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Those of us who have been participants in sport for much of our lives often find it a time-consuming and irrelevant task to defend the joys and rewards of physical activity to the uninformed or the uninitiated. Some physical education teachers are amazed at the energy they must spend motivating students to dress and participate in physical activity at the lowest intensity levels (Ennis, 1995). Even physiologists are modifying the “criteria” for health-enhancing exercise to make it more palatable for the majority of Americans who enjoy a sedentary lifestyle and are unconcerned with target heart rate zones. While many Americans watch sport, far fewer participate in sport as aphysical activity. Corlett, in his efforts to focus on the benefits of sport, glazes over the problems insidious in some sporting contexts. I will focus on problems plaguing sport-based, public school physical education that lead to discriminatory and abusive practices. I am most concerned with the policies used to perpetuate discriminatory sporting practices in schools, and believe disenfranchised individuals deserve an apology.  相似文献   

根据《中共中央、国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》和教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》精神,教育部制定了《全日制义务教育物理课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称《标准》)。为了广大读者理解《标准》本质,本刊将逐步介绍《标准》制定的背景与思路、内容标准、实施方案以及基于《标准》编写的有关教材等。本文将介绍国际科学教育改革的主要趋势,其它有关讨论将在本刊不同期另文介绍。  相似文献   

This study involved three phases. First, we developed and validated the Elementary and Middle School Inventory of Classroom Environments (ICE) for assessing upper primary and middle school (Grades 6–8) students' perceived and preferred classroom environment. Second, typical classroom environments in an urban setting were described based on quantitative and qualitative data, including differences between the perceptions of students of different genders. Finally, teachers' participation in action research techniques, involving the use of feedback on perceived and preferred classroom environment, was evaluated in terms of effectiveness in promoting improvement in classroom environments. The sample consisted of ten middle grade teachers and their 43 classes of students in an urban North Texas school setting. Perceived and preferred forms of the ICE, assessing Cooperation, Teacher Empathy, Involvement and Task Orientation, were administered. Factor and item analyses supported the internal consistency reliability of a four-factor version of the perceived and preferred forms of the ICE for both the individual student and the class mean as the units of analysis. The perceived and preferred environments of different classes are described based on profiles of classroom environment scores. When teachers were selected from the original sample to participate in an attempt to alter their classroom environments, changes in classroom climate occurred, thus supporting the efficacy of the environmental change strategy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

西部农村地区经济发展比较落后,教育资源严重不足。那么,如何在语文教学中有效提高初中学生的语文素养呢?以下是本人一些粗浅的认识。(一)字词积累不容忽视语文是一门实践性很强的学科,教师应重视开发与利用当地的语文课程资源,增强学生随时随地积累词语的意识,并能让学生正确运用词语。本人是这样做的:  相似文献   

Much continues to be written about the failure of U.S. schools to provide a quality education for at-risk urban students. Private Nativity model schools have been instituted in response to the need to provide quality education at the middle school level for such students. As the number of these and other alternative middle schools increases, a thorough examination of the strengths and weaknesses of the model is needed. This study provides such a multimethod examination of 9 such schools. Analyses of students' self-perceptions, perceptions of the quality of the climate at their schools, and academic performance, as well as classroom observations, interviews with teachers, administrators, and students are provided. Results suggest that the success of the Nativity model rests primarily with: (a) a strong and committed teaching staff, (b) an extended school day in which students receive homework assistance and tutoring, (c) small class sizes and student-teacher ratios that afford considerable individual attention from teachers, and (d) a supportive peer environment.  相似文献   

校本研修是当前基础教育改革的热点问题,也是教师教育的一种新形式,为促进教师专业化发展提供了一种有效的新途径,同时也为促进学校自身的可持续发展提供了新思路。对校本研修的内涵及特征、实践操作、支持与保障及存在的问题四个方面的研究现状做全面系统的梳理与整合。这四个方面的问题受到当前众多学者及教育实践工作者的普遍关注,但相关研究仍不充分,有待于进一步深入探讨。  相似文献   

七年级的口语教学,我认为,应以第三学段口语交际教学过渡到第四学段的口语交际的教学,其要求不应太高,应多在口语的“独白”上下功夫,所谓“独白”,指独自抒发个人情感和愿望的话。教材中关于口语的独自大略可包括:说故事,说笑话,说自己的理想。说自己的奇思妙想,说自己在生活中在社会上所闻所见,还可以说读书感受、观看电视电影感受,可说学习上的甜头、成功和教训  相似文献   


The population of English language learners (ELLs) and the number of charter school students have both increased rapidly over the past two decades, but no existing research has examined the role that charter school authorizers play to ensure that ELLs have equitable access to charter schools and that those schools implement research-based programs for ELLs. To fill this gap, our exploratory qualitative study employed a multiple-case case study approach to examine how 10 diverse authorizers considered ELLs in their authorizing practices. Guided by Honig’s (2006) three Ps framework (people, places, and practices), we examined how authorizing practices were shaped by external factors, the agency of the actors within the authorizing office, and by the local context in which the authorizer was situated. Overall we found that ELL-related authorizing practices varied widely across the sample, as some authorizers integrated ELLs into their practices, while others paid little explicit attention to ELLs. In terms of place, contextual factors at the state, district, and authorizer levels contributed to the variation. Within the people component of the framework, the commitment of authorizing staff members to improve access and quality for ELLs in charter schools was an important factor, as was the authorizer’s access to ELL-related expertise. We conclude by outlining implications for research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

There is a large body of research examining the discipline experiences of Black males (Lewis et al. in Souls: A Critical Journey of Black Politics, Culture, and Society, 2009; Skiba et al. in The Urban Review, 34, 317–348, 2002); however, less is known about the types of behavioral infractions Black female students exhibit and the discipline sanctions imposed for Black girls for such infractions. As a result, the purpose of this study is to examine the type of discipline infractions exhibited by Black female students enrolled in an urban school district and to explore whether the pattern of discipline infractions and sanctions imposed for Black girls disproportionately differs from all female students, but more specifically White and Hispanic females. Results suggest that Black girls are overrepresented in exclusionary discipline practices and Black girls reason for discipline referrals differs significantly from White and Hispanic girls. Based on these findings, recommendations are provided for urban educational stakeholders.  相似文献   

西部中小学远程教育项目的成功经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进中国西部大开发,中国教育部和香港李嘉诚基金会共同实施了西部中小学远程教育项目.经过近3年的努力,现已在中国西部12个省、自治区、直辖市,3个少数民族自治县,和240个贫困县的10000所中小学建立了远程教育示范点.本文对该项目的发生、进展进行了归因分析.  相似文献   

在初中英语教学中,由于种种原因,学生对英语的学习兴趣不够浓厚,严重影响了整体的教学效果。如何在英语教学中培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生主动参与英语学习的积极性已成为广大教师必须深入思考的课题。文章从初中生的心理特征和英语学科特点入手,浅谈几点培养中学生英语学习兴趣的建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

信息技术课程的建设需要先进教育思想的指导,也需要成功经验的支持。本文结合教育部重点课题《中英中小学教育技术应用状况比较及网络教学策略研究》的研究工作,对英国中小学信息技术课程开设的整体情况进行了简要的介绍,以英国牛津郡小学6年级ICT课程中的“多媒体作品呈现”单元的教学实例为典型,对其学习目标、教学策略、学习模式和评价方法进行了分析,以期对我国当前信息技术课程的开展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地调查法等方法对衡水市区中学大课间活动调查分析.结果显示:衡水市区中学大课间活动项目缺乏创新,学生对活动项目较为厌倦;学生在大课间活动的有效时间较短;由于升学的压力,高中生参与大课间锻炼的次数远远低于初中生.衡水市区大课间体育活动应合理思考,科学设置,丰富项目内容,延长有效活动时间,增加活动参与次数,增强中学生体质.  相似文献   

素质教育是全面发展的教育,实施素质教育要以教学为中心,通过改革课堂教学来进行。要尊重学生的主体地位,强调教师的引导作用。  相似文献   

一、质疑危机按《现代汉语词典》的解释,质疑就是提出疑难的问题。新课标明确提出培养学生的自主探究、创新等能力。“疑是思之始,学之端。”无质疑,何来探究?无质疑,何能创新?教育培养的不应是只会“相信”的人才,而是会“质疑”的人才。,我国的语文教学模式一向以老师提问、学生回答为主。外国老师以学生“会问问题”为傲,中国老师脱口而出的夸赞却是“回答得好”。对中国学生来说,“质疑”往往比“回答”更为困难。于是,一个个的天方夜谭就出现了:  相似文献   

根据马斯洛需要层次理论,编制量表,调查长沙市初中生,对结果进行了统计分析,得出了很多有价值的发现,如,总体来看,学生安全的需要满足状况得分最低;重点中学学生在交往方面的满足状况明显低于普通中学;来自农村的同学与来自城市的同学相比在安全感上差异极显著;和睦的家庭对于初中生特别重要,它从各方面影响着学生需要满足的状况。  相似文献   

随着新课改的实施,语文阅读教学非常重视"多元解读文本"。这对教师的语文专业素养提出了更高的要求,也有助于学生打开多元阅读视野。从多元解读的内涵着手,谈初中语文阅读教学多元解读的感悟。  相似文献   

Constructivist science education typically presents a relativist image of scientific knowledge that is not shared by scientists. Truth and time are defined differently by scientists than by postmodern observers of science; a theoretical definition of truth is often applied to scientific knowledge within science education, whereas a practical definition, supported by evidence, is used within science. Similarly, time is sometimes taken out of context within science education when scientific concepts that have developed slowly and are well accepted by scientists are treated as though they were tentative. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 225–236, 2000.  相似文献   

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