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从关于学习的评价到为了学习的评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为了学习的评价近些年来在评价研究和实践中日益被广泛接受。本文介绍了为了学习的评价的基本概念、应用为了学习的评价的主要策略和原则,并将其与关于学习的评价进行了比较。通过将剑桥评价和CTB的两个为了学习的评价的产品作为例证,作者建议专业化考试机构应该在关于学习的评价之外推进为了学习的评价以服务于教育。  相似文献   

综合素质评价:智能化时代学习评价的变革与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田爱丽 《中国电化教育》2020,(1):109-113,121
基于大数据的智能化学习评价既是教育评价对时代发展做出的回应,更是评定学生综合素质的需要。评价出传统纸笔测试评价不出的学生素质、促进学习与评价一体化是基于大数据的智能化学习评价的主要目标与功能诉求。个性化评价标准、伴随式数据采集、实时生成的评价报告,是智能化学习评价的主要方法。在此过程中,建设全域的数据终端、建立科学的评价模型、较强的算力支持以及保护学生信息隐私等,则是实施智能化学习评价的关键要素与保障条件。  相似文献   

This paper draws upon a wider study on assessment in higher education. It focuses on students’ perceptions of the effectiveness and relevance of feedback in regard to assessment methods and self-regulation of learning. In total, 605 undergraduates participated in the study from five Portuguese public universities. Data were collected through questionnaires with open and closed-ended questions. Results revealed that feedback is perceived as more relevant, effective and in a more positive way by students who are assessed by learner-centred methods than by those assessed by traditional methods. Also, participants who are assessed by learner-centred methods or mixed methods perceived feedback as more effective in all phases of self-regulation learning than students who are assessed by traditional methods. Implications of the findings for feedback and assessment in Higher Education are discussed.  相似文献   

协作学习评价方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目前随着网络技术的发展和教学观念的变革 ,协作学习被视为极有发展和应用前景的网络教学策略之一 ,而协作学习的评价是亟待深入研究的问题。因此 ,该文主要阐述了协作学习评价的基本特点 ,并对协作学习评价的两个层面———小组评价和个体评价的具体方法进行了探讨  相似文献   

目前随着网络技术的发展和教学观念的变革,网络环境下的协作学习越来越受到重视,相应地其评价问题也日益突出。协作学习过程评价是协作学习评价的重点。本文提出由“互动”、“争辩”和“建构”作为评价准则、十三类交互言行作为评价指标的评价模型,并引入基于AHP的综合评价方法,对小组成员个人贡献进行量化分析。实验结果表明,该评价模型为辅助评价小组成员提供了更有价值的参考依据。  相似文献   

Assessment for learning in the accountability era: New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The requirements for valid assessment for learning and assessment of learning are reviewed and then the tensions between these two purposes of assessment are explored, first in general and then within two areas of the New Zealand education system. First, the nature of assessment for learning in primary schools is discussed and how it is, or might be, affected by four accountability pressures associated with assessment of learning. The second area is assessment for qualifications in the final years of secondary education. Here, some of the assessment of learning occurs at local level, within schools, and the remainder occurs at national level. These two assessment pathways create substantially different conditions affecting assessment for learning.  相似文献   

基于过程考核的《新闻写作》课程考核模式的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职《新闻写作》课程改革突出强化新闻写作的实操性和实用性,而课程考核是课程教学改革的保证。《新闻写作》课程改革要求打破传统的平时成绩+期末考试成绩这种单一的考核模式,建立起基于过程考核的动态、多元化的考核模式,侧重对于学生认知过程、技能掌握过程的考核与评价。  相似文献   

Self-regulation emerges throughout early childhood, and predicts later success in socially and cognitively challenging situations. Vygotsky proposed that symbols, particularly words, serve as mental tools to be used in service of self-regulation. Cross-sectional research indicates a positive but inconsistent association between language and self-regulation skills throughout toddlerhood, but research has not accounted for general cognitive development, nor gender differences in these domains. We used growth modeling of longitudinal data for 120 toddlers collected when children were 14, 24, and 36 months to test the impact of two expressive language skills - spoken vocabulary and talkativeness - on the growth of toddlers' self-regulation, and to determine whether associations between these domains exist when controlling for cognitive development. Results reveal gender differences in self-regulation trajectories, and in the impact of language on self-regulation. Vocabulary is a better predictor of self-regulation than talkativeness, and both concurrent and prior vocabulary positively predicted children's levels of self-regulation. When cognitive development was controlled, 24-month vocabulary still predicted the trajectory of self-regulation. Results reveal that, even in early development, words are tools that can be applied to the task of self-regulation, and may be a more necessary tool for boys than for girls at this age.  相似文献   

学习文件夹评价法的理论与方法   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
学习文件夹是用于收藏学习活动过程中的学习记录的。学习文件夹评价法是根据这些记录来估计学习目标实际达到的程度 ,由此来修正学习方向的一种评价方法。它的关注点是学习活动过程。评价活动由追究、修正和回顾等构成。评价的对象除知识、态度外 ,尤其注重技能、倾向性、创造性等需要长期努力才能形成的综合能力。它的基本原理是 :评价是为了促进学习 ,它必须根植于学习过程之中。因此 ,学习文件夹既是物品 ,又是一种思想方法 ,还是一种做法  相似文献   

The year 2000 marks the end of compulsory education for the first cohort of students to experience the National Curriculum throughout their school careers. This article describes their experience of assessment and compares it with the testing regime that those children who start school in 2000 are likely to experience. Changes in policy from the early Task Group on Assessment and Testing proposals are analysed, especially the increasing priority given to the use of assessment for monitoring and evaluating the performance of teachers, schools and local education authorities. This shift is interpreted in terms of underlying assumptions about effective strategies for change. While Conservative and Labour governments have pursued somewhat different goals, they have used a similar change strategy. This explains why the general thrust of policy has continued in a broadly similar direction - towards ever more testing in schools and the use of results as performance indicators. It is argued, however, that this strategy cannot be pursued indefinitely. After a point, further improvements will only be made if teachers are helped to work ‘smarter’, not just harder. Policy-makers need, therefore, to look again at the contribution that formative assessment - or assessment for learning as part of pedagogy - can make to lifelong learning, in a more coherent, balanced and ‘educational’ system.  相似文献   

进入数字化知识经济时代,社会发展对教育活动提出了更高要求,旨在培养高阶思维和创新能力的深度学习备受国际社会的高度关注。为此,“深度学习如何发生”和“如何评估深度学习发生程度”,也成为亟待研究的两个关键学术问题。认知心理学、教育神经学和具身认知为理解深度学习提供了理论基础,指引人们从人—物互动视角认识个体的认知变化过程,打开了个体学习的内隐机制“黑箱”,实现内隐机制和外显表征的桥接与理解。基于这一认识与分析,通过信息输入、深度加工和学习生成三个环节,初步构建了深度学习的发生机制模型,并设置相关的学习状态指标。而要实现对深度学习发生程度的精准评价,则应依据深度学习的多模态数据测评框架,综合性采集与分析学习者的生理数据、自我评估数据、在线学习平台数据和课堂参与数据等多模态数据。但是,在采用多模态数据测评深度学习的发生及其程度时,多模态数据仍存在异质性差距、数据建模缺乏精确度、常态化评价开展困难、数据安全和伦理道德难以得到保障等问题,亟需未来开展更为深入的研究与探索。  相似文献   

This study reports on a large-scale implementation of Assessment for Learning (AfL) in a Swedish municipality. The implementation was founded on two principles: (1) teaching should be informed by educational research; (2) to be successful teachers’ professional development needs to be based in everyday classroom practice. From these principles, AfL was chosen as a strand of educational research to inform teaching and ‘Teacher Learning Communities’ were chosen as a vehicle for professional development and for implementing AfL practices. Findings indicate that the project has been successful in bringing about a change in how teachers talk about teaching and learning and in changing teachers’ pedagogical practice towards AfL. Findings also suggest that AfL practices are mostly teacher-centred, which means that the teachers still take most of the responsibility for the assessment. This leads to high workload for the teachers and may also hinder students from taking responsibility for their learning.  相似文献   

初中《信息技术课程》学习评价体系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文根据初中《信息技术课程》的教学目标和特点 ,初步探讨了该课程的评价指导思想和评价方法 ,使评价能真正反映学生的信息技术能力 ,同时 ,也为构建该课程的评价体系提供一定的参考  相似文献   

DIALANG-欧洲诊断性语言测验系统是面向大众的诊断性评价的先驱。本文对该测验系统的开发背景、开发依据、测验内容、测验特点以及测验过程进行了较为全面的介绍。在此基础上,为推动我国诊断性评价的开展,文章提出了4点建议:1)关注过程,服务学习;2)开发主观题自动阅卷技术,全面考查各语言技能;3)建立我国自己的语言教学和评价标准;4)建立具有中国特色的、可持续性的诊断性评价体系。  相似文献   

We systematically searched five databases to assess the potential of concept mapping-based technologies to promote self-regulated learning in science education. Our search uncovered 17 relevant studies that investigated seven different types of learning technologies. We performed a narrative analysis assessing how each technology affects self-regulated learning through cognitive, metacognitive, and motivation strategies, according to Schraw et al. (2006)'s model. We suggest concept mapping technologies may affect self-regulated learning through enhancing these strategies to varying degrees. Computer software was particularly useful for developing cognitive strategies through ease of use. Teaching agents were particularly useful for developing metacognitive strategies by coupling visualisation of knowledge patterns with performance monitoring, aided by a teaching metaphor. Finally, mobile devices and teaching agents were most effective in enhancing motivation. Effects on knowledge gains remain unclear due to small sample sizes.  相似文献   

美国大学考试中心的大学学业水平评估、美国教育考试服务处的能力测试以及美国教育资助委员会的大学学习评估是在美国具有广泛影响的学生学习成果标准化评估工具。三者都从大学生通识能力的角度理解大学生学习成果,运用价值增值评估方法,侧重于评估大学生的高阶思维能力和一般综合能力,在评估指标上都重视评估大学生批判性思维能力和写作能力。与此同时,三者在评估对象的选择、评估的具体指标、评估形式和评估报告的呈现形式等方面又各具特点。尽管这三个工具受到美国许多高校的信任和欢迎,但它们对学生缺乏吸引力,影响了其评估结果的可靠性。中国今后在应用、引进和开发此类评估工具时,应注意汲取这些工具的正反两方面经验,深入梳理中国大学生学习结果的内涵,着眼于自主开发既具世界视野又切合中国实际的大学生学习成果评估工具,发展更成熟的评估和数据分析方法。  相似文献   

基于e-Portfolio的过程性评价系统设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过程性评价是指在课程实施过程中对学生学习进行评价的方式,e-Portfolio作为一种评价的工具与载体,能够有效促进过程性评价的实施。文章在分析过程性评价理念的基础上,提出一种基于e-Portfolio的过程性评价系统设计模型,并结合项目任务研发了相应系统,进行了初步应用。  相似文献   

本文从四个方面讨论了在网络课件中加入“学习效果评价”模块的必要性,并以“数据结构网络课件”为个案,介绍了“学习效果评价”模块的设计方法和开发过程,把网络课件与人工智能技术相结合,对“数据结构网络课件”中存在的问题提出了改进思路。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to concurrently investigate Taiwanese high-school students' and their science teachers' conceptions of learning science (COLS) and conceptions of science assessment (COSA). A total of 1,048 Taiwanese high-school students and their 59 science teachers were invited to fill out two questionnaires assessing their COSA and COLS. The main results indicated that, first, although a handful of different patterns occurred, students and teachers were found to have similar COLS–COSA patterns. In general, students and teachers with COSA as reproducing knowledge and rehearsing tended to possess lower-level COLS, such as learning science as memorizing, testing, and calculating and practicing. In contrast, if students and teachers viewed science assessment as improving learning and problem-solving, they would be prone to regard science learning as increase of knowledge, applying, and understanding and seeing in a new way. However, the students' conceptions did not align with those of the teachers' in certain aspects. The students tended to regard science learning and assessment at a superficial level (COLS as ‘memorizing’, ‘testing’, and ‘calculating and practicing’ and COSA as ‘reproducing knowledge’), while the teachers’ conceptions were at a more sophisticated level (COLS as ‘application’ and ‘understanding and seeing in a new way’ and COSA as ‘improving learning’). It is evident that a dissonance exists between the students' and teachers' COLS and COSA. Based on the results, practical implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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