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The rapid development in Internet technology and its big popularity has led some universities around the world to incorporate web-based learning in some of their programmes. The present paper introduces a comprehensive survey of the publications about using remote laboratories in electrical engineering education. Remote laboratories are web-based, real-time laboratories that enable students to measure and control the measurements remotely in their own time. The survey highlights the features of many recent remote laboratories and demonstrates the software and networking technologies used. The paper provides a comprehensive overview on several aspects related to remote laboratories development. The paper concentrates on the publications appearing during the last decade. The review is arranged according to the area of specialisation, then chronologically.  相似文献   

The paper starts by emphasising that final year engineering projects are regarded important in the training and education of professional engineers in Australia and Europe. The sources of projects available to students were also mentioned. Some Australian universities insist on individual projects but some not, each with their own reasons. However, it can be argued that all European universities run individual projects. In most cases, whether it is in Australia or Europe, the total load for final year engineering projects is about 6.25% of the load of engineering programmes. Assessment methods were also described. They were all different whether in Australia or Europe but not very significant. It was discovered that literature reviews, oral presentations and written reports or dissertations were important elements in the assessment schemes. Many university staff, in both continents, encouraged students to publish their work in international conferences and journals if the originality of the projects was high. It can be argued that the individual project is most effective in learning outcome; however, the cost involved is also very high and its sustainability in smaller universities in Australia is in doubt.  相似文献   

In 2012, the government of South Australia responded to Federal agreements aimed at universal access to preschool education for children in the year before starting formal schooling by introducing a trial designed to ‘integrate’ preschool children into first year of school programmes in rural and remote areas of the state. This paper reports on the evaluation of this trial, exploring the ways in which integration was interpreted and implemented in eight rural and/or remote sites, the perceived value of collaboration in planning integrated provision and the ways in which two new curriculum documents – one for the prior-to-school years and the other for compulsory school – influenced the delivery of integrated preschool–school programmes. Results identify several types of integration, highlight some of the challenges of collaboration in integrating preschool with school and share the caution of educators about the push down of school curriculum into preschool contexts.  相似文献   

针对远程教育中实验环节的教学问题,讨论了学习者通过Internet远程完成PLC控制系统实验的解决方案。首先讨论了远程实验室的构成,包括其网络结构设计、网站设计及仿真被控对象设计,最后讨论了远程实验室的测试。通过MPS供料站的实验测试表明:远程客户端通过VPN连接实验室服务器可远程操控完成实验,证明了设计方案的可行性。  相似文献   

高校实验室安全准入制度的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
实验室安全是当前高校实验室管理中迫切需要研究的课题.介绍了浙江大学国家级生物实验教学示范中心在创新人才培养实践中,树立"以人为本、安全发展"理念,强化实验室安全基础建设,采取"实验室安全准人考试系统和校园身份识别防范系统"等措施,加强高校实验室安全管理.  相似文献   

This paper gives a focussed summary of good practice taken primarily from engineers who are responsible for teaching topics related to systems and control. This engineering specialisation allows the paper to give some degree of focus in the discussions around laboratories, software and assessment, although naturally many of the conclusions are generic. A key intention is to provide a summary document or survey paper which can be used by academics as a start point in studies of what is effective in the discipline. It is also hoped that such a summary will be useful to engineering institutions in drawing together and disseminating open access resources that are freely available to the community at large.  相似文献   

必须加强高等学校实验室环境保护工作   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
高等学校实验室的环境保护工作是实验室管理工作的重要内容,做好实验室环保工作,具有落实科学发展观、构建和谐高校的重要意义。该文以南开大学实验室环保工作的实践为立足点,论述了高等学校实验室环保工作的主要做法和关键步骤,使实验室环境保护工作长期化、规范化、科学化。  相似文献   

以顺德职业技术学院为例,阐述 SSL VPN 实现原理,介绍利用 SSL VPN 实现远程访问校园的内部资源的方法。  相似文献   

远程访问数字图书馆这一应用课题的目的是解决如何将在特定网络环境中的数字图书资源共享到一般网络环境里的问题.在校园内,人们可以通过校内网络访问学校共享的校内外的数字图书资源,但离开学校就不能访问学校共享的图书资源了.讨论并设计实现C/S模式的代理软件访问学校共享的校内外的图书资源,使得人们工作和学习不被限制在特定的网络环境中,方便工作和学习.  相似文献   

企业信息查询系统将分布各地独立的信息业务系统的信息使用Web服务技术进行集成,通过公用或者专用互联网络满足用户的访问需要。因其异构性和基于Web服务,安全问题尤其特殊与重要。使用CA安全中心统一管理用户身份认证与服务之间的信任访问,通过安全令牌、数字签名和数据加密建立应用层的安全控制机制,满足了异地查询系统的安全需要。  相似文献   

根据军队院校的特点,从管理保障、队伍建设、科研创新、学术交流、专家治室、文化建设等6个方面,对军队院校国家级重点实验室的运行机制建设进行了研究.  相似文献   

在福建省高中教师的远程研修中,福建教育学院开展了"名师网上授课教研"活动,用全省一流的名师、一流的教研、一流的资源,利用《福建基础教育网》的技术支持,为全省的高中教师提供免费、开放、及时、优质、高效、灵活的备课研修平台,为提高一线教师的教育教学能力服务,为高中新课程的推进性实施服务,为提高全省高中的教学质量服务。  相似文献   

高校实验室技术档案的建设与规范化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校实验室技术档案的建设与规范化管理是提升高等学校办学水平和质量的必要前提。文章阐述了高校实验室技术档案的概念范畴和功能,分析了当前高校实验室技术档案管理中存在的问题,提出了加强高校实验室技术档案建设与规范化管理的措施。  相似文献   

国家利益决定一切,欧洲国家林立,是不可能用一个声音说话的。伊战却把分歧展示在世界面前,而美国防部长拉姆斯斐尔德也不失时机地提出了“新老欧洲”论。欧洲怎么了?本文拟就其产生的原因及欧洲的走向作些探究。  相似文献   

俄罗斯是一个地处欧亚大陆的国家,自彼得大帝改革以来,俄罗斯一直试图走一条西方式的发展道路.但由于自身政治、经济和思想意识等方面的原因,俄罗斯却始终与欧洲诸国格格不入。本文力图以彼得改革后的俄国为起始点,以现今俄国的政治经济为背景,从经济物质层面、政治制度层面和思想深度层面着手分析俄国与欧洲关系的发展脉络和整体趋势。  相似文献   

The deep economic, social, technological and cultural changes in Europe represent a real challenge for teacher education. The teacher's role is becoming more complex and demanding, while the expectations of society are rising. Teachers are expected not only to enable optimal development of increasingly heterogeneous groups of pupils, but also to mitigate the effects of social inequality. All this requires qualitative changes in pre-service and in-service teacher education. In this regard, the transition from school/university to professional life — the induction period and early career years — requires special attention. In this phase, a fruitful synthesis of theory and practice can occur if novices are systematically introduced and supported by good mentoring in the transition from study to school life and culture, but a ‘practice shock’ is also possible during which many positive effects of pre-service education are lost. Our aim is to identify some principles and optimal solutions that would foster teacher's professional development in this important phase of their career.  相似文献   

Analyzing familial affection between Sarah and Nullah across race, love between Sarah and Drover across caste, friend?ship between Sarah and King George across caste and race, this paper attempts to he...  相似文献   

讨论了基于互连网的远程电子实验(主要是硬件实验)中多用户并发操作的解决方案。从热线电话服务中得到启发,结合电子实验的特点,提出了一种热线访问模式的实验软件设计方案,并与传统的排队模式进行了比较,论证了其可行性以及运行效率高、软件编程简化等优点。介绍了一个基于虚拟仪器平台的具体的设计实例,并已在远程实验教学中得到了很好的应用。  相似文献   

介绍了基于Internet技术的PLC远程在线访问实训室的构建。该实训室采用工业通讯模块,依托Siemens PLC强大的通讯能力,通过Internet进行数据传送,真正实现了远程PLC的在线访问。该系统可通过远程PC对实训室中PLC机进行访问,完成上下载程序、在线诊断、在线监控等工作;并可以通过视频直接观察PLC动作,判断设备动作是否正确。介绍了该实训系统的网络拓扑图、各项功能和数据安全通信方法。  相似文献   

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