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《诗经·月出》开创了我国古代诗歌以月为意象来喻美人、寄情思的传统,在诗歌史上有着极为重要的价值,对后世的“月”意象的丰富与深化有着开拓意义,从而使古代诗歌中的“月”意象有着不同的审美内涵。  相似文献   

刘凤辰 《阅读与鉴赏》2009,(4):28-28,23
在中国古代诗歌中.诗人一般借意象来表现自我,诗人作为主体,往往与意象这个客体合而为一。常用一些特定的事物来表达主题思想及感情.这些事物在漫长的历史进程中诗人赋予了某种特定的内涵,以意象传情达意。  相似文献   

从古至今,文人墨客在写诗作词时都喜欢运用各种意象来寄托自己的情感,其中,"月"意象是诗人词人都非常钟爱的一种,被古今文人赋予了深刻的内涵。清代词人项鸿祚以写愁言恨著称,他的词集《忆云词》里运用了大量的"月"意象,这些"月"意象无不有着丰富而又深刻的意蕴。  相似文献   

唐宋诗词中的云水意象浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"意象"是诗歌的审美范畴,有"象"的具体可感性,有想象力所形成的一种超越于物的形象化显现,它要表现的是一种内心的东西,是对"意"的主观创造性的表现.本文以唐宋诗词中的云水意象为例,论析蕴含于其中的审美特质和禅悟内涵.文章指出,云水意象在唐宋诗词中具有独特的审美特质,蕴含和表现着离愁别绪和闲淡野趣.文章还从禅宗哲学的角度.揭示云水意象所蕴含的深层禅悟内涵,指出云水意象体现了空灵无住、水月相忘的禅悟境界.  相似文献   

张若虚在继承前人的基础上,又创造性地赋予月意象丰富的内涵,把月意象发挥得淋漓尽致,《春江花月夜》从自然之月、哲理之月和情感之月三方面使月意象的内涵得到了全面的丰富与升华。  相似文献   

意象就是融入了诗人思想感情的某种形象,它的终极作用是承载诗人的思想感情。在浩如烟海的中国古典诗歌中,以明月为意象的诗词比比皆是。明月意象积淀着很深的文化内涵,并深深地植根于民族的深层文化心理之中。作为原型意象,它成为中华民族的一种无意识的极富象征意义的具象。其思想内涵概括起来,有以下几点:1.象征女性的阴柔、恬静、美丽和纯洁在中国传统文化中,人们总是有意无意地利用明月意象来构架他们的作品,在诗人们看来,以月喻女性发髻、皮肤、眉黛及其阴柔恬静、多情善良的性格,从而塑造出女性光艳美丽的动人形象,是再美不过的了《…  相似文献   

月意象在李白、苏轼二人笔下是个十分突出的意象类群,二人笔下的月意象在审美内涵上有着明显的差异。审美境界方面,李白和苏轼笔下的月意象,一个清逸仙境,一个清空禅境;审美功能方面,李白主要是壮大自我之情怀,苏轼主要是透悟历史与人生;审美特性方面,李白笔下的月意象集中体现为情重于思和超凌现实,苏轼笔下的月意象则集中体现为思重于情和出入现实。  相似文献   

以嵇康四言诗审美意象的表现特征——象征性作为分析和阐释嵇康四言诗象征艺术问题的逻辑出发点。对此论题,我们可分二层来理解:其一是从观念层面谈嵇康四言诗审美意象的象征内涵,其二是从艺术层面谈嵇康四言诗的象征意象。在此基础上,我们认为在文人四言诗发展史上真正成熟的象征艺术始于也终于嵇康。  相似文献   

《北方》是艾青一首内涵很丰富的抒情诗,诗作通过对意象的描绘来表达诗人的主观情感。诗人对人民遭受的苦难的同情,对战胜苦难的精神和力量的赞美和讴歌,在诗中得到了独特的表达。文章以中国古代和现代及西方文艺界对"意象"的理解为切入角度,对作品从三个方面进行了分析。首先,诗作通过具象来表达抽象,从而使得作品感情的表达更加充分和具体感性;其次,作品运用了形象体系中不同的意象作为载体营造独特意境;最后,诗人运用独创的艺术形式,使得意象的表现独具特色。  相似文献   

薛晓燕 《考试周刊》2010,(56):33-33
中国文学的艺术特征是以意象表现为基础的。掌握意象的概念,学习通过把握意象的外部特征而领悟其深层内涵.应用适当的联想和想象再现意象群所营造的意境,是阅读中国古典文学的有效途径。  相似文献   

李白《静夜思》中对月的描写构成人、月关系的广阔空间 ,从而表现了诗人精神寻求的心路历程  相似文献   

侗族《救月亮》及汉族《后羿射日》、《嫦娥奔月》、《吴刚伐桂》同为日月神话。试图从主人公设置、道具与主题、人物形象流变与语言三个方面,对侗族《救月亮》及汉族《后羿射日》、《嫦娥奔月》、《吴刚伐桂》等日月神话进行比较,以探究华夏民族心理特征的异同及其形成之原因。表达了这样一种观点汉族“日神文化”和侗族“月亮文化”传统,正是其原初生命感觉在古老神话中的折射,并进而影响民族性格的形成与发展。  相似文献   

李商隐秉承了先前诗歌中嫦娥形象的抒写,并进一步发展为嫦娥意象群落,赋予它以独特而丰富的多重意蕴。在其笔下,嫦娥既是幽寂高洁的月宫仙子,又是哀怨多情的道家女冠,更寄寓着诗人孑然兀立而不甘从俗的高怀远志。  相似文献   

This study focused on the conceptual understandings held by 78 preservice elementary teachers about moon phases, before and after instruction. Participants in the physics groups received instruction on moon phases in an inquiry‐based physics course; participants in the methods group received no instruction on moon phases. The instructive effect of two different types of preinstruction interviews also was compared. The instruction on moon phases used in the study is from Physics by Inquiry by Lillian McDermott. In the study, the method of inquiry followed a qualitative design, involving classroom observations, document analysis, and structured interviews. Inductive data analysis identified patterns and themes in the participants' conceptual understanding. Results indicate that without the instruction, most preservice teachers were likely to hold alternative conceptions on the cause of moon phases. Participants who had the instruction were much more likely to hold a scientific understanding after instruction. The instruction appears to be more effective in promoting a scientific understanding of moon phases than instruction previously reported in the literature. It also appears that using a three‐dimensional model or making two‐dimensional drawings during the preinstruction interviews does not have instructive value. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 633–658, 2002  相似文献   

自古以来,月亮意象深受诗人们青睐,在英汉古典诗歌中占据重要地位。中西方咏月诗和一些含有月亮意象的诗行不胜枚举。通过对几首英汉古典咏月诗中月亮意象的解析,以求能更好地欣赏咏月诗歌,解释诗人们的恋月情结,以及中西方诗人在自然观上的不同之处。  相似文献   

长安眼中的月亮是缺月 ,实际上长安和缺月是一体的 ,长安是缺月 ,缺月即长安的象征。长安觉得自己牺牲的目的是为了母亲 ,可一旦牺牲的价值等于零时 ,牺牲就成为无味的、模糊的。从而渲染了长安的悲哀与凄凉。  相似文献   

李白和杜甫都写有大量的咏月诗,二人的咏月诗有同有异,其同,月亮意象都承载着诗人对国家命运的关切之情,对社会现实的忧愤之情,以及对家乡亲人的思念之情;其异,对于李白,月亮是诗人主体精神的象征,对于杜甫,月亮是其审美观照的对象性存在。咏月诗从一个特殊视角,展示了两位伟大诗人不同的性格特征和诗歌风格。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of non-traditional guided inquiry instruction on middle school students’ conceptual understandings of lunar concepts. Multiple data sources were used to describe participants’ conceptions of lunar phases and their cause, including drawings, interviews, and a lunar shapes card sort. The data were analyzed via a constant comparative method to produce profiles of each participant’s conceptual understandings and nonparametric tests also were used. Results revealed very positive performance for observable moon phases and patterns of change, as well as the cause of moon phases. Results indicated that significantly more participants shifted from drawing nonscientific shapes on the pretest to drawing scientific shapes on the post-test. Results for the drawings of moon phase sequences were similar in that significantly more participants shifted from drawing alternative waxing and waning sequences on the pretest to drawing scientific sequences on the post-test. Also, significantly more participants shifted from alternative understanding of the cause of the moon phases on the pretest to scientific understanding on the post-test. Implications of these findings and recommendations for further research are provided.  相似文献   

Fourth‐grade students’ knowledge of observable moon phases and patterns of change, as well as conceptual understanding of the cause of moon phases, was investigated before and after special instruction. Pretest and post‐test data for 48 students were used to address the research question related to observable moon phases and patterns of change. Interviews were conducted with 10 students on a post‐only basis to provide data on understanding the cause of moon phases. The researchers used the constant comparative method to analyse data. Pretest results indicate these students had not met the expectations expressed in the U.S. Science Education Standards for lunar concepts. Post‐test results reveal a very positive performance on observable moon phases and patterns of change, as well as the cause of moon phases. Interpretation and implications of these findings are provided.  相似文献   

李白笔下的明月有各种各样的名称,他望月、咏月、醉月,寄情明月,明月可以表达他成功的喜悦,也可以寄寓他失意的慨叹,明月是友情的象征,明月是他心灵自由的故乡,明月更是他审美的对象。  相似文献   

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