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A large sample of entertainment television programs that were aired on 28 channels in China in 2004 was analyzed for romantic and sexual content. Romantic scenes, typically portraying men and women already in committed relationships, appeared in 80% of the 196 programs analyzed. The analysis suggested that, according to Chinese television in the early part of the twenty-first century, emotional love was more important than physical sexual interaction in romantic relationships. More than half of the 1112 romantic scenes analyzed depicted love between the partners without any discussion or display of physical sexual behavior. Only 8% of scenes included discussion or depiction of sexual behavior (e.g., touching, kissing, and intercourse) without some sense that the partners were in a loving, committed relationship. Sexual intercourse was implied or depicted in fewer than 2% of the romantic scenes. Findings are discussed in light of the Chinese government's periodic regulation of sexually suggestive media content and attempts to filter Internet content. The extent to which such content may affect young viewers' perceptions of romantic relationships and sexual behavior is also discussed.  相似文献   

It is of the utmost importance, in strategic planning and the making of projections, both in private business as well as in governmental agencies, and for decisionmakers in general, to possess the ability to evaluate rationally their conjectures as to the possibility for the occurrence of events in the future. This kind of planning can hardly be left to one's subordinates, but learning to do it requires experimentation and practice. With the advent of the mini-computers it is now possible to have an instrument which is portable, interactive and easy to use. In this article, we will present the use of a method called ‘SECITE’ which has been developed by the authors and is illustrated with an example from the educational field.  相似文献   

Objective:The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the public''s need for quality health information that is understandable. This study aimed to identify (1) the extent to which COVID-19 messaging by state public health departments is understandable, actionable, and clear; (2) whether materials produced by public health departments are easily readable; (3) relationships between material type and understandability, actionability, clarity, and reading grade level; and (4) potential strategies to improve public health messaging around COVID-19.Methods:Based on US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics from June 30, 2020, we identified the ten states with the most COVID-19 cases and selected forty-two materials (i.e., webpages, infographics, and videos) related to COVID-19 prevention according to predefined eligibility criteria. We applied three validated health literacy tools (i.e., Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool, CDC Clear Communication Index, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level) to assess material understandability, actionability, clarity, and readability. We also analyzed correlations between scores on the three health literacy tools and material types.Results:Overall, COVID-19 materials had high understandability and actionability but could be improved in terms of clarity and readability. Material type was significantly correlated with understandability, actionability, and clarity. Infographics and videos received higher scores on all tools.Conclusions:Based on our findings, we recommend public health entities apply a combination of these tools when developing health information materials to improve their understandability, actionability, and clarity. We also recommend using infographics and videos when possible, taking a human-centered approach to information design, and providing multiple modes and platforms for information delivery.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the university libraries' response during the COVID-19 pandemic and determine their working practices, services patterns, strategies applied, and role played. This study is a qualitative exploration by collecting data through in-depth interviews of purposely selected Heads of seven university libraries. The interview recordings were transcribed, translated, and analyzed thematically. The majority of the university libraries were physically closed for patrons in this pandemic but engaged with the users. Libraries revamped their web pages, reassigned resources, and planned robust online offerings. The university portal and other social media tools were less used communication tools during the pandemic. Library staff worked from home and there was a sense of over burden because of 24/7 connectivity and without any formal working policy addressing the new working routines. University librarians felt that digital divide, lack of digital literacy skills, and slow internet speed were the major barriers in their transition from physical to online mode and less use of library's online resources and web portals. Libraries see their individual and collective roles of societal and educational dimensions during these uncertain times. The study also made recommendations for the betterment of libraries' role in such situations.  相似文献   

Studies of the digital divide have focused on lack of access to hardware, software, connectivity, and computer skills. Newer studies point to the existence of other factors such as the lack of culturally relevant content. Driven by this issue, this study provides a preliminary map of the “nature” of Web-based content about U.S. Latinas, a community that has traditionally been underrepresented in information systems. The nature of the content was explored and analyzed by examining attributes such as type of site, language of site, topic(s), producer(s) of site, technical features, and targeted audience. The study also theorizes the lack of relevant content and discusses the possible social implications of the disparities in access to digital information technologies. Using content analysis, the study provides a framework with which to categorize and analyze Web content. The results suggest content areas that need development and potential information barriers to consider in the process.  相似文献   

Objective:This study examines the extent to which retracted articles pertaining to COVID-19 have been shared via social and mass media based on altmetric scores.Methods:Seventy-one retracted articles related to COVID-19 were identified from relevant databases, of which thirty-nine had an Altmetric Attention Score obtained using the Altmetrics Bookmarklet. Data extracted from the articles include overall attention score and demographics of sharers (e.g., geographic location, professional affiliation).Results:Retracted articles related to COVID-19 were shared tens of thousands of times to an audience of potentially hundreds of millions of readers and followers. Twitter was the largest medium for sharing these articles, and the United States was the country with the most sharers. While general members of the public were the largest proportion of sharers, researchers and professionals were not immune to sharing these articles on social media and on websites, blogs, or news media.Conclusions:These findings have potential implications for better understanding the spread of misleading or false information perpetuated in retracted scholarly publications. They emphasize the importance of quality peer review and research ethics among journals and responsibility among individuals who wish to share research findings.  相似文献   

张放  甘浩辰 《新闻界》2020,(6):39-49
流行性传染病危机发生时疫情信息如何影响公众情绪是一个兼具理论与现实意义的重要问题。解释水平理论认为,心理距离是影响解释水平也即社会认知的关键。以该理论为视角,挖掘新冠肺炎疫情初期甘肃、青海与西藏三个省级行政区微博文本形成面板数据进行情感分析、词频分析及GLS、GMM估计模型分析发现:第一,在一定的地理概念范围内,疫情心理空间距离并不存在对公众情绪的固定影响;第二,由于启动效应与图式加工两种认知机制的共同作用,疫情心理时间距离的缩短会导致公众情绪变得更加负面,存在情绪下沉效应;此外,特定时间出现的疫情相关新闻事件也会导致公众情绪产生相应的波动,存在情绪脉冲效应。  相似文献   


Local television newscasts have been criticized for being too frivolous, but an analysis of San Diego stations indicates more newscast time is devoted to significant issues of the day than to anything else.  相似文献   


Scholars have long debated the adequacy of women's images on television. This study traced the development of trends and economic influences in serial programming devoted to single working women since 1966. Results suggest that the networks have made considerable progress in the quantity and status of roles presénted, but minority females continue to be underrepresented. Individual network contributions also vary, suggesting that role characterizations are more a function of program economics than social advocacy.  相似文献   

文章借鉴政府大数据能力模型,提出了影响四个能力维度调节的六个约束条件,形成了适应智库应急情报服务的政府大数据能力支撑,揭示了智库应急情报能力特征及其影响因素,阐述了当前新冠肺炎防控应急的智库运行体系,并从需求分析、序化组织、多源融合进行应急情报资源配置,最后构建了智库应急的情报体系。  相似文献   

刘涛 《新闻界》2020,(6):28-38
新冠肺炎疫情所涉及或引发的一系列风险命题,已经逐渐溢出了现代性诠释框架,也超越了传统的制度主义理论范畴,这促使我们重新反思和理解后新冠疫情时代的新风险社会。新冠肺炎疫情的全球蔓延,打破了风险文化赖以存在的场域逻辑,也改写了风险流动和转移的阶级逻辑,整个社会处于永不停息的解域化与再域化的生成之流中。由于风险文化及其话语呈现出从生产逻辑到块茎逻辑的重要转向,我们有理由呼唤后新冠疫情时代风险文化批评的生成范式。当阶级逻辑逐渐下沉消散或衰落,风险共同体成为一个有力的概念形式,构成了我们关于后新冠疫情时代及其交往体系的想象方式。  相似文献   

As the COVID-19 pandemic causes unprecedented disruptions in citizens' lives and work, prompting a wide range of responses from governments across the globe. The southern Indian state of Kerala, India's COVID-19 “ground zero”, stands out with a fatality rate at a fraction of other richer Indian states and countries. This has happened despite the state presenting strong vulnerabilities to COVID-19. Using the theoretical lens of frugal innovation, I analyse how the Kerala State Government (KSG) combated the spread of COVID-19. This research uncovers the mechanisms at play as KSG implemented and used frugal technologies as platforms that helped decision making and strategy to fight the pandemic. I find a rich interplay of frugal innovations promoted by the government, in partnership with research institutes and private sector actors, which are cheap and efficacious. The study defines and promotes the concept of government frugal innovation (GFI) and provides valuable insights and tools to help governments navigate and effectively respond to this crisis, encouraging the rest of the world to learn from Kerala's experience. My conceptual model characterizes GFI as involving collaborative aspects, and holds practical implications beyond the times of crises.  相似文献   


The position of network censor, whatever the title appended to the job, is one of particular sensitivity. To the industry as a whole, he acts to forstall the program material that could cause criticism of the network, station, sponsor or program. A writer who feels that his work has been needlessly mutilated has a different conception of the role of the network censor. The public is largely unaware of his existence.

The pamphlet by the author of the present article, Taste and the Censor in Television (published by the Fund for the Republic, 1959, as an Occasional Paper on the role of the mass media in the free society), was the first major attempt to define the place of the censor. Another article of interest was George Gerbner's “Mental Illness on Television: A Study of Censorship” (Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. III, No. 4, Fall, 1959.)

The article that follows is intended to convey the flavor of the censor's work, and provide an adequate introduction to this important phase of broadcasting self‐regulation and management. It is possibly the only study of the broadcasting executive as a decision‐maker. As such, it should be of extreme interest to anyone in the creative and the business ends of broadcasting.  相似文献   

This study surveyed the members of a professional library organization for their perceptions of their online librarianship role. In particular, the survey sought to examine any change in online librarianship roles after March 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Participants were administered a survey comprised of both quantitative and qualitative response options. Findings present a nuanced professional environment post-lockdown in which individual job duties largely remained the same; however participants reported increased demands stemming from workplace issues, including attrition and lack of resources.  相似文献   

2021年7月28日,由中国科学院文献情报中心、武汉大学信息管理学院和武汉大学国家保密学院联合主办的"大数据环境中数字资源权益管理研讨会"通过网络会议方式成功召开。会议邀请图书情报、法律等领域的专家学者,围绕"大数据时代图书馆数字资源权益管理:方法与路径"这一主题进行了充分的研讨。本文以会议研讨内容为综述对象,结合国内外研究前沿,分析提出大数据环境中数字资源权益管理面临的四个关键问题和相应的解决路径。  相似文献   

The outbreak of the global COVID -19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life, access to higher education has not been out of danger as evidenced by the enforcement of official closures, enforcement lockdown and social distancing rules by governments throughout the world. However, while the COVID-19 pandemic has presented the world with numerous socioeconomic challenges, it has also helped to spur creativity and information as evidenced by the responses of academic libraries that have seen a heighted use of digital platforms to support education, teaching and research. The study sought to establish how librarians in Zimbabwe responded to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the implications of the pandemic on library service delivery. A qualitative research was adopted for the study. Using snowballing, interviews were used to gather data beginning with the library association's branch leadership. The researchers ensured that the questions were aligned to the research objectives. The interview schedule included open and closed questions to enable participants to provide further details relating to the phenomenon under study. The participants were guaranteed their rights to consent, privacy and anonymity in the introduction of the interview schedule. An The study reveals that there has been an increase in the use online platforms for accessing information especially library's webpages, electronic books and journals. The use of library online resources from distance locations also rose following closure of campuses. Library patrons' perceptions towards electronic resources significantly improved as they realized that they were equally useful as the print. Findings from the study provide useful recommendation on how librarians can remodel their services to match new demands presented by the COVD-19 pandemic. The study provides a starting point upon which further research on the effect of COVID-19 or other similar pandemics have on library service delivery.  相似文献   

利用中国知网数据库对2003年SARS疫情期间以及2020年COVID-19疫情期间科技期刊在助力疫情防控阻击战中的出版模式和关注领域进行了比较,着重从出版效率、发文结构、发文质量等角度进行了对比分析,并结合存在不足提出建议。结果显示,经过17年的发展中国科技期刊在应对突发公共卫生事件上已有了长足的进步,在国际疫情形势仍旧严峻的当下,要不断创新出版模式,继续坚定信心、提升能力,助力全球抗疫合作。  相似文献   


This study uses content analysis to examine the diversity of men and women's body types on primetime network television programs and afternoon soap operas in order to compare male and female portrayals and to determine if the portrayals of both genders reflect the real population. The results show females are portrayed in a smaller range of body types and are more slender than males; heavier body types are less likely to be in romantic situations, wear revealing clothing, and are older than thin body types; and television body types are generally thinner than the real population.  相似文献   

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