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儿童空间认知中参考框架的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类在认识客观世界时,主要有两种参考体系:以自身为参照系认识周围事物和以客观事物为参照系认识周围事物。本文以Levinson等人开创的动物排列实验(animals in a row test)范式为研究方法,对5~11岁儿童使用空间参考框架的发展趋势及影响因素进行研究。结果表明:无论在有界标还是在界标情境下,儿童使用空间参考框架都显示出由自我参考向客体参考发展的趋势。儿童在使用空间参考框架时,更易受界标的影响:在无界标的情境下,儿童倾向使用自我参考框架;在有界标的情境下,儿童倾向使用客体参考框架。  相似文献   

空间关系是人们对客观事物在空间中的位置、方向、运动状态等的能动认知的必然结果..当人们在识解事物之间的空间关系时,习惯于以一事物为参照点从而确定另一事物的空间方位。本文运用Levinson的空间参照理论及Talmy的图形背景理论探讨空间关系及其语言表达。Levinson采用三分法来分析空间参照框架.是一个非凡的创举。他认为空间参照框架可分为:内在参照框架、相对参照框架、绝对参照框架。此外,人们在运用语言表达空间关系时.总是把参照物视为背景,把目的物视为图形,并根据参照物来确定目的物的空间位置。  相似文献   

语言通过直接或者间接的方式促进儿童非语言技能的发展。当所属类别是抽象范畴时,语言对认知产生的影响更大。空间语言与空间认知之间究竟是谁引领了谁,还是这两者通过日常经验的相互作用同时发展,目前尚无定论。跨语言研究、空间语言线索和空间语言表达是研究空间语言和空间认知关系的三种主要范式,未来的研究应该进一步深化汉语儿童空间语言和空间认知关系的探讨。  相似文献   

由于种种障碍,多重障碍盲童的认知、表达、沟通等能力相对不足。通过制定实物日程表,用盲童能够感知和理解的实物、图片、符号等来代表生活中的常见事项,有助于多重障碍盲童更好地发展沟通和交流、理解和表达等能力,逐步提高学习、生活质量。  相似文献   

儿童认知能力的发展一直是早期教育中的重要问题之一。母语习得发生在儿童认知能力的早期发展阶段,是探究儿童认知能力发展的重要参考标准。词汇是儿童语言能力的重要组成部分,其中指示语反映了说话人对所述对象与自身关系的认知,即其空间认知机制。本文通过综述前人对空间指示语的研究,展现了空间指示语的研究现状,旨在基于空间指示语的使用,探究儿童心理空间构建情况。  相似文献   

陆建茹 《文教资料》2011,(18):37-38
时间和空间是运动着的物体存在的基本形式。但两者在人类认知和语言表达中的地位却是:乔平衡的。时间的表示主要是通过空间的隐喻来实现的。本文从认知的角度对比探讨了汉民族通过空间概念认知和建构时间的途径和方式问题。  相似文献   

作为人类最基本、最重要的认知范畴之一的空间范畴包括空间类型及空间关系两个方面.在英语认知系统中,空间具有一定的界限性,可具体化为平面性空间及立体性空间.空间关系主要体现为“前—后”及“左—右”方位关系,这一认知框架在英语表达中起积极作用.  相似文献   

指称功能是语言表达的一项基本功能。在认知语言学快速发展的今天,指称词语的研究得到了新的动力。本文以心理空间理论为依据,从认知角度对指称词语进行分析,指称对象是一种认知存在,指称词语是指称对象在人脑中活跃程度的标志,指称意义的获取与人类认知的心理空间息息相关。  相似文献   

本研究利用"棱柱形模式"证明了汉语和日语均存在"空间转喻→空间隐喻连续体";通过考察与空间场所有关的日语惯用语及其汉译,明确了日汉在空间转喻、空间隐喻上存在三种对应倾向,并进而指出"认知激活"和"规约性"是造成上述对应的根本动因。  相似文献   

评价理论将投射视作调控作者与假定读者之间对话空间的重要介入资源之一.通过考察介入性投射资源在语言学和金融学两种英文学术书评中的使用情况,笔者发现:在对话空间建构方面,两种书评不仅因语类上的相同而表现有共性倾向,而且因学科差异表现有个性特征.其中一种书评倾向于建构较为狭窄的对话空间,另一种书评倾向于建构相对宽松的对话空间.据此文章指出,学术语篇写作教学不仅要强调衔接连贯和语类结构的分析,而且要重视各种介入策略的配置和适宜对话空间的构建.  相似文献   

Children's use of frames of reference in communication of spatial location   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The frames of reference used by 4-, 6-, and 8-year-old children were studied in a spatial direction-giving task. Children were asked to specify verbally the location of a toy hidden under one of several identical cups. The child and listener sat facing each other at opposite ends of a room that had distinctive or nondistinctive landmarks proximal and distal to the hiding location. Location needed to be specified with respect to either the left-right dimension, the front-back dimension, or both. The results indicated that (1) although children's overall performance improved with age, communication about the left-right dimension was particularly difficult for 4-year-old children and showed a higher rate of improvement with age than communication about the front-back dimension; and (2) the frames of reference that children incorporated into their directions changed with age and differed for directions about the front-back and left-right dimensions. Both 4- and 6-year-old children used person references (themselves or the listener) to specify front-back relations, but only the 6-year-olds were able to compensate for their apparent difficulty in using the terms left and right by using landmarks to specify the left-right dimension. Eight-year-olds used a combination of person and landmark references in directions about both dimensions. Discrepancies between the frames of reference children used to communicate spatial location and those typically used in other spatial cognition tasks are discussed in terms of developmental and task constraints.  相似文献   

我国学习不良儿童社会性发展研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习不良是指个体的实际学业成就与根据其智力潜能期望达到的学业成绩之间的差异,这种差异达到一定标准时就是学习不良。我国对学习不良儿童社会性发展的研究主要从其社会认知、社会行为与相关因素三个方面来探讨学习不良儿童社会性发展的内在机制、特点及影响因素。本文总结了国内这方面的相关研究,以便理清思路,为今后的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Two prominent theories in evolutionary biology have stressed the role of social contexts in the evolution of primate cognition. One theory holds that cognition evolved in the context of individuals having to keep track of their interactions with a variety of conspecifics. In the other theory, cognition evolved in the contexts of familiar and close social relationships. In this paper, we present two experiments examining the effects of varied, familiar, and close social contacts on preschool children's literate language and story re-reading. We hypothesized, based on developmental evolutionary theory, that closeness, in the form of increased familiarity and friendship, would maximize children's expression of emotional terms, conflict/resolution cycles, collaborative responses, literate language, and story re-readings. In Study 1, children were exposed to one of two conditions. In the more familiar condition, initially unfamiliar children interacted with the same peer across four separate observations. In the less familiar, varied condition, a focal child interacted with a different unfamiliar peer on four separate occasions. Consistent with predictions, children in the more familiar condition increased their use of emotional terms and literate language and story re-reading with time. In Study 2, a familiar group (as defined in Study 1) was compared with children in bestfriend dyads. As predicted, friends outperformed familiar peers initially, but between-group differences decreased across time while children's performance in the familiar group increased across time. Results are discussed in terms of the role of familiarity in the evolution of cooperation and cognition.  相似文献   

动态空间主要指语言表达中焦点(F)的空间位移,常用位移动词、词缀、连动结构等表示。纳苏彝语的空间位移主要有表达人体空间、动物体空间,以及无生命物体的不同位移形式。纳苏彝语的不同位移,一是通过动词前加方向前缀构成,表示相对于说话者或地势来说行为所表示的是空间进行的方向。其次是连动结构表示位移,即在行为动词或位移动词后加方向动词“来”或“去”表示位移,表达空间位移的向心和离心。  相似文献   

语言理据研究中的几个理论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理据性和任意性都是语言的重要属性,一起构成"和而不同"的对立统一关系;理据论是理据性的理论升华,是人们借用心理学中的"动因"概念并从认知、功能、文化等角度来解释语言符号发生和发展的一种理论;语言表述是捕捉理据的唯一方式,离开语言表述,理据研究将成为空谈;理据(理据义)是每一个具体的语言符号的能指和所指结合在一起的动因,而理据性是对这种结合关系在性质上的描写与判断,二者形成具体与抽象的关系。  相似文献   

语境是针对语言表达与理解而言的,有解释功能和选择功能,可分为言辞语境和非言辞语境.语境参数公式可为分析语言表达式的涵义和指称提供较为方便的工具.认知语境中的认知模式是确定的,语言表达式在具体语境中的特定涵义是随语境而变的.格赖斯的合作原则说的是发话人和受话人的共有背景知识,斯珀波和威尔逊的认知语境是指人在认知语言意义过程中的语境.传统语境研究中所提语境并非都是静态语境,动态与静态需具体情况具体分析.文化语境也是语境因素.语境的形而上学表述会模糊其本来性质和特点.  相似文献   

儿童绘画具有二维的平面化特点,但这种二维是重叠的二维,即其形式虽是二维,但其内容却是超时空、多视点的,表现出一种带有强烈主观意见的多维性,反映了儿童对世界的独特认知与丰富感受,是儿童天马行空的想像与随心所欲的表现结果.通过对比正常普通绘画教学与依据幼儿绘画多维空间表现特点实施的教学实验干预,本研究发现成熟和教育都是影响儿童绘画多维空间表现水平的重要因素,具体包括儿童的知觉水平、情感体验、老师创设的自由表达环境、教师采用的教学手段与策略等.为促进儿童绘画多维空间表现能力的发展,教师应充分利用和激活幼儿与绘画主题相关的经验,应充分运用各种教学材料调动幼儿一切感官,挖掘其艺术直觉,应注重幼儿的自我表达与独立思考的能力,培养幼儿富有个性的艺术情趣,应多让幼儿欣赏现代艺术作品,鼓励幼儿发现自己的作品与大师作品的相似之处,增强他们自我表达与表现的自信心.  相似文献   

What is "high"? The development of reference points for "high" and "low"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young children have been characterized as interpreting relative adjectives as if they were nominal or categorical terms. The categorical interpretation of relative terms, however, may be quite complex. Indeed, the mature understanding of relative terms would seem to include a complex system of reference points for the terms' categorical usages. In 5 experiments we examined the complexity of 3-5-year-old children's and adults' categorical interpretations. We specifically examined how reference points for the categorical interpretation of high and low are defined. The definition of reference points relative to the object judged, the vertical position of the observer, and the extent of vertical variation were assessed. 3 major developmental trends were observed: a trend from the application of the terms to only extreme values to their application to broader categories; a trend from nominal-like categories to ones defined flexibly relative to context (e.g., nature of object judged, and extent of vertical variation); and a trend from reference points functioning as focal points to their operating as directional category boundaries. In brief, the results suggest that the categorical usage of relative terms involves a rich and intricate knowledge system and that it takes children considerable time to acquire and organize the relevant pieces of knowledge.  相似文献   

研究的主要目的在于追述当代语用学发展的总体趋势。根据近期国内外语用学的研究主题和探索路向,发现语用学的研究的已超出指示语、言语行为、会话含义等传统议题,日渐体现出语言使用的语用纵观论。其次,语言使用与理解的语用探索再也不是单向的语用学研究,与相关学科之间的交叉界面研究日益凸显。另外,语用与认知之间的相互结合和渗透,或从认知语用的视角分析言语交际,已成为当今语用学发展的一大主流。  相似文献   

The use of frames of reference in interpreting shading information in pictures was studied with children from 3 to 8 years of age. After learning to discriminate tactually between a convexity and a concavity, the subjects were presented a photograph of the convexity and the concavity in which the only information for differential shape was provided by the relationship between the orientation of the shading on the shapes and the frames of reference. By changing the position of the subject's head, rotating the display, and changing the location of the source of illumination, the relevance of egocentric, environmental, and lighting-specified frames of reference was manipulated. Children in this age range were found to be sensitive to shading information for depth, both when that information was specified by only a single frame of reference and when all three frames of reference were relevant. Differences in the responsiveness to individual frames of reference were found: the egocentric (head-retina) frame of reference was most effective, followed by the environmental reference frame, and finally by the frame of reference based on the location of the light source in the space surrounding the photograph. Responsiveness to the environmental and lighting-based frames of reference increased with age, while responsiveness to the egocentric frame of reference was high for all age groups and did not increase with age.  相似文献   

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