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The paper focuses on educational changes we see as necessary for future graduates to take up the emerging social and ethical challenges of their profession. This paper summarizes some Australian initiatives, presents some of our approaches to teaching ethics and suggests some ways to encourage both the study of ethics and actual ethical practice. The practice of engineering in Australia is guided by a Code of Ethics developed by the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust). There is an expectation that Australian educators will guide students to develop the abilities to make ethical decisions and an appreciation of ethical conduct. The authors endorse the view that ethics issues should be included as an intrinsic part of engineering curricula. Wego further, and suggest that the social impact and the international and global nature of engineering practice call for an extension of traditional ethical frameworks to incorporate treatment of questions of social responsibility, including the issue of sustainability. We outline changes in engineering education in Australia over the past two decades, indicating some of the effects of these changes on the culture of engineering and the ways in which ethics issues are being conceptualized and taught. Experience at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) is our main focus because UTS is widely recognized as a leader in engineering education in Australia. Wedescribe the restructuring of our undergraduate programme so as to focus on engineering practice issues and discuss its implications for practice-focused ethics in engineering education.  相似文献   


Students must be taught to understand the ethical issues associated with engineering and technology, which includes microethics and macroethics. This research examined the influence of cultural environment by comparing ethics-related education outcomes between educators in (1) the United States, (2) non-US Anglo, and (3) Western European countries who teach engineering students. In an increasingly globalised world where companies and projects draw from talent across countries, it is important to understand how different cultures educate future engineers about their ethical responsibilities. Survey results revealed that a majority of educators in all three groups viewed undergraduate and postgraduate education on ethics as insufficient. A higher percentage of non-US Anglo and Western European educators taught sustainability and environmental issues in their courses compared to US respondents. US educators taught codes of ethics, ethics in design, and safety more than those in Western Europe. Open-ended responses illuminated challenges and opportunities to improve ethics education.  相似文献   

This paper relates to the development of non-technical education (and to ethics) in engineering curricula in Europe and particularly in France. Two projects being followed at the Centre de recherche en éthique de l'ingénieur (CREI) at the Catholic University of Lille (France) are discussed: the first is an engineering ethics course which has been running for 6 years in a state engineering school, where there is a strong emphasis on analysing the ethical issues of the students' first work experience. The second has to do with the writing of a European handbook on engineering ethics which gives us good insight into how engineering ethics as a discipline is shaped by the cultural background of those who develop it (dominant philosophical tradition, religious background, the way the engineering profession is organized and education). Two main approaches seem to be prevalent in Europe today: the first relates to professional ethics as discussed in the USA since the 1950s, the second relates to a new discipline that is developing in Europe, that of the ethics of technology.  相似文献   

This paper presents an introduction to and an overview of the papers in a special section of this journal for which we acted as guest editors. As guest editors, we have aimed at presenting a collection of regional papers that together give an overview of the present state of the teaching of ethics in the engineering curricula in three continents: the USA, Europe and Australia. In our own paper, we provide historical information concerning the motivation for and the development of engineering ethics, point to important topics and trends that arise from the regional papers, and identify the main challenges for the future.  相似文献   

Interest in engineering ethics education developed significant momentum in the USA as the 20th century drew to a close. Nevertheless, nearly 80% of engineering graduates are not required to take ethics-related courses. The content of engineering ethics education consists of 'microethical' issues focusing on individual professional responsibility and 'macroethical' issues dealing with the development of technology. The pedagogical framework of engineering ethics education has evolved primarily toward utilization of case studies and codes of ethics, in some instances supplemented by an introduction to moral theory. Substantial progress has been made in the development of case materials, including highprofile cases, everyday cases, quantitative cases and cases highlighting 'good works'. Cases are widely disseminated in textbooks and online. Online resources include interactive case studies and a rich variety of other ethics-related materials. Prominent curriculum models in the USA include a required course in engineering ethics, ethics-across-the-curriculum projects, and integration of engineering ethics and science, technology and society material. Changes in accreditation criteria for US engineering schools will potentially elevate the prominence of instruction in engineering ethics and the societal context of engineering. Many challenges remain, most notably the need for US engineering faculty to accept greater responsibility for engineering ethics education.  相似文献   

This paper addresses ethical issues in educational research with a focus on the interplay between research ethics and both internal and external quality of research. Research ethics is divided into three domains: (1) ethics within the research community; (2) ethics concerning relationships with individuals and groups directly affected by the research, and (3) ethics related to the external value and role of educational research for various user groups and for the quality of education. The three domains represent different stakeholders and interests. The paper presents an ethical matrix method including three types of matrices. The method combines a systematic and a case-based approach to ethical problems and possibilities. The purpose of the matrices is to serve as a framework for identifying, reflecting, analyzing, and discussing ethical issues and balancing ethical dilemmas in educational research and development.  相似文献   

Success in complex and holistic engineering practices requires more than problem-solving abilities and technical competencies. Engineering education must offer proficient technical competences and also train engineers to think and act ethically. A technical ‘engineering-like’ focus and demand have made educators and students overlook the importance of ethical awareness and transversal competences. Using two Finnish surveys, conducted in 2014 and 2016, we examine how engineers perceive working life needs regarding ethics. The data consider different age groups. We research whether an engineer’s age affects their perception of the importance of ethics in their work and if there are differences between young experts and young managers in their use of ethics within work. The results indicate that practising engineers do not consider ethical issues important in their work. This especially applies to younger engineers; the older an engineer, the more important they consider ethics. No statistically significant difference was found between young engineering experts and managers.  相似文献   


This paper presents a design-based research project undertaken to test and implement an interest-based engineering challenges framework for pre-college students. This work is motivated by the need for innovative engineering education practices in pre-college settings, and making engineering more inclusive for people from diverse backgrounds. The design-based research methodology can be challenging to implement as it comprises of multiple, cyclical research activities that provide challenges in documenting and communicating the larger study’s progress. This paper presents findings from this continuously evolving study, and also the design and implementation of this design-based research at roughly the halfway point for a four-year study. Each of the consequent versions scaffold to answer the broader research questions of the study pertaining to: engineering appealing to students’ personal interests, empowering underrepresented groups to find meaningful connections to engineering, leading more authentic engagement in engineering and design practices, and improving students’ attitudes and perception of engineering.  相似文献   

工程与伦理一直缺乏沟通与对话,许多工程界人士忽视了伦理因素在工程活动中的作用和重要性,也有许多伦理学家忽视了工程实践中出现的伦理问题。目前这种状况正在发生改变。美国的工程伦理学已经“起飞”,中国的工程伦理学则还处在“起飞”的“前夜”。在工程活动中,伦理要素深刻地渗透在其他要素之中。人们必须正视工程活动中经常出现的伦理意识薄弱的现象,工程界应该努力增强工程活动中的伦理意识,提高伦理自觉性,认真研究和正确处理工程活动中出现的各种伦理难题,另一方面,伦理学界也必须关注工程中的伦理问题,强化伦理学的工程关注与工程意识,大力发展工程伦理学这个新的分支学科。工程伦理学将会在工程与伦理的互渗与对话中迅速得到发展。  相似文献   

文章旨在揭示智能化时代的教育将面临哪些新的伦理问题,并在人工智能伦理和教育伦理的基础上,探讨教育人工智能的伦理原则。运用文献研究和逻辑推理方法,系统梳理了教育人工智能应用的特点和优势,及其可能引发的新的伦理问题:(1)角色层面,系统创建者、教师、学生和监测员等利益相关者将面临更加复杂的伦理困境;(2)技术层面,涉及自动化决策伦理问责、算法伦理和数据伦理等方面的问题;(3)社会层面,可能转变就业市场、改变人际关系和引发新的社会不公平。因此,需要对教育人工智能伦理问题的复杂性有充分的认识,同时需要遵循一般的人工智能伦理原则和教育伦理原则,其中,最核心的内容为二者之间的交集,具体包括:(1)福祉;(2)是非善恶;(3)公平正义;(4)人权和尊严;(5)自由自治;(6)责任和问责。  相似文献   

Philosophy of technology/philosophy of science has recently become part of the curriculum of engineering degree programmes in Denmark. However, to what extent do teachers of engineering see it as meaningful for students to work with relatively abstract philosophical concepts such as epistemology, ontology and ethics as part of engineering degree programmes? And what, if any, are the complexities and difficulties in implementing philosophical questioning into engineering curricula? Do teachers tend to see philosophy of science as a kind of ‘Trojan horse’ – an unwelcome idea that will defocus engineering degree courses and steal time from more important subjects? Or do they see it as a necessary and welcome addition to engineering curricula that will result in more qualified and free-thinking engineering graduates? Subsequently these issues are discussed in the light of findings in an empirical case study carried out by the authors at their Institute.  相似文献   

'Care' and Wider Ethical Issues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Starting from Vandenberg's criticism of feminine ethics, this paper takes up the challenge in search of the nature of the 'ethics of care'. After an account of Noddings' position, the central issues of feminist ethics are placed within wider ethical debate. Attention is given to the following issues: care and justice, universalism and particularity, symmetrical reciprocity, and trust. The considerations that are discussed generate not only a different way to conceive practices in society but also a theory that transcends the way theory and practice are usually diametrically opposed. Finally, the paper outlines how care is a central concept for education and indicates in what sense it implies integrity and social justice.  相似文献   

Since there is a real possibility that online courses will become the dominant informational platforms of the future universities need to address a range of issues from design and quality through to ethics and economics to ensure that the all-round investment required reaps positive outcomes. This paper addresses some of the issues that have confronted teachers and students engaged in online teaching and learning in eastern and western contexts. This paper concludes that Asian students are not necessarily poor online learners, as has often been suggested, but that they are alert to the importance, and real advantages, of personal interaction in the learning process. For this reason it is suggested that integrated hybrid virtual and classroom courses might prove more effective and elicit more positive responses from such students than courses that are conducted entirely online.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical basis for cultivating engineering education as a complex system that will prepare students to think critically and make decisions with regard to poorly understood, ill-structured issues. Integral to this theoretical basis is a solution space construct developed and presented as a benchmark for evaluating problem-solving orientations that emerge within students’ thinking as they progress through an engineering curriculum. It is proposed that the traditional engineering education model, while analytically rigorous, is characterised by properties that, although necessary, are insufficient for preparing students to address complex issues of the twenty-first century. A Synthesis and Design Studio model for engineering education is proposed, which maintains the necessary rigor of analysis within a uniquely complex yet sufficiently structured learning environment.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the changing role of engineers in industry and society with specific reference to the increasing environmental pressures on industry. Sustainable development, as discussed widely since the Brundtland Report in 1987, provides a broad framework for environmental activities in industry. The intended move—worldwide—towards sustainable development involves engineering in the key role of designing and managing ‘Clean Technology’, i.e. of technological systems which are less harmful, more efficient and socially as well as environmentally acceptable. The paper examines the extent to which professional engineers can work and achieve sustainable development within their professional roles and considers their roles and responsibilities involved in such a move. Special emphasis is given to the role of creativity, ethics and the demand for professionalism in the changing roles of engineers. The examination of the ethical and professional issues identified is used together with the observed changes in industrial systems and engineering roles to determine new educational needs of those engineers driving future developments in industry.  相似文献   

重视工程伦理教育是当今世界各国工程教育发展的共同趋势。以培养学生工程伦理实践能力为取向的工程伦理案例教学是工程伦理教育的重要方法,工程伦理案例教学适应了工程教育回归实践的需要,也适应了“新工科”人才培养的需要,实现了工程伦理案例的教育学转换。为保证工程伦理案例教学效果,对工程伦理案例的教学设计与学习架构,要体现跨域整合与高阶学习相结合、自我建构与多向互动相结合、循序渐进与典型针对相结合、新型评价与教学分析相结合  相似文献   

This paper considers an introductory engineering course that surveys engineering success, engineering design and ethics, EXCEL and MATLAB. Concerns and comments of students who took the course are addressed by employing existing successful theories of learning applied in similar situations and observing the students' characteristics and performance. The course improvements include early lectures by the instructor on engineering design and design tools and stressing the need for EXCEL and MATLAB. The improvements also include the assignment of problems in calculus and physics to be solved with EXCEL and MATLAB, the focus on issues according to the interests of students in the different engineering disciplines, and the emphasis on oral and writing presentation skills. Further, the improvements include the motivation of students in understanding the ABET engineering criteria and in developing enthusiasm towards their engineering studies.  相似文献   

本文分析源于风险社会、复杂工程以及课程失衡所导致的高等工程教育的伦理危机,提出培养卓越工程师必须凸显工程价值观、工程选择观、工程实践观三个伦理要素,并进一步构建了高校卓越工程师培养的工程伦理课程总体框架及工程伦理理论、工程伦理实践、工程伦理拓展课程模块。  相似文献   

This paper presents an attempt to apply Jacques Rancière’s emancipatory pedagogy of ‘the ignorant schoolmaster’ to environmental education, which emphasises environmental ethics. The paper tells the story of a philosophy of nature project in the framework of an environmental adult education course at a Second Chance School in Greece, where adult students researched ancient Greek philosophy of nature, discovered and adopted environmental values and taught their schoolmates. The paper presents the findings of this pedagogical experiment and evaluates the benefits and the skills that students can acquire through emancipatory pedagogy and through peer teaching and learning. Α cross-disciplinary combination of emancipatory pedagogy, environmental education, philosophy of nature and environmental ethics that can empower students and strengthen their environmental conscience with emphasis in ecocentric and ecojustice values is proposed. Τhe role of the teacher as a student, who continues to investigate and learn, trusting the intelligence and the abilities of his/her students is also examined. Furthermore, it is argued that there is a need to focus on the role of philosophy of nature and environmental ethics in environmental education and, because of its wealth and subtlety, ancient Greek philosophy can contribute to this emancipatory, environmental education paradigm.  相似文献   

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