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Large enrolment science courses play a significant role in educating undergraduate students. The discourse in these classes usually involves an instructor lecturing with little or no student participation, despite calls from current science education reform documents to elicit and utilize students’ ideas in teaching. In this study, we used the 5E instructional model to develop and implement four lessons in a large enrolment introductory biology course with multiple opportunities for teacher-student and student-student interaction. Data consisted of video and audio recordings of whole-class and small-group discussions that took place throughout the study. We then used a science classroom discourse framework developed by Mortimer and Scott (2003) to characterize the discursive interactions in each 5E lesson phase. Analysis of the data resulted in two assertions. First, the purpose, communicative approach, patterns of discourse, and teaching interventions were unique to each 5E lesson phase. Second, the type of lesson topic influenced the content of the discourse. We discuss how the findings help characterize the discourse of each phase in a 5E college science lesson and propose a model to understand internalization through discursive interaction using this reform-based approach. We conclude with implications for facilitating discourse in college science lessons and future research. This study provides support for using the discourse framework to characterize discursive interaction in college science courses.  相似文献   

本文以动漫课程小学阶段STEAM教育研究为载体,分别从STEAM课程的建设框架与理论依据、跨学科整合实践、情境体验与协作性设计、项目设计与成果实证性四个方面来详细阐述具体做法.在课程内容上,艺术融合了美术、音乐等素养课程;工程技术与数学融合了Python编程与简单算法、Scratch模块化编程、3D动漫模型设计与制作等...  相似文献   

Study provides qualitative analysis of data that answers the following research question: how college science faculty teach science and NOS and incorporate aspects of NOS and the history of science into their undergraduate courses? Study concentrates on four cases and more specifically on three introductory science classes and on four instructors who taught those courses. These instructors were chosen as case studies to explore in greater detail what occurs inside introductory science courses in one particular higher institution in the Northeastern United States. Participants’ teaching styles are presented through a combined and detailed presentation of interview data and classroom observations supported with examples from their classroom activities. Constant comparative approach was used in the process of organizing and analyzing data. Findings revealed that participants preferred to use the traditional teacher-centered lecturing as their teaching style and whose main concern was to cover more content, develop the problem solving skills of their students, and who wanted to teach the fundamental principles of their subjects without paying special importance to the NOS aspects. The study also revealed that other variables of teaching science, such as large class size, lack of management and organizational skills, teaching experience, and instructors’ concerns for students’ abilities and motivation are more important for these scientists then teaching for understanding of NOS.  相似文献   

讲授法是传统教学法的代表,也是高校课堂中最基本的教学方法,高校课堂的特殊性可以提供有效运用讲授法的现实基础。讲授法因其在使用过程中容易导致照本宣科、注入式教学等缺点而长期受到质疑,对此应深入思考以形成正确的认识。智能化时代讲授法在高校课堂中发挥其价值的路径在于:应用智能技术提升讲授语言艺术;突出教学的系统性;融合多种教学方法;强化课堂留白艺术。  相似文献   

“精讲”和“透讲”是大学课堂教学中经常运用的两种授课方法。电大面授课与其他高校的课堂教学有许多共同点和不同点。这些共同点和不同点决定了电大面授课比普通的大学课堂教学更需要运用这两种授课方法。教师要根据课程的性质、知识点的特点、面授课的性质、特点和授课对象的差异,具体运用这两种授课方法。  相似文献   

Although considerable resources have been invested in programs for the improvement of college and university teaching, there is little data available on the effectiveness of these programs. The present study assessed the value of speech and drama training as a method of improving lecturing skills in university teachers. It was found that teachers who received speech and drama training showed significant improvement in student ratings of classroom teaching relative to control teachers. Rival hypotheses involving greater motivation to improve in experimental teachers and generalized placebo and self-help effects were ruled out on the basis of student rating data from previous courses and differential findings for target and nontarget rating scales. It is concluded that speech and drama training can make a small but significant contribution to the improvement of university teaching.  相似文献   

随着网络技术和信息技术的飞速发展,网络视频公开课受到广大学习者尤其是高校学生的青睐,对激发其学习兴趣,提高学习质量,进而深化高校教育教学改革具有重要的推动作用。论文在梳理了中国网络视频公开课发展历程的基础上,阐述了构建网络视频公开课与大学课堂教学整合学习模式具有的特点,并对构建网络视频公开课与大学课堂教学整合学习模式进行了探究分析,以期对进一步研究做导引。  相似文献   

Using data from over 9,000 faculty members that participated in the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE), this study examined the moderating role a range of course characteristics played on the effects of gender on the percentage of class time spent on various activities, a measure of teaching style. Results revealed gender differences, but that the gaps between men and women in lecturing and active classroom practices varied by disciplinary area, course level, and the number of times a course had been taught by the same instructor. The results confirm that gender effects depend on context, which implies that efforts to improve teaching and learning must also adapt to the instructional context.  相似文献   

高校思政课对法治人格培养的整体性作用探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法治现代化要求当代大学生具备现代法治人格,高校思政课在其课程性质和内容体系方面均有助于大学生法治人格的养成,应该通过加强高校思政课课程体系与大学生法治人格培养内在联系的教育教学研究、积极的课堂教学改革和综合性的实践教学等开放式教学形式,充分发挥高校思政课对大学生法治人格培养的整体性作用。  相似文献   

面授辅导课在远程开放教育英语教学中起着重要的作用。面授教师需要了解学员特点,实施好期初导学入门课、期中重点助学课和期末复习迎考课的教学,创造良好的教学气氛,突出课堂教学重点,注重理论与实践相结合,在教学中体现统考内容,以不断提高英语面授课教学质量。  相似文献   

This article provides insights into how participating in an action research study challenged traditional beliefs about teaching practices and led to more active learning strategies being included in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Science classes at a Vietnamese university. Recent reforms in higher education teaching and learning by the Vietnamese government have placed increased demands on universities to employ more active learning approaches to meet future global needs. In Vietnam, university teaching has generally been based upon traditional lecturing, whereas active learning requires a more student-centred approach whereby students engage cognitively in learning through increased participation and take greater responsibility for inquiring into new knowledge in meaningful and critical ways. Using a participatory action research approach, interviews, observations and planning meetings were undertaken with eight Science lecturers who were currently teaching ESP. The findings revealed how the lecturers underwent positive pedagogical shifts from traditional lecturing to more constructivist approaches to teaching and learning over the time of the study.  相似文献   

研究性学习近年来广泛运用于中小学教学。作为培养中小学教师的高等师范院校,必须改革教学方法,以适应中小学对研究性学习的需求。《中国近代史》是高师历史专业的基础课程,研究性学习方法的运用可以提高学生的创新精神和实践能力,为其以后从事中小学教学打下良好基础。  相似文献   

在课堂教学中应用视频教材可以使学生在感性认识的基础上掌握抽象的基础理论知识。通过考察视频教材在大学本科英语专业"经济学原理"课程教学中的应用效果,可以发现,其对课堂教学产生了积极影响,有利于学生记忆、理解和掌握经济学基础知识。  相似文献   

Unlike traditional teaching method,flipped classroom is a form of blended learning in which students learn content online by watching video lecture,usually at home,and students and teachers discuss and solve questions by more personalized guidance and interaction in class,instead of lecturing.Flipped classroom is very useful to vocational college English teaching.  相似文献   


Theoretically, organisational culture, instructor training, and learning space design influence how faculty teach STEM courses. Previous studies have used classroom observation protocols to characterise the range of teaching practices in mostly teacher-centered, traditional STEM classrooms. In this study, we examined the classroom behaviour of 13 STEM faculty teaching biology courses in a reformed undergraduate STEM learning environment. Our findings indicate that instructors teaching in this reformed environment guided student learning (58.4?±?1.9%) almost three times more than they presented information (20.0?±?2.2%). Students worked individually or in groups and talked to the whole class (57.1?±?1.8%) 1.5 times more than they received information (35.5?±?1.9%). We found significant positive correlation between ‘instructor presenting’ and ‘students receiving’ information (r?=?0.743, p?=?1.4?×?10?4) and ‘instructor guiding’ and ‘student working and talking’ in class (r?=?0.605, p?=?7.2?×?10?5), suggesting that instructors can change their own classroom behaviours and expect concurrent change in their students’ behaviours. Finally, sequencing teaching practices in high active-engagement classrooms showed instructors move and guide student group work and lead whole class discussions before lecturing to students, which could lead to deeper learning of conceptual knowledge. We discuss insights from these findings that have implications for acculturating evidence-based teaching practices in STEM departments.  相似文献   

教师教学信念影响其教学行为,也是预测教师教学质量和教学效果的最有效指标。文章运用课堂观察、深度访谈和刺激性回忆法,聚焦于三位英语专业精读课教师的教学信念和课堂行为,通过对所得数据进行定量和定性分析发现:由于个体差异,不同教师所持的教学信念互不相同,他们的课堂教学行为也存在巨大差异;同一教师持有内部相矛盾的信念,但这种个人内部矛盾的信念会随着教学经验的丰富和专业知识不断程序化而减弱;由于教学环境和教师所调用的知识的不同,同一教师的教学信念和教学行为之间虽具有一定的联系,但二者之间具有很大的差异。这就要求广大教师要不断反思自己的教学,积极开展行动研究,注意发展和完善自己的教学信念体系,努力促进专业知识的程序化,以应对复杂多变的课堂教学环境。  相似文献   

Slide shows presented with software such as PowerPoint or WordPerfect Presentations can trap instructors into bad teaching practices. Research on memory suggests that slide-show instruction can actually be less effective than traditional lecturing when the teacher uses a blackboard or overhead projector. The author proposes a model of classroom teaching that capitalizes on the advantages of slide shows without the pedagogical disadvantages.  相似文献   

目前高校现代汉语课程的教学效果不尽如人意,急需改革。通过多年的教学实践,我们发现在现代汉语教学过程中适当融入方言元素可以产生以下几方面的效果:缓解现代汉语课堂教学的枯燥乏味之感;引导大学生在找准方言和普通话对应规律的基础上说好普通话;调动大学生学习现代汉语课程的浓厚兴趣;纠正大学生有关现代汉语的某些片面认知;帮助大学生领会古典诗词小说的韵律之美和修辞技巧。  相似文献   

思想道德修养课是大学思想政治理论课的重要课程之一,在课程中如何采用教学法,提高教学质量、培养学生的实践应用能力及创新发展的思维能力是一个值得研究的问题。文章围绕这一主体,探讨了启发性教学法在思想道德修养课中的教育学依据,阐明了运用启发性教学的必要性,同时还对启发性教学在思想道德修养课中的具体应用进行了论述。  相似文献   

作为一种全新的课堂教研模式,课例研究扎根真实的课堂。在备课、上课、研课的层层推进中,课例研究小组的教师不断改进课堂教学并促进其专业发展。课例研究对促进大学英语教师专业发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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