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批判性思维及其技能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
批判性思维的核心内容是批判性精神和批判性思维技能。批判性思维技能是一种运用批判技术和策略反思性分析和解决问题的能力。依据批判性思维的教学、训练与大学生所学学科内容的关系,批判性思维技能训练可以有一般方法、沉浸方法、灌输方法和混合方法等四种。  相似文献   

Critical thinking and skills in defining problems have been among the goals of a computers and society course that had its credits reduced and student number increased. In an attempt to prevent worsening the students' learning, four measures were taken. The results actually improved from a failure rate of 21.5% to 0.7%. This was mainly due to tighter project structure and additional student work. Reduced course material and improved teacher preparation did not seem to have any effect, while more focused project teaching may have contributed to the decreased failure rate. Further improvements may be gained through time estimation in the problem definition process.  相似文献   

This paper examines the content of The California Critical Thinking Skills Test (1990). This report is not a statistical review. Instead it brings under scrutiny the content of the exam. This content will be of interest to the general reader, because the issues range from logic to ethics to pedagogy, and to questions of evidential and epistemological support. Anyone interested in clear thought and expression will find these issues of significance. Although the exam has a number of strengths and has the clearest instructions of all the presently available Critical Thinking exams, the content of 9 of the exams 34 questions is defective, namely the content of questions 6, 7, 8, 19, 21, 23, 24, 29, and 33. These questions make errors in critical thinking. Hence, no statistical results pertaining to the administration of these questions to students can be acceptable. The remaining questions are acceptable as to content. But until the problems are corrected, those who may use the exam should remove the defective questions from test administration or from data collection and reporting.The scope of the exam also is quite limited, but this may be unavoidable for any instrument designed to be completed in about an hour. Further, the scores resulting from any such testing can be understood only as a measure of minimal competency (below which remediation likely is needed) for the skills tested, but not as an adequate measure of critical thinking.Disclosure: Three of the authors are engaged in producing and marketing a critical thinking test. Though this paper was written before any of us considered developing such a test, the reader should be informed. Each of the writers has exercised considerable care to avoid any bias, and we thank our independent reviewers for helping us in this regard as well.  相似文献   

英语专业学生评判性思维能力培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评判性思维培养在当今中国英语专业学生的教育中是不可分割的一部分。评判性思维是就是对事物的性质、价值和真实性等方面做出合理的判断。可通过营造思维文化,改革教学模式和教学方法等途径培养学生的评判性思维能力,实现英语专业教学大纲提出的教学目标。  相似文献   

采用倾向值匹配方法,以全国16个省78所院校5433名大四本科生能力测评数据为基础,探讨了学 习性投入对大学生批判性思维能力增值的影响。结果发现,总体上,学习性投入正向作用于批判性思维能力 增值;较之个体性学习投入,侧重交流、互动的社会性学习投入更有利于批判性思维能力增值;但是,并非所有 的社会性学习投入都显著作用于批判性思维能力增值,确切地说,大学生同龄群体间交流、互动性质的社会性 学习投入显著促进了批判性思维能力增值。深入分析后发现,学习性投入能否影响批判性思维能力增值的关 键在于它是否生成了论证性对话情境。深入、全面的论证性对话是批判性思维能力发展的核心动力。  相似文献   

The question is no longer whether American industry and technology can successfully compete with the Japanese–at present, it is evident that we cannot. At stake is the very survival of our national economic well-being as we move from a post-industrial economy to a high technology model. For education, the issue is whether we can learn from the Japanese and, in doing so, improve the quality and productivity of American education.  相似文献   

Academic writing has been emphasized for years among English major students, and PhD students who need to pub-lish their work in English, but few of these people could produce essays academically. The ...  相似文献   

Critical thinking skills are often assessed via student beliefs in non-scientific ways of thinking, (e.g, pseudoscience). Courses aimed at reducing such beliefs have been studied in the STEM fields with the most successful focusing on skeptical thinking. However, critical thinking is not unique to the sciences; it is crucial in the humanities and to historical thinking and analysis. We investigated the effects of a history course on epistemically unwarranted beliefs in two class sections. Beliefs were measured pre- and post-semester. Beliefs declined for history students compared to a control class and the effect was strongest for the honors section. This study provides evidence that a humanities education engenders critical thinking. Further, there may be individual differences in ability or preparedness in developing such skills, suggesting different foci for critical thinking coursework.  相似文献   

当批判性思维可以作为一种思维形式或学科分支来看待,它是以逻辑论证为特征的思维形式,作为学科,它是围绕培养人的批判性思维能力而展开的知识系统。批判性思维和创新思维有交叉又有所不同,但是在科技创新中起着重要作用。和谐是中国传统文化的追求,在现代社会,法制理性是社会和谐的重要支撑,批判性思维体现的理性精神也有利于社会和谐。  相似文献   

批判性思维包括批判性思维精神和批判性思维技能。批判性思维精神对创新产生驱动力的作用,促使创新活动的发生,保障创新活动继续发展直至取得创新成果,是创新的源动力和精神支撑;批判性思维技能帮助主体疏通思维渠道,拓展思维空间,提供思维方法及其检验标准、方法,从而提高主体思维的效率。二者在创新过程中发挥启航、导航和护航的作用。  相似文献   

大学英语精读课在大学课程体系中所占课时量大,受益学生最多。以大学英语精读教学内容为依托,以多媒体手段为表现形式的思辨能力训练,对学生创造性思维的形成具有重要的意义。在教学方法上,应注重民主性原则和参与性原则,要着眼于培养学生独立思考的思维创新能力。通过在大学英语课程中融入思辨能力的培养,可以取得同时实现语言课堂教学基本目标和思辨能力训练目标的双赢效果。  相似文献   

This longitudinal case-study aimed at examining whether purposely teaching for the promotion of higher order thinking skills enhances students’ critical thinking (CT), within the framework of science education. Within a pre-, post-, and post–post experimental design, high school students, were divided into three research groups. The experimental group (n = 57) consisted of science students who were exposed to teaching strategies designed for enhancing higher order thinking skills. Two other groups: science (n = 41) and non-science majors (n = 79), were taught traditionally, and acted as control. By using critical thinking assessment instruments, we have found that the experimental group showed a statistically significant improvement on critical thinking skills components and disposition towards critical thinking subscales, such as truth-seeking, open-mindedness, self-confidence, and maturity, compared with the control groups. Our findings suggest that if teachers purposely and persistently practice higher order thinking strategies for example, dealing in class with real-world problems, encouraging open-ended class discussions, and fostering inquiry-oriented experiments, there is a good chance for a consequent development of critical thinking capabilities.  相似文献   

由于英语学科特有的学习规律及教师教学和学生学习理念方面存在的偏差,导致了英语专业学生思辨能力的缺失,直接影响学生分析和解决问题能力的提高,抑制其创新能力的发展。这种现状已经引起了一些英语研究者的关注。互动教学是培养学生思辨能力的方法之一。  相似文献   

Although higher education understands the need to develop critical thinkers, it has not lived up to the task consistently. Students are graduating deficient in these skills, unprepared to think critically once in the workforce. Limited development of cognitive processing skills leads to less effective leaders. Various definitions of critical thinking are examined to develop a general construct to guide the discussion as critical thinking is linked to constructivism, leadership, and education. Most pedagogy is content‐based built on deep knowledge. Successful critical thinking pedagogy is moving away from this paradigm, teaching students to think complexly. Some of the challenges faced by higher education moving to a critical thinking curricula are discussed, and recommendations are offered for improving outcomes.  相似文献   

Reflective journals have been widely accepted throughout various educational disciplines for many years as a means of enhancing experiential learning practices. Reflective journals allow for students to gain a better understanding of a given experience and explore the levels of critical thinking as they work through the understanding and learning processes. Critical thinking involves the logical progression from mere knowledge and understanding to the highest levels of synthesis and evaluation. The immediate study presents findings of the analyses of a series of sequential reflective journals presented over the course of a semester-long internship experience. Findings indicate that reflective journals are shown to facilitate progression through the levels of critical thinking as identified in Bloom’s taxonomy and promote a higher level of understanding and application of theoretical concepts to practical experiential learning.  相似文献   

Well‐developed critical thinking skills are essential to good management, yet the fundamentals of critical thinking are often not taught explicitly to management students. This paper reports on the efficacy of a module designed to develop students’ critical thinking skills in the context of peer evaluation in a second‐year supervisory management unit. The module comprised a lecture and a seminar on the nature of critical thinking, followed by a series of seminars in which students practiced the skills taught. Sixty‐eight student oral literature reviews were delivered and evaluated over the first two semesters in 1997. Each presentation was graded by several small groups of students, with the assistance of a detailed marking guide. Results indicate that tuition in critical thinking strategies and skills may influence both peer/tutor grading agreement, and literature review content.  相似文献   

在高考思想政治学科中,加强对批判性思维的考查,符合学科的性质特点,契合学科对学生发展的要求,是推进高考内容改革、推动学科核心素养评价和培养的重要途径。在深入分析考查批判性思维理据的基础上,通过考察国外高校入学考试对批判性思维进行测试的思路,提出高考思想政治学科可以通过对解读能力、分析能力、推理能力、评价能力、解释能力这5项涉及批判性思维的核心能力进行考查,并通过具体的实例阐述考查方法。基于批判性思维在高考中的考查现状,提出加强对批判性思维及其考查成分的系统性研究、结合学科特点探索批判性思维考查的方式方法、加强对批判性思维态度的考查等建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this interdisciplinary study was to explore the impacts of tablet technology in a college classroom on students' perceptions of their own learning. Students were asked about oral, written, and graphical communication and critical thinking skills. Mid-semester and end-of-semester surveys were administered to tablet-enabled classes for collection of self-report data. Additionally, objective performance data were gathered from sections of the same courses taught using traditional methods and compared with learning outcomes of those taught using tablets. Students reported that using tablet technology was beneficial for all three types of communication skills. Findings also indicated that tablet usage contributed to a positive effect on dimensions of critical thinking. Implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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