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范德比尔特教育领导评估(VAL-ED)是美国范德比尔特大学根据"州际学校领导者资格认证协会"(ISLLC)标准创制的一种"教育领导"评估工具.核心要素、关键过程、证据来源和有效性等级构成了该评估的主要框架和内容,具有注重评价的有效性、公信力、绩效为本、真实可靠、操作简便五个方面的特点,在很大程度上弥补了美国在教育管理者评估手段方面的不足,其实践效用还有待进一步观察.  相似文献   

The Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED) provides educators with a tool for principal evaluation based on principal, teacher, and supervisor reports of principals’ learning-centered leadership. In this study, we conduct a known group analysis as part of a larger argument for the validity of the VAL-ED in US elementary and secondary schools. We asked superintendents to select the principals in their district who they believe in performance of their duties are in the top 20 % and the bottom 20 %. We ask how accurately VAL-ED scores can identify membership of the two known groups. Using a discriminant analysis, the VAL-ED places principals in the superintendent groups, on average, 70 % of the time for both elementary and secondary schools. Placement accuracy is greater for the top group than the bottom group.  相似文献   

This article describes the process by which the faculty of the Department of Leadership, Policy and Organizations at Vanderbilt University's Peabody College conceived and implemented a new doctoral program designed for senior education practitioners. The authors describe the organizational context in which decisions were made. Next, they explain the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of the revised degree program. Then, specifics of the program curriculum and delivery are detailed. Finally, the article explores how the reconceptualized program is differentiated from the traditional research doctorate. At Vanderbilt, the Ed.D. is designed for mid-career professionals with an orientation to practice who seek a terminal degree and career advancement within their organizations. It is oriented toward solving problems of practice and takes as its goal placement of graduates into senior leadership positions within educational organizations.  相似文献   

校长领导力的评估和评价是问责制和学校改进的重要部分.设计精确,执行主动,并妥善实施的评估能有效提升组织绩效并筛选出未来的领导者.但由于缺乏评估和监控领导者绩效的专门、有效的工具,优质学校领导力的发展受到严重制约.本文形成了新的校长领导力评估工具的概念体系:范德堡教育领导力评估.我们以对领导力的界定和对领导力重要性的观察展开研究,进而提出校长领导力模型,本模型是在与领导力评估,学校绩效和学生成功的大背景下的领导力行为概念相匹配的情况下提出的.根据对学习型领导文献的细致梳理,聚焦于论证以教学领导为核心从界定和衡量改善学习的领导行为中看范德堡教育领导力评估模型与现有评估工具的不同之处.这篇文章描述了概念模型和以学习为中心领导的建构为基础的研究,进而介绍了范德堡教育领导力评估.这种新的评估工具旨在评估校长的以学习为中心的领导行为.  相似文献   

美国通过评价来切实保障教师教育课程的质量。美国的教师教育课程评价大体可以分为教师教育机构外部专业组织开展的认证和机构内部的学生学习评价两部分。美国专业组织开展的教师教育认证由于标准的清晰性、人员的专业性、过程的规范性、结果的透明性,能够对教师教育专业及其课程起到重要的指导与监督作用。美国教师教育机构内的各门课程都非常重视对学生学习过程和结果的评价,作品评价、表现性评价和成长记录袋评价等评价策略得到广泛使用。这启发我们,应该重视对教师教育课程评价的研究并切实改进我们的评价实践。  相似文献   

2010年,美国宾夕法尼亚州启动了培养幼儿园至高中校长的教育领导硕士学位及校长证书的计划。该计划确立了战略性的培养目标,在此基础上建设起了围绕校长价值领导、教学领导和组织领导为核心的系列培养课程,并采取严格而不乏弹性的课程管理策略。这一计划对于正在积极推进中小学校长专业化的我国而言具有现实的启示意义与借鉴价值。  相似文献   

中美研究生教育评估的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究生教育的质量问题已引起社会各界、教育界以及政府部门的高度重视。本文以美国为对象国,比较和分析中美研究生教育评估的对象、评估的主体、评估的程序以及评估指标体系,以期对我国的研究生教育评估给予一定的启示。  相似文献   

美国能力本位教育与职业发展评估模式探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章简述了美国教育与职业发展领域能力本位评估模式的内涵,介绍了这一模式在美国的几种典型个案,分析了它的的优缺点,并就我国如何实施能力本位评估提出了建议.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,在美国崇尚务实精神的影响下,合作教育作为一项学术目标与实际工作经验相结合的人才培养模式已经成为美国高等教育的重要组成部分。鉴于近年来合作教育格局的变化及其理念的更新,本文通过文献分析法、比较法对这一教育策略及目标高校合作教育实践模式的相关文献进行了梳理和分析,在此基础上建构了合作教育项目的镜像运行模式。研究认为,传统的合作教育模式在整合学术构成后可以更加有效地支持学习者的全面学习、终身学习,而科学设计、严谨实施的合作教育课程体系以及积极的企业公民建设对于合作教育文化的养成至关重要。  相似文献   

The following paper has as its basis a series of workshop presentations already made to colleagues at over 20 universities. At these, its core findings have been outlined, discussed and refined. Drawing on original work by a Fund for the Development of Teaching and Learning Project studying assessment for students of languages, it proposes a blueprint for the separate and explicit assessment of transferable skills. It is suggested that this approach to transferable skills assessment is valid for subjects other than languages and could be adopted more widely across the higher education curriculum.  相似文献   

专业标准是社会职业发展的重要内容,也是职业发展程度的重要标志。目前我国教育界和学术界还没有足够重视对教育行政领导专业标准进行研究,没有构建统一的专业标准来规范教育行政领导的管理,导致我国教育行政领导专业化发展水平不高。  相似文献   

教育应该由“内行”领导还是南“外行”领导这一话题是多年来争执不休的教育热点问题。认为“教育事业应该由懂教育的人来管理”,代表政府板块的教育行政领导,其角色的多重性要求其走专业化的道路。文章将从组织行为学理论、“新公共服务”理论、人力资源理论、领导理论视角探析我国教育行政领导为何要走专业化之路。  相似文献   

美国青少年搜星计划是对"天才"实施教育的一项行动,但这种"精英教育"却受到了平等主义者的批判和反对,认为是违反教育公平原则的。事实上,搜星计划无论对"天才"的鉴定还是培养,都反映出"因材施教"的思想,这是差别基础上的公平,是更高层面上的教育公平。  相似文献   

培养具有创造精神和创造能力的人才必须依靠创造教育,而创造教育必须有创造教育评估作保证,创造教育评估应充分考虑:第一,基本评估与特色评估的关系;第二,创造型教师及其评估;第三,大学生的个性评估;第四,大学生的能力评估;第五,大学生创造性测验与评估。  相似文献   

应对商品化、市场化、私有化和标准化的挑战,美国批判取向的教师教育理论资源与行动方案尤为重要.本文追溯该取向的教师教育的学术脉络,并分析其基本主张与实践,包括批判政策对教师和教师教育的负面影响、培养教师和师范生的社会文化意识、关注教师教育中的种族问题、倡导通过赋权实现教师解放和通过行动研究促进社会正义.  相似文献   

Fast changing information technology (IT) has posed tremendous challenges to information systems (IS) educational programmes. One question frequently asked by IS educators has been: ‘Are we doing the right thing?’ This article presents information about the current state of IS educational programmes in the USA based on a survey of 193 higher education institutions conducted at the end of 1996. The results indicate that IS educational programmes are prevalent in the higher educational institutions. These programmes have a highly qualified faculty: 92% or more holding terminal degrees, more than two-thirds having tenure, with evidence of an increasing amount of time being devoted to research activities. It is also found that the most popular programming languages taught in both graduate and undergraduate programmes are C/C++, SQL and COBOL, and dominant operating systems are Windows/OS2 and UNIX. The most profound change over the last five years in the content of IS programmes has been the transition from text-based and centralized mainframe environment to the graphical and decentralized network based client–server architecture. This survey provides a snapshot of IS programmes, serving both to improve our understanding of current programmes and to provide a frame of reference for future studies.  相似文献   

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