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译者作为原文和译文的中介 ,要处理好与原文作者、原文及译文读者等几个方面的关系。译者首先要了解原文作者所处的文化背景、社会背景和时代背景及其写作风格 ,这样才能有助于正确解读原文。译者在翻译原文时 ,必须注意译文和原文在字词、句子结构及文化习俗等方面的不对等现象 ,用符合译入语习惯的行文传达原文的意义。另一方面 ,译者在翻译时要尽最大可能地忠实传达原文风格 ,压抑乃至隐藏自己的个人风格。在处理和译文读者的关系时 ,要充分考虑读者群的接受能力及其所处的社会、时代和文化背景 ,及由此形成的读者的审美情趣等。  相似文献   

实施新课程标准,其中一个重要方面是学习方式的变革。探究与合作学习是学生在自主学习基础上进行的一种更高层次的学习方式。在语文教学中,要合理地开展合作学习,培养学生合作、探究的学习能力,为语文教学探索更新、更有效的方法。  相似文献   

By the time you make it to college,a computer isn’t simply an option,it’s a necessity.Your computer will be your most important tool,as well as your entertainment center during downtime.However,your decision should be based on your work style,school’s requirements and budget. Form Factor:Most students choose laptops for their portability with advances in graphics,storage and processors. The big plus to a laptop is the freedom to study and write wherever you want.Desktops are powerful and upgradeable with more comfort may help you to study better. Speed:Multicore processors are the norm,offering processing power similar to that of multiple(多重的) single-core  相似文献   

坚持正确的舆论导向,贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,不断加强新闻宣传的针对性和时效性,切实增强吸引力和感染力,使新闻报道真正深入人心,更好地围绕中心、服务大局.  相似文献   

Viewing themselves in two hypothetical roles-as terminal patients and as family members related to a terminal patient-48 adults were surveyed on their expectations and preferences about how information should be communicated when a terminal illness is first diagnosed. Identifying with the patient role, respondents believed patients should be told the truth immediately and unconditionally. In contrast, respondents indentifying with family members perceived conditions under which the rights of patients should be abridged. In this latter role, male respondents were significantly less likely than males to imagine themselves as able to inform a loved one about a terminal illness. Nevertheless, for both sexes, early childhood experiences communicating about death and dying were found to be a better predictor of the case with which respondents can imagine communicating with a terminally ill loved one than are current adult attitudes and experiences. Regardless of personal ease in discussing death, however, most respondents thought the physician, not family members or other health care professionals, should decide when and how the terminally ill adult should be informed--a noteworthy finding in light of the fact that 83 percent of all respondents consider physicians poorly equipped for this role.  相似文献   

素质教育应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
素质教育要注重培养学生的能力,但这并不排斥传授知识与思想品德教育,这三者的有机结合,才是现代素质教育所追求的最终目的。素质增长率强调学生的主体地位,但并不否认教师的主导作用,相反,却对教师提出更高的要求,素质教育提倡启发式教学,量并非几个简单的课堂提问就是启发式教学,启发式不仅仅是一种具体的教学方法,而是一种教学思想。  相似文献   

如何适应大学新生活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学阶段是自主学习,立志成才,奠定专业知识、实践能力的阶段。学会学习,学会主动,学会做人,学会做事是大学生活的主旋律。  相似文献   

英语新闻报道内容丰富 ,学生收听也比较方便 ,是学生进行听力训练的好材料 ,但也是学生感到最困难的。教师正确地引导学生收听好英语新闻报道 ,不仅有助于学生掌握正确的语音和语调 ,而且还有助于提高他们对英语语言的理解和运用能力 ,使学生在了解世界、获取知识的同时 ,不知不觉地提高英语听力水平  相似文献   

本文针对中小学音乐教学唱歌活动中存在的发声问题,就如何指导学生应用“头声发声法”而获得优美、动听且富有光泽的声音,提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

梁炳钊 《物理教学》2020,(4):38-41,24
义务教育物理课程标准提出要培养学生分析、解决物理问题的良好习惯。初中物理教学在传授物理知识的同时,应该培养学生利用概念、规律解决问题的良好思维习惯,才能达到义务教育物理课程标准提出的总目标。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the use of writing frames in a secondary school in order to raise the achievement of boys in GCSE English Literature. It discusses the inadequacies of some earlier frames before outlining a new departmental approach. Examples of boys' work are analysed to show what a difference the frame made. Some consideration of other factors in raising achievement and of the impact on both female and gifted students is also given.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了用Delphi编写程序实现桌面上窗体截图的两类共三种方法。这三种方法既有用Delphi的窗体类成员方法实现的,也有用Windows的系统对象设备场景实现。文中既详细介绍各种方法的原理,又总结比较了各种方法的优缺点,并且给出每种方法相应的示例源代码。  相似文献   

物理教学中如何"重过程"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<物理课程标准>把"过程与方法"作为课程目标的一个重要领域.明确提出了"过程与方法"的具体目标,它对全面提高学生的素质有着重要意义.物理教学中,如何实现"过程与方法"目标,是当前课程改革中需要研究的重要问题.为能言简意赅,本文把重视"过程与方法"目标的教学思路和实践简称为"重过程",把忽视"过程与方法"目标、只追求知识结论的教学思路和实践简称为"重结果".  相似文献   

Motivation is regarded as the greatest single factor contributing to academic success.Students may vary in ability,in experience and in reaction to learning,but their quality ofperformance will depend on how much they are motivated to perform.Some will study orpractice for hours,while others devote less time and possibly accept a lower level ofperformance.Problems in teaching EnglishIn China,it is very common for students to be treated as passive recipients in class.They are trained in this …  相似文献   

毕业设计指导工作中存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毕业设计是本科教学的最后一个教学环节,也是人才培养的重要阶段,已越来越受到高校的重视。针对目前高校教师在毕业设计教学中存在的问题,从指导教师的角度出发,围绕提高毕业设计质量,介绍了毕业设计指导的实践教学体会,并对指导工作从选题、具体毕业设计指导过程、答辩和成绩评定等多环节进行了构思和探讨。  相似文献   

面对新一代生活环境下成长起来的学生,教师可以从创设情境、明确目标、读悟结合、练评结合这几种途径来提高他们的朗读能力。  相似文献   

历史思维能力,是学习历史科学能力的核心。在中学历史教学中,应注重对学生历史思维能力的培养,特别是对几种基本历史思维能力的培养,即学生的归纳和综合能力,分析和比较能力,用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义观点分析历史事件、评价历史人物的能力等。唯此,才能改变传统的注入式教学方法,实施“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的教学方法。  相似文献   

笔者在上海聋哑青年技术学校就聋校高-数学"分解因式"这一教学内容进行了一个学期的"分层递进"教学的探索和实践,并对聋生的学习状态作了相关的问卷调查,对所获得的信息进行了统计、比较、分析,结果表明"分层递进"教学法明显优于以统一教学为目标进行的"传统"教学法,使各层次聋生都能在原有基础上积极"递进".  相似文献   

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