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多家在世界上颇具影响力的医学杂志日前联合发表声明,要求更多的披露临床试验的信息。国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE)发表声明,其旗下的医学杂志要求对临床试验进行公开性注册,并将其作为公开发表的条件之一。这些杂志包括众多国际一流医学期刊,如《新英格兰医学杂志》、《美国医学协会会刊》和《柳叶刀》等。  相似文献   

崔月婷  张迪  刘菲 《今传媒》2024,(1):67-70
本文基于《涉及人的生物医学研究伦理审查办法》和国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE)临床试验注册宣言,从中国临床试验注册中心、医药卫生科技期刊发文现状、医药卫生期刊编辑部管理三个方面,分析了我国临床试验注册实施的现状,并提出了提高我国医学期刊论文中临床试验注册率的可行策略,旨在为我国医药卫生科技期刊临床试验注册发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

临床试验注册的目的是减少临床试验报告的偏倚,提高研究的透明度和科学性。本研究调查了我国258种医学核心期刊的稿约,57种(22.1%)期刊稿约中要求遵循临床试验注册制度,其中50种期刊提出了具体的著录要求。进一步深入探讨各期刊发表的随机对照试验(RCT)中临床试验注册号著录格式及内容的一致性和准确性,以及RCT撰写遵循CONSORT报告指南是否对著录注册号有影响。本研究结果表明目前我国医学期刊对临床试验注册和报告指南的遵循情况并不理想,报告注册的RCT仅占17.2%,仍存在对注册制度重视不足及执行不严格等问题,而期刊要求遵循CONSORT声明可能对RCT的注册有积极的影响。建议医学期刊遵循临床试验注册制度,提高对其的正确认识和重视,这需要期刊审稿人、编辑及作者的共同参与,通过提高临床试验注册的比例,进而提升研究的透明度。  相似文献   

通过对我国生物医学期刊稿约医学伦理审查及临床试验注册管理现状的调查研究,推动我国医学伦理审查体系和临床试验规范化制度的建设。文章从入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划、中文核心期刊要目总览(2020版)、2021年中国科技核心期刊目录及未被以上3类收录的其他生物医学类期刊中共选取131种期刊,分析4类期刊2019—2021年发布的稿约或投稿须知中关于伦理审查及临床试验注册的要求情况。结果表明,期刊稿约中对医学伦理学要求不全面,研究者的临床试验注册意识薄弱,医学伦理学及临床试验注册制度与管理不足,需要完善对医学伦理审查和临床试验注册的把关,提高编辑医学伦理学素养,加强研究单位医学伦理审查规范和临床试验注册制度监督,完善我国医学伦理审查体系和临床试验规范化制度的建设。  相似文献   

分析《山东医药》杂志近3年来投稿中常见的统计学问题。认为应建立医学期刊统计学质量监督检查管理机制,建立医学期刊编辑统计学上岗考核制度,建立作者、编辑和审稿者统计学知识培训制度等,以求能大幅度降低医学研究和医学期刊论文中统计学问题的误用率。  相似文献   

收集了美国、英国、德国、俄罗斯、日本、荷兰、波兰、菲律宾等国家28种国际重要数据库收录中国(含台湾、香港、澳门)期刊情况;截至2011年3月20日,共收录2324种,其中医学期刊610种。详细介绍了SCI、MEDLINE、CA、BA、INSPEC等18个国际重要数据库收录中国医学期刊情况,简要介绍了国际数据库遴选期刊的要求。15年来,中国高校科技期刊研究会、中国科学技术期刊编辑学会国际检索系统咨询部(以下简称“国际部”)通过多次与各大国际检索机构联系、沟通,逐步掌握了各国际数据库的规模、学科范围、遴选新刊标准,陆续推荐了300余种中国医学期刊,并产生了明显效果。建议中国期刊积极贯彻国家标准,遵循国际标准和惯例,不断提高期刊的质量,包括英文摘要的质量,促进中国期刊与国际文献编排格式接轨,不断提高中国医学期刊在国际文献领域的学术地位。  相似文献   

5种医学期刊中经济利益冲突问题的调查及分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
潘伟  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2002,14(3):195-197
为了解我国医学期刊中经济利益冲突问题的现状并与国外期刊进行比较,审查了中华医学会系列杂志中5种医学期刊1990、1995、2000年的全部述评和评论、论著、论著摘要、综述和讲座及其他涉及潜在经济利益冲突的文章,以及这5种期刊稿约中关于经济利益冲突方面对作者的政策,结果令人遗憾.认为编辑应提高对医学期刊中经济利益冲突问题的认识,有关部门应制定明确的制度,以杜绝由经济利益冲突所致的科研结果报道中的偏差.  相似文献   

刘特长 《编辑学报》1994,6(1):49-50
过去,我国医学期刊文后参考文献著录格式非常混乱。1978年1月,来自国际英文版生物医学期刊的编辑们在加拿大温哥华聚会,确定了向他们的期刊投稿的统一要求,即《生物医学期刊投稿的统一要求》(以下简称《统一要求》),于次年初发表在三种期刊上。这个小组现已发展成为国际医学期刊编辑委员会。几  相似文献   

季媛媛  刘冰 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):113-116
对第8届国际同行评议和科学出版大会的报告和讨论进行整理、思考和综述,围绕会议研讨的5个主要话题——同行评议、经济利益冲突、临床试验注册、国际报告规范、数据共享,介绍并总结了国际期刊科学出版理念的更迭。通过此会议综述,介绍国际编辑新的理念和方法,拓宽编辑视野,为国内期刊出版工作提供启迪与思路。  相似文献   

结合《国际肿瘤学杂志》编辑部编辑信息能力的现状,阐述了医学期刊编辑的信息搜集获取能力、信息评价分析能力、信息加工处理能力、信息利用拓展能力、信息传播交流能力及其在该刊编辑部的具体实施。  相似文献   

齐烨  李娜 《出版与印刷》2021,31(3):78-84
文章选取国内外30种高影响力生物医学期刊作为研究对象,对其稿约中临床试验的五类伦理审查条目进行审核和分析。调查发现,10种国外期刊全部完整提及伦理学方面各项要求;10种被SCI收录的国内期刊(英文),2种未完整提及伦理学方面各项要求;10种国内中文核心期刊,仅1种完整提及伦理学方面各项要求。研究指出国内中文生物医学期刊对稿约伦理审查要求相对较低,提出应通过注重把控研究关口、加强伦理规范和准则的宣传与使用、强调对临床试验研究的伦理要求、提升研究者伦理意识等途径,推动我国生物医学期刊伦理审查的规范化建设。  相似文献   

雷雁林  姚远 《编辑学报》2010,22(5):395-396
以《地学杂志》为例,探究清末民初科技期刊的注册过程以及在注册中获得的优惠条件,以期从一个侧面反映清末民初科技期刊的生存状况。  相似文献   

229 Chinese‐language biomedical journals from A Guide to The Core Journals of China were investigated for their guidance on 14 ethical issues. The issues of authorship, duplicate submission, privacy and confidentiality, and integrity of the data were mentioned in more than 50% of the journals. Except for the issues of authorship and protection of animals in research, significant differences were found between Chinese Medical Association Publishing House (CMAPH) journals (n = 67) and non‐CMAPH journals (n = 162) (P < 0.05). 66 of the 229 journals did not update their instructions for authors regularly. 196 journal instructions listed authorship criteria, while the other 33 did not. Clinical trial registration policy was required by 26 (11.3%) journals, among which the CONSORT statement for randomized trials was required by 23, and only one journal guided the authors to work in line with the EQUATOR Network. The study concludes that the situation of publishing ethics in the instructions for authors of Chinese biomedical journals is not favorable, and that Chinese biomedical editors should learn more about publishing ethics in order to reduce opportunities for publication problems.  相似文献   

高校合并对图书馆管理工作所产生的影响是非常深刻的,就期刊管理工作而言,大致存在“访”与“采”的集中与分散、补缺的分工与协调、分类与编目的统一、登到的集中与分散、排架的一体化等5大深层次问题。  相似文献   

归纳6种国内外神经医学期刊论著英文摘要写作结构和内容特点。结果显示:国内期刊论著均采用4项结构式摘要,而国外临床类期刊《Ann Neurol》采用结构式摘要,基础类期刊《NatNeurosci》、综合类期刊《Brain》采用非结构式摘要;与同类型国外期刊比较,国内期刊英文摘要存在篇幅较长,目的与题名、方法与结果内容重复,结论中缺乏研究意义的描述,各部分内容的表达不连贯等问题;国外期刊比较重视背景、结果和研究意义的描述。认为国内期刊可以学习国外期刊摘要形式和内容结构的多样性,加强背景及研究意义的阐述,以增强可读性和吸引力。  相似文献   

Clinical medical journals have not been effective in meeting the information needs of practitioners and bridging the gap between clinical research and practice. The slow adoption of results of clinical research is at least partly due to the failure of clinical journals to disseminate information in a way that would motivate practitioners to change practice. Although implementation is primarily a local process, medical journals are in a unique position to advance implementation by modifying their focus and adjusting their contents. Strategies that may be useful include publication of pre‐appraised evidence summaries and ‘clinical bottom‐lines’ and giving importance to systematic reviews and large evaluative research articles as they represent higher levels of evidence and have greater potential to change practice. Clinical journals should encourage researchers to consider how and by whom the findings will be used and provide information on implications for implementation such as possible strategies that may work, cost‐effectiveness, side‐effects and potential barriers to implementation. Medical journal publishers should explore ways to cooperate so that findings of landmark clinical trials could be shared thus reducing the ‘scatter’ of medical information. Electronic media offers numerous advantages such as quick accessibility and linking of information, and medical journals should capitalize on such innovations. There is a paradigm shift in health care practice as evidence is consciously and explicitly incorporated into individual patient care. Medical journals need to change to reflect this change in practice and provide practitioners with valid and relevant information.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether a Hungarian language journal of clinical neuroscience, which is not indexed in medline , contains any reports of randomized or quasi‐randomized clinical trials that are not also reported in medline ‐indexed publications. A cover‐to‐cover handsearch was performed of the journal Clinical Neuroscience/Ideggyógyászati Szemle, the official journal of Hungarian societies of neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and related clinical neurosciences, from its first volume in 1950 to the end of 1998; and a search of medline for other reports of the trials identified. Clinical trials in which patients were allocated to interventions by randomized, quasi‐randomized or possibly randomized means were identified. Controlled trials were tabulated and coded as randomized controlled trials or controlled clinical trials according to the definitions of the Handsearch Manual of the Cochrane Collaboration. We identified three randomized and eight quasi‐randomized trials. Six of the 11 trials were not reported in medline indexed publications. In conclusion, to obtain a comprehensive controlled trials register, specialized healthcare journals printed in small numbers in the national languages of small countries should be searched.  相似文献   

在系统综述数字出版的概念和特点、兴起和发展、数字出版相关技术的基础上,分析国内外科技期刊数字出版的盈利模式。针对我国科技期刊数字出版现状及面临的挑战,提出了应对数字出版的4项措施,包括促进科技期刊出版业的整合、创新期刊数字出版盈利模式、重视并掌握"信息网络传播权"、建立科技期刊数字资源登记系统,以探索未来科技期刊数字出版的发展方向和思路,从而加快我国科技期刊数字化发展的步伐。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to determine the proportion of abstracts in pharmacy journals that are prepared according to the CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) criteria for abstracts. Certain abstracts for randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) indexed in PubMed were eligible for inclusion, with the primary endpoint being median overall compliance to CONSORT recommendations for abstracts. A total of 63 RCT abstracts were included in the analysis, with only 56% of the recommended CONSORT items represented in the sample. It is recommended that pharmacy journals encourage authors to follow CONSORT recommendations for abstracts when submitting RCTs for publication.  相似文献   

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