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The ideology of college and university teaching faculty is generally healthy and forward-looking. The broad mass of teachers has placed their hopes in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and their political enthusiasm is at an all-time high. They have adopted the values and moral concepts of socialism and keenly support the reform and development of higher education. At the same time, teachers have expressed concern about problematic aspects of the nation's social and economic development, with some teachers exhibiting ideological tendencies that merit attention. Political and ideological work with teachers must therefore be strengthened in the areas of morality and the overall development of teachers.  相似文献   

自主学习是一种源自西方的教育理念,它的内涵决定了其既是学习模式也是教学策略的本质。追溯自主学习理念的文化渊源,分析其文化前提、文化支撑和理论框架有助于厘清大学英语自主学习涉及的中西文化差异,阐明其对中国英语学习者的影响。  相似文献   

教育生态学将教学看作是多种因素相互影响、共同作用的结果.从教育生态学视角出发,我们可以重新审视大学英语教与学的本质.本文根据顾日国提出的教育生态学模型分析大学英语的教与学,讨论大学英语教学中的生态平衡,提出基于多媒体网络的多元教学模式.  相似文献   

语言教学与文化教学不可分割。文化教学有其完整的教学体系。通过对大学英语精读课堂中文化教学现状的调查,发现教师对语言与文化教学融合的理解与实践能力薄弱,亟需改进。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育事业的发展,教师队伍的建设及管理就显得越来越重要。因此,如何建设一支数量充足、结构合理、素质优良、相对稳定的教师队伍就成为我区高等院校研究的重要课题。文中指出了高校师资队伍建设及管理中存在的主要问题,分析了影响高校师资队伍建设的主要原因,并提出了加强高校教师队伍建设及管理的对策和具体方法。  相似文献   

教师学习共同体:高校教师教学学术发展的一种新范式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师学习共同体是当今高校教师教学学术发展的一种新范式,实践证明学习共同体不仅能提高高校教师工作积极性,促进教师个人的教学学术发展,而且能提升组织凝聚力,提高高校的竞争力。高校教师学习共同体的构建是一个复杂的过程,其中成员的筛选及组织是共同体形成的基础,主持人的选拔和培养,共同体的评价是保障其质量的关键,支持系统是共同体正常运作的动力来源。认识和研究教师学习共同体将为我国高校教师教学学术发展提供新的视角。  相似文献   

美国人本主义心理学家卡尔·罗杰斯(Carl Rogers)倡导的非指导性教学是以学生为中心的教学模式,其强调学习者依靠自身的动机去完成学习任务。结合合作学习理论将非指导性教学策略应用在大学英语的教学中,教师将会更为关注学生的个体感受与个体价值,师生之间、学生之间较易形成民主平等的学习氛围,最终产生学习内驱力以促进学生提高英语语言交际能力与社会交往活动能力。  相似文献   

Community colleges and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) often serve the same populations; however, the historical purposes, policies, and practices of HBCUs often better prepare them to serve first-generation students. Although both HBCUs and community colleges have their origins within the same historical period, the forces that created each of these branches of higher education also created a divergence in how they operate. This article looks at the most critical of those shaping forces to identify why HBCUs and community colleges often view their mission and their students differently and, thus, perform their work differently. The increased diversity of students whom community colleges are serving provides an opportunity for community colleges to look at HBCUs' successes and determine how community colleges can learn from and adapt those successes with students of color especially. The article suggests that in their mission to serve transfer students, community colleges can learn much from HBCUs' successes with underprepared students.  相似文献   

We have created an inventory to characterize the teaching practices used in science and mathematics courses. This inventory can aid instructors and departments in reflecting on their teaching. It has been tested with several hundred university instructors and courses from mathematics and four science disciplines. Most instructors complete the inventory in 10 min or less, and the results allow meaningful comparisons of the teaching used for the different courses and instructors within a department and across different departments. We also show how the inventory results can be used to gauge the extent of use of research-based teaching practices, and we illustrate this with the inventory results for five departments. These results show the high degree of discrimination provided by the inventory, as well as its effectiveness in tracking the increase in the use of research-based teaching practices.  相似文献   

大学是知识创新的重要机构,知识创新的首要阶段是知识共享。影响大学知识共享的主要文化因素有文人相轻、互不信任、竞争需要和知识归属观等。文化视角的大学知识共享的实现应建立诚实、信任、利益合理分享和公平竞争的良性机制。  相似文献   

长期以来,大学英语与高中英语教学之间存在着一定程度的脱节问题,比如在学习策略、学习态度等方面.本文以有效教学为理论基础,结合当前大学生的英语学习现状,讨论高中英语学习到大学英语学习的衔接问题,并阐述大学教师如何在课堂中通过有效教学更好的指导学生顺利过渡该阶段,激发其学习热情,使他们真正适应大学英语的学习.  相似文献   

本文基于学生英语学习需求视角下,对当前大学英语教学中存在的问题进行了分析,并结合学生英语学习的实际需求内容,分别从利用多种教学方式、提高学生的自主能动性,尊重学生个性发展、增强学生自主学习意识,活跃课堂教学氛围、引导学生积极提出问题,提升英语教师素养、促进和谐师生关系构建四个维度,提出了大学英语教学模式的有效构建路径。旨在能够充分满足学生的学习需求,体现教学中人本理念,提高学生英语综合能力及素养,促使学生、教师、教学的共同进步。  相似文献   

This article identifies key issues and provides administrative and faculty guidance on legal matters pertaining to unionized professors’ evaluations. To do so, the authors trail the fact patterns of a series of cases on evaluations of unionized faculty that have emerged over the last 30 years—with an emphasis on the cases from the last decade.  相似文献   

This study uses two national data sets to explore the relationship between faculty practices and student engagement. Our findings suggest that students report higher levels of engagement and learning at institutions where faculty members use active and collaborative learning techniques, engage students in experiences, emphasize higher-order cognitive activities in the classroom, interact with students, challenge students academically, and value enriching educational experiences.  相似文献   

从成人学习特点看大学英语(A)的教学方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"大学英语(A)"是现代远程教育试点高校网络教育全国统一考试。"英语综合实践"课是针对本科层次英语专业开设的统考辅导课程。本文通过问卷调查对宁波电大英语专业成人学生的学习现状进行分析,了解学生对英语统考复习的需求,并且探索了针对成人学生特点的英语统考复习的教学方法。  相似文献   

专业课程双语教学是高等教育的重点项目。高职教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,由于其自身的特点,在实施双语教学过程中还存在诸多棘手问题。本文从教师和学生两个层面出发,在深入分析目前高职院校专业课程双语教学中存在的问题的基础上对高职专业课程双语教学改革提出一些可行的建议。  相似文献   

教育学的统一性与多样性在现代文化发展中始终是现实统一的。统一性使教育学有它皇身的完整体系,多样性使教育学体系更加丰富和完善,使教育学能够接纳和吸收不同的文化及思菽篓二性和多样性是教育学的双重属性,它们都揭示了教育学的学科属性及教育学理论体系建构、发展的趋努。将两者有机的统一起来是教育学应具有的学科立场。  相似文献   

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