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The application-specific multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) architecture is becoming an attractive solution to deal with increasingly complex embedded applications, which require both high performance and flexible programmability. As an effective method for MPSoC development, we present a gradual refinement flow starting from a high-level Simulink model to a synthesizable and executable hardware and software specification. The proposed methodology consists of five different abstract levels: Simulink combined algorithm and architecture model (CAAM), virtual architecture (VA), transactional accurate architecture (TA), virtual prototype (VP) and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) emulation. Experimental results of Motion-JPEG and H.264 show that the proposed gradual refinement flow can generate various MPSoC architectures from an original Simulink model, allowing processor, communication and tasks design space exploration.  相似文献   

This study presents a new method of 4-pipelined high-performance split multiply-accumulator (MAC) architecture, which is capable of supporting multiple precisions developed for media processors. To speed up the design further, a novel partial product compression circuit based on interleaved adders and a modified hybrid partial product reduction tree (PPRT) scheme are proposed. The MAC can perform 1-way 32-bit, 4-way 16-bit signed/unsigned multiply or multiply-accumulate operations and 2-way parallel multiply add (PMADD) operations at a high frequency of 1.25 GHz under worst-case conditions and 1.67 GHz under typical-case conditions, respectively. Compared with the MAC in 32-bit microprocessor without interlocked piped stages (MIPS), the proposed design shows a great advantage in speed. Moreover, an improvement of up to 32% in throughput is achieved. The MAC design has been fabricated with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 90-nm CMOS standard cell technology and has passed a functional test.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient method for globally optimizing and automating component sizing for rotary traveling wave oscillator arrays. The lumped equivalent model of transmission lines loaded by inverter pairs is evaluated and posynomial functions for oscillation frequency, power dissipation, phase noise, etc. are formulated using transmission line theory. The re- sulting design problem can be posed as a geometric programJning problem, which can be efficiently solved with a convex opti- mization solver. The proposed method can compute the global optima more efficiently than the traditional iterative scheme and various design problems can be solved with the same circuit model. The globally optimal trade-off curves between competing objectives are also computed to carry out robust designs and quickly explore the design space.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计及比较分析等方法对襄樊学院2007、2008、2009和2010级12 920名大学生体质健康测试结果进行分析研究,结果表明:大学生身高、体重和肺活量均低于全国同龄水平,较低体重和营养不良的学生占到全部学生一半,运动能力水平基本呈正态分布,男生下肢爆发力好于女生,耐力总体水平较低,女生耐力优于男生.该结果为掌握学生的体质健康状况,把握体育工作重点和努力方向提供参考依据.  相似文献   

Power integrity (PI) has become a limiting factor for the chip's overall performance, and how to place in-package decoupling capacitors to improve a chip's PI performance has become a hot issue. In this paper, we propose an improved transmission matrix method (TMM) for fast decoupling capacitance allocation. An irregular grid partition mechanism is proposed, which helps speed up the impedance computation and complies better with the irregular power/ground (P/G) plane or planes with many vias and decoupling capacitors. Furthermore, we also ameliorate the computation procedure of the impedance matrix whenever decoupling capacitors are inserted or removed at specific ports. With the fast computation of impedance change, in-package decoupling capacitor allocation is done with an efficient change based method in the frequency domain. Experimental results show that our approach can gain about 5× speedup compared with a general TMM, and is efficient in restraining the noise on the P/G plane.  相似文献   

阐述可拓学理论发散树思维方法的机械产品概念设计。利用发散树思维的概念设计方法,应用于钢筋矫直切断机转毂矫直机构设计的过程之中,采用发散树思维方法的一般模式,发散出各种转毂式矫直机构的设计方案,而后根据已知的特征值,得出满足实际需求的转毂矫直机构初选概念设计方案。  相似文献   

As the idea of simulated annealing (SA) is introduced into the fitness function, an improved genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to perform the optimal design of a pressure vessel which aims to attain the minimum weight under burst pressure constraint. The actual burst pressure is calculated using the arc-length and restart analysis in finite element analysis (FEA). A penalty function in the fitness function is proposed to deal with the constrained problem. The effects of the population size and the number of generations in the GA on the weight and burst pressure of the vessel are explored. The optimization results using the proposed GA are also compared with those using the simple GA and the conventional Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quick, easy to implement and versatile way of using stochastic simulations to investigate the power and design of using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays for genome-wide association studies in farm animals. It illustrates the methodology by discussing a small example where 6 experimental designs are considered to analyse the same resource consisting of 6006 animals with pedigree and phenotypic records: (1) genotyping the 30 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (515 animals in total), (2) genotyping the 100 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (1 102 animals in total), genotyping respectively (3) 515 and (4) 1 102 animals selected randomly or genotyping respectively (5) 515 and (6) 1 102 animals from the tails of the phenotypic distribution. Given the resource at hand, designs where the extreme animals are genotyped perform the best, followed by designs selecting animals at random. Designs where sires and their progeny are genotyped perform the worst, as even genotyping the 100 most widely used sires and their progeny is not as powerful of genotyping 515 extreme animals.  相似文献   

This paper presents a quick, easy to implement and versatile way of using stochastic simulations to investigate the power and design of using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays for genome-wide association studies in farm animals. It illustrates the methodology by discussing a small example where 6 experimental designs are considered to analyse the same resource consisting of 6006 animals with pedigree and phenotypic records: (1) genotyping the 30 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (515 animals in total), (2) genotyping the 100 most widely used sires in the population and all of their progeny (1102 animals in total), genotyping respectively (3) 515 and (4) 1102 animals selected randomly or genotyping respectively (5) 515 and (6) 1102 animals from the tails of the phenotypic distribution. Given the resource at hand, designs where the extreme animals are genotyped perform the best, followed by designs selecting animals at random. Designs where sires and their progeny are genotyped perform the worst, as even genotyping the 100 most widely used sires and their progeny is not as powerful of genotyping 515 extreme animals.  相似文献   

随着大规模集成电路技术和计算机技术的不断发展,电子技术得到了飞速发展,电子设计自动化(EDA)技术,加速了现代高科技发展的进程_从微电子技术、微电脑技术到信息技术等领域,EDA技术的含量正以惊人的速度上升,在电子系统设计上产生了具有里程碑意义的飞跃,为大规模可编程逻辑器件的应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

A single screw compressor (SSC) is an important component found in many refrigeration systems. However, the durability is not so good because of the friction between its meshing pair. Therefore the column envelope meshing pair was pro- posed to prolong the operating life of SSCs, although it has not been applied to commercial refrigeration systems. To accelerate the industrial application, a mathematical model for analyzing the column envelope meshing pair is established based on the geometry and kinematics. Equations giving the flanks of column envelope grooves are obtained, and teeth flank meshing with the groove is designed. Results show that this model could be applicable in the design of the column envelope type SSC.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Polycrystalline diamond compacts (PDC), con-sisting of a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) layer on a WC-Co substrate, and having high hardness and abrasive resistance, are used in a variety of drilling and machining applications (Farhad, 2001; Sadi and Muzaffer, 2001). However, due to differences of thermal and mechanical properties in diamond and WC-Co substrate, residual thermal stresses develop in regions near the interfaces during fabrication. The diamond coating exhib…  相似文献   

座椅是影响汽车安全性的重要部件,汽车座椅安全性设计的目标就是尽可能避免座椅安全功能失效情况的发生。在讨论汽车座椅安全性设计主要内容的基础上,分析了有限无法在座椅安全性设计中的应用,并举例说明采用有限元法进行座椅安全性设计的一般过程,对汽车座椅的安全性设计有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于事例推理的夹具设计研究与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据基于事例的设计方法,提出采用工序件的特征信息和夹具的结构特征信息来描述夹具的相似性,并建立了包括这2方面主要特征信息为基础的事例索引码,设计了事例库的结构形式,创建了层次化的事例组织方式;同时,提出了基于知识引导的夹具事例检索算法,以及事例的修改和采用同族事例码进行相似事例的存贮,形成了基于事例推理的夹具设计.所开发的原型系统在型号工程夹具设计等项目的设计过程中得到了应用,并取得了令人满意的使用效果.  相似文献   

给出了产品全生命周期设计的定义,阐述了全生命周期设计的内容和方法,探讨了实现全生命周期设计的关键技术,并开发了基于SolidWorks的面向装配的设计工具(DFA)。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的堤防工程设计方案优选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地评价堤防工程设计方案的优劣,应用层次分析法建立了设计方案优选指标体系及结构模型,从多因素、定量与定性相结合的角度来确定最优方案.实例计算表明,层次分析法为设计者选择技术上可行、经济上合理的设计方案提供了一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

通过网络对本科毕业论文(设计)进行了检索比对,指出“文献引用不规范”等5种情况是造成重复率高(抄袭)的主要原因.在不考虑学生诚信等主观因素的前提下,分析指出教学资源不足和教学管理不完善是造成重复率高(抄袭)的客观原因,并提出了解决问题的针对性方案.  相似文献   

分析了当前化工专业毕业设计存在的问题,并从学生、教师和教学管理角度提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

入侵检测系统包含:扫描系统、主体IDS,IDS审计分析系统三个部分,其中扫描系统是IDS设计中非常重要的部件,包括扫描器、弱点(漏洞)数据库,以及分布在各主机上的扫描子系统。本文从扫描器的原理、网络扫描器的设计进行详细的介绍。  相似文献   

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