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身势语研究历史悠久,作为重要的交际手段,身势语具有五种基本功能,即:说明功能、辅助功能调节功能、标志功能及替代功能。身势语在儿童母语习得过程中也起着重要作用。  相似文献   

心理词汇(mental lexicon),又称内部词汇(internal lexicon),指的是词汇知识在永久记忆中的表征和组织,旨在研究词是怎样储存在记忆里和怎样被提取的。本文回顾了心理词汇研究的主要成果,探讨如何在外语词汇教学中帮助学生构建和发展他们的心理词汇网络,促进词汇习得。  相似文献   

第二语言习得的特性是指这种习得不同于该语言作为母语或第一语言习得,即儿童习得自己的母语时的特殊规律性。充分认识第二语言习得的特殊规律,对发挥和培养学习者的学习兴趣和优势,使他们收到理想的学习效果都有促进作用。本文在回顾第一语言(或母语)习得理论的基础上,对母语习得和第二语言习得在以下方面作了对比:(1)动机;(2)环境(语言环境和文化环境)和方式;(3)过程(语音,词汇,句子);(4)年龄;从而得出两种习得之间的相同点及差异,相同点反映出语言习得的普遍规律,而两种习得之间的差异正是第二语言教学中应引起注意的方面。  相似文献   

词汇在语言中具有极其重要的地位,它在语言的教与学的过程中起着关键性的作用。二语心理词汇的形成与发展与母语心理词汇既有共同之处,又具有自身的特性。文章在探讨二语心理词汇的特征后,对如何促进二语心理词汇的建构及如何激活和扩大二语学习者的心理词汇提高其英语应用能力进行了研究和评述,以期对实际的学习和教学提供帮助。  相似文献   

语言习得规律与语言教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语言习得理论对外语教学有着重要意义,运用语言习得规律调动学习者的主观能动性,激发释放学生头脑的巨大潜能,从而学好外语,达到事半功倍的教学效果。  相似文献   

在对国内外有关第二语言习得的有关研究结果进行分析的基础上,对第二语言习得关键期问题进行了探讨。关于第二语言习得的脑神经机制研究发现,第二语言习得的关键期显而易见没有母语关键期影响突出,而且不同的语言能力发展的关键期有所不同;对第二语言习得关键期假设应持审慎的态度,因为语言熟练水平、语言能力等一系列心理的、认知的、社会的因素对第二语言习得也起着关键性的影响作用;最后提出了关于当前研究的一些思考。  相似文献   

Deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) children's ability to rapidly learn novel words through direct reference and through novel mapping (i.e., inferring that a novel word refers to a novel object) was examined. Ninety-eight DHH children, ranging from 27 to 82 months old, drawn from 12 schools in five states participated. In two tasks that differed in how reference was established, word-learning abilities were measured by children's ability to learn novel words after only three exposures. Three levels of word-learning abilities were identified. Twelve children did not rapidly learn novel words. Thirty-six children learned novel words rapidly but only in the direct reference task. Forty-nine children learned novel words rapidly in both direct reference and novel mapping tasks. These levels of word-learning abilities were evident in children who were in oral-only and in signing environments, in children with cochlear implants, and in deaf children of deaf parents. Children's word-learning abilities were more strongly correlated to lexicon size than age, and this relation was similar for children in these different language-learning environments. Acquisition of these word-learning abilities seems based on linguistic mechanisms that are available to children in a wide range of linguistic environments. In addition, the word-learning tasks offer a promising dynamic assessment tool.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, we examined how young children incorporate new word meanings into their lexicons. 2-year-olds were each taught a new noun for an object that already had a known label (e.g., a "fep" for a dog). Children's interpretations of the new nouns were assessed by asking subjects to select the named toy from an array of 4 toys (e.g., "Point to a fep"). The experiments were designed to determine which of several possible semantic relations between novel and familiar words was most consistent with children's performance. It was found that children often seemed to interpret the new word as referring to a subordinate of the known category. This tendency was reduced when the named object could sensibly receive a proper name (e.g., when the named object was a stuffed animal), particularly when children had to consider both the familiar and the novel label for the object in the same session. Although not all alternative explanations have been ruled out, these results suggest that, from a very young age, children may spontaneously form language hierarchies when they hear a novel work for an object that already has a familiar name.  相似文献   

Children extend regular grammatical patterns to irregular words, resulting in overregularizations like comed, often after a period of correct performance ("U-shaped development"). The errors seem paradigmatic of rule use, hence bear on central issues in the psychology of rules: how creative rule application interacts with memorized exceptions in development, how overgeneral rules are unlearned in the absence of parental feedback, and whether cognitive processes involve explicit rules or parallel distributed processing (connectionist) networks. We remedy the lack of quantitative data on overregularization by analyzing 11,521 irregular past tense utterances in the spontaneous speech of 83 children. Our findings are as follows. (1) Overregularization errors are relatively rare (median 2.5% of irregular past tense forms), suggesting that there is no qualitative defect in children's grammars that must be unlearned. (2) Overregularization occurs at a roughly constant low rate from the 2s into the school-age years, affecting most irregular verbs. (3) Although overregularization errors never predominate, one aspect of their purported U-shaped development was confirmed quantitatively: an extended period of correct performance precedes the first error. (4) Overregularization does not correlate with increases in the number or proportion of regular verbs in parental speech, children's speech, or children's vocabularies. Thus, the traditional account in which memory operates before rules cannot be replaced by a connectionist alternative in which a single network displays rotelike or rulelike behavior in response to changes in input statistics. (5) Overregularizations first appear when children begin to mark regular verbs for tense reliably (i.e., when they stop saying Yesterday I walk). (6) The more often a parent uses an irregular form, the less often the child overregularizes it. (7) Verbs are protected from overregularization by similar-sounding irregulars, but they are not attracted to overregularization by similar-sounding regulars, suggesting that irregular patterns are stored in an associative memory with connectionist properties, but that regulars are not. We propose a simple explanation. Children, like adults, mark tense using memory (for irregulars) and an affixation rule that can generate a regular past tense form for any verb. Retrieval of an irregular blocks the rule, but children's memory traces are not strong enough to guarantee perfect retrieval. When retrieval fails, the rule is applied, and overregularization results.  相似文献   

年龄差异与第二语言习得   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
年龄是第二语言习得中影响个人差异的主要因素之一。关于年龄与第二语言习得方面的争论很多,这反映出年龄因素的复杂性。研究年龄对第二语言习得的影响有助于探讨儿童与成年人各自学习第二语言的特点及其规律,从而更好地指导第二语言教学。  相似文献   

二语习得理论及其对提高外语教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语学习中的二语习得和学得概念并不是对立的,它们之间存在着内在的关系性。这种关系性对外语教学具有一定的启示:即不可忽视的基本语法;使用可行性的和得体性的语言;营造适宜的语言学习环境。  相似文献   

Writing is a complex activity whose components and sub-components involve action on a number of levels. It is multifaceted, requiring proficiency in several areas of skill and knowledge that make up writing only when taken together. Research into writing has mirrored this complexity and has developed concurrently in a number of disciplines — in psychology and the cognitive sciences, text linguistics and pragmatics, applied linguistics and first and second language education.This special issue of Learning and Instruction is a collection of four papers that represent different aspects of current research into writing in a second language. They do not cover the full range of research into this area of writing, but serve as examples of the depth and breadth of study in this one particular part of the field. They are introduced here within the context of a discussion of current interests in writing research and each of the papers will be presented within the research area into which it most reasonably fits.  相似文献   

Developmental milestones: sign language acquisition and motor development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sign language and motor development of 11 young children of deaf parents were studied across a 16-month period. The subjects showed accelerated early language development producing, on the average, their first recognizable sign at 8.5 months, their tenth sign at 13.2 months, and their first sign combination at 17.0 months. In contrast, children learning to speak typically do not attain the equivalent spoken language milestones until 2-3 months later. The structure and content of the subjects' 50-sign vocabularies closely resembled those for children at the same stage in previously published studies of spoken language acquisition. The pattern of synchrony between motor and language development previously reported by investigators of children learning to speak was found not to apply to the population of the present study: most of the subjects learning to sign did not slow down in their rate of language acquisition after achieving a new motor milestone, but rather continued to show a gradual increase in the size of their sign language vocabularies.  相似文献   

语言源自文化并反映着文化的发展,语言教学与文化教学密不可分,教师应在法语教学实践中有计划、有目的地引入文化因素,结合教学经验不断探索文化教学的方法,采取生动活泼、丰富多彩的互动教学模式,达到文化教学的目的,从而提高学生的综合语言能力。  相似文献   

二语习得问题一直是国内外研究的热点问题,广受学者关注。本文从荷恩等级关系的角度,探讨了荷恩等级关系对二语习得的影响,及其对二语教学的启示。  相似文献   

动机是影响二语习得过程的一个重要因素。关于动机对二语习得的影响,不同学者的观点各有不同。实际上,积极的态度和手段能促进语言学习者对语言的学习,真正激发学生的学习动机,提高语言学习的效率。  相似文献   

语法、发音规则和词汇一向被认为是学习外语的三大要素,其实文化因素也是必不可少的一项。要想得心应手地用外语来交流思想,表达感情,就必须对该国的文化进行学习、掌握。  相似文献   

错误产生的阶段、起因和类型等方面的研究深化了外语教学过程认识,具有一定的指导意义,但在理论和研究方法上都存在不足之处.从错误的归类标准研究方法和纠错态度三个方面可以看出偏误分析中存在较多不可控主观因素,因此错误表层下探索深层的语境及情感因素是很有必要的.  相似文献   

语言的习得理论一直是语言学家研究的热点问题,但把这一理论应用在教学之中的研讨却不多。本文针对学生学习中存在的问题,引出学习语言的实质:语言的习得,并从语言本身的产生和发展及人们获得语言技能的顺序来分析,普遍语法原则、母语迁移、听的技能以及技能是影响习得的重要因素。  相似文献   

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