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   价值共创作为一个新兴的、多学科融合的和极具发展前景的研究主题,已经成为当前理论和实践研究的前沿与重点。本文运用文献计量法对价值共创主题文献进行了系统梳理,整理并归纳出价值共创研究的发展脉络和规律以及内容框架。基于价值共创的前因-过程-结果,本文构建了价值共创研究的知识体系:价值共创的模式与过程、价值共创的驱动因素、顾客共创体验和价值共创的结果,并在分析现有研究不足的基础上指出了未来的研究方向,以期为国内价值共创领域的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The study explores the relationship between value attribution and information source use of 17 Chinese business managers during their knowledge management (KM) strategic decision-making. During semi-structured interviews, the Chinese business managers, half in the telecommunications sector and half in the manufacturing sector, were asked to rate 16 information sources on five-point Likert Scales. The 16 information sources were grouped into internal–external and personal–impersonal types. The participants rated the information sources according to five value criteria: relevancy, comprehensiveness, reliability, time/effort, and accessibility. Open-ended questions were also asked to get at how and why value attribution affected the participants’ use of one information source over another during decision-making. Findings show that the participants preferred internal–personal type of information sources over external–impersonal information sources. The differences in value ratings per information source were striking: Telecommunications managers rated customers, newspapers/magazines, and conferences/trips much lower than the manufacturing managers but they rated corporate library/intranet and databases much higher than manufacturing managers. The type of industrial sector therefore highly influenced information source use for decision-making by the study’s Chinese business managers. Based on this conclusion, we added organizational and environmental categories to revise the De Alwis, Majid, and Chaudhry’s (2006) typology of factors affecting Chinese managers’ information source preferences during decision-making.  相似文献   

Pervasive social media has resulted in technology dependency and excessive usage, which can lead to negative outcomes in organizations. This paper aims to investigate the effects of social media’s different excessive usage patterns on employee job performance and the corresponding underlying mechanism. Specifically, we propose three dimensions of excessive social media use at work (i.e., excessive social, hedonic, and cognitive). These dimensions are related to technology-work conflict and strain, which in turn decrease employee job performance. An empirical study of 305 social media users in organizations reveals that excessive social media use for socialization and entertainment can generate conflict between technology use and work demand, whereas excessive social media use for information-sharing reduces employees’ psychological strain. In addition, technology-work conflict and strain negatively influence job performance. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于对土地利用空间均衡的内涵界定与理论分析,探究土地供给能力与需求强度随着开发价格与数量变动的演化规律.以江苏省为例,解析土地供给能力与需求强度的空间匹配关系,判断土地利用空间均衡状态,为合理评价土地利用过程、制定管理政策提供科学支撑.结果 表明:①江苏土地供给能力指数均值为0.571,处于较高水平,空间上呈现中部高、...  相似文献   

Understanding the main determinants of Internet banking adoption is important for banks and users; our understanding of the role of users’ perceived risk in Internet banking adoption is limited. In response, we develop a conceptual model that combines unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with perceived risk to explain behaviour intention and usage behaviour of Internet banking. To test the conceptual model we collected data from Portugal (249 valid cases). Our results support some relationships of UTAUT, such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence, and also the role of risk as a stronger predictor of intention. To explain usage behaviour of Internet banking the most important factor is behavioural intention to use Internet banking.  相似文献   

以陆海统筹视角评价国土空间开发适宜性对于促进海洋资源合理利用及海洋经济可持续发展具有重要意义.本文以江苏省南通市为例,建立陆海一体的开发适宜性评价分类方案;基于短板效应,构建并计算两级开发适宜性评价体系;基于长板效应,叠置二级评价得分,获得一级开发适宜性评价结果.结论表明:①叠置二级评价结果后,海域建设适宜及农业适宜结...  相似文献   

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