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This three year qualitative study of a university pilot of the edTPA, a performance assessment for preservice teachers, questioned candidates’ learning at the nexus of claims that the edTPA serves a dual role as both a formative assessment for candidates’ ongoing learning as well as a summative assessment of their readiness to teach. The analysis highlighted affordances and constraints of the assessment in the areas of: (1) depth of professional learning, (2) differentiation for diverse learners, (3) focus on school, community and family context, (4) professional reflection within classroom realities, and (5) as an evaluation tool. The discussion positions the findings alongside other published implementation studies of the edTPA in terms of current reforms. It especially problematizes the positioning of preservice teachers as professional learners in light of pressures for compliance and standardization.  相似文献   

Professional experience in preschool settings comprises an important part of the education of preschool teachers. During their placements, students are expected to link theory to practice, to integrate university-based knowledge with workplace-based knowledge and skills essential for their future profession. They often refer to a perceived gap between the two contexts, university and workplace, which could be described as a ‘reality gap’, and sometimes find it hard to apply theory to practice. In the two most recent teacher education reforms in Sweden, this gap between so-called ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ is also brought to the fore and the importance of minimising the gap through collaborative strategies is emphasised. Taking these reforms as the point of departure, this article discusses workplace-based learning and its link to university-based learning in two distinctive preschool teacher education programmes in Sweden. Data sources include policy and management documents, evaluation reports and interviews with key stakeholders.  相似文献   

Investigations of Chinese students and their approaches to learning have emphasised a dichotomy in ‘western’ and ‘Confucian’ approaches to education but in a longitudinal study of Chinese postgraduate students’ academic adjustment to a British university the dichotomy is less than real. The focus of this research was on an in-depth study of students’ own conceptualisation of their learning and the vocabulary they used to describe their adjustment. Ethnographic interview data were collected from 14 participants studying different disciplines at three points during their first 10 months of study in a British university. The data show how students brought certain concepts of learning with them, acquired new ones, and found ways of combining the two. Students are aware of the contextual nature of their new learning processes, and the relationship between the two sets of ideas is not one of substitution but rather of extension and interaction.

The implications for teaching and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Notions of ‘participation’ in sexuality education has gained considerable traction in recent years – with participation being regarded as a fundamental right and a critical means to empower young people. However, the notion has increasingly been subject of debate, with critics problematising the manner in which participation is operationalised, and questioning the assumed impact of participation in relation to sexuality education goals. This paper contributes to these debates by examining the under-researched gendered dimensions of participation of young people in sexuality education. It utilises data from a qualitative study conducted in 2015 on young women and men’s (10–15 years old) perceptions of their participation in the dance4life programme, an in-school sexuality education programme in Jinja district in eastern Uganda. The paper highlights subtle but important differences between young men and women’s participation in the programme, which are arguably reflective of existing gendered hierarchies. We conclude by providing recommendations on how to address gender differences in participation.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen considerable growth of evidence that young children possess metacognitive and self-regulatory skills, alongside a view that some research tools, including observation and video-stimulated interviews, may provide better opportunities to see them. This paper examines possible differences in the evidence these two tools may afford. Data from 29 children aged 4–5 years in a London Reception class were analysed using a behavioural coding scheme. Overall, children were significantly more likely to display self-regulation and metacognition in post hoc interviews about an activity rather than during the activity. This was particularly so for metacognitive knowledge. Children were more likely to show regulatory aspects such as planning and monitoring during an activity, whilst evaluation was more evident in later discussion. Observations and video-stimulated interviews are suggested as valuable tools when combined with one another, offering complementary insights, and helping make children’s learning more visible to both themselves and to adults.  相似文献   

In Sweden the compulsory school curriculum prescribes that education should promote learning in different subjects while simultaneously assisting students to develop into citizens of good character. To achieve these goals students need to cultivate such character strengths as respect and responsibility, so that they can create positive relationships and live in a community. The development of these skills in a school setting could be called character education. Research shows that good character education promotes the moral development of students and also enhances their academic learning. Giving voice to students is the cornerstone of character education; if adults in schools listen carefully to students educational practice can be improved. This study was conducted in a secondary school in northern Sweden. The phenomenology of the life‐world and the principles of participatory and appreciative action research guided the research. The aim was to explore student voices as they described how they do and do not wish to be treated by others. The empirical data consisted of written responses to questions posed to students in Grades 7 and 8. The data analysis revealed four themes: striving for mutual understanding, being accepted for who you are, seeking honesty and truth and being acknowledged, recognized and encouraged. A comprehensive understanding of the themes suggests how practice may be improved in educational settings.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to problematise generational categories such as “Power Users” or “New Millennium Learners” by discussing these in the light of recent research on youth and information and communication technology. We then suggest analytic and conceptual pathways to engage in more critical and empirically founded studies of young people’s learning in technology and media‐rich settings. Based on a study of a group of young “Power Users”, it is argued that conceptualising and analysing learning as a process of patchworking can enhance our knowledge of young people’s learning in such settings. We argue that the analytical approach gives us ways of critically investigating young people’s learning in technology and media‐rich settings, and study if these are processes of critical, reflexive enquiry where resources are creatively re‐appropriated. With departure in an analytical example, the paper presents the proposed metaphor of understanding learning as a process of patchworking and discusses how we might use this to understand young people’s learning with digital media.

Les “Power Users” et la construction en “patchwork” – Une approche analytique des études critiques portant sur l’apprentissage chez les jeunes avec l’aide des médias numériques.

Le présent article vise à faire ressortir la problématique des catégories de générations, celles par exemple des “Power Users” ou des “Apprenants du Nouveau Millénaire” en les examinant de façon critique à la lumière des recherches récentes sur la jeunesse et les TICE. Nous suggérons ensuite des voies d’approche analytiques et conceptuelles pour nous engager dans des études plus critiques et plus solidement empiriques de l’apprentissage chez les jeunes dans des environnements à fort contenu technologique et médiatique. En nous appuyant sur l’étude d’un groupe de jeunes “Power Users”, on avance l’hypothèse selon laquelle le fait d’analyser et de conceptualiser l’apprentissage comme un processus de construction de patchwork peut améliorer notre connaissance de l’apprentissage chez les jeunes se trouvant dans de tels environnements. Nous avançons l’idée que cette approche analytique nous fournit les moyens d’étudier de façon critique l’apprentissage chez les jeunes se trouvant dans des environnements à fort contenu technologique et médiatique et de déterminer s’il s’agit là de processus de recherche critique et réflexive dans lequel ils se réapproprient les ressources de façon créative. En s’appuyant sur un exemple analytique, cet article présente une proposition, celle d’une métaphore pour comprendre l’apprentissage comme un processus de patchwork et discute de la façon dont nous pourrions l’ utiliser pour comprendre de quelle façon les jeunes apprennent avec les medias numériques.

?Power User“ und ?Patchworking“ – eine analytische Annäherung an kritische Studien über das Lernen junger Leute mit digitalen Medien

Dieser Artikel problematisiert generationspezifische Kategorien wie ?Power Users“ und ?New Millenium Learners“ welche hier vor dem Hintergrund der jüngsten Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich Jugend und Informations‐ und Telekommunikationstechnologie (ITK) diskutiert werden. Darauf aufbauend werden analytische und konzeptionelle Wege vorgeschlagen, wie auf empierischer und auf Fakten basierender Grundlage das Lernen junger Menschen in einem technologie‐ und medienreichen Umfeld studiert werden kann. Eine Gruppe junger ?Power Users“ ist die Grundlage unserer Argumentation, dass Konzeptionalisierung und Analyse des Patchwork Lernprozesses junger Leute unser Verständnis von ihrer Herangehensweise an den Lernprozess verbessern kann. Wir argumentieren, dass die analytische Herangehensweise uns hilft, das Lernen junger Leute im ITK Kontext zu analysieren und wir untersuchen, ob diese Prozesse kritisch und reflexiv sind und dazu beitragen, Ressourcen kreativ zu nutzen. Der Artikel schließt mit einem analytischen Beispiel in dem wir die zuvor diskutierte Metapher – Lernen als einen Patchworkprozess zu verstehen – nutzen, um zu diskutieren wie dieses Verständnis genutzt werden kann, um unser Wissen über das Lernen junger Leute mit digitalen Medien zu erweitern.

Los “Power Users” y la construcción en “patchwork” – Un enfoque analítico sobre los estudios críticos acerca del aprendizaje de los jóvenes con los medios digitales.

El propósito del presente artículo es de hacer resaltar la problemática de las categorías de generaciones, entre ellas los “Power Users” o los “discentes del Nuevo Milenio”, a través de una discusión de esas categorías a la luz de las últimas investigaciones sobre la juventud y las TICs. Sugerimos después algunos caminos analíticos y conceptuales para meterse en estudios con una base más crítica y más fuertemente empírica, del aprendizaje de los jóvenes en entornos con una fuerte dimensión tecnológica y mediatizada. Basandose en el estudio de un grupo de jovenes “Power Users”, se argumenta que el hecho de analizar y conceptualizar el aprendizaje como si fuese un proceso de “patchworking”, puede en realidad realzar nuestro conocimiento de la manera de aprender de los jovenes en entornos de ese tipo. Argumentamos que el enfoque analítico nos ofrece maneras de investigar críticamente el aprendizaje de los jóvenes dentro de entornos fuertemente tecnológicos y mediatizados y de estudiar si se trata de procesos de investigación crítica y reflexiva en los cuales se produce una re‐apropiación creativa de los recursos. Con una salida hacia un ejemplo analítico este artículo presenta la propuesta de una metáfora para entender el aprendizaje como si fuese un proceso de construcción de un “patchwork” con una discusión sobre las posibilidades de uso de esto para entender como los jóvenes aprender con los medios digitales.  相似文献   


In response to the so-called crisis in contemporary education in the institutions of higher learning (USA)—the encroachment of corporatism and pervasion of standardization—there is a move to offset this dominance by reconceiving the university in terms of an intimate space of dwelling in learning and education. In light of this moribund condition in education, I address the following concerns: How should educators approach the ‘space’ of learning in the new millennium with respect to the supposed ‘new face’ of education in higher learning? What implication will such changes to curriculum have on the ‘context’ of learning? Will the context of learning now need to be reconceptualized, and if it is, what effects will this have on students and educators? Herein I consider the contributions that the philosopher Gaston Bachelard’s phenomenological ontology of space, dwelling, and the creative imagination might make to the formulation of rejoinders to these crucial questions and concerns, which offer the reader a reconceived view of the space of learning that is radically at odds with our contemporary conceptions that might be linked with social efficiency ideology.  相似文献   

Animations have become a ubiquitous component of computer-based instruction. Despite their widespread use, however, the evidence concerning their effects on learning is rather ambiguous, suggesting that one needs to have a closer look at the conditions under which animations will aid learning. Accordingly, three sets of moderating variables were identified: (1) the degree of processing support that is used to enhance learning with animation, (2) the context in which the animation is being used (e.g., laboratory setting versus classroom), and (3) the domain that is illustrated by the animation. On the one hand, the studies reported in the current special issue investigate manipulations of these variables. On the other hand, the studies vary among each other with respect to these factors, thereby reflecting the enlarged range of current animation research.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to explore the motives underpinning career mobility, and the impact of such mobility on changing the perceptions of senior teacher educators from Israel who have experienced cross-cultural professional transitions during the mid-career stage (hereafter referred to as ‘internationally oriented teacher educators’). A thematic analysis of five interviewees’ retrospective narratives highlighted three motives driving career mobility: the opportunity for professional development; the joy of adventure and challenge; and the need to bring about a fundamental change in their careers. In addition, two categories of changes in perceptions that occurred following international mobility were mapped: (a) pluralistic perceptions in a multicultural higher education environment, and (b) culture of learning among the younger generation. The discussion raises similarities and differences between the findings and the literature on career mobility in higher education.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from a study of Japanese young people’s views of being treated fairly in school and considers the extent to which their experiences differ from their peers in schools in England. The study involved 1191 students from nine Japanese junior high schools in their final year of study. Their experiences are compared with those of 2836 English students of the same age. Our findings suggest that while many Japanese students report positive experiences of school, many were also able to identify instances where their perceived treatment was unfair or inconsistent. These instances include teachers having students who are treated as ‘favourites’, and the apparent unequal allocation of punishments and rewards. In this respect, the reported experiences of the Japanese students were similar to those of their English peers and therefore provided no evidence to support recent ‘crisis accounts’ of the ‘examination hell’ and excessive academic pressures that are purportedly experienced by young people in Japanese schools. Nevertheless, our evidence does suggest that teacher initial and continuing development would benefit from the inclusion of rather more on the principles of equity.  相似文献   

This article reports on recent findings from a mapping study of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education in schools in England, focusing on the data derived from primary school participants. It is based on a nationally representative survey of 923 primary school PSHE education leads, and follow-up in-depth interviews and discussion groups with 171 participants. This included local authority support staff, and from participating primary schools: senior management representatives, PSHE education leads, teaching staff, governors, school improvement partners, parents, and pupils. Results included here primarily relate to two areas: delivery models and curriculum coverage, and pupil views on their experiences and the (potential) value of PSHE education. In examining these areas, the article raises issues about blurred boundaries between PSHE education and Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning and/or pastoral care within school more widely, and particular staff sensitivities about the teaching of certain elements of PSHE education, particularly sex and relationships education and drugs, alcohol and tobacco education. These subject areas were less likely to be included or prioritised within PSHE education than, for example, emotional health and well-being, but were often the areas highlighted as most important by pupils. In conclusion, the article raises questions about the potential links between PSHE education and attainment, and the use of different teaching approaches across the curriculum more broadly.  相似文献   

As health professionals in an educational setting, nurses in schools occupy a unique place in the spectrum of children’s services. Yet the service is often overlooked and has been described as invisible. This paper draws on findings from a study, funded by the Scottish Government’s National Programme for Improving Mental Health and Well‐being, which explored the role of school nurses in promoting and supporting the mental health of children and young people. The school nursing service throughout the United Kingdom is at a pivotal point as its role is being redefined to align with moves across the National Health Service towards a public health model. This paper therefore offers a timely overview of the mental health work of school nurses, and raises key issues for future work. Interviews were conducted with 25 school nurse managers across Scotland. Interviewees claimed that the contribution of nurses in schools was distinctive, owing to the quality and consistency of relationship that they could offer, and the autonomy that the service allowed young people. However, significant challenges were reported in making this contribution, and tensions were evident in the conceptualisation of their role. The framework of resilience is used to discuss the findings on the significance of building relationships in promoting mental health.  相似文献   

International Review of Education - This article, which draws on a review of primary and secondary literature, examines the role of a human rights-based approach to adult learning and education...  相似文献   

Grammatical knowledge is an important part of L1 language education. Nevertheless, teachers find it challenging to convey an in-depth understanding of grammar to their students. Previous research suggests that understanding might be stimulated by focusing on grammatical reasoning. The current mixed-methods study explores the grammatical reasoning of 108 Dutch L1 student teachers’ in odd one out tasks, showing that student teachers struggle with such reasoning tasks. A multilevel regression analysis indicates that their level of grammatical understanding as measured by a Test of Grammatical Understanding (TGU) and the elaborateness of student teachers’ argumentation significantly predict the quality of their grammatical reasoning. Student teachers’ performances were also compared to 14 year old pre-university students’ performances (N = 120). Contrary to what was hypothesized, senior student teachers did not manage to outperform junior student teachers, nor did student teachers outperform pre-university students. The paper discusses plausible reasons for these findings and explores how teacher education might need to shift focus to better develop student teachers’ grammatical reasoning skills.  相似文献   

With the massification of higher education in a knowledge-driven economy, Western universities have struggled to keep pace with the cultural, linguistic, educational and economic diversity of university students and the complex realities of their lifeworlds. This has generated systemic inequities for diverse or ‘non-traditional’ students, and left academics with pedagogic uncertainty. This paper reports on action research that examined curricular and pedagogic practices that made elite academic codes explicit, and utilised students’ Funds of Knowledge as assets for disciplinary learning, in an Australian university. The action research confirmed the potential of creating bridges between the cultural practices and literacies of diverse students and the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, facilitating their negotiation of multiple literacies and the successful participation of all students. Institutional arrangements – governed by economic, cultural and socio-political conditions – that enabled and constrained these potentials were highlighted, suggesting areas for negotiation for the pedagogies’ ongoing and wider use.  相似文献   

Teachers and pupils are increasingly inundated with power laden ‘truths’ regarding health and the body as they attempt to construct their subjectivities. Drawing on insights from the works of Foucault, namely technologies of power and technologies of the self, this study investigated how healthism and ideal body discourses were (re)produced, negotiated, taken up and resisted by pupils and Physical Education (PE) teachers in one Scottish secondary school. Using semi-structured interviews, we found that pupil and teacher discourses varied in the way they influenced their thoughts and practices. Analysis of the data indicated that discourses can be resisted and (re)interpreted. In many cases, this was not without the creation of internal tension for pupils. Teachers demonstrated an understanding of the salience of these discourses, and their increased responsibility for health issues, but also internalised ‘truth’ differently. The study concludes by recommending the introduction of a critical enquiry focus around the construction of health in Scottish PE.  相似文献   

This study is based on an ethnography that was carried out in the Transport Programme (TP) in a Swedish upper secondary school (in this paper referred to as Rockmeadows High). The research is part of a larger project focusing on discourses on Intelligence in Swedish upper secondary school, and how these are produced and used in different educational contexts. The title of the article quotes Emily, a hardworking and high-achieving TP student. Emily is disappointed that the academic courses much of the time operate on a rote level, and that teachers’ expectations on the students in the programme generally are quite low. The present study also indicates, in line with several studies of vocational education in Sweden, that academic courses in vocational programmes often seem to provide scarce opportunity for theoretical learning and higher order thinking. Others suggest that the vocational courses present better conditions for such learning. The present article explores learning and instruction in different subjects and the conditions that are structuring them. It discusses the possibility that performativity pressure is one of the structuring forces. ‘Performativity’ is used here to refer to the notion that individuals and systems are valued based on their measured performances in regard to standards, and identified by those standards. Thus ascribed values become ends in themselves and render the use value of knowledge subordinate to the exchange value. This means that not only knowledge but also the pedagogical interaction and relationships become commodified. This is exactly what happens when new managerialism and economic rationality are imposed on the education system, as it has been throughout the Western world in the last decades. Swedish educational policy has gone far down this road, focusing measurable outcomes, individual choice and competition on all levels as means for quality. Still, not all spheres of education are dominated by the economistic rationality, as this articles aims to demonstrate and discuss.  相似文献   

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