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No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of perceptions of the opinionsof others as they relate to the formation of public opinion.Two interrelated theories involving such perceptions, the thirdperson effect and the spiral of silence, are tested in the contextof public opinion regarding divestment of financial interestsin South Africa. As hypothesized by the third person effect, perceptions of theinfluence of media reports on others were found to be consistentlygreater than perceptions of influence on self. Findings werestrongly supportive of this component of the ‘third personeffect’ hypothesis. Perceptions of the opinions of otherswere also explored in relation to respondents' willingness toexpress their opinions publicly. As suggested by the spiralof silence theory, respondents were found to be more willingto express their opinions publicly when they perceived a trendin support of their viewpoint, or when there was a greater perceivedlikelihood of achieving success for their issue position. The size of the effect produced from joining these two processesis moderated by the role of issue salience. People perceivingdivestment as a highly important issue are more likely to ascribegreater media influence to others than to themselves, but theirwillingness to express their opinions publicly is least likelyto be influenced by perceptions of the climate of opinion.  相似文献   

图书馆游戏服务的相关问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
游戏是一种特殊的信息资源,该文研究游戏服务作为图书馆信息服务的可行性,指出图书馆游戏服务在个人信息时代具有招徕用户,提升用户阅读粘性以及提升读者信息素养等积极作用。通过对图书馆游戏服务的类型、组织管理过程的分析,指出图书馆游戏服务面临公众接受程度低、经费短缺、专业馆员缺乏、游戏资源组织和标引困难、游戏法律法规不健全等多方面的障碍。  相似文献   

美国1999与2000年最佳免费参考网站评介   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据美国图书馆协会下属机构1999和2000年最佳免费网站的评选结果,择优推荐介绍其中部分与我国图书馆的信息检索工作密切相关、对网络信息检索教学有实用意义的网站。  相似文献   

This study examines variations in perceptions of media influencebased on the locus of impact (self vs. other) and the valenceof the message (pro-social vs. anti-social). After reading oneof four versions of rap lyrics either advocating or condemningviolence or misogyny, 406 undergraduates filled out a surveymeasuring the perceived impact of songs with that type of lyricson themselves and on other students. Results replicated previousfindings of a third-person perception for the anti-social messages.Based on an ego-enhancement motivational explanation, it waspredicted that there would be a reverse third-person perceptionfor the pro-social messages. The findings did not support thishypothesis, and for the pro-social message regarding the treatmentof women, a Lraditional third-person perception was found. However,consistent with the ego-defensive motivational explanation,the size of the third-person perception differential was significantlygreater for anti-social than for pro-social messages. Implicationsof these findings for explanations of the third-person perceptionwere discussed.  相似文献   

图书馆人参与建筑施工,是对图书馆建筑产品生产过程的把握,应参与施工图会商,了解施工组织设计,重视施工过程中关键部位和关键环节,参与电气工程施工和竣工验收。  相似文献   

论汉代易学家对文献学发展的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《周易》是我国古代的一部占筮用书,其《易传》是一部充满丰富哲理的古代哲学著作。汉代易学家在对《周易》的诠释中,形成了汉代的易学文献体系,对文献学的发展做出了突出贡献。该文就汉代易学文献的发展及刘向父子、班固、郑玄在文献学方面的贡献略作阐述。  相似文献   

颜光敏、颜光猷、颜光敩系同胞三兄弟,世称"曲阜三颜",是清初杰出的颜氏家族代表人物。该文介绍了曲阜师范大学图书馆为了研究清代历史、文学史和文献学史的需要,如何整理出版"三颜"的诗文创作,又如何利用信史、列传、家乘及墓志铭等材料对作家本人及其作品予以深入细致的研究考证,为读者提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了商场促销的主要手段,然后通过商场促销手段与高校图书馆读者服务工作之间的对比,选择了对高校图书馆读者服务工作有借鉴作用的商场促销方式,分析其应用在图书馆读者服务工作中的方式和作用,希望对目前高校图书馆的读者服务工作带来一定的变革,使图书馆读者服务工作更加人性化、更具主动性。  相似文献   

Based on a secondary analysis of a survey involving more than2,500 urban working residents in China, this study tests severalindividual-level causes of protest behavior suggested by theresearch on protest in the West. The timing of the survey, justthree months before the 1989 massive upheaval in China, makesthe study especially valuable. Results from path analysis showthat age, education, and Communist Party membership have bothdirect and indirect impacts on protest, in an expected way.Income has only an indirect effect, whereas the impact of genderis not significant because the direct and indirect effects countereach other. Occupation does not make a difference. In addition,discontent with economic reforms, distrust in the government,aspirations for Western democracy, and disillusionment withCommunist ideology all significantly enhance protest behavior.Postmaterialist values, which contribute positively to politicalprotest in the West, play a suppressor role in China's context,which offers interesting implications for comparative researchon public opinion and political behavior.  相似文献   

博士论文有很高的学术价值。国家图书馆对博士论文不应该仅仅是简单的收藏,而应该是深层次服务,最终实现博士论文全部信息资源的全面开发和利用。为此,提出如下建议:扩大博士论文的收藏范围;全面揭示博士论文的信息;完善博士论文的共建共享;加强博士论文的出版发行;建立博士论文的网络交流平台。  相似文献   

从字顺到分类:北京大学图书馆期刊排架工作实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
长期以来,图书馆界就期刊的排架方式一直存在着刊名字顺与学科分类两种截然不同的观点。2003年起北京大学图书馆将馆藏纸本期刊由原来的刊名字顺排架分期分批地改为按学科分类、兼顾字顺的排架方式。该文主要讨论这次期刊排架的变化,包括两种排架方式的取舍、架号结构的确立、改号的工作流程、辅助措施以及分类排架的效果等。  相似文献   

中华文化教育基金董事会对中国近代图书馆的资金援助   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中华文化教育基金董事会是一个民间机构,专门管理美国退还给中国的庚子赔款。1925年成立后,它就致力于发展我国的文化教育事业,为文化教育机构提供钱财支持。其中图书馆是中基会援助的重要文化项目之一。自1925年到1949年,它分别赞助了国立北平图书馆、武昌文华图书馆专科学校、北京大学图书馆、清华大学图书馆、科学社明复图书馆等图书馆,有力地推动了我国图书馆事业的发展。  相似文献   

"静安希尔顿宾馆的开业标志着上海这座城市发展的一个里程碑."上世纪的1987年,在静安希尔顿宾馆开业典礼上,汪道涵市长莅临祝贺,他的儒雅风度、渊博知识和非凡谈吐给我留下难以忘怀的印象.尤其这句意味深长的话让人记忆犹新. 回顾改革开放之初,上海引进西方先进的管理模式投建的项目中,星级宾馆可算是一大亮点.上世纪八十年代初,改革开放的这片热土,吸引了不少前来寻找投资机会的外宾,而市区的高档宾馆就是那么几家:国际饭店、锦江宾馆、和平饭店、上海大厦等等,根本不能满足外宾住宿.很多人不得不前往郊区的宝钢宾馆下榻,甚至还发生过因为住不进高档宾馆,又不想去低档饭店,个别挑剔的老外选择在面包车上将就过夜的事情.  相似文献   

总结了梁思庄先生在西文编目、参考咨询、国际交流、培养人才等方面为我国图书馆事业所做的突出贡献。  相似文献   

对江苏省部分高校图书馆电子资源接入情况及参考咨询馆员的组成情况进行了对比,指出高校图书馆之间存在较大的电子资源接入沟和使用沟,进一步影响了馆与馆之间的知识沟。要缩小三道数字鸿沟,高校图书馆应该多方参与图书馆联盟,加强人员培训,构建"学习型组织"。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

西文学习辅导书的编目初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
西文学习辅导书的编目,一直以来都是西文编目工作比较难以处理的问题,CALIS联机合作编目数据库中此类数据的编目也是五花八门。文章依据AACR2的编目规则对西文学习辅导书的信息源特点、编目难点、处理方法等进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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