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学前儿童心理理论发展的干预策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以72名3至4岁幼儿为被试,通过实验法考察了语言干预法、假装游戏法、言语假装游戏结合法这三种心理理论干预法的干预效果.结果表明,三种干预方法均能促进幼儿心理理论的发展,但言语假装游戏结合法的干预效果最好.教育者应该在让儿童进行假装游戏的基础上给予言语引导,帮助幼儿在假装游戏中更好地领会他人的心理状态,从而促进儿童心理理论的发展.  相似文献   

作为两种重要的认知能力,心理理论和道德判断之间是否存在某种关系是发展心理学领域探讨的热点问题。在介绍心理理论和道德判断的概念、发展和影响因素的基础上,对两者之间的相关关系和因果关系进行分析,可以看出,未来研究应关注研究范式、领域普遍性和领域特殊性、被试年龄、特殊群体和神经影像学、教育策略等方面。  相似文献   

We compared 20 prelingually profoundly deaf adolescents (age: 11-16 years) and 20 matched, hearing adolescents on a picture-sequencing task and on a social judgment test. In addition, we also tested 14 younger deaf children (age: 6-10 years) and compared their data with those from 20 hearing peers as well as those from the older deaf participants on the picture-sequencing task. The results from this study did not provide evidence for the hypothesis that deaf adolescents possess significantly poorer knowledge about social reasoning than age-matched hearing peers, but it did present further additional support for Peterson and Siegal's (1995) conversational hypothesis: a proposal that a deprivation in conversations about mental states leads to an impairment in the development of an awareness of mental states in the younger deaf children.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Emotion knowledge (EK) enables children to identify emotions in themselves and others, and its development facilitates emotion recognition in complex social situations. Sociocognitive processes, such as theory of mind (ToM), may contribute to developing EK by helping children realize the inherent variability associated with emotion expression across individuals and situations. The present study explored how ToM, particularly false belief understanding, in preschool predicts children's developing EK in kindergarten. Participants were 60 Head Start children ages 3 to 5 years. ToM and EK measures were obtained from standardized child tasks. ToM scores were positively related to performance on an EK task in kindergarten after we controlled for preschool levels of EK and verbal ability. Exploratory analyses provided preliminary evidence that ToM serves as an indirect effect between verbal ability and EK. Practice or Policy: Early intervention programs may benefit from including lessons on ToM to help promote socioemotional learning, specifically EK. This consideration may be most fruitful when the targeted population is at risk.  相似文献   

This study examined how moral judgments are applied to events in other cultures. It was hypothesized that subjects make both universal and relativistic judgments, contingent on the types of beliefs held in the culture to which the moral judgments were applied. It was furthermore expected that subjects would be both relativists and universalists at all ages. 72 subjects (aged 11–9, 15–10, and 21–3 years) were asked to apply moral judgments which they had made about a familiar context to 2 types of cultures, 1 where different informational beliefs were held and 1 where different moral beliefs were held. The results confirmed the hypotheses. Most subjects, at all ages, contextualized their moral judgments when they applied them to cultures with different informational beliefs but made nonrelativistic judgments with respect to cultures with opposing moral beliefs. Furthermore, subjects justified their relativistic judgments on informational grounds and their nonrelativistic judgments on moral grounds. These findings demonstrated that nonrelativistic and relativistic thinking coexist throughout a wide age range and underscored the need to distinguish between moral and nonmoral relativism when studying developmental patterns in the moral domain.  相似文献   

Research Findings: An empirical investigation was conducted to test young Palestinian, Jordanian, Israeli-Palestinian, and Israeli-Jewish children's (N = 433; M = 5.7 years of age) cultural stereotypes and their evaluations of peer intergroup exclusion based upon a number of different factors, including being from a different country and speaking a different language. Children in this study lived in a geographical region that has a history of cultural and religious tension, violence, and extreme intergroup conflict. Our findings reveal that the negative consequences of living with intergroup tension are related to the use of stereotypes. At the same time, the results for moral judgments and evaluations about excluding peers provide positive results about the young children's inclusive views regarding peer interactions. Practice: These findings indicate that practitioners working with young children should focus on inclusion in peer contexts. Curricula, media, and social intervention programs must begin in early childhood before children begin to use stereotypes in peer situations, particularly when children from other cultural and ethnic backgrounds play together.  相似文献   


Having commented on the developments in PSE and SMSC [Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education] Ron Best suggests that the motivation for these has been more political than child centred. He is particularly critical of the trend towards specifying learning outcomes as matrices, which he characterizes as the kind of bureaucratization which dehumanizes an essentially human activity. He argues that we need to start with experience and that empathy, though currently undervalued, should be a key dimension of this. The meaning of empathy is then elaborated and in conclusion the case for its central importance presented.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in moral judgments as they relate to informational assumptions. It was hypothesized that (1) differences in moral judgments are related to differences in informational assumptions, (2) moral judgments change if the information believed to be true changes, and (3) the relation between informational assumptions and moral judgments is not affected by age. 72 subjects (aged 11-9, 15-10, and 21-3) evaluated events concerning welfare, justice, and rights and reevaluated them in light of the opposite information. A significant relation was found between the evaluations and the informational assumptions, and 80% of the evaluations changed in response to informational changes. The relation between evaluations and informational assumptions was significant within each age group. These findings demonstrated that informational assumptions are a source of variation in moral judgments and underscored the need to distinguish between the 2 types of judgments when studying differences in moral reasoning.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis investigated the link between lying and theory-of-mind (ToM) by integrating findings from 81 studies involving 7,826 children between 2 and 14 years of age from 14 different collectivist and individualist cultures. Overall, there was a small, significant positive association (r = .23). Four main moderators were examined: facet of lying (understanding, instigated production, spontaneous production, maintenance); valence of lies (antisocial, prosocial); type of ToM (first-order, second-order); and culture (collectivist, individualist). Facet of lying and type of ToM were significant moderators. ToM was positively related to all facets of lying, but most strongly linked to lie maintenance and weakest for spontaneous production. Both first-order and second-order ToM were positively related to lying, but the link was stronger for the former.  相似文献   

攻击行为是儿童中普遍存在的一种社会行为,是儿童个性和社会性发展的重要内容,有关儿童攻击行为影响因素的研究一直是心理学特别是发展心理学的重要课题和研究热点,而心理理论和移情是研究者经常探讨的两个影响因素.大多数研究者集中在心理理论与攻击行为、移情与攻击行为等单一因素的考察上,缺少把这两种因素结合起来研究攻击行为的形成与发展.作者建议今后的研究应注意关于攻击行为的类型、研究对象、研究设计等方面.  相似文献   

知识与德性之间的关系问题乃是宋明理学的中心问题之一,我们认为,王阳明对这一问题的处理带有余英时先生所说的反智识主义的倾向。本试图对这一倾向产生的理论基础、表现及其所产生的影响、问题和局限作一探讨。  相似文献   

Kohlberg's theory of moral development explores the roles of cognition and emotion but focuses primarily on cognition. Contemporary post‐formal theories lead to the conclusion that skills resulting from cognitive‐affective integration facilitate consistency between moral judgement and moral behaviour. Rest's four‐component model of moral development delineates these skills specifically. The components, moral motivation, moral sensitivity, moral reasoning and moral character, operate as multidimensional processes that facilitate moral development and subsequently promote moral behaviour. The relationships between these components have been relatively unexplored, thereby missing the opportunity to unpack the processes underlying moral growth and development. In this study, moral motivation (spirituality), moral sensitivity (post‐formal skills) and moral reasoning are operationalized to examine the mediational effects of moral sensitivity of medical students. In the complex moral environment of medical students opportunities arise to question values and develop cognitive‐affective skills, among them spirituality and post‐formal thinking which are linked to increases in post‐conventional moral reasoning. The models tested indicate that moral sensitivity mediates the relationship between moral motivation and moral reasoning.  相似文献   

国家、族群之间的文化或文明冲突,代际的价值共识破裂,个体生命意义感和道德信仰的缺失等都是德育工作面对的与传统文化密切相关的典型问题,因此传统文化融入德育课程与教材非常重要。对于进德育课程与教材的传统文化,可以从文化信仰、说理方式、共同记忆和历史遗产等角度来理解和诠释。传统文化融入德育课程和教材将有助于学生以“文化自觉”的状态参与世界格局的“文化共生”,促进价值沟通和群体圆融,促进个体的意义追寻和信仰生成。就内容而言,需要融入的有作为中国文化认知的框架性内容、作为德育课程依据的原理性内容以及作为不同学段培养重点的实践性内容等。就融入的策略和原则而言,政策研究和开发设计需要对不同融入方式的效果和前提有准确把握,处理好古今意义的有效关联,高度重视传统文化资源的选择质量。  相似文献   

计算主义是当今哲学界备受关注的新思潮。计算主义的心智观即心灵的计算理论(The Computational Theory of Mind)以计算机作比拟来试图揭示人类心智认知之谜,这使得它一度成为当代西方哲学界的宠儿。虽然心灵的计算理论所提出的独特的心智解释模型也面临着许多诘难,但是,这种全新的理论对如何发展当代的马克思主义心智学说却有着特殊的启示意义。  相似文献   

This study examined the ways in which the language that Head Start teachers used during book reading, as well as the extent to which they made explicit connections between book reading and other instructional activities, were linked to preschoolers' vocabulary development. Participants included 10 Head Start teachers and 153 children in their classrooms. Research Findings: Analyses revealed that teachers varied substantially in the frequency and nature of their book-related remarks, and connections between books and the broader curriculum were relatively few in number and constrained in nature. On average, children learned more words over the course of the year when teachers used more contextualized and decontextualized talk during book readings. Contextualized book-related talk was most positively associated with learning among children with relatively low initial vocabulary knowledge. Too few connections between book reading and the curriculum were observed to afford analysis of their contributions to children's vocabulary skills. Practice or Policy: The findings show the nuanced ways in which shared book reading, a critical part of the preschool day, is linked to vocabulary growth among the nation's most vulnerable learners. The results also highlight potential avenues through which readings could be strategically individualized to optimize early vocabulary development.  相似文献   

胡沫 《常熟理工学院学报》2009,23(12):94-97,118
思想政治理论课的意识形态属性决定了思想政治理论课是事实判断和价值判断的统一体。事实判断具有客观唯一性,价值判断具有主体间差异性,二者统一的基础在于社会历史性对人的本质的规定性。事实判断和价值判断的统一要求思想政治理论课教学要把灌输范式的知识教育统一到理解范式的信仰教育上来。  相似文献   

Individual differences in young children's social cognition were examined in 128 urban preschoolers from a wide range of backgrounds. comprehensive assessments were made of children's false-belief understanding, emotion understanding, language abilities, and family background information was collected via parent interview. Individual differences in children's understanding of false-belief and emotion were associated with differences in language ability and with certain aspects of family background, in particular, parental occupational class and mothers' education. The number of siblings that children had did not relate to their social cognition. Individual differences in false-belief and emotion understanding were correlated, but these domains did not contribute to each other independently of age, language ability, and family background. In fact, variance in family background only contributed uniquely to false-belief understanding. The results suggest that family background has a significant impact on the development of theory of mind. The findings also suggest that understanding of false-belief and understanding of emotion may be distinct aspects of social cognition in young children.  相似文献   

聋儿心理理论的发展及其培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理理论的研究是心理学中近年来研究的热点问题,心理理论是社会认知的重要组成部分。我国聋儿占残疾人总数的比例很大,探讨聋儿的心理发展与教育对于构建和谐社会具有十分重要的现实意义。目前对聋儿心理理论的研究主要集中在聋儿对错误信念的理解和其他心理状态的发展等方面。研究结果一致认为聋儿心理理论的发展落后于正常儿童,主要原因是语言交流障碍、早期家庭环境不良、学校教育不够重视等。对聋儿心理理论的培养应从注重早期诊断和语言训练、促进家庭中有效的语言交流、充分利用学校教育、扩大聋儿人际交往等方面入手。  相似文献   

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