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批判性思维与学生的自主学习   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自主学习已成为教育心理学研究的热点问题。自主学习是学习者对学习过程和内容的一种心理反应而形成的自主行为。批判性思维是我们通过主动思考,对所学知识进行个人判断而做出合理决策的思维认知过程。批判性思维是构成自主学习的三个条件:心理发展水平、学习动机及学习策略的基础。所以说批判性思维是自主学习的基础。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济文化的不断发展.在面对不断出现的新问题时,大学生们缺乏分析问题和解决问题的能力.凸显出学生批判性思维的缺失.而批判性思维品质对于学生批判性思维的形成具有关键作用。合作学习作为我国现阶段教学组织形式改革的主流.对学生新的思维方式的形成有一定作用。所以,探讨如何在合作学习的过程中培养学生的批判性思维品质.对学生批判性思维的形成有重要意义。  相似文献   

Critical Thinking and Learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This paper introduces some of the debates in the field of critical thinking by highlighting differences among thinkers such as Siegel, Ennis, Paul, McPeck, and Martin, and poses some questions that arise from these debates. Does rationality transcend particular cultures, or are there different kinds of thinking, different styles of reasoning? What is the relationship between critical thinking and learning? In what ways does the moral domain overlap with these largely epistemic and pedagogical issues? The paper concludes by showing how Peters, Evers, Chan and Yan, Ryan and Louie, Luntley, Lam, Doddington, and Kwak, respond to these questions.  相似文献   

教育信息化背景下,实现外语教学中的深层学习势在必行。深层学习的内涵共识与大学外语思辨能力培养内涵不谋而合。外语教学思辨能力的培养和发展,有助于外语教学中深层学习目标和效果的实现。  相似文献   

单文经 《中国德育》2009,(2):26-30,36
批判力是任何一个健全国民所应该具备的一项品格特质。真正具有批判力的人应该会以批判的方式,检视自己和周围人的思想言行,并且随时警觉到既定的规范有可能推翻、既定的规则有可能改变,而且判断的标准有可能修正。这样的人必定具备主动、独立、勇敢等特质,以及丰富的想象力。批判力的教学并不容易实施,因为任何培养学生品格特质的教学都需要教师带头示范,也需要鼓励批判思考的学校气氛作后盾,但是这些要求都不容易作到。即使如此,教师还是要掌握批判力教学的要领,尽早教导学生批判思考。  相似文献   

大学何以培养创新人才:批判性思维的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
批判性思维主要是对已有的知识、思想、理论进行回顾、反思和质疑,发现问题所在,立足于“破”.它是识别谬误、探索真理的思想武器,是创新的必要条件,从而成为创新人才的核心素养.要培养学生的批判性思维能力,造就创新人才,必须实现由“共性”到“个性”、由“求同”到“求异”、由“接受”到“发现”的转变.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的发展,深度学习已成为促进学习者发展的重要方式之一,但学习不太深入的现象仍然比较普遍。目前,创新型人才培养已经成为社会各界共同追求的目标。创新型人才培养要求学习者必须改变固有思维习惯,提升批判性思维能力,而批判性思维能力的提升也会促进深度学习的有效发生。因此,基于批判性思维的深度学习研究具有一定现实意义。在深入分析深度学习和批判性思维内涵特征与实现过程基础上,提出实现深度学习的4个过程阶段,并提取批判性思维培养的7个核心过程要素。通过分析各核心过程要素特点和作用时机,将其融入深度学习4个过程阶段中,构建基于批判性思维的深度学习活动模式,以期更好地促进深度学习的有效发生。  相似文献   

英语阅读教学与批判性、创造性思维能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为人类思维的重要组成部分,批判性和创造性思维对于科技发展,经济增长,社会发展和人类进步起着重要的作用。我国现阶段的英语阅读教学对培养学生的批判性和创造性思维重视不够。本文探讨了这两种思维的含义,并讨论了如何在阅读教学中培养学生的批判性和创造性思维。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the most persistent controversial issue that occurred in Western educational philosophy ever since Socrates questioned the Sophists: the role of truth in teaching. Ways of teaching these kinds of controversy issues are briefly considered to isolate their epistemic characteristics, which will enable the interpretation of Plato and Dewey as exemplars of rationalism and empiricism regarding the role of knowledge in the curriculum and thus include their partial truths in the epistemic ethos of teaching. The consideration of pedagogy will then include the partial truths of rationalism and empiricism in the epistemic ethos of teaching by following Kant's 'Concepts without percepts are empty; perceptions without conceptions are blind'.
This claim, however, is narrowed down in two ways compatible with postmodernism and the heavy emphasis on constructionism in faculties of education. After quoting Harry Broudy's statement that the educational epistemic ethos should be domain-specific, guided by the experts' inquiry protocols in each curricular area, it is narrowed down further with Maxine Greene's explication that it should be pluralistic and lesson-specific. This epistemic ethos is not argued as a synthesis but as an aggregate of the partial truths of various epistemologies in the spirit of the postmodern doubt in any one theory of knowledge without throwing out the baby with the dirty bath water.
Finally, the streams of consciousness involved in teaching and learning good knowledge are described phenomenologically to disclose how truth can be disclosed in teaching, thereby grounding propositional knowledge, for example, ontologically in the being of the student and in the being of the world.  相似文献   

公共教育学(简称"教育学")教学面向未来教师,培养批判性思维具有长远的意义。批判性思维包括批判精神和批判性思维技能,批判精神的人格特质可以在培养批判性思维技能的过程中形成和强化。围绕教科书的观念和言说,教育学教学可以从四个方面指导学生思考教科书文本,发展批判性思维。  相似文献   

近二十年来,批判性思维的培养在以美国为代表的西方国家受到高度重,然而在我国有关研究还十分薄弱。批判性思维有丰富的内涵;尽管学者对其概念的界定有所不同,但是一致认为在现代化信息社会培养人才的批判性思维具有十分重要的意义。批判性思维的培养可以通过多种途径,其中最为有效的是与各学科教学的结合。大学英语是适合融入批判性思维训练的课程,在实施中应遵循一定的教学原则,采取适当的方法和策略。  相似文献   

If an educator is to take a critical stance, teach students to do the same, and design lessons that engage students in thoughtful discussions and actions surrounding issues of social justice, then discussions of politics, race, culture, economics and systems of power are crucial to this work, and, the use of hip-hop is a worthwhile endeavour. In this article, three educators from very diverse backgrounds who have experiences at elementary and college levels, consider the ways in which hip-hop music and culture speaks to the lived experiences of students and has the potential to lend a voice to the seemingly voiceless while also meeting the demands imposed by mandated standards. Within the framework of critical pedagogy/critical consciousness, we discuss hip-hop pedagogy as a channel for capitalising on students’ lived experiences.  相似文献   

思维的批判性是人的思维方式的一项重要品质,它在人类自由的精神生产中形成了思想文化的批判传统,并不断拓展运用领域,提升批判水平。批判性思维这一称谓涵盖了包括思维的批判性在内的众多思维品质,"评判准则+思维方式"构成了现实的批判性思维活动,不同领域的批判有各自不同的批判逻辑。批判性思维教育是训练人的思维方式、培养人的思维品质的教育。大学开展批判性思维教育,要为培养思维的批判性品质创造良好的教育环境,处理好批判性思维教育与价值观教育的关系,加强关于批判性思维的逻辑研究。  相似文献   

采用不相等实验组对照组前后测准实验研究,并辅以行为观察数据和质性资料分析,探究在"基本电路理论"课程教学中采取问题式教学法促进工科大学生批判性思维倾向的发展。研究表明,问题式教学对工科大学生的批判性思维倾向有显著的促进作用。作者认为,为有效开展问题式教学以促进学生批判性思维发展,应注意:(1)教师需具备良好的批判性思维精神;(2)积极营造良好的思考情境和氛围,鼓励与引导学生发现和解决问题;(3)应根据学生基础设置难易适当的问题,营造问题讨论的安全教学氛围;(4)积极引导讨论小组确定合适的讨论问题和组内讨论规则,充分利用信息技术辅助教学。  相似文献   

As a philosophy professor, one of my central goals is to teach students to think critically. However, one difficulty with determining whether critical thinking can be taught, or even measured, is that there is widespread disagreement over what critical thinking actually is. Here, I reflect on several conceptions of critical thinking, subjecting them to critical scrutiny. I also distinguish critical thinking from other forms of mental processes with which it is often conflated. Next, I present my own conception of critical thinking, wherein it fundamentally consists in acquiring, developing, and exercising the ability to grasp inferential connections holding between statements. Finally, given this account of critical thinking, and given recent studies in cognitive science, I suggest the most effective means for teaching students to think critically.  相似文献   

批判性思维及其技能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
批判性思维的核心内容是批判性精神和批判性思维技能。批判性思维技能是一种运用批判技术和策略反思性分析和解决问题的能力。依据批判性思维的教学、训练与大学生所学学科内容的关系,批判性思维技能训练可以有一般方法、沉浸方法、灌输方法和混合方法等四种。  相似文献   

新课程强调学生创新思维的培养,而批判性思维是创新思维的基础。在"教学论"中注重培养学生批判性思维能力,有助于他们掌握主动学习的思维方法,不断提高创新思维能力。  相似文献   

用批判性思维方法打造批判性思维课程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国的教育缺少批判性思维的传统,因而在教育中引入批判性思维的课程,加强批判性思维训练,具有特别重要的意义,应该作为目前教育改革的一个重点而引起我们重视。虽然批判性思维已被引入中国的课堂教育,但课程设置仍存在一些不足。本文提倡用批判性思维的方法来打造批判性思维的教学,鼓励学生对事件进行自主分析思考、课堂上组织小组讨论、教学中使用大量真实案例等,以培养学生用批判性思维进行思考的思维习惯。  相似文献   

This longitudinal case-study aimed at examining whether purposely teaching for the promotion of higher order thinking skills enhances students’ critical thinking (CT), within the framework of science education. Within a pre-, post-, and post–post experimental design, high school students, were divided into three research groups. The experimental group (n = 57) consisted of science students who were exposed to teaching strategies designed for enhancing higher order thinking skills. Two other groups: science (n = 41) and non-science majors (n = 79), were taught traditionally, and acted as control. By using critical thinking assessment instruments, we have found that the experimental group showed a statistically significant improvement on critical thinking skills components and disposition towards critical thinking subscales, such as truth-seeking, open-mindedness, self-confidence, and maturity, compared with the control groups. Our findings suggest that if teachers purposely and persistently practice higher order thinking strategies for example, dealing in class with real-world problems, encouraging open-ended class discussions, and fostering inquiry-oriented experiments, there is a good chance for a consequent development of critical thinking capabilities.  相似文献   

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