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从欧洲的三个国家看--大学与政府关系的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近十年来,西欧的政策呈现出放松管制、组织自治和标榜对个体公民更加关切的特点。这种政策态度在欧洲的高等教育界成了主流意识形态。本文想要展示的是,是否一些欧盟政府在管理高等教育方面采取了“后退”的作法,是否将制定高等教育政策作为自己的目标。欧洲政府的高等教育政策是否真的呈现分权化的特点?本文将对三个欧洲国家的高教政策进行讨论,它们分别具有不同的政策传统:法国(非常集权的政策传统)、英国(分权的政策传统)、比利时(集权的政策传统)。本文的研究结论是:到目前为止,法国的教育政策虽然还呈现集权的特点,但并不意味着高校完全没有选择它们发展方向的空间。而英国大学虽然仍独立于政府,但不止一次地被政府直接或非直接地推向某一特定方向。1989年以前,比利时(佛兰德区)保留着明显的集权的特点。而现在,高等教育政策已经不仅仅是政府的事情了,它比以往任何时候更成了私人机构的职责。  相似文献   

思想政治工作的开展必须要有固定的载体。学生宿舍具有场所固定、人员流动性小、地域集中的特点,其稳定性、集中性具备作为思想政治教育工作载体的良好条件。因此,学生思想政治工作的载体向宿舍转移,思想政治工作与宿舍管理相结合成为了高校思想政治工作的发展方向。  相似文献   

Conclusions The results refer to grade 6, at the class-teacher level. We cannot deny the possibility that centralization at higher levels may have other pedagogical and organizational consequences. There seems no doubt that centralization to large units has a number of obvious advantages. It gives students greater possibilities of choosing lines of study and of specializing. It makes it possible to care for handicapped students better, makes better equipment available, and so on. Nevertheless, what has been found shows that care must be taken in centralization, particularly of young pupils. Centralization may have an upper limit; the distance between home and school may be so great that the negative results outweigh the positive ones. Further, the school to which centralization is made may be of doubtful quality, and the gains expected may not be forthcoming. In other words, the larger school must be able to take advantage of its greater pedagogical possibilities. It is not least this that justifies research on the school problems of sparsely populated regions, the problems of small schools and of long journeys to school. In the long run, it may help not only students living in rural areas, but all students.
Schulorganisation, Schulweg und Schülerleistung

Organisation scolaire, trajet habitation-ecole, resultats scolaires

在高等教育大众化的推动下,我国长期以来实施的全国统一的高考制度发生了局部变化,主要特征是开始由高度的统一性向多样化演变,由中央高度集权向地方分权转变。从利益相关者理论来看,这些变化是中央政府、地方政府、高等学校和广大考生四方利益博弈的结果,走向四方利益的均衡是高考制度改革和发展的方向。  相似文献   

The slow process of introducing a system of quality control and accreditation into Polish higher education since the political changes of 1990 is described. The decentralization of the state system of higher education in reaction to communist over‐centralization and the growing number of private institutions of higher education have made some system of quality control and accreditation operating at national level necessary. A TEMPUS project,” Advice for the Ministry of National Education on the Organization of a National Higher Education Accreditation Centre”, is described. The need for additional research on aspects of quality evaluation in higher education is recognized.  相似文献   

提高高等学校教学质量,需要高校内外结合;在高校内部,需要教与学结合。但长期以来人们忽视对作为教育主体的大学生学习的研究,忽视从教学的本源上去解决质量问题。本文提出了建立基于学生视角的高校教学质量保障体系的建议,并从转变大学生的学习方式,转变大学生感知的学习环境、改善大学生的课程学习经验两个方面探讨了提高大学学习质量的途径与方法。  相似文献   


The purpose of the study is to identify the patterns of change in higher education institutions. It examines the contexts of the changing quality assurance mechanisms used by the different types of higher education institutions in England, Japan, and New York State between 2001 and 2007. The paper argues that there were no clear patterns of institutional change in terms of speed, intensity, extensiveness, momentum, trajectory, and consequence between centralized and decentralized institutions and public and private institutions. The study suggests three points for explanation why institutional types do not shape certain patterns of institutional change. The first point is that institutional change heavily relies on agents’ interactions. The second point is that the ideas of centralized or decentralized and private or public per se are becoming ambiguous in the market or market-like systems. The third point is that the relationship between the central authorities and the institutions is far more significant than the types of institutions in the formation of particular patterns of institutional change.


Successful performance improvement efforts are closely tied to the strength and integrity of the performance analysis process. During a time when higher education institutions are facing increasing budget cuts, the ability to recruit and retain students is extremely important. For some institutions, web‐based courses have been viewed as a way to attract new students, as well as to provide more convenient education options for students currently enrolled. While the occurrence of e‐learning has continued to increase, concerns with the quality and availability of faculty support to design and deliver such programs still exist. This study surveyed chief academic affairs officers to gather information about institutional priorities and practices that relate to web‐based learning, with the goal of identifying opportunities to improve instructional performance. The findings include evidence that institutions are offering a variety of means of instructional supports; however, there are specific areas where institutions are consistently delinquent.  相似文献   

A considerable fraction of college students and bachelor's degree recipients enroll in multiple postsecondary institutions. Despite this fact, there is scant research that examines the nature of the paths – both the number and types of institutions – that students take to obtain a bachelor's degree or through the higher education system more generally. We also know little about how enrollment in multiple institutions of varying quality relates to postgraduate life outcomes. We use a unique panel data set from Texas that allows us to examine in detail the paths that students take toward a bachelor's degree and estimate how enrollment in multiple institutions is related to both degree completion and subsequent earnings. We show that the paths to a bachelor's degree are diverse and that earnings and BA receipt vary systematically with these paths. Our results call attention to the importance of developing a more complete understanding of why students transfer and what causal role transferring has on the returns to postsecondary educational investment.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand equity issues of international students’ learning in Korean higher education institutions by engaging with the issue of racism and identifies how international students in Korea reshape their learning trajectory and how we could provide equitable and quality education for international students. Espousing a qualitative case study design, six students from different background were interviewed to examine features of perceived institutional racism based on their learning experience in Korea. Major findings showed that internationalization has not been fulfilled in terms of engaging with international students although Korean government and higher education institutions have developed relevant policy to attract international students. This study indicates that Korean universities need to reconstruct their social, cultural, and institutional systems to embrace equity, diversity and inclusiveness to empower international students’ capacity.  相似文献   

中央集权制与地方分权制是两种基本的教育行政体制。改革开放以来,我国高等教育行政体制在由计划经济向市场经济转变的进程中呈现出从中央高度集权、中央与地方分权到中央政府向地方政府、高校和市场适度分权的周期性变革趋势。本文对高等教育行政体制的生成状况进行了分析,通过梳理高等教育集权与分权变革的30年演化历程及相关问题,阐明我国高等教育集权与分权改革的走向。  相似文献   

"Man looks upward, and water flows downward." Even though one has reached the South Heavenly Gate, one still intends to climb the Jade Emperor Peak. [Both famous heights in China.] We should not regard it as a bad thing for a certain middle school or a certain class to have more students who pass the entrance examination and are admitted into institutions of higher education. Those with high promotion rates should not be accused of "lopsided emphasis on promotion rate." It should be affirmed that for a school or a class to have even 100 percent of its students admitted into colleges and universities still meets the needs of the socialist modernization program, the needs of the development of our country. Schools that have more of their students admitted into institutions of higher education must be of a higher quality than those with lower promotion rates. If we indiscriminately accuse the former of laying lopsided emphasis on the promotion rate, we are bound to dampen their enthusiasm for improving teaching quality, especially the students' enthusiasm for gaining cultural and scientific knowledge. When the "gang of four" ran wild, they pursued the policy of "better have a laborer without culture" in their opposition to intellectual education. They made an example of one who handed in unanswered examination papers and thus wasted a whole generation of young people. This painful lesson we should never forget.  相似文献   

We examine the degree to which measures of student tastes and motivations are associated with the outcomes of three important higher education decisions and subsequent annual earnings. Within a sample of nearly 9000 students from the Baccalaureate and Beyond, we find that these measures are correlated with college type, college major, and highest postgraduate degree earned in generally predictable ways. For instance, students claiming it important to be well-off financially are significantly more likely to attend top public universities and major in Business or Engineering while students claiming it important to live near family are significantly less likely to attend top quality private institutions and significantly more likely to major in education.  相似文献   

与我国普通高等院校相比,"以就业为导向,培养应用型高技能人才"已经成为高职教育的主要任务和特点。高职院校通过调整专业设置、教育教学改革等手段,不断加增学生的实践技能培养,在很大程度上适应了企业的用人需求,学生的一次就业率和对口就业率也成为评价高职院校人才培养质量的重要指标。但是麦可思机构调查数据显示:无论是用人单位还是高职学生,都认为学生的职业素养培养对学生的职业技能培养更为重要。  相似文献   

当前,高等教育质量保障存在两种取向:一种是内部评估,另一种是外部评估。高校需全面认识这两种评估的角色与作用。内部评估是高教质量保障的核心,高校在建设内部质量评估体系时首先需依据自身特色建立内部评估体系,其次要调动学生和教师的积极性建立内部评估体系,还要兼顾专业评估和综合评估。外部评估是高教质量保障的监管,高校必须积极配合、主动利用。首先高校要配合好政府的合格评估,这是不容置疑的义务和责任;其次要利用好社会中介组织的诊断性评估,主动寻求中介评估组织的帮助,以帮助诊断学校发展中存在的问题,寻找改进提高的策略。还有,高校对待内外部评估需实现从片面认知到全面认识、从被动应付到主动应对、从各自为阵到互相兼顾的三种转变,才能最终实现二者的相互融合,切实保障高等教育质量。  相似文献   

In a globalising world, international mobility in higher education is an important phenomenon for students and higher education institutions. It is therefore essential to understand the factors that determine international students' satisfaction with higher education institutions that serve as hosts. Through research of an exploratory, quantitative nature, this study presents results from a survey among 289 incoming international students in two universities in Germany and Portugal. Our findings show that the factor we define as educational experience was an important determinant of student satisfaction. Furthermore, the appraisal of academic reputation is dependent on the university. We conclude that satisfaction with academic factors is more important for international students than satisfaction with non-academic aspects.  相似文献   

In accordance with Chairman Mao's brilliant directive, "Choose students from among workers and peasants who have practical experience," and under the direction and with the assistance of the University Student Recruitment Work Group of Kansu Province, we selected in September last year 211 workers and peasants and sent them to study at Lanchow University, Kansu Normal University, and other institutions of higher learning. These institutions have generally reported that the quality of the students chosen is quite good.  相似文献   

Studies of student re-enrolment patterns in higher education constitute, along with traditional studies of persistence and dropout, a key element for improving the quality of higher education institutions. However, these studies tend to be limited as they are centred on a single institution, due to the lack of national-scale data sets for monitoring students between different institutions. Using a longitudinal population-based data set provided by the Catalan University Assurance Agency (AQU), which includes information records on 21,473 undergraduate students, this paper aims to develop and test an exploratory model of student re-enrolment, specifically in the Catalan public university system. We are not only interested in student re-enrolment, but also in whether they do so during the first year after dropout or in the same area of knowledge. Results from logistic regression analysis revealed that although most students return to the university system in the first year after dropout, many of these change to a different area of knowledge, which is clear evidence of dysfunctional and inefficient guidance systems and university entrance. Findings provide a more accurate and complete picture of student re-enrolment behaviour and suggest the need to develop targeted policies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our university systems.  相似文献   

Instruments for obtaining student feedback: a review of the literature   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
This paper reviews the research evidence concerning the use of formal instruments to measure students’ evaluations of their teachers, students’ satisfaction with their programmes and students’ perceptions of the quality of their programmes. These questionnaires can provide important evidence for assessing the quality of teaching, for supporting attempts to improve the quality of teaching and for informing prospective students about the quality of course units and programmes. The paper concludes by discussing several issues affecting the practical utility of the instruments that can be used to obtain student feedback. Many students and teachers believe that student feedback is useful and informative, but for a number of reasons many teachers and institutions do not take student feedback sufficiently seriously.  相似文献   

Attracting international students is increasingly important for higher education institutions. In order to contribute to the understanding of how international students choose a university, we conducted a qualitative study in a public university in the north of Portugal. Results show that students seek an international experience mainly for personal, academic and professional development reasons, relying on personal contacts as information sources and support groups. Academic reputation and quality are the most important attraction factors. We develop a theoretical model of the studying abroad decision process, including the main motivations to leave the country of origin, the information sources and the decision factors.  相似文献   

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