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Recent political socialisation research focuses almost exclusively on the orientations of adolescents, even though the literature seems to agree on the assumption that politically relevant orientations and attitudes are acquired much earlier in the life span. This article argues that it is essential to look at the beginning of socialisation if we want to shed further light on the processes underlying the development of democratic citizenship and therefore looks at children aged six to eight years. It examines the influence of primary school institutions on children's political learning by looking at three important school contexts on children's political knowledge, (1) teaching, (2) class, and (3) school context. The empirical analyses draw on data from a German study that includes several hundred children at the beginning and at the end of their first school year, as well as their teachers. Even though individual factors can account for a good portion of the variance, school factors are also important but depend on the respective knowledge domain. The findings can contribute to the ongoing discourse about a broadening of children's political and civic rights and are meant to trigger a discussion about a re-orientation of civic education in primary school.  相似文献   

Scientific reasoning skills are not just for researchers, they are also increasingly relevant for making informed decisions in our everyday lives. How can these skills be facilitated? The current state of research on supporting scientific reasoning includes intervention studies but lacks an integrated analysis of the approaches to foster scientific reasoning in primary through secondary education. This meta-analysis evaluates effect sizes taken from 30 interventions in experimental and quasi-experimental studies and shows a medium mean effect of interventions on scientific reasoning. Interventions successfully facilitate scientific discovery, scientific argumentation, or nature of science in all age groups. Moderator analyses show that interventions set in constructive and interactive learning activities yield positive effects but do not differ substantially. Although the meta-analysis is limited by the number of studies included, we can conclude that scientific reasoning can successfully be facilitated and we show which characteristics are beneficial in educational interventions.  相似文献   

Two years of assessment results from the full‐time MBA of a highly ranked UK business school are examined to compare the outcomes for students for whom English is a second language (ESL) with those for whom English is a primary language (EPL). The results suggest that the overall higher level of higher‐degree outcomes for the EPL group is underpinned by evidence of an interaction between assessment methodology (coursework versus timed, closed book examinations) and assessment outcomes with examinations particularly disadvantaging the ESL cohort in terms of final grades.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of head teachers' background characteristics on the entrepreneurship education of schools. The study analyzes how the background characteristics of head teachers explain the implementation of entrepreneurship education in schools. The methods applied were analysis of variance and linear regression analysis. The data consists of 135 Finnish general education head teachers. The results show that while the head teachers and schools bring out some interesting differences, only the school level and the head teacher's training in entrepreneurship education can help to anticipate entrepreneurship education activities in the school.  相似文献   

We look at the effect of school starting age on standardized test scores using data covering all Grade 4 and Grade 8 students in Hungary. Instrumental variables estimates of the local average treatment effect suggest that children generally gain from starting school 1 year later, and the effects are much stronger in the case of students coming from low-educated families. We test the robustness of the results by allowing for heterogeneity in the age effect, distinguishing between fields of testing, using discontinuity samples and relying on alternative data. The hypothesis that delayed entry has a stronger impact on low-status children is supported by the robustness checks. The observed patterns are most probably explained by the better performance of kindergartens, as opposed to schools, in developing the skills of low-status children.  相似文献   

Many studies investigating inquiry learning in science domains have appeared over the years. Throughout this period, inquiry learning has been regularly criticized by scholars who favor direct instruction over inquiry learning. In this vein, Zhang, Kirschner, Cobern, and Sweller (2022) recently asserted that direct instruction is overall superior to inquiry-based instruction and reproached policy makers for ignoring this fact. In the current article we reply to this assertion and the premises on which it is based. We review the evidence and argue that a more complete and correct interpretation of the literature demonstrates that inquiry-based instruction produces better overall results for acquiring conceptual knowledge than does direct instruction. We show that this conclusion holds for controlled, correlational, and program-based studies. We subsequently argue that inquiry-based and direct instruction each have their specific virtues and disadvantages and that the effectiveness of each approach depends on moderating factors such as the learning goal, the domain involved, and students' prior knowledge and other student characteristics. Furthermore, inquiry-based instruction is most effective when supplemented with guidance that can be personalized based on these moderating factors and can even involve providing direct instruction. Therefore, we posit that a combination of inquiry and direct instruction may often be the best approach to support student learning. We conclude that policy makers rightfully advocate inquiry-based instruction, particularly when students’ investigations are supplemented with direct instruction at appropriate junctures.  相似文献   

The increase of individualised customer demands and tough competition in the manufacturing sector gave rise to more customer-centric operations management such as products and services (mass) customisation. Mass customisation (MC), which inherits the ‘economy of scale’ from mass production (MP), aims to meet specific customer demands with near MP efficiency. Such an overarching concept has multiple impacts on operations management. This requires highly qualified and multi-skilled engineers who are well prepared for managing MC. Therefore, this concept should be properly addressed by engineering education curricula which needs to keep up with the emerging business trends. This paper introduces a novel course about MC and variety in operations management which recalls several Experiential Learning (EL) practices consistently with the principle of an active learning. The paper aims to analyse to which extent EL can improve the efficiency of the teaching methods and the retention rate in the context of operations management. The proposed course is given to engineering students whose’ perceptions are collected using semi-structured questionnaires and analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The paper highlights the relevance (i) of teaching MC, and (ii) of active learning in engineering education, through the specific application in the domain of MC.  相似文献   


Classroom disciplinary climate has emerged as a crucial factor with regard to student achievement. However, most previous studies have not explored potential gender differences in both students’ perceptions of the classroom disciplinary climate and the association between classroom disciplinary climate and student learning. Using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 for the Nordic countries, we found a significant association between the perceived classroom disciplinary climate of schools and students’ mathematics performance across countries. On the basis of an analysis of a pooled sample consisting of all 5 Nordic countries, we found that the correlation between classroom disciplinary climate of schools and maths achievement is significantly stronger for boys than for girls. Further analyses showed that this finding may partly be attributable to gender differences in the perception of the disciplinary climate of schools, whereby boys seemed to perceive the classroom disciplinary climate of schools more positively than girls.  相似文献   

The early stages of an academic career are fraught with insecurity. By focusing on the individual and his or her background, this article sets out to analyse and develop theories for this insecurity. We see academic career insecurity as a mix of how much someone wants to pursue a job in academia and what they feel is the probability of reaching their goal. The article draws on concepts of boundaryless careers and protean careers to theorise about the antecedents of insecurity. Empirical analysis is based on survey data from early-career researchers at a large Austrian university. The findings indicate that the most important individual factors that reduce academic career insecurity are the willingness to be geographically mobile, self-attribution of previous career success, a high proportion of working time devoted to research and networking, as well as being at an advanced career stage. The article demonstrates the potential and limits of the boundaryless and protean career concepts for studying academic careers. Practical measures are that universities should provide early-career researchers with temporal space for research and networking, facilitate stays at other universities, inform them about career success factors, and tailor faculty development programmes to the distinct stages of academic careers.  相似文献   


Meta-ethnography and systematic review of qualitative research are needed but also challenged by the link to the evidence movement’s models and PISA-traditions for measuring learning effects. For reflections on the perspective for meta-ethnography it means to reconstruct the methodological argument almost divided in a ‘Before and After PISA’, meaning before and after 2000. To understand challenges, benefits and limitations of being involved in the evidence circuit also implies that you recall the origin for meta-ethnography (back in the 1980s) to develop a more genuine practice-oriented meta-ethnographical framework. Referring to Denmark, this means navigating between political and institutional parties and between different forms of knowledge identified as sound knowledge, common sense and ‘non- knowledge’. On this backdrop the article will address methodological questions and dilemmas. Beginning with a short introduction it will follow three steps to clarify platform and dilemmas going through research trends and examples ‘before and after’ PISA-traditions.  相似文献   

This article examines how non-fiction children’s television programmes portray bodily changes and sexuality at puberty. Engaging with the body and the sexuality of children in the broadcast media raises cultural and social challenges. Public concern about social morality and the ‘sexualisation of children’, sexual objectification and pornography, together with the construction of childhood as a naïve pre-sexual stage of life, have silenced children’s television when it comes to the subject of children’s sexuality. However, a few programmes have offered an alternative to this taboo. Based on a study of 30 non-fiction programmes submitted between 1964 and 2016 to Prix Jeunesse international festival for children’s media, this paper describes and analyses how these programmes present unique, thought-provoking and innovative ways of engaging with the culturally controversial issue of the body and sexuality on children’s television.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the efforts of foreign university teachers in graduate schools in Thailand as they incorporate cultural knowledge into their classroom teaching styles and methodology. Through in-depth semi-structured interviews we have gathered qualitative data on the teachers’ concerns, mindsets and their proposed solutions. We build up our discussion in several stages. We set the scene by discussing the importance of cultural sensitivity in settings where teacher and learners have different cultural backgrounds. We then introduce the concept of cultural intelligence and use this to help us examine the literature on cultural sensitivity in teaching from a new perspective. We then describe the cultural context of teaching in Thailand and offer empirical data from our respondents’ experiences. From our research data we identified five main aspects of Thai culture where teachers felt the need to expand/adapt their existing teaching repertoires. These aspects are: fun/sanuk; hierarchy/kreng jai; authority with a kind heart/jai dee; collectivist group activities; and localized class content. We discuss our findings in relation to cultural adjustments that the teachers sought to make and, in conclusion, link this discussion to our earlier examination of cultural intelligence.  相似文献   

This study attempts to evaluate the achievement effect of ability grouping on student performance on the National College Entrance Exam in China. The context of this study is the ongoing school reform movement occurring in many Chinese municipalities. The current reform movement is striving to achieve educational equity and quality by integrating initial low achievers into high-performing schools. The propensity score matching method is employed as the identification strategy. After controlling for self-selection bias in high school assignment, this study finds that while there is no effect of high ability grouping at the school level on academic achievement, initial low achievers’ academic performances can be significantly improved when integrated with high performing students at the school level. In addition, between-class grouping significantly improves student performance in a heterogeneous school-level grouping. Upon analyzing the results, rich information on school level input is reported.  相似文献   

Students often have a negative view on science, particularly women. Furthermore, academic level in math and science is usually considered as an innate ability. The aims of the study were to create an Implicit Association Test (IAT) in order to highlight the stereotype that science is innate, to identify if the gender of the participants impacts the results of this implicit measure and to compare self-report and implicit measures. Results showed that (1) science and innate are more easily associated in the IAT than liberal arts and innate, (2) women have a higher association of science and innate than men in the IAT (that is not the case in self-report measures).  相似文献   

Seventy‐seven new academics – 59 at a large, public university in the UK and 18 at a medium‐sized, private comprehensive university in the USA – were asked to read an extract of an article on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and mark the text according to categories of difficulty or dislike. Analysis of the data revealed six main linguistic barriers in the text: specialist vocabulary, passive constructions, pronouns, figurative language, derivations and poor editorial standards. These barriers were similar at both institutions, suggesting they apply across different contexts. Contrary to expectations, no conclusive disciplinary‐based distinctions were detected. Implications for both readers and writers are explored and proposals are made for developing a literary style in SoTL literature that is simultaneously accessible and credible.

Soixante‐dix‐sept nouveaux enseignants – cinquante‐neuf provenant d’une université publique britannique de grande taille et dix‐huit provenant d’une université privée américaine de taille moyenne – ont lu l’extrait d’un article portant sur le scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) et ont identifié les parties qu’ils jugeaient difficiles ou qu’ils n’appréciaient pas. Une analyse des données révèle la présence de six barrières linguistiques principales dans le texte: le vocabulaire spécialisé, les constructions passives, les pronoms, le langage figuratif, les dérivations et des standards de rédaction de piètre qualité. Ces barrières étaient similaires dans le cas des deux institutions, ce qui suggère qu’elles sont applicables dans des contextes différents. Contrairement aux attentes, aucune distinction reposant sur les disciplines permettant de tirer des conclusions n’a pu être détectée. Les implications pour les lecteurs et les rédacteurs sont explorées et des propositions visant à développer un style littéraire pour la documentation portant sur le SoTL qui soit à la fois accessible et crédible sont formulées.  相似文献   

Constructing explanations of complex phenomena is an important part of doing science and it is also an important component of learning science. Students need opportunities to make claims based on available evidence and then use science concepts to justify why evidence supports the claim. But what happens when new evidence emerges for the same phenomenon? The “claim” portion of the claim, evidence, and reasoning explanation framework is viewed as the most accessible to students. When new evidence suggests that students adjust their current thinking however, do students incorporate this new information and modify their claims? This research utilized a time series research design to explore how students modify their claim over four iterations of one explanation, termed an evolving explanation. As new data were collected and analyzed to provide additional evidence, students needed to evaluate their current claim to see if it took into account all available evidence. This research explores that process including the supports that the teacher provided and the challenges that students faced in developing one claim, over time. The findings indicate that many students face challenges adjusting their claims when new, conflicting evidence emerges, even with class discussion, teacher feedback, and written scaffolds. Several possible reasons exist to account for this challenge. Students may (1) ignore new evidence, (2) find “undoing” their initial idea too cognitively demanding, or (3) simply not have any similar experience from which to build. Providing students with experiences of writing evolving explanations reflects what scientists do, while simultaneously preparing students to become more scientifically proficient.  相似文献   

While beneficial, the consistent and regular use of evidence to improve teaching and learning is proving difficult to achieve in practice. This paper attempts to shed new light on this issue by examining the question: ‘If using evidence to inform teaching practice is rational behaviour, why aren’t all teachers engaged in it?’ It first explores whether the evidence-informed practice (EIP) beliefs and perspectives of teachers align with their evidence-use behaviours; second it assesses what factors prevent teachers/schools that wish to engage in EIP from doing so. Using a Gradient Boosted Tree predictive model to analyse data from a survey of 696 practitioners in 79 schools, the findings suggest that, to increase EIP, school leaders need to: (1) promote the vision for evidence use; (2) illustrate how research enhances aspects of teaching and learning; and (3) establish effective learning environments. School leaders’ broader commitment to EIP, and the interplay between EIP and accountability are also explored.  相似文献   

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