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叔本华认为摆脱了生命意志的驱使而直观到“物自体”本身就是美.他仍然是把认识事物的“本质”作为真正美的根源.仍然是一种传统的认识论美学.只是他认为要认识到“物自体”不再是理性的认知方式所能达到的,只有“非理性”色彩的直观方式才能达到.在这一点上具有与传统不同的“现代性”。尼采则是完全转到了感性生存论的价值上.认为原始生命强力的直接展现本身就是最高的价值.就是美之所在,这与叔本华是有根本区别的。  相似文献   

阿图尔·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)是一个与众不同的哲学家、美学家。叔本华是悲观的,在许多哲学家都想为这个世界找一线希望的时候,他却教人们放弃生存的权利;叔本华又是精炼的,很少有哲学家象他这样,居然在一本《作为意志和表象的世界》融入了他百分之九十九的思想和生命。叔本华太自负了,自负得非要哲学界以万分惊喜的态度来欢迎这部著作不可,自负得只想以“普遍”为宗旨来阐述“一系列迄今还无人想到过的思想”,  相似文献   

司马迁作为一位伟大的史学家、文学家,在前人的著述中已有许多深刻而精辟的论述,但作为一位伟大的思想家,其哲学思想的独特性、深刻性,还未引起学者们的关注。本文从司马迁的著述入手,对司马迁的思想作追踪描述,力图对司马迁哲学思想的深层内涵有所揭示。 一、司马迁哲学思想的本质 司马迁哲学思想的本质是什么?这是研究司马迁的关键问题。本文认为,司马迁哲学的本质是生命意志,司马迁是个生命意志主义者。这里使用的“生命意志”一词,和叔本华的“生命意志”不是同一语义上的概念。叔本华的“生命意志”的本质即在于求生存,本文使用于司马迁的生命意志可以定义为:生命化过程对外拓展思维空间的一种  相似文献   

生存、死亡、复活以及“提前埋葬”,一直是爱伦·坡怪诞小说高度关注的主题。在这些文本中,生存和死亡都被描述得极为痛苦、恐怖。由此可以发现坡与叔本华的联系。坡对叔本华的“意志理论”或许存在某种误读,但是他的许多作品都充分体现出与叔本华悲观主义人生哲学及其悲剧理念的契合和感悟,从而深刻地展示了个体生命的生存困惑与焦虑,具有令人心悸的悲剧效应。  相似文献   

生命教育是“三生教育”重要的一环。目前青少年在生活、生命与人生方面出现了许多问题。在大学开设“生命教育与生死哲学”公选课,是要让受教育者体会、认识到自我之社会生命、精神生命和超越生命的意义与价值,从而处理好与他人、社会的关系,在人生中丰富精神生活、发展知识水平、提升文化素养,同时树立正确的生死观念。其课程内容应包括五大板块:学会生死、学会做人、学会生活、学会休闲和学会养生。  相似文献   

生存、死亡、复活以及“提前埋葬”,一直是爱伦·坡怪诞小说高度关注的主题。在这些文本中,生存和死亡都被描述得极为痛苦、恐怖。由此可以发现坡与叔本华的联系。坡对叔本华的“意志理论”或许存在某种误读,但是他的许多作品都充分体现出与叔本华悲观主义人生哲学及其悲剧理念的契合和感悟,从而深刻地展示了个体生命的生存困惑与焦虑,具有令人心悸的悲剧效应。  相似文献   

提升学生的数学表达能力是一个不断进阶的过程。初级阶段的主要目标是学会说“一段话”。为此,课内要提供范式,让表达“入格”;进行复述和转述的专项训练;给予积极评价,营造良好氛围。课外要选择有层次的基础题,进行“每日说题”训练。中级阶段的主要目标是学会说一段“有质量”的话。为此,课内要通过比较,不断优化表达;进行补充的专项训练;重点提升说题的质量。课外要选择多元化的综合题,进行“每日说题”训练。高级阶段的主要目标是学会对话和交流。为此,课内要引导学生之间的对话,课外要建构交流共同体。  相似文献   

为了形成学科育人合力、推动外语课程思政建设、实践“以学生为中心”的教育理念、打造有温度的外语课堂教学,生命教育融入大学英语教学极为重要。大学英语教材中生命教育主要聚焦在以下方面:正视生死,唤醒生命意识;具备生存意识与技能;正视逆境挫折,锻造生命的韧性;学会承担责任,呵护生命情感之美好。为此,教师要有生命教育的理念和知识技能,为生命教育融入大学英语教学提供动力;要联系社会热点和现实生活,积极设置生命教育相关话题;要灵活运用多种教学方法和教学手段,增强教学互动。  相似文献   

我从自己的经历中,深深地体会到:爱是一切教育的基础。一个心中没有爱的人,是不可能组成爱的团队的。那么,如何建设爱的教师团队呢?我认为校长的首要责任就是要在学校营造爱的氛围,让教师每天都快乐起来。为此,我提倡“快乐生命学说”:教师要学会调整思考问题的方式、调节心态、调节期望值,让自己每天都快乐起来,让生命在蓝色的天空中自由快乐地翱翔。我陆续提出了“快乐加减法”、“角色复位”、“适合学说”、“扬长意识”和“生命价值与职业价值统一学说”……同时,我还提倡教师之间“当面锣对面鼓”地处理问题;而“当面锣对面鼓”的良性…  相似文献   

叔本华从其意志论哲学出发,认为世界的本质是意志,表现为无止境的欲望与冲动,因而,人生是痛苦的,艺术可以展示使人沉醉于“自失”的境界,忘记意志的存在。尼采继承了叔本华的悲观主义哲学前提,认为审美存在的必要性在于悲剧性,这是两个人在意志论美学中的合唱,也是变奏之所始。叔本华从肯定艺术始,终于否定人生。尼采则肯定艺术进而肯定生命!然而尼采表面的乐观并没能掩饰住内心的失望, 他发出的最后的哀鸣把他带回到叔本华的出发点。  相似文献   

文化趋同是文化发展的必然趋势。文化趋同增加了英汉两种语言的共同成分,在一定程度上影响了两种语言中民族物质化、民族意识化、民族地域化和民族社会化的翻译。  相似文献   

Relationships between personality and academic motivation were examined using 451 first-year college students. Multiple regressions compared three types of intrinsic motivation, three types of extrinsic motivation and amotivation to five personality factors. Results indicated that those who were intrinsically motivated to attend college tended to be extroverted, agreeable, conscientious, and open to new experiences; although these trends varied depending on the specific type of intrinsic motivation. Those who were extrinsically motivated tended to be extroverted, agreeable, conscientious, and neurotic; depending on the type of extrinsic motivation. Those who lacked motivation tended to be disagreeable and careless. These results suggest that students with different personality characteristics have different reasons for pursuing college degrees and different academic priorities.  相似文献   

Student motivation may have significant influences on essential academic outcomes. However, students’ motivation may decline as they grow older. This study examined six motivation constructs (self-efficacy, interest, mastery goal orientation, engagement, avoidance coping, and effort withdrawal) of students from 78 schools in Singapore (= 4214) in learning English. Using a large and diverse sample of primary 5 (5th grade) and secondary 3 (9th grade) students, grade and gender differences in these constructs were examined. Applying a MIMIC approach to structural equation modeling, the paths from grade and gender as well as the grade × gender interaction variable were found to be significant. That is, (a) the scores for self-efficacy, interest, mastery goal orientation, and engagement tended to be lower whereas avoidance coping and effort withdrawal tended to be higher for the secondary students, (b) boys tended to have lower scores; and (c) the gap in motivation between primary and secondary tended to be greater for girls. Since motivation may have important influences on subsequent learning outcomes, we need to seriously consider the implications of these grade- and gender-related patterns and pay attention particularly to boys in primary schools and girls in secondary schools.  相似文献   

In order to examine caregiving relationships of children enrolled in childcare, two longitudinal samples of children, n = 72 and n = 106, were followed from infancy through preschool. Maternal attachment as assessed by the Strange Situation, 4-year-old reunion behavior, and by the Attachment Q-Set tended to be stable across time. Children's teacher-child relationship quality, as measured by the Attachment Q-Set, was stable if the teacher remained the same. When the teacher changed, teacher-child relationship quality tended to be unstable until the children were 30 months old. After 30 months, relationship quality with teachers tended to be stable regardless of whether or not the teacher changed. Maternal and teacher relationships were nonconcordant. There were few interactions between adult caregiver relationship quality and age of entry into child care or intensity of child care.  相似文献   

This study explores classification consistency and accuracy for mixed-format tests using real and simulated data. In particular, the current study compares six methods of estimating classification consistency and accuracy for seven mixed-format tests. The relative performance of the estimation methods is evaluated using simulated data. Study results from real data analysis showed that the procedures exhibited similar patterns across various exams, but some tended to produce lower estimates of classification consistency and accuracy than others. As data became more multidimensional, unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory (IRT) methods tended to produce different results, with the unidimensional approach yielding lower estimates than the multidimensional approach. Results from simulated data analysis demonstrated smaller estimation error for the multidimensional IRT methods than for the unidimensional IRT method. The unidimensional approach yielded larger error as tests became more multidimensional, whereas a reverse relationship was observed for the multidimensional IRT approach. Among the non-IRT approaches, the normal approximation and Livingston-Lewis methods performed well, whereas the compound multinomial method tended to produce relatively larger error.  相似文献   

许多中国现代作家往往以西方小说理念,对中国古典小说采取简单的批判和否定态度,林语堂则多有肯定、赞赏甚至迷醉,并直言他所受的中国古典小说的深刻影响。林语堂在神秘主义、悲剧的喜剧思想、人物形象塑造和叙事艺术上,都与中国古典小说有着直接的因缘。当然,除了《红楼梦》,林语堂对其他中国古典小说尚缺乏深入研究,即使对于《红楼梦》也有模仿过重和创新意识较弱的不足。  相似文献   

The world population pyramid has changed shape. However, this does not mean that societies have changed their negative concept of old age. Our study proposes an intergenerational service-learning program with 179 university students and 101 slightly depressed elderly people. The results show that the elderly people who interacted improved in well-being. Those interacting with the young people tended to lower their stereotyped perception of themselves, while the others tended to augment it. The young people tended to moderate their stereotypes of the elderly with or without interaction.  相似文献   

Observed child care quality and parent perceptions of child care quality received by children in poor (below Federal Poverty Line, FPL), low-income (between FPL and 200% of FPL), and non-low-income families were examined. Observations were completed in 359 center- and home-based child care programs in four Midwestern states and surveys were received from 1313 parents whose children were enrolled in these programs. Multilevel structural equation modeling revealed that programs with higher proportions of low-income families tend to have lower observed quality than programs with a higher proportion of non-low-income families. Programs with more educated parents tended to have better observed quality, however, more educated parents tended to have lower perceptions of quality.  相似文献   

目的:研究医学生的死亡态度。方法:采用死亡态度问卷,对757名医学生进行调查。结果:医学生中立接受死亡的得分最高(3.90±0.77),逃离接受死亡的得分最低(2.02±0.70);在死亡恐惧上,女生得分显著高于男生(t=3.28,p0.001);在逃离接受死亡上,有过自杀意念的医学生得分显著高于没有自杀意念的医学生得分(t=5.13,p0.001);等。结论:大多数医学生对死亡持中立接受的态度,少数人偏向于逃离接受死亡。应把生的教育和死的教育有机结合起来,引导医学生正确对待死亡。  相似文献   

Evidence from several longitudinal studies suggests that individual activity characteristics tend to persist over time and to influence the development of temperamental style. The activity of 50 children whose motility had been monitored by an electronic activity monitor when they were neonates was again monitored by an ambulatory microcomputer when they were 4-8 years old. Additionally, the parents of these children filled out the Behavioral Style Questionnaire by McDevitt and Carey. The results showed that the level of the children's day and night activity was unrelated. The vigor of neonatal movements was later positively related to high daytime activity. Also, the least vigorous infants tended to become the most inactive children during the day. The results further showed that the most active neonates became children who, as perceived by their parents, tended to approach rather than withdraw from new experiences.  相似文献   

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