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目的:探讨高考生自尊、考试焦虑及应对方式间的关系。方法:采用Rosenberg自尊量表、考试焦虑量表和简易应对方式问卷,对高考生进行测查。结果:(1)高考生考试焦虑与自尊、积极应对方式显著负相关,与消极应对方式显著正相关,自尊与积极应对方式显著正相关,与消极应对方式显著负相关;(2)自尊、应对方式对考试焦虑的回归显著,共可解释考试焦虑22.7%的变异;(3)自尊是应对方式和考试焦虑间的中介变量。结论:自尊、应对方式能够有效预测高考生的考试焦虑。  相似文献   

目的:探究大学生同伴依恋与冒险行为的关系,考察自尊的中介作用。方法:采用亲密关系经历量表、自尊量表以及青少年冒险行为量表对283名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)同伴依恋、依恋回避、依恋焦虑与冒险行为均存在显著正相关;同伴依恋、依恋回避、依恋焦虑与自尊皆显著负相关;自尊与冒险行为显著负相关;(2)自尊在同伴依恋与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用;自尊在依恋回避与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用,并在依恋焦虑与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

采用Aitken拖延问卷(API)、简易应对方式量表(SCSQ)、自尊量表(SES)对大学生进行问卷调查,研究了大学生应对方式(积极和消极)、自尊、拖延行为的关系,以及自尊的中介效应.结果显示:大学生的拖延行为与积极应对、自尊呈显著负相关,而与消极应对呈显著正相关;大学生的自尊水平与积极、消极应对两两相关都显著.大学生的消极应对能直接显著地正向预测拖延,而积极应对、自尊水平则能显著地负向预测.自尊水平在大学生的积极、消极的应对策略与其拖延行为之间起部分中介作用.研究表明:应对方式(积极和消极)既能直接预测大学生群体的拖延,也能通过自尊的中介变量作用间接影响拖延.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生自尊、乐观人格特质与应对方式的关系。方法:采用自尊量表、气质性乐观问卷与简易应对方式问卷对某高校大学生进行了问卷调查。结果:积极应对与自尊、乐观人格特质显著正相关;消极应对与自尊、乐观人格特质显著负相关;自尊与乐观人格特质显著正相关;乐观人格特质是大学生自尊与应对方式关系间的完全中介变量。结论:乐观人格特质是大学生自尊与应对方式关系间的完全中介变量。  相似文献   

为考察新冠疫情背景下大学生心理韧性与焦虑的关系,以及应对方式在其中的作用,使用心理韧性量表(CD-RISC)、广泛性焦虑量表(GAD-7)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)采取问卷星线上的方式共得到1198份有效问卷。结果发现:1198份数据中无焦虑症状762人(63.6%),轻度焦虑398人(33.2%),中度焦虑30人(2.5%),重度焦虑8人(0.7%);女生在焦虑上的得分显著高于男生,学历、年级和居住地在焦虑上的得分并无显著性差异;大学生心理韧性及其各维度与焦虑存在显著水平的负相关,心理韧性及其各维度和积极应对方式呈显著正相关,和消极应对方式呈显著负相关,积极的应对方式与焦虑呈显著负相关,而消极的应对方式与焦虑呈显著正相关;大学生的积极应对方式和消极应对方式在心理韧性对焦虑的影响中具有完全中介作用。因此新冠疫情背景下,大学生心理韧性是通过积极应对方式和消极应对方式间接影响其焦虑水平。  相似文献   

文章旨在分析社会支持和网络自我控制在未来时间洞察力与大学生网络成瘾间的中介作用。采用随机取样法对黑龙江四所高校的531名大学生进行问卷调查。使用的问卷包括一般未来时间洞察力量表、大学生网络使用自我控制量表、领悟社会支持量表和网络成瘾诊断问卷。相关分析结果表明,未来时间洞察力与社会支持和网络自我控制呈显著正相关、与网络成瘾呈显著负相关,社会支持和网络自我控制分别与网络成瘾呈显著负相关;多重中介分析结果表明,社会支持和网络自我控制分别在未来时间洞察力与网络成瘾关系间起中介作用。未来时间洞察力不仅可以直接影响大学生网络成瘾,还可以通过社会支持和网络自我控制间接影响。  相似文献   

以500名在校大学生为研究对象,采用社会支持评定量表、应对方式问卷和总体幸福感量表进行问卷调查,探讨大学生社会支持、应对方式与主观幸福感的关系,并检验应对方式的中介效应.结果显示:(1)社会支持在性别、年级差异上均无统计学意义;应对各因子性别差异无统计学意义,解决问题、自责、幻想、退避四个应对因子存在显著年级差异;主观幸福感得分男生显著高于女生,并存在显著年级差异.(2)社会支持与主观幸福感呈显著正相关;解决问题、求助两个应对因子与主观幸福感呈显著正相关,自责、幻想、退避、合理化四个应对因子与主观幸福感呈显著负相关.(3)社会支持对主观幸福感有明显的直接效应(β=0.289,P0.001),而且应对方式中介效应也显著(β=0.197,β=-0.366,P0.001),其中成熟应对方式中介效应占总效应的29.7%,不成熟应对方式中介效应占总效应的18.9%.  相似文献   

目的:研究大学生的焦虑水平与自尊、应付方式间的关系。方法:用状态-特质焦虑问卷、自尊量表和应付方式问卷测查340名大学生,用SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。结果:(1)不同性别、不同年级、是否独生子女、不同生源地大学生的状态焦虑、特质焦虑没有显著差异。不同专业类型大学生的状态焦虑和特质焦虑差异显著,理工类学生高于文科类。(2)大学生的状态焦虑、特质焦虑和自尊水平负相关显著。(3)大学生焦虑状况与自责、幻想、逃避和合理化4个应付因子正相关显著,与问题解决、求助2个应付因子负相关显著。(4)解决问题对状态焦虑具有负向的预测作用,自尊、自责对状态焦虑有正向的预测作用。自尊和自责对特质焦虑有正向预测作用,解决问题对特质焦虑有负向预测作用,焦虑水平高的大学生倾向于使用消极性应付方式。结论:大学生的焦虑水平与自尊、应付方式相关显著。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生学业情绪与学习投入之间的关系,以及学业自我效能感在其中的中介作用,采用学习投入量表(UWES-S)、大学生学业情绪量表和学业自我效能感量表对1030名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)大学生学习投入普遍处于中等水平;(2)学习投入与积极活动定向学业情绪、积极结果定向学业情绪、消极结果定向学业情绪以及学业自我效能感均呈显著正相关,与消极活动定向学业情绪呈显著负相关。(3)学业自我效能感在积极活动定向学业情绪、积极结果定向学业情绪、消极活动定向学业情绪与学习投入之间起部分中介作用,在消极结果定向学业情绪与学习投入之间不存在中介作用。  相似文献   

为了研究童年期心理虐待对大学生社交焦虑的影响和作用机制,探讨自尊在两者之间的中介作用以及心理弹性的调节作用,本研究采用童年期心理虐待量表、自尊量表、心理弹性量表和交往焦虑量表对496名大学生进行调查。结果显示:童年期心理虐待与社交焦虑显著正相关,与自尊和心理弹性显著负相关;自尊与社交焦虑显著负相关,与心理弹性显著正相关;在童年期心理虐待与大学生社交焦虑之间,自尊起部分中介作用,中介效应值为0.07,占总效应的32.32%;童年期心理虐待对自尊的影响受到心理弹性的调节。研究表明,童年期心理虐待不仅直接影响大学生社交焦虑,还通过自尊间接影响大学生社交焦虑。提高心理弹性可以有效避免由童年期心理虐待引发的低自尊,从而预防大学生社交焦虑的产生。  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the construct validity of the McCarthy Scales for 7-year-old Spanish children, using factorial analysis. Based on a sample of 128 children with a mean General Cognitive Index of 104 (SD = 15.37), five factors were generated by principal component analysis, and one factor by principal factor analysis. An analysis of congruence between the factorial matrices of 7- and 4-year old children was performed. The degree of similarity of factors between sample was determined by means of a technique of factorial invariance using Tucker's coefficient of congruence. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine factors that affect the difficulty of verbal analogies in a psychometric exam. Two types of attributes were derived from theoretical cognitive models: (a) knowledge attributes, which were defined by word rarity and the degree to which the relation between the words was intensional, and (b) process attributes, which were defined by the existence of a negative component in the relation between the words, the order of the words, and the extent to which the relations were direct. A total of 104 analogies were characterized using these 5 attributes. Both knowledge and process attributes were found to contribute to the difficulty of verbal analogies.  相似文献   

In a comparison between the Cornerstones approach--a literature-based, technology-infused literacy project--and an instructional method designated the Typical approach, a mixed-method design was used to answer three research questions: (a) Will children who are deaf or hard of hearing demonstrate differences in beginning reading skills as measured by three outcome variables: Identification of Words in Print (or Word Identification), Word Knowledge, and Story Comprehension? (b) Are there carryover effects from the Cornerstones approach to the use of the Typical approach in subsequent experiments? (c) What is the feasibility of using the Cornerstones approach for literacy instruction? There were significant differences between the Typical and Cornerstones approaches in Word Identification and Story Comprehension in Experiments 1 and 2, though none in Word Knowledge or Story Comprehension in Experiment 3. Teacher feedback provided some evidence for the feasibility of using Cornerstones in the classroom.  相似文献   

In three experiments, junior high school students learned the numerical order of 14 U.S. presidents according to either a complex mnemonic strategy or their own techniques. Reliable performancepattern differences between the two groups were detected, both in the presence and absence of overall level-of-recall differences. Chief among the pattern differences were the classic serial-position profiles produced by control subjects, but not by those using mnemonic strategies, and the slower response times (suggesting a more complex retrieval process) of subjects using mnemonic strategies.  相似文献   

This project explores conceptual continuity as a framework for understanding students’ native ways of understanding and describing. Conceptual continuity suggests that the relationship between the use of words in one genre and the scientific genre can exist at varying levels of association. This perspective can reveal the varied relationships between ideas explained in everyday or vernacular genres and their association to scientific explanations. We conducted a 2-year study involving 15 high school baseball players’ understanding of the physics involved in baseball. First, we conducted a quantitative assessment of their science understanding by administering a test prior to season one (2006) and season two (2007). Second, we examined the types of linguistic resources students used to explain their understanding. Third, we revisited our data by using conceptual continuity to identify similarities between students’ conceptual understanding in the informal contexts and their similarities to canonical scientific ideas. The results indicated students’ performance on the multiple-choice questions suggested no significant improvement. The qualitative analyses revealed that students were able to accurately explain different components of the idea by using a diversity of scientific and non-scientific genres. These results call attention to the need to reconstruct our vision of science learning to include a more language sensitive approach to teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Explorations of relationships between Haidt’s Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ) and indices of moral decision-making assessed by the Defining Issues Test have been limited to correlational analyses. This study used Harm, Fairness, Ingroup, Authority and Purity to predict overall moral judgment and individual Defining Issues Test-2 (DIT-2) schema scores using responses from 222 undergraduates. Relationships were not confirmed between the separate foundations and the DIT-2 indices. Using the MFQ moral judgment items only, confirmatory factor analyses confirmed higher order constructs called Individualizing and Binding foundations. Structural models using these higher order factors fitted the data well, and findings indicated that the Binding foundations significantly positively predicted Maintaining Norms and negatively predicted both overall moral judgment (N2) and the Postconventional Schema. Neither Individualizing nor Binding foundations significantly predicted Personal Interest. While moral judgments assessed by DIT-2 may not be evoking the MFQ foundations, findings here suggest the MFQ may not be a suitable measure for capturing more advanced moral functioning.  相似文献   

利用SPSS软件分析变量间的相关性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过描述相关分析的研究意义、概念、分类以及利用SPSS软件进行变量间相关性分析的举例,说明了利用SPSS软件分析变量间的相关性,可以使我们了解事物之间的密切程度,并给事物之间的关系做出定性的分析。  相似文献   

The definitions of developmental dyslexia andtemporal processing are discussed and severalconstruals of what a temporal processingdeficit might entail are illustrated. Then,using a framework developed by Farmer & Klein(1995), the proposal that a temporal processingdeficit (in vision, audition, or both) might bethe root cause of some proportion of cases ofdevelopmental dyslexia is introduced andvarious research strategies for testing thisproposal are identified. The symposium paperswhich address this general question using arange of these strategies are then criticallyreviewed. It is noted that whereas reading isa recent artifact not yet subject to any directselection pressure, its normal performancerequires the use of, and connections between,the highly evolved modules for visual patternrecognition and language. Within vision andlanguage redundant coding, which permitsperformance in the face of injuries anddegraded input, also makes it difficult todetect subtle deficits (whether temporal, ornot) unless precise tests are used. Yet suchdeficits may degrade performance on tasks (suchas reading) which require the non-copiousconnections between vision and language. Theefficacy of this pathway, I suggest, ismeasured by performance on the rapidautomatized naming (RAN) test.  相似文献   

This study examined labor-productivity returns from investments in training in a manufacturing industry. The study was conducted using data from auto parts manufacturing firms in Taiwan. Data included two labor-productivity dependent variables (sales per worker and value added per worker), and two training-investment independent variables (total training costs, and direct costs of training). The relationship between each independent and dependent variable was analyzed using multiple regressions that controlled for 14 other independent variables that might affect the relationship between investment in training and labor productivity. Results showed a significant relationship between investments in training and labor productivity as measured by value added per worker, but not total sales per worker. Value added per worker was defined as the dollar value of products sold, minus the cost of materials in those products, divided by the number of workers. This study provides evidence that investments in training do yield significant and practical increases in labor productivity at the organizational level.  相似文献   

为了解高校心理健康状况的外招生情况,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对2008级2012名外招生进行调查,结果表明各项因子均值与全国常模比较,差异显著.对有阳性因子的846名外招生进行不同生源地、性别、专业比较,结果表明:在不同生源地比较中,焦虑、偏执、恐怖、精神病性因子差异显著,具体表现为在焦虑因子上,留学生与香港、澳门、台湾学生表现出显著差异;在恐怖因子上,留学生与澳门、台湾学生表现出显著差异;在精神病性因子上,香港与澳门学生表现出显著差异;不同生源地比较中,留学生与香港、澳门、台湾学生差异显著;不同性别比较中,男女学生在躯体化、偏执、焦虑因子差异显著,具体表现为女生在这几个因子上均值都显著高于男生;不同专业比较中,除强迫症状因子差异显著外,其余因子都无统计意义上差异,而在强迫症状因子中,文史哲与经管法学生差异显著.建议高校应该针对不同的外招生群体,采取相应的教育干预方式.  相似文献   

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