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民国时期新桂系的民族政策述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新桂系处理民族问题的基本方针是民族同化。在这个方针指导下,新桂系在少数民族地区进行了社会、政治、化教育和风俗习惯等方面的改革。这些改革对少数民族的社会进步有一定的积极意义。但新桂系推行大汉族主义,强迫弱小民族同化,实行民族歧视和民族压迫,给少数民族带来了许多苦难,违背了少数民族的意愿,恶化了民族关系,加剧了民族矛盾。新桂系民族政策的反动性是明显的,消极影响是严重的。  相似文献   

由于历史和地理的原因,我国少数民族地区在教育资源的占有上处于不平等地位,教育水平与全国相比还存在一定差距。因此,在高考录取时,国家给予少数民族考生加分投档的优惠,是对少数民族考生不平等地位的一种补偿,是国家从少数民族群体的利益出发来调节和处理高等教育资源的分配,体现了一种作为公平的正义性。  相似文献   

关于中国少数民族教育的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在思考和规划新世纪中我国少数民族教育事业的发展时,需要从国家现代化和少数民族长远发展的角度和立场来分析当前教育体系中存在的问题,研究必要的调整与改进措施。少数民族教育事业如何发展,关系到少教民族新一代在高级人才和劳动力市场上的竞争能力,关系到各民族在未来中华民族大家庭政治结构、经济体系、文化生活中的相对地位。当我们考虑“保护少数民族的传统文化”与“实现少数民族现代化”之间的关系时,要看到传统文化中包含着有生命力和缺乏生命力的两部分。既包含具有生命力的文化精华成分,也包含一些缺乏生命力的文化内容..在现代学校制度与传统文化之间,应当可以找到沟通、互客的方法。从语言作为传统文化载体和交流学习工具的双重性这一角度出发,我们可以探索语言工具性程度的衡量指标和语言应用的市场选择机制,同时必须关注语言运行的经济效益问题.需要把学习语言的选择与民族一国家的长远发展潜力二者结合起来考虑,并在此基础上.探讨在社会发展进程中是否存在一个语言依赖的层级结构。  相似文献   

This study discusses the educational constraints facing Muslim Hui students and the measures that should be pondered by the Chinese government to address these constraints. Three key research questions are addressed: (1) How does the mainstream Han, Confucian, or the state ideology interact with Hui students’ culture? (2) In what ways do ethnic boundaries and educational uniformity affect the engagement of ethnic minorities in education as well as the larger society? (3) What are the major educational constraints faced by Hui migrant students of Muslim background? Through the mixed-methods research design, I find that the yearning of Muslim Hui Chinese students to achieve educational success and social mobility is limited by social, cultural, and educational factors that regard them as the “other”; they still face issues of marginalization—educationally, socially, and culturally—that delay them from achieving higher educational success.  相似文献   

家庭是社会的细胞,婚姻是家庭成立的基础,研究城市化进程中少数民族人口婚姻家庭状况的变动与趋势。对民族社会良性运行与协调发展具有重要意义。城市化进程中。东北少数民族人口已婚率、有配偶率有较大提高.但同汉族相比仍有一定差距:丧偶率在缓慢下降,离婚率却仍呈上升趋势,离婚比快速提高;另外。少数民族家庭户增长幅度远小于全户汉族户。并且家庭规模小型化趋势日趋明显等等。这些问题不仅不利于少数民族自身的发展.也影响着民族关系的和谐。应引起人们的关注。  相似文献   

论清朝少数民族教育政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清朝少数民族教育政策是在后金政权少数民族教育政策的基础上继承和发展而来的,是清朝民族政策体系的重要组成部分。清朝政府突破了“华夷之变”的局限,制定和实施少数民族教育政策,对发展少数民族教育采取倾斜政策,在少数民族地区和少数民族中积极倡导教育,程度不同地改变了少数民族轻视教育的观念。通过广设学堂,推进普及的方式,有效地缩小了中国各民族之间在教育方面的差距,在一定程度上推动了少数民族及其教育的发展,特别是近代少数民族地区新式教育的兴起和发展,开创了少数民族地区现代教育的先河,对维护和巩固多民族国家的统一产生了积极的促进作用。虽其政策在实施中尚存在不足,但其成功的经验对于我们今天积极发展少数民族教育事业仍具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Representations of ethnic minorities in China's university media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the representation of ethnic minorities in China through a review of campus newspapers, a major print medium in which universities exercise power over the discourse of cultural recognition. Three universities attended by minority students were selected. A two-dimensional mode (content and configuration) is established to analyze ethnic representations. A combination of content analysis and discourse analysis is used to categorize and analyze text and photographs relevant to ethnicity. The study concludes that (1) different discursive practices are employed to construct ‘images’ of ethnic groups as ‘Others’ or ‘Us’; (2) representations of ethnic minorities and the Han generate three discursive dichotomies between minority and majority: minority groups are distinctive, potentially separatistic, and visible; and the Han people are normative, patriotic, and invisible, respectively; (3) the university media reflects an ideology of ‘state multiculturalism’ that constructs a reflexive representation of the relationship between majority and minority.  相似文献   


This paper uses birth cohort analysis of a 1991 representative survey of Britain to establish trends in class, gender and ethnic inequalities in educational attainment. The data show some decline in class inequalities (especially at O level), a clear narrowing of gender inequalities and substantial progress among ethnic minorities, where the inequalities among the second generation (who were born and educated in Britain) are a great deal less than those in the first generation (born and educated overseas). However, overall class inequalities remain substantial and are considerably larger than the gender or ethnic inequalities. Given the slow rate at which class inequalities are declining, they are likely to remain a major problem for educational policy for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

谭清 《民族教育研究》2007,18(1):101-107
以中央民族大学2004级非英语专业部分汉族学生和西南少数民族学生为对象,探究这两组学生在英语听力学习策略上的差异,以便为改进英语听力教学方法提供具有参考价值的实证依据.  相似文献   

三国时期蜀汉实行的民族政策最为成功,成效最为显著.在争夺荆州的战争中,各少数民族尤其是武陵蛮夷部落,表现了鲜明的“拥刘”倾向,为蜀汉集团作出了巨大的贡献.蜀汉之所以能够赢得各少数民族的鼎力支持,是因为刘备、诸葛亮等人改变了过去单纯杀戮的民族压迫政策,执行了以“和”“抚”为基本原则的民族策略;而且消除歧视行为,充分尊重少数民族民众的人格和文化习俗,采取了汉夷两级官吏共同管理地方等行之有效的措施.  相似文献   

武陵山区是中国典型的少数民族聚居地区。改革开放以来,在少数民族人口政策的作用之下,武陵山区的少数民族人口增长迅速,这对该地区的经济、政治、文化和社会发展都产生了重要的影响。由于人口的过快增长,已经影响到了武陵山区少数民族的发展,并拉大了该地区与其他地区的经济差距。因此,必须进一步调整和完善民族政策,控制武陵山区少数民族人口的过快增长,实现人口与经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

透过“他者”视角China’s National Minority Education—Culture,Schooling,and Development一书,记录和再现了20世纪90年代国外学者眼中中国西部少数民族地区少数民族教育的社会文化图景,聚焦了教育人类学领域关注的核心议题:族群、文化和教育,其中对少数民族高等教育入学优惠政策、少数民族学生学业成就归因理论、少数民族文化与学校教育等问题的探讨,在时下仍有其理论意义和学术价值。本书凝聚了一批研究中国民族教育的国际著名专家学者,包括本书的引介者、译者在内,这一代教育人类学人对中国民族教育相关政策、成功案例、研究成果起到了推介、传播等积极作用,并在20世纪90年代,推动了中国教育人类学学科发展和民族教育研究。  相似文献   

少数民族非物质文化遗产的保护与教育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
少数民族非物质文化遗产是我国非物质文化遗产的组成部分。少数民族非物质文化遗产的保护自新中国建立以来已取得一系列成就,而少数民族非物质文化遗产的教育还没有系统地展开。把少数民族非物质文化遗产纳入教育体系是保护、开发、传承少数民族非物质文化遗产的重要手段与途径。  相似文献   

Improving the quality of education has been a central goal of the People’s Republic of China since its founding in 1949. Particular concern has been focused on ethnic minority areas where educational quality lags behind that of other regions. Since 1986 the State Education Commission has been working toward the implementation of nine years of compulsory education for all Chinese children nationwide. Implementing this policy has been particularly challenging in the less developed areas of western China where many ethnic minorities live. The solution rests in training an adequate number of teachers who are themselves from ethnic minority groups or who are willing to teach ethnic minority children. This article reviews a significant and growing body of English-language literature, drawn from the sociology of education, on minority teachers and teachers of minorities in the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

中国古代“多元一体”少数民族文教政策有其深厚的社会基础和思想基础。在内容上重视以儒家思想为代表的礼教(社会核心价值体系教育),同时注意文教政策的差异性和多样性。其价值取向是“以和为贵”。无论其经验还是不足,都值得认真地加以总结。  相似文献   

The level of development of higher education (HE) is an important indicator to measure the development of the social economy and the civilization of a region or country. In this article, we compare the distribution of the freshmen of ethnic minorities (EMs) with the distribution of EMs over the population, based on a sample of 1 464 freshmen from 25 EMs of Yunnan Province in People’s Republic of China (PRC). Although this analysis shows that access to HE is equal for some categories of EM students, it still shows that access to HE is harder for these minorities in comparison with freshmen from Han (major ethnic group comprising of 92 % of the Chinese population) families.  相似文献   

近年来,乌鲁木齐市天山区民汉教育发展的差距越来越明显,民汉合校和汉语系学校教育发展不均衡,而不均衡的主要原因是双语教师队伍存在着许多问题,这些问题严重制约了天山区教育的发展。文章提出了存在的问题并就这些问题给出了几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of sibship composition and birth order on the school enrolment and educational attainment of children, using data from the Vietnam Population and Housing Census 2009. Utilizing an instrumental variable estimation method to address the endogeneity of sibship size, we find that it has a significant, negative effect on child education. Examining the impact of sibling sex composition, we find that having an additional boy lowers children’s average educational attainment for both girls and boys. We establish that birth order has a significant, negative effect on child educational attainment, although that effect seems to vanish with the youngest sibling. Our findings have several policy implications. First, the negative effect of sibship size on education implies that Vietnam’s lower fertility rate, the result of family planning policy during the 1990s and 2000s, may contribute to its remarkable educational achievements. Second, we find that birth order and sibling sex composition are more important than sibship size in children’s educational outcomes. As parents disproportionately allocate more resources for boys and earlier born children, government-targeted programs should tackle those issues to provide equal school opportunities for all children.  相似文献   

This article describes the situation in the field of ethnic minorities and education in The Netherlands and other Western countries. The policy that has been and is being pursued in The Netherlands is central to this article, as well as the way in which this policy has been translated into practice. The most important aim of the policy is to combat educational disadvantages among minorities. Attention is paid to the evaluation of the various aspects related to the education offered to minorities. These evaluations show that even though a great deal has been brought about, policies have up until now hardly succeeded in improving the relative position of the minorities. On the basis of these findings, a number of changes have recently come about in the policy, that are likely to have far-reaching consequences for educational practice. To conclude this article attention is paid to this new policy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how ethnically diverse, inclusive schools manage their legitimacy in an educational quasi‐market. These schools are often threatened with a loss of legitimacy as ethnic majority parents perceive an ethnically diverse student population and radical pedagogical practices as signs of lower quality education. However, precisely legitimacy in the eyes of ethnic majority parents is crucial to acquire resources, motivate staff members and maintain their ability to offer quality education, necessary to minimize the majority–minority educational attainment gap in the long run. Drawing on a theoretical approach combining neo‐institutional and impression management theories, we empirically investigate how four ethnically diverse, inclusive secondary schools embedded in the highly exclusive Flemish educational quasi‐market manage their legitimacy. Comparing their legitimacy management strategies, we find that maintaining legitimacy is related to (1) formally conforming to dominant norms, decoupling their radical practices by relegating them to the informal sphere; and (2) proactively manipulating perceptions of the school's ethnic diversity and radical pedagogical practices. However, our findings suggest that an ambiguous version of these strategies might be sufficient to achieve this aim.  相似文献   

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