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外商投资是促进地方发展的重要途径,利用河南省1991年至2008年FDI数据,重点分析了近20年来河南省FDI的来源结构、FDI经营方式、投资的产业结构、投资的空间结构的变化.研究发现,外资来源趋于集中,外商投资倾向于独资经营,外商投资产业从第二产业向第三产业转移,外商投资集中于河南省中北部,东部和南部呈低谷区等特征.为有针对性地吸引外资,更有效地利用外资推动河南省产业结构升级,缩小区域经济差距,在提出进一步扩大外资来源的基础上,有针对性地加大对东亚和东南亚华人区的招商引资力度;鼓励外商以合作、合资形式投资;吸引外资与发挥地区优势相结合;营造较好的投资环境,缩小FDI的区域差异;处理好FDI与区域可持续发展的关系.  相似文献   

文章以安徽省内企业——中鼎集团为典型的案例分析了中国企业在对外直接投资过程中进行技术创新的选择,提出自主创新是企业增加竞争力的关键。  相似文献   

生产性服务业对区域经济发展的贡献日趋显著,国际产业转移是世界经济一体化的主要形式,广东应积极承接发达国家及港澳台地区的生产性服务业转移来实现本地的产业结构升级与优化。生产性服务业外商直接投资是其国际转移的主要形式,利用柯布-道格拉斯生产函数,分析1989-2009年广东区域经济发展与主要生产性服务业外商直接投资的关系,得出不仅当期生产性服务业FDI,而且其滞后期对广东GDP的增长具有明显的促进作用。因此应注重生产性服务业发展模式创新,提高生产性服务业FDI的质量,探索生产性服务业的外资拉动、国际外包形式及形成产业区域集群等,以实现区域经济协调可持续发展。  相似文献   


This paper draws on data collected from two of the most extensive longitudinal studies of care leavers in the US. The Midwest Study (2003–2011) included 732 youths in foster care in three Midwestern states, and the CalYOUTH Study (2012–present) includes 727 youths in California foster care. The paper has three objectives: (1) describe trends in secondary and postsecondary educational attainment at different ages; (2) summarise findings on predictors of educational attainment; and (3) summarise findings on the impact of extended foster care (EFC) on educational attainment. Results from these two studies show that by age 21, 77–85% of care leavers finish a secondary credential and 31–52% enrol in college. By age 25, about 8% have earned a college degree. Results from multivariate analyses find that youths’ educational background and parental status were consistently associated with later educational attainment. Specific aspects of social support also influenced college outcomes. Life demands after enrolling in college (e.g. employment, parenthood) played a more influential role in college degree attainment than did aspects of youths’ background. Characteristics of colleges also predicted youths’ odds of degree completion. Finally, existing evidence suggests that EFC promotes secondary credential completion and college entry, but not college persistence or degree completion.  相似文献   

There is widespread concern among educators, policy makers, and students that the current generation of college graduates is being unduly burdened with debt. This study examines the impact of debt on the educational outcomes of recent graduating seniors from a set of private, expensive, highly selective colleges and universities. In particular, I investigate the relationship between borrowing levels and the likelihood of pursuing a graduate degree, a professional degree, and the career plans of the college class of 1998. The central conclusion drawn from this analysis is that students do not appear to be significantly influenced by their debt.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of parental involvement in the educational process on the educational achievements of Russian students and their educational strategies, such as studying in high school and successful admission to university. We argue that the patterns of parental involvement represent a link between the formal (school) and informal (family) educational institutions and can have a beneficial effect on academic performance and contribute to the choice of the educational pathway to higher education. Based on data from the longitudinal study ‘Trajectories in Education and Careers’, it was shown that the results of school state examinations are positively associated with the active participation of parents in school meetings, the employment of tutors (except for the Unified State Exam score in mathematics), and the provision of additional literature for the child. A negative relationship was found between homework control and student success. In general, the factor of ‘rational’ (not excessive) involvement is positively associated with educational achievement and educational choice, which may indicate the non-linear nature of the relationship. Parental involvement itself depends on the family characteristics, such as mother’s education, family income and the number of books at home. In addition, family has a positive impact on educational success and educational strategies, and high school characteristics are especially important for the results of the Unified State Exam and the university choice.  相似文献   


This text focuses on municipalities from an educational and cultural perspective. Over the last 200 years, municipalities have played a fundamental role in the creation of guiding principles and educational norms and conventions. They have participated in the supply and universalisation of schooling and have contributed to integrating the public sphere and the modern, contemporary political structure. Municipalities as territories, populations, economies, and collective governments backed by written administration have influenced and become the model of the liberal and republican political and educational transformations. They have been crucial to the political, administrative, and socio-cultural constitution of the contemporary state. The school institution has integrated social and political development while educational modernity has brought school cartography closer to demographic, administrative, and cultural cartography. The municipal initiative has played a key role in terms of territorial suitability, modernisation of the school network, and curricular diversity. This text picks up on the main conclusions of the Educational and Cultural Atlas of the Municipalities in Portugal, and places the Portuguese context within a European and western framework. Municipalities are presented as an educational space, with historical and pedagogical importance in the modernisation of schooling, despite a historiographical tendency to dilute them into the state, connecting them to an official perspective of education. The article contains a summary of the Educational Atlas of the Municipalities in Portugal.  相似文献   

In marginal regions of Mexico, grass roots educational innovations have often provided what the official system has not: basic education that responds to the cultural particularities of such populations while satisfying the national curriculum's requirements. The way these have developed, the article argues, offers valuable lessons for a new devolved, more democratic and sustainable form of educational provision in which the school is the heart of the educational system.  相似文献   

我国农村教育投资的现状分析及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先阐述了农村教育投资对农村经济增长的作用,指出了农村教育投资的重要性,然后从经济学的角度分析了中国农村教育投资总量不足的主要原因,并对此提出了进行教育投资改革的建议.  相似文献   


Our article explores the potential that queer paradigms and pedagogies hold for affirming sexual diversity in secondary schools. In understanding the operation of schools as heteronormalising institutions, it is possible to move beyond viewing queer youth as a disenfranchised minority group requiring reparation within an equity framework (a process that we suggest operates simultaneously to legitimate heterosexuality and to reinforce the abnormality of same-sex desire). Using research that we have undertaken with lesbian and gay youth in New Zealand secondary schools, and drawing on queer, post modern and feminist theoretical threads, we explore three (hetero) normalising processes experienced by the queer participants in their schools; the maintenance of silences, the pathologisation of (homo)sexualities, and the policing of gender boundaries. We close by exploring how several queer pedagogical features - creating venues, abnormalising the normal, dissolving the homo/hetero binary and forming alliances - could be used in order to affirm the sexual diversity of secondary school students.  相似文献   

<正>学历层次的差异不仅存在于国家之间,也存在于国家内部。在许多国家,受过高等教育的人——通常是技能水平最高的人才——大多聚集在首都地区。在许多国家,与接受过高中及以上教育的成年人相比,未受过高中教育的成年人的就业率的地区差异更为明显。在许多国家,一些地区既没有工作、也没有继续接受教育或培训的年轻人(neither in employment nor in education or training,缩写为NEET)所达到的比例是其他地区的两倍。  相似文献   

Multiple operational definitions in educational psychology research reflect the complexity inherent in both theoretical and empircal inquiry into teaching-learning activities and their interactions. The application of univariate techniques, however, to analyze multiply operationalized constructs results in profligate Type I error rates. The present purpose was to examine the prevalence of multiple operational definitions of outcome constructs and to estimate the incidence of Type I error rates when univariate procedures are applied to multiple variables in educational psychology.  相似文献   

举债发展是发展中国家经济发展过程中普遍存在的现象,拉丁美洲国家表现尤为突出。墨西哥在私有化改革道路上走在拉美国家的前列。墨西哥私有化改革是在拉美经济领域私有化改革大潮下进行的,墨西哥的私有化改革运动是在债务危机发生以后开展起来的,它是墨西哥经济领域改革的一个重要方面。外债是困扰墨西哥经济发展的一块绊脚石,私有化改革作为债权国向债务国开出的一剂"良方",对墨西哥经济发展的恢复作用值得商榷。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,国际资本流动日趋活跃,外商直接投资成为主要的资本流动方式,也成为发展中国家获取外部资源的主要渠道.根据福建省1985—2010年的年度经济数据,利用协整理论和Granger因果关系检验方法对福建省实际利用外商直接投资金额和GDP之间的关系进行实证检验,以检验福建的外商直接投资与经济增长是否存在长期均衡关系和因果关系,进一步把握福建省的经济发展模式的实质.  相似文献   

In this article, we review research on the economics and sociology of education to assess the relationships between family and community variables and children’s educational outcomes in South Asia. At the family level, we examine the variables of family socioeconomic status (SES), parental education, family structure, and religion and caste. At the community level, we assess the limited research on the relationships between economic, cultural, and social characteristics and children’s educational outcomes. The literature presents several consistent relationships between the roles of family and community characteristics in determining educational outcomes and reveals several possibilities for further research.  相似文献   

学习邓小平关于教育投入的论述,深刻体会到增加教育投入是教育改革和发展的有效因素,加强和改进教育资源和教育经费管理,提高教育投资的效益是教育改革发展的关键所在.针对目前教育经费投入和管理状况,就在教育改革发展中如何解决好教育投入问题作肤浅探讨.  相似文献   

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