。它与狭义的一般意义上的研究性学习最大的区别就在于:前者是一种学科课堂教学方法与策略,而后者则是一门课程,属于“综合实践活动”课。因此,从不同的角度来审视研究性阅读教学,便可发现它具有不同的内涵,  相似文献   

专门用途英语的职业功能及教学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着人们对社会语言学研究的进一步深入,专门用途英语教学已经发展成为英语教学的一个重要组成部分。作为在特定的语言环境和职业领域中使用的语言,专门用途英语是英语语言共核之外的部分,所以必须经过专门学习才能够掌握。本文从分析专门用途英语的时代特征特入手,着重阐述了专门用途英语与现代社会职业的关系、教学特征以及专门用途英语教学的课程设置与考核评估体系。  相似文献   

International studies, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), have shown that, in most participating countries, students who do not typically speak the test language at home reach lower levels of reading comprehension than students using the test language at home (Stanat & Christensen, 2006). Results from PISA indicate that Germany is among the countries with the most pronounced differences in reading comprehension between immigrant students and students from native families. The present article summarizes these findings and shows that the reading achievement gap persists even when the socioeconomic and educational background of students?? families are controlled. Furthermore, although controlling for background factors reduces the effect of the language spoken at home on reading, it continues to be substantial. Using these findings as a starting point, the article addresses the question of what should be done to close this gap. It summarizes research findings indicating that oral proficiency presents an important determinant of reading comprehension in a second language. This suggests that effective general approaches to second-language teaching are needed to promote reading literacy in a L2. The article closes with a discussion of the available evidence on the effectiveness of such approaches and outlines the need for further research.  相似文献   

本文着重讨论了师专英语专业加强语言知识教学的重要性以及语音和语法教学过程中所应处理好的几个问题;1)处理好培养语言能力和交际能力的关系;2)处理好课堂教学中本族语与外语的关系;3)语音和语法教学要突出重点,精讲多练,讲练结合;4)精读课上要加强语音和语法知识的讲解和训练。  相似文献   

任务教学法源于西方,是目前在许多国家推广的一种以学习者为中心,以任务为本的新型教学法。文章从任务型教学的定义、特点、理论依据以及任务型教学在大学英语精读课中的运用等方面探讨了如何将任务型教学运用到精读课,进而增强大学英语教学的时间性和可操作性,提高学生在实际生活中的语用能力。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a study of the opinions of first- and first/second-grade teachers of certain comments made about the whole language approach to reading instruction by leading advocates of this procedure. The investigation revealed that these teachers rejected as “false” more of these comments about the whole language approach than they accepted as “true.” The findings of this study, apparently the first of their kind that have been reported, suggest that less progress has been made in persuading teachers that the whole language approach to reading instruction is the preferred teaching procedure than some leaders of the whole language movement previously have claimed.  相似文献   

According to research findings, most students who experience foreign language learning problems are thought to have overt or subtle native language learning difficulties, primarily with phonological processing. A recent study by the authors showed that when a multisensory structured language approach to teaching Spanish was used with a group of at-risk high school students, the group’s pre- and posttest scores on native language phonological processing, verbal memory and vocabulary, and foreign language aptitude measures significantly improved. In this replication and follow-up study, the authors compared pre- and posttest scores of a second group of students (Cohort 2) who received MSL instruction in Spanish on native language and foreign language aptitude measures. They also followed students from the first study (Cohort 1) over a second year of foreign language instruction. Findings showed that the second cohort made significant gains on three native language phonological measures and a test of foreign language aptitude. Follow-up testing on the first cohort showed that the group maintained its initial gains on all native language and foreign language aptitude measures. Implications for the authors’ Linguistic Coding Deficit Hypothesis are discussed and linked with current reading research, in particular the concepts of the assumption of specificity and modularity.  相似文献   

本文从语言学习的宏观角度,阅读对听说的促进及测试三个方面论述了阅读英美报刊的必要性,并简要总结了新闻英语的语言特点,希望有助于新闻英语的学习.  相似文献   

文本解读活动是语文教学活动的一个基本形式,师生对文本言语和意蕴能否作出深度的体验及挖掘,可以说是文学教学成功必不可少的前提和基础。中学语文课上的文学阅读相对于一般人的文学欣赏而言有其特殊的规律和规定。该文针对当前文学教学中普遍存在的文本解读方面的问题,指出教师只有在语文课程教学要求的规定下,立足人文立场,用全新的解读理念,多维的解读视角,开拓的解读视野,灵活的解读方法重新审视体味我们的语文教材,才能让我们的文学课堂同时体现出“文学”和“语文”的本色。  相似文献   

Metacognition and EFL/ESL reading   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Several distinct research streams are converging in the field of foreign or second language reading in the U.S. Separate research streams in metacognition, in reading strategies, and in the training of reading strategies are converging in the field of English as a foreign or second language. This confluence of research is dramatically impacting the teaching of English to adult non-native speakers for academic purposes. In this article we will briefly review these distinct research streams for their relevance to the population in question, and will then describe the research design for an empirical study we are currently conducting to further investigate the efficacy of metacognitive strategy training for adult EFL/ESL reading.  相似文献   

The paper describes how integrating instruction in reading and vocabulary can aid language learning for non-native speakers of English. It discusses the theories behind some of the difficulties in learning English and gives some practical methods for lessening those difficulties. Finally, the article delineates the differences in focus and emphasis between teaching reading and vocabulary skills to native students and teaching the same skills to non-native students.Dr. Gidmark is Assistant Professor of Skills & Writing at the University of Minnesota General College, where she also coordinates the Reading Laboratory. Address reprint requests to the author at the University of Minnesota General College, 106 Nicholson Hall, 216 Pillsbury Dr. S. E., Minneapolis, MN 55455.  相似文献   

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