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It is widely believed that race divides the world into biologically distinct kinds of people—an essentialist belief inconsistent with reality. Essentialist views of race have been described as early emerging, but this study found that young children (= 203, Mage = 5.45) hold only the more limited belief that the physical feature of skin color is inherited and stable. Overall, children rejected the causal essentialist view that behavioral and psychological characteristics are constrained by an inherited racial essence. Although average levels of children's causal essentialist beliefs about race were low, variation in these beliefs was related to children's own group membership, exposure to diversity, as well as children's own social attitudes.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether students’ epistemic and learning beliefs varied across different knowledge types in physics. On the basis of various beliefs frameworks, the authors predicted that individuals’ beliefs would vary within a domain across the same content when presented conceptually versus procedurally. Participants were 81 high school students enrolled in an advanced physics course. Students completed a conceptually oriented test and a procedurally oriented test on the same content 1 week apart, and they immediately responded to the Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science questionnaire after completion of each test. Results revealed that girls espoused more constructivist beliefs about physics for conceptual knowledge than for procedural knowledge, whereas the opposite was found for boys. Moreover, female students espoused more constructivist beliefs than did male students across both types. These results have important theoretical and methodological implications.  相似文献   

Math competence beliefs and achievement are important outcomes of school‐based learning. Previous studies yielded inconsistent results on whether skill development, self‐enhancement, or reciprocal effects account for the interplay among them. A development‐related change in the direction of their relation in the early school years might explain the inconsistency. To test this, 542 German elementary school students (= 7.95 years, SD = 0.58) were repeatedly investigated over 24 months from Grade 2 to Grade 4. Math competence beliefs declined and had a growing influence on subsequent math grades. This suggests changes in the dominant direction of the relation from a skill development to a reciprocal effects model during elementary school. Findings are discussed with regard to their theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a measure of early childhood practitioners' beliefs about emotions and to use this measure to examine the structure and correlates of these beliefs. A 40-item emotion beliefs measure was administered to 279 American practitioners. Internal consistency for each of 10 emotion belief areas was weak to moderate. In revising the measure, emotion belief areas with the lowest internal consistency were deleted and items were added to the 6 remaining areas to strengthen their reliability. The resulting 23-item revised measure had internal consistencies of .41 to .62 for each of 6 emotion belief areas. Participants' emotion beliefs were related to their level of education and background in early childhood education. A 4-factor solution provided the best fit to the data, explaining 40% of the variance in the U.S. teachers' emotion beliefs. This factor structure was similar to that of the conceptually derived belief scales. Cultural patterns were examined by comparing beliefs of Korean and American teachers of 4-6-year-olds, using t-tests and factor analyses. Although the structure of emotion beliefs was similar, differences appeared in the level of agreement with many items, reflecting culturally specific expectations a b u t young children's emotional vulnerability and about the nature of emotional bonds and emotion socialization in early childhood programs.  相似文献   

This research examined the development of stress responses across second to sixth grades and whether exposure to peer victimization alters stress response trajectories. Youth (338 girls; 298 boys; Mage = 7.97 years, SD = .37) reported on stress responses; teachers and youth reported on peer victimization. Latent growth curve modeling revealed an increase in effortful engagement responses and a decrease in disengagement and involuntary engagement responses during this period. Peer victimization disrupted these normative trajectories, resulting in less effortful engagement and more effortful disengagement and involuntary stress responses in early adolescence. These findings suggest that early peer victimization sensitizes youth to stress by interfering with the development of effective coping and fostering maladaptive stress responses.  相似文献   

Beliefs often guide a teacher's decision-making, thinking, and practice in the classroom (Vartuli, 2005 Vartuli, S. 2005. Beliefs: The heart of teaching. Young Children, 60: 7686.  [Google Scholar]). There is limited longitudinal research on how early childhood preservice teachers develop new knowledge about their beliefs as they transition into in-service teaching positions (Joram & Gabriele, 1998 Joram, E. and Gabriele, A. J. 1998. Preservice teachers' prior beliefs: Transforming obstacles into opportunities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 14: 175191. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Across 4 years that encompassed a series of three studies, this article chronicles three teachers' understandings of how their beliefs and practices were interrelated and informed by one another. Preservice teachers were interviewed and completed written reflections as they moved from under the umbrella of an undergraduate early childhood teacher preparation program into classrooms as in-service teachers. Findings reveal (a) how the preservice teachers' beliefs were initially unstable and nascent during Study One, (b) how a transactional nature between beliefs and practice began to emerge during Study Two, and (c) how, during Study Three, this relational exchange contributed to an increase in deliberate action as in-service teachers. Implications for early childhood teacher preparation programs include ensuring opportunities for preservice teachers to use self-reflection and inquiry across a range of course and field experiences as they identify and make connections between beliefs and practice.  相似文献   

唐美玲 《培训与研究》2007,24(5):99-101
师生的语言学习观念存在分歧。以课堂活动为切入点,对60位大学英语老师和120位大学一年级的学生进行问卷调查发现:在所列课堂活动中,师生对绝大多数的课堂活动观念基本一致;师生间的观念分歧主要表现在纠错、课文解释、词汇学习、传授人生道理和听磁带录音等活动上。  相似文献   

Objective. Extant research examining the predictors and outcomes of parenting self-efficacy has predominantly focused on families with young children. Adolescence is a time of increased autonomy during which parents may be uncertain about their abilities to influence their adolescents’ risk-taking behavior. Design. Parents’ (N = 145 mothers and 53 fathers) confidence in their parenting abilities across prudential adolescent behaviors was investigated, including alcohol consumption, cyber activities, eating behaviors, and problem peer associations. Additionally, we explored how adolescents’ (N = 161, Mage = 14.4 years, 60% female) reports of their engagement in those behaviors were associated with parents’ perceptions of their ability to impact their adolescents’ behavior (i.e., self-efficacy). Results. Mixed-model analysis of variance revealed that mothers and fathers felt most efficacious in reducing their adolescents’ engagement in problematic cyber activities and least efficacious regarding alcohol consumption. Bivariate correlations indicated multiple negative associations between adolescents’ engagement in prudential behaviors and both mothers’ and fathers’ behavior-specific parenting self-efficacy. Conclusions. Results suggest that parents with adolescents have varying levels of confidence in their ability to parent different types of prudential adolescent behaviors. Additionally, for multiple behavior categories, mothers’ and fathers’ behavior-specific parenting self-efficacy was negatively associated with adolescent engagement in corresponding behaviors, such that increased adolescent engagement was related to lower levels of behavior-specific parenting self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Character strengths are an integral component of positive youth development that can promote flourishing. Developmental principles posit constructs become increasingly complex with age, yet this process has not been examined with character. Using a socioeconomically and ethnically diverse sample of 2,467 youth ages 9–19, bifactor models were estimated across elementary, middle, and high school-age groups to examine age differences in character structure and function. With successive age, a greater number of specific character strength factors were identified, suggesting character structure becomes more differentiated across adolescence. Results linking character bifactor models to indicators of positive functioning also supported differentiation in character function across ages. Findings point to the need for theoretical and empirical considerations of character structure and function across development.  相似文献   

This basic qualitative study explores preservice teachers' beliefs about what constitutes play. Research for this study focused on 7 preservice teachers enrolled in an early childhood through Grade 4 practicum course at a small private university in south central Texas. The findings of this study indicate that both on an individual and group level the 7 preservice teachers seemed to believe that play had multiple meanings. Even though commonalities existed among some of the attributes used by the preservice teachers to describe play, no two preservice teachers used the same combination of attributes to define play. Instead, based on the influences that had shaped their beliefs, they strung these attributes together in unique ways. Thus, for each of the preservice teachers, play seemed to have an individualized meaning consisting of multiple parts.  相似文献   


The authors used data from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth to investigate variables related to change in students' attitude toward and beliefs about mathematics in middle school and high school. Using hierarchical linear modeling techniques, the authors modeled variation in students' rate of change with variables associated with student characteristics, instructional experiences, and environment. They also identified variables that differentially affect change at different levels of secondary school (i.e., middle school vs. high school) and for different affective dimensions (i.e., attitude toward mathematics, beliefs about the social importance of mathematics, and beliefs about the nature of mathematics). Results showed a substantial negative change in students' attitudes toward and beliefs about the social importance of mathematics throughout secondary school. However, students' notions of the nature of mathematics did not change throughout secondary school. The authors identified variables related to change and found that they differed according to the level of secondary school and affective dimensions.  相似文献   

Professional development, which results in sustained transformative change, requires that teachers engage in critical reflection regarding teaching practices. In this study, a group of five bilingual and generalist early childhood teachers engaged in a journey in which they elected to try to reconstruct their beliefs and practices about teaching and learning. In response to a school district's needs, these teachers were enrolled as a cohort in an early childhood graduate program that served as part of their professional development endeavor. The teachers used reflection and ongoing dialogue that bridged theory and practice as they raised questions about their daily practices in relation to theoretical perspectives. We provide a glimpse of these teachers' ongoing transformative journeys and provide suggestions for early childhood teachers to engage in sustained professional development.  相似文献   

Students with autism often are placed in general education classrooms, indicating general education teachers should be prepared to meet these students' needs. This survey study of teacher education students examined differences in educational training, beliefs about autism, and competence working with students with autism, according to college level and major area of study. Results showed that teacher education students held accurate beliefs about most aspects of autism, but they demonstrated misconceptions about special, gifted abilities. Secondary teacher education students were less likely to demonstrate accurate beliefs about the social emotional features of autism over the course of their training. General education teachers reported a lack of competence working with students with autism and believed additional training was needed. Findings suggested ongoing preservice training is needed to foster accurate beliefs about autism and competence working with students with autism.  相似文献   

“体”是《文心雕龙》中重要的文论概念,具有十分丰富复杂的内涵,是一个概念系统,涉及《文心雕龙》一书的文章学理论的诸多方面的问题。综合来看,“体”主要包括有“体”(体类)、“体要”、“体貌”、“体性”、“体势”等不同的含义,这些既相互联系又相互区别的“体”的复杂观念共同构成了“体”的意义系统,表述了刘勰关于“体有六义”的文论思想。  相似文献   

Exploring Changes in Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Mathematical Beliefs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Research literature (e.g., Thompson, 1992)suggests that teachers' beliefs about thenature of mathematics provide a strongindicator of their future teaching practices. Moreover, current reform efforts (e.g., NCTM,2000) ask teachers to lead mathematicalexplorations that allow their own students toconstruct mathematics. Understandingprospective teachers' mathematical beliefs andthe circumstances under which these beliefsmight be changed is therefore critical toteacher educators. In this paper we describethe culture of a mathematics content course forprospective elementary teachers that isdesigned to provide participants with authenticmathematical experiences and to fosterautonomous mathematical behaviors. Using bothsurvey and interview data, we exploredparticipants' beliefs about the nature ofmathematical behavior both at the commencementand at the completion of the course. We arguethat the participants' beliefs became moresupportive of autonomous behaviors during thecourse. We report that students attributedchanges in beliefs to specific classroom socialnorms and sociomathematical norms that includedfacets of work on ``big' problems withunderlying structures, a broadening in theacceptable methods of solving problems, a focuson explanation and argument, and theopportunity to generate mathematics as aclassroom community.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):311-328
Undergraduate education majors, student teachers, and experienced teachers (N = 326) responded to two written sketches depicting different levels of student effort. They decided on a grade, rated the importance of achievement and nonachievement factors, and wrote a defense of their grading decision. Overall, experienced teachers tended to give lower grades. Lower grades were awarded more when a female with high effort and low aptitude was portrayed or when a male with low effort and high aptitude was portrayed. Preservice and experienced teachers considered cognitive, nonachievement dispositions to be valid educational outcomes contributing to grade variation. There was a dichotomy of beliefs about borderline grading: Participants were struggling with being a judge or an advocate when the grade was used to punish inadequate effort or to reward improvement. An understanding of the interplay of beliefs, attitude, and social judgment with assessment is essential if teachers are to develop grading strategies that communicate the diverse learning outcomes expected of students.  相似文献   

Electronic games are popular and many children spend much time on this activity. Here we investigate whether the quantity of time children spend on gaming is related to their social development, making this the first study to examine this relationship in children. We examine prospective relations between time spent gaming and social competence in a community sample of Norwegian 6 year olds (n = 873) followed up at ages 8, 10, and 12, controlling for socioeconomic status, body mass index, and time spent gaming together with friends. Results revealed that greater social competence at both 8 and 10 years predicted less gaming 2 years later and that more age-10 gaming predicted less social competence at age 12 but only among girls.  相似文献   

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