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小学英语教学的目的是培养学生运用英语、进行交际、提高社交能力。培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,是提高课堂教学效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(3):129-134
In this article Lynne Meiring and Nigel Norman focus on the notion of entitlement and the demands this has made on schools and teachers to cater for the needs of a wide range of pupils previously denied an experience of foreign languages. In order to enable all pupils to realise their potential, facilities and strategies have to be reviewed and developed to ensure that their learning experience is appropriate. This article focuses on the contribution that one such facility, namely information and communications technology (ICT), can make towards removing some of the barriers to learning experienced by some pupils, enabling them to realise some of the benefits of what has often been perceived as a particularly inaccessible curricular area. The authors examine how the generic capability of ICT can enhance and enable the learning of pupils with special educational needs (SEN), but do not purport to consider specifically the specialised technology required for certain manifestations of special need.  相似文献   

This paper reports a small-scale project to develop a prototype web-based information system to support teaching and learning within the modern languages department of a comprehensive secondary school. The system was developed in close consultation with the teaching staff and the work is presented within the broader context of knowledge management systems and their potential use in an educational environment.  相似文献   

在英语专业的二外日语教学中,如何激发学生学习日语的动力是二外日语教学必须要考虑的课题。本文从影响教学的情感因素入手来探讨二外日语课堂教学。  相似文献   

在目前现代汉语的教学中,反映出学生的理论学习和实际运用仍有很大差距,究其原因种种。如何改进?本文从以下三个方面进行探讨:一、增删教材理论;二、改革教学内容;三、改进教学方法。现代汉语教学只有在语言运用过程中学习语言,才能提高学生的语言运用能力。  相似文献   

针对高校外语专业学生,使用Oxford设计的“语言学习策略量表”调查其语言学习策略使用情形,探讨其“就读年级”和“外文程度”两变量对学习策略的影响。结果显示,外语专业学生使用语言学习策略之频率整体而言为中等程度,其策略使用范畴排序则为情意、社会、补偿、元认知、认知和记忆策略。“就读年级”和“外文程度”两个变数中只有“外文程度”对整体语言学习策略使用具有显著性的差异,而“就读年级”和“外文程度”对于个别策略范畴则有不同程度的影响。最后讨论如何在课堂上训练学生使用语言学习策略。  相似文献   

This study discusses the generalizability of gender differences in the second language competences of European adolescents across three languages, three skills and fourteen countries. In most cases, females do better than males but the effect sizes are small or medium at best (Cohen's ds < −0.46). However, English appears rather gender-neutral on average, with males sometimes outperforming females. We also found evidence for cross-skill variation: writing turns out to be more prone to gender differences than listening or reading. Thirdly, we found cross-country variation in the gender gap, which supports the hypothesis that gender is primarily a social factor rather than a biological factor in learning. Multilevel mediation analyses with constituents of motivation indeed show that in most cases where females outperform males, up to 60% of this advantage can be explained by the differential appeal of the students' L2 course and by the instrumental, integrative and intrinsic value that students attribute to the L2.  相似文献   

Recent research findings suggest that students who have difficulty learning a second language have weaknesses in oral and written native-language skills which affect their performance in the foreign-language classroom. These weaknesses involve understanding the phonological, syntactic, and semantic codes of language. Evidence suggests that dyslexic/learning-disabled and other “at risk” students who struggle in the second language classroom exhibit particular difficulty with the phonological and syntactic codes of the language. The Orton-Gillingham method, a multisensory, structured language approach which adheres to the direct and explicit teaching of phonology, is presented as an alternative to the “natural” communication approaches recently developed by foreign-language educators to teach a second language. A method for adapting this approach for teaching Spanish is described.  相似文献   

话题作是近年备受青睐的一种高考作命题方式。在成人高考中,掌握话题作写作规律,善于从提示性字、话题本身及写作要求三方面寻找写作信息,可以利用其自由度和开放性,发挥自己的写作特长,写好话题作。  相似文献   

晚清经世致用教育思想有其产生的学术依据、形成背景以及主要内容;经世致用教育思想对我国近代外语教的推进作用,主要表现在两大方面:舆论准备,洋务学堂的建立。  相似文献   

聋校语文教材中呈现了多姿多彩的审美形态和审美范畴。在教学中要引领学生感受美,启迪学生鉴赏美,鼓励学生体现美。培养和提高聋生的审美能力。  相似文献   

当代大学生诚信道德重构与机制探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
理性审视当代大学生的诚信状况,切实加强大学生的诚信道德教育,重塑当代大学生的诚信形象是高等教育义不容辞的责任。大学生诚信教育是一项涉及到学校方方面面的多要素、多层次的工作。高校要切实有效地加强大学生诚信教育,必须构建起一个科学合理的诚信教育体系,从认识到行动,从制度建设到校园文化熏陶,要将诚信教育作为一项系统工程进行建设和实践。  相似文献   

被人称为"古今言情第一人"的李碧华的作品多数为描写爱情的作品,她的作品中往往从出人意料的切入角度,写人物重重纠结、环环相扣的缠绕状态;写被严重压抑的情欲爆发时的异彩;写非常态的爱情关系里常态的爱情心理,并从中透露出她对爱情、恋爱中男女关系、对现代社会女性人生困境、女权主义的思考。  相似文献   

语言输入的重要性已被多数外语教师认同。根据Krashen的i+1理论,二语习得只需依靠自然输入。文章针对中国学生学习时间有限的实际情况,调整了输入,强调以词汇、词组为重点,语用能力为核心,质、量并重的非自然输入。  相似文献   

在对外汉语传播交流中,唐代占据着重要的地位。本文从汉语在朝鲜半岛、日本的传播及汉语汉文化传播的另一重要途径──宗教三方面介绍了唐朝对外汉语传播的情况。研究对外汉语传播史,从中发现值得借鉴和继承的经验,可促进对外汉语教学及研究的发展。  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育是21世纪教育事业发展的必然。新时期的大学生必须具有知识、能力、素质和国际特性四方面的综合特点,才能在未来的国际社会与经济竞争中立于不败之地。大学生不仅应有广博的科学文化知识,而且要不断提高自己的外语素质,毕业后才能成功地进行跨文化交际。本文主要结合民族地区师专的功能和区域实际,探讨大学生素质的基本内涵;分析目前学生素质教育中存在的主要问题;就如何构建有效的外语素质教育作一些思考。  相似文献   

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