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在本文中,研究了非齐次线性微分方程f^(k) αk-1f^(k 1) … α0f=Fk≥2的解的复振荡。  相似文献   

利用NevanLinna的亚纯函数的值分布理论,研究了超越亚纯函数微分多项式的值分布理论,取得以下主要结果:若f(z)是复平面上超越严亚纯函数,m、n和k都是正整数,且n≥2,Qj[f](j=1,2…,m)为f(z)的微分单项式,Q[f]=sum from j=1 to m ()aj(z)Qj[f]为f(z)的拟微分多项式,aj(z)是f(z)的小函数,令F(z)=Q[f](f(k)(z))n-c,则T(T,f(k)≤k+1/n(k=1)/(R,1/Q[F]+(r,1/F)+S(r,f))  相似文献   

2007年全国高中数学联赛加试第三题: 设集合P={1,2,3,4,5}.对任意k∈P和正整数m,记f(m,k)=∑5i=1[m√k 1/i 1],其中[a]表示不大于a的最大整数,求证:对任意正整数n,存在k∈P和正整数m,使得f(m,k)=n.  相似文献   

第28届奥林匹克数学竞赛第二有这样一道题: 求证;不存在这样一个函数试fN_0→N_0,N_0={0,1,2,3,…n,…},使得对于任何n∈N_0,有f(f(n))=n 1798, 证明,假设存在这样的函数f,记n_1=f(i),则A_1={i,n_1,i 1987,n 1987,i 1987×2,n_1 1987×2,…),显然,且n_1∈A_1(i=0,1,2,…,1986)。于是,对每一个固定的i(i∈N_0,i≤1986),存在一个k(k∈N_0,k≤1986,k≠i),使得n_i∈A_k。 若n_i=n_k 1687×m(m∈N_0),则f(u_k 1987×m)=f(n_i)=i 1987,与f(n_i 1987×m)k 1987×(m 1)矛盾。 若上_n_i=k 1987×m(m∈N_0,m≥2),则f(k 1987×m)=f(n_i)=i 1987,与f(k 1987×m)=n_k 1987×m矛盾。 故n_i=k或k 1987,若n_i=k,则n_k=f(k)=f(n_i)=i 1987,即n_k∈A_i;若n_i=k 1987,则i 1987=f(n_i)=f(k 1987)=n_k 1987,即n_k=i,从而n_k∈A,,因此,若n_i∈A_k,则必有n_k∈A_i。  相似文献   

1 Introduction When librating with small amplitude, the discrete linearization freedom vibration equation of a structure is [1]: [m ] {x } [k ]{ x } = {0 } (1) The relevant vibration characteristic question is ([ k ] ? p 2[ m] ){φ } = {0} (2) where [m]…  相似文献   

证明多项式 f(x)=1/7x~7+1/5x~51/3x~3+34/105x当x取任何整数时,总是得整数。[证]当x=0时是对的,因为f(0)=0。假定当x=k(某一正整数)时,f(k)是整数,那末 f(k+1)=1/7(k+1)~7+1/5(k+1)~5+1/3(k+1)~3  相似文献   

文[1]在文[2]对不等式“若xi〉0,i=1,2,3,且∑i=1^3 xi=1,则1/1+x1^2+1/1+x2^2+1/1+x3^2≤27/10”给出的初等证明进行探究的基础上,得出如下结论:在xi〉0,i=1,2,3……且∑i=1^n xi=m的条件下,欲证不等式∑i=1^ng(xi)≤k(≥k)成立。只需构造函数f(x)=g(x)=(ax+b)且使f(m/n)=0.  相似文献   

1 问题陈述 问题1 设f(x)=a.x^2+bx+C(a≠0)在区间[m,n](m〈n)上绝对值不超过k,求|a|+|b|+|c|的最大值.  相似文献   

1.引言和主要结果本文采用Nevanlinna理论的标准记号N(r,f),m(r,f),T(r,f),S(r,f)等(参见[1]、[2])。为方便计,我们定义E(a,f):={(z,k)|f(z)-a=0,且重数k≥1},袁文俊及方明亮[4]证明了下述两个结合不动点的唯一性定理。定理A:设P(Z)=Z~6(Z-1),f(Z)和g(Z)是任两个超越整函数,若E(0,P(f)-Z)=E(0,P(g)-Z),则f(Z)=g(Z)。定理B:设P(z)=Z~(11)(Z-1)~2,f(Z)和g(Z)是任意两个超越亚纳函数。若E(0,P(f)-Z)=E(0,P(g)-z,则f(Z)=g(Z)。本文将其…  相似文献   

[定理1] 设函数f(x)(x∈R)以w为最小正周期,它的图象有对称轴x=c,则存在实数a、b∈(0,w],a≠b,使得x=a,x=b也是它的图象的对称轴。证:对实数c和正数w,总可以找到一个整数k,使得kw<0≤(k 1)w,令a=-kw c,则有a∈(0,w]。∵x=c是对称轴,∴对任意x∈R,有f(c x)≡f(c-x),又w是周期,∴f(kw x)≡f(x)(k∈Z)。从而对任意x∈R,f(a x)=f(-kw c x)=f(c x)=f(c-x)=f(kw a-x)=f(a-x)。  相似文献   

We studied the normality conditions in families of meromorphic functions, improved the results of Fang and Zalcman [Fang ML, Zalcman L, Normal families and shared values of meromorphic functions, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 2001, 1 (1): 289-299], and generalized two new normality criterions. Let F be a family of meromorphic functions in a domain D, a a non-zero finite complex number, B a positive real number, and k and m two positive integers satisfying m>2k 4. If every function denoted by f belonging to F has only zeros with multiplicity at least k and satisfies f m(z)f (k)(z)=a??f (k)(z)?≤B or f m(z)f (k)(z)=a??f (z)?≥B, then F is normal in D.  相似文献   

设(F)为定义在区域D内的一族亚纯函数,a(z)和b(z)为两个在D满足a(z)≠b(z)和a(z)≠b(k)(z)以及a(z)(≠)a'(z)的全纯函数,若对于任意的f∈(F),f(z)-a(z)的零点重级至少是k,f(z)和f(k)(z)分担a(z),且当f(z)=b(z)时,f(k)(z)=b(z),那么(F)在...  相似文献   

刘克笑 《安康学院学报》2010,22(5):94-96,99
研究全纯函数与其微分多项式分担函数,得到了如下的正规定则:设F是区域D内的全纯函数族,k是一正整数,h1(z),h2(z)在区域D内的解析,满足|h1(z)|2+|h2(z)|2≠0。若f∈F,f的零点重级至少为k,且f(z)=0|f(k)(z)|≤M(常数M〉0),(z)=αi(z)L(Z)=αi(z),i=1,2,其中L(z)=f∞(z)+α1(z)f(k-1)(z)+…+αk(z)f(z)为f的微分多项式,αi(z)(i=1,2,…,k,k≥1)在D内解析,那么F在D内正规。  相似文献   

The uniqueness of meromorphic fuctions sharing one value was studied. Using the concept of weighted sharing, we proved the following theorem. For two meromorphic functions f and g which are not polynominals of degree less than a positive integer k, if f nf (k) and g ng (k) share (1,2), where n is another positive integer not less than k 10, then f nf (k) identically equals g ng (k) or f nf (k)g ng (k) identically equals 1. Particularly for k =1, we improved the results of Yang [Yang CC, Hua XH, Uniqueness and value-sharing of meromorphic functions, Annales Academi? Scientiarum Fennic? Mathematica, 1997, 22: 395-406], and Fang [Fang ML, Hua XH, Entire function that share one value, Journal of Nanjing University, 1996, 13(1): 44-48. (In Chinese)].  相似文献   

利用Pang-Zalcman方法研究全纯函数微分多项式不取例外函数,得到了如下的正规定则:设■是区域D内的全纯函数族,对于任意的f∈■,f的零点重级至少是k+1,且满足L(z)≠z,其中L(z)=f(k)(z)+a1(z)f(k-1)(z)+…+ak(z)f(z)为f的微分多项式,ai(z)(i=1,2,…,k,k≥1)在D内解析,那么■在D内正规.  相似文献   

设(X,d)是紧致度量空间,f:X→X是连续映射,(X)为X的所有非空紧致子集赋予由d诱导的Hausdorff度量而得到的空间,由f诱导的集值映射:k(X)→k(X)定义为(A)={f(a):a∈A}。主要考虑(X,f)的极限点集与(k(X),)的极限点集之间的关系,得到了如下结果:若F是的w-极限点,则F中含有的w-极限点;W()是闭集蕴含W(f)是闭集,它的逆不一定成立;在We拓扑下,若F∈k(X)含有f的w-极限点,则F本身是_f_的一个w-极限点;在W e拓扑下有W(f)是闭集蕴含W()是闭集。  相似文献   

The uniqueness problem of entire functions concerning weighted sharing was discussed, and the following theorem was proved. Let f and 8 be two non-constant entire functions, m, n and k three positive integers, and n〉2k+4. If Em(1,(f^n)^(k))= Em(1,(g^n)^(k)), then either f(z)=c1c^cz and 8(z)= c2c^cz or f=ts, where c, c1 and c2 are three constants satisfying (-1)^k(c1c2)^n(nc)^2k=], and t is a constant satisfying t^n=1. The theorem generalizes the result of Fang [Fang ML, Uniqueness and value sharing of entire functions, Computer & Mathematics with Applications, 2002, 44: 823-831].  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION A variety of desirable criteria for functions have been identified: balancedness, local and global ava-lanche characteristics, high nonlinearity, etc. These properties are also very important for cryptographic purpose. Obtaining optimal tradeoffs among so many properties is hard. If we take into account more crite-ria, it is more difficult to generate Boolean functions satisfying those properties purely by constructive algebraic methods. How to construct Boolean func-tions …  相似文献   

二本全国优秀教材[1][2]在论述公式∫k·f(x)dx=k·∫f(x)dx时,对实数k有不同的要求,一本书中要求k≠0,另一本书则未要求k≠0,哪一个更准确?可借代数学中商代数的理论给出解释。  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 Let X as a compact metric space with the metric d and f :X → Xas a continuous map. For every nonnegative integer n , define f ninductively by f n = f ? f n?1, with f 0as the identity map on X . If there is a positive integer n such that f n( x )= x, the point x of X is called the periodic point of f and the least n is called the periodic point of x . A periodic point is called a fixed point. Denote the fixed points set and the periodic points set of f respectively by F ( f…  相似文献   

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