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The affluent markets of developed countries have become very competitive. Therefore, companies are trying to explore market opportunities at the segment of low-income people termed as “Bottom of the Pyramid” (BOP). With the proliferation in popularity and reduction in the price of smartphones, there is a potential market opportunity for smartphone producing companies at the BOP segment. The companies need to identify the factors influencing smartphone adoption at the BOP in order to explore this market opportunity. The current study extends the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with “Perceived Monetary Value” to investigate the antecedents of smartphone adoption at the BOP. Empirical analysis has shown that “Performance Expectancy” (PE), “Effort Expectancy” (EE), “Social Influence” (SI), and “Perceived Monetary Value” (PMV) predict the “Behavioral Intention” (BI), and BI and “Facilitating Conditions” (FC) predict the “Use Behavior” (UB). Findings from this study can be used by the managers of the companies targeting the BOP segment in pricing, marketing, and product-specific decision-making process. The policymakers can also analyze the results of this study for successful implementation and delivery of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based services for the BOP segment.  相似文献   

mHealth under the umbrella of eHealth has become an essential tool for providing quality, accessible and equal health care services at an affordable cost. Despite the potential benefits of mHealth, its adoption remains a big challenge in developing countries such as Bangladesh. This study aims to examine the factors affecting the adoption of mHealth services in Bangladesh by using the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model with perceived reliability and price value factors. It also examines the moderating effect of gender on the intention to use and on the actual usage behavior of users of mHealth services. A well-structured face-to-face survey was employed to collect the data. Structural equation modeling (SEM) with a partial least squares method was used to analyze the data collected from 296 generation Y participants. The results confirmed that performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and perceived reliability positively influence the behavioral intention to adopt mHealth services. However, effort expectancy and price value did not have a significance influence on the behavioral intention. Moreover, Gender has a significant moderating effect on mHealth services adoption in certain cases. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Mobile banking (mBanking) enables customers to carry out their banking tasks via mobile devices. We advance the extant body of knowledge about mBanking adoption by proposing a model for understanding the importance and relationship between the user perception of mBanking, initial trust in mBanking services, and the fit between the technology and mBanking task characteristics. We synergistically combine the strengths of three IS theories – task technology fit (TTF) model, unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology (UTAUT), and initial trust model (ITM). The model was tested in a study conducted in Portugal, one of the European Union (EU) countries with the highest mobile phone adoption. Based on the sample of 194 individuals we applied partial least squares (PLS) to test the conceptual model propose. The path significance levels were estimated using the bootstrapping method (500 resamples). The study found that facilitating conditions and behavioral intentions directly influence mBanking adoption. Initial trust, performance expectancy, technology characteristics, and task technology fit have total effect on behavioral intention. The paper offers valuable insights to decision-makers involved in the implementation and deployment of mBanking services. For researchers, the paper highlights the usefulness of integrating TTF, UTAUT and ITM in the development of a decision support framework to study the adoption of new technologies.  相似文献   

The extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) is less than ten years old and has already garnered more than 6000 citations with extensive usage in information systems and beyond. This research employed cited reference search to systematically review studies that cited UTAUT2 originating article. Based on UTAUT2 usage, the downloaded articles were classified into four categories such as: 1) General citation, 2) UTAUT2 application, 3) UTAUT2 integration, and 4) UTAUT2 extensions. Weber's (2012) theory evaluation framework revealed UTAUT2 as a robust theory on most dimensions except for parsimony arising from the complex model. UTAUT2 extensions emerged as popular UTAUT2 utilization category as researchers extended the model with context specific variables. Finally, UTAUT2 extensions were mapped to Johns' (2006) context dimensions to identify various limitations of the existing technology adoption research and to provide multi-level framework for future researchers with libraries of context dimensions.  相似文献   

Telehealth can be used to develop innovative healthcare services for promoting medical quality and efficiency. Despite previous research on users’ adoption intention of telehealth, users’ acceptance and resistance have rarely been considered at the same time. This study used a research model based on the dual-factor concepts of “enablers” and “inhibitors” to explain users’ intentions to utilize telehealth. We extended the Technology Acceptance Model and Status Quo Bias with the technology anxiety concept to explain why patients accept or reject the use of telehealth from the perceived enablers and inhibitors of intentions. The experimental results demonstrated users’ ambiguous and indecisive intentions of adopting telehealth. It was also found that availability and perceived usefulness are the main factors that encourage individuals to adopt telehealth services. Technology anxiety and transition costs are the key factors in discouraging people from using telehealth. Technology anxiety could be overcome through the perceived usefulness to promote the adoption of telehealth.  相似文献   

The adoption and diffusion of electronic government is often impeded by many social and individual factors relating to citizens. In this respect, intermediaries have emerged as a new model for delivering e-government services to overcome such obstacles. This study aims to examine the role of intermediaries in facilitating e-government adoption and diffusion using a survey based empirical study of 502 participants in Madinah City in Saudi Arabia. An extended UTAUT model is used as the theoretical basis utilizing trust in the Internet and Intermediaries. The results of this study show that there are significant relationships among the factors that influence intention to use e-government, namely, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and trust of intermediary. In addition, the findings show that there is a significant relationship between facilitating conditions and usage behavior proving that intermediaries can influence adoption of e-government services.  相似文献   

科技型初创企业是科技创新中最具发展动力和市场活力的主体,也是提升我国科技创新能力和加快我国创新发展的重要推动力量。然而,目前仍缺乏一种相对完备且适用于科技型初创企业风险评估的方法。为了更好地推动我国科技领域的创业,我国迫切需要一种科学准确的方法来评估科技型初创企业的风险。基于此,本文首先对与科技型初创企业相关的影响因素进行了梳理和筛选后,运用复杂网络理论构建了科技型初创企业风险评估的复杂网络结构及指标体系,然后从复杂网络全局和模块化的角度分析了科技型初创企业的风险。最后,选择10家科技型初创企业进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:本文构建的科技型初创企业风险评估模型具有一定有效性和合理性。  相似文献   

英国绿色投资银行(GIB)是全球第一家绿色投资银行,2017年完成私有化并更名为绿色投资集团(GIG),主要开展绿色技术项目的投资与转化,支持全球绿色经济增长。研究绿色投资集团绿色技术项目的评估指标体系、筛选流程、领域及成效,通过分析其项目筛选评估机制、明确关注的投资项目领域等,发现其既重视技术项目的绿色属性,同时关注技术项目的经济回报和市场价值。借鉴绿色投资集团的绿色技术项目筛选评估经验,有益于为我国绿色技术银行的快速建设和持续发展提供指导和支撑。  相似文献   

Understanding the main determinants of Internet banking adoption is important for banks and users; our understanding of the role of users’ perceived risk in Internet banking adoption is limited. In response, we develop a conceptual model that combines unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with perceived risk to explain behaviour intention and usage behaviour of Internet banking. To test the conceptual model we collected data from Portugal (249 valid cases). Our results support some relationships of UTAUT, such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence, and also the role of risk as a stronger predictor of intention. To explain usage behaviour of Internet banking the most important factor is behavioural intention to use Internet banking.  相似文献   

The digitalization phenomenon is leveraging new relationship models through the entire supply chain network. In this outlook, blockchain is a cutting-edge technology that is already transforming and remodeling the relationships between all members of logistics and supply chain systems. Yet, while studies on blockchain have gained a relative pace over the recent years, the literature on this topic does not report sufficient research cases on blockchain adoption behavior at the individual level. The present study, therefore, aims to bridge this gap, notably by helping understand the individual blockchain adoption behavior in the logistics and supply chain field in India and the USA. Drawing on the emerging literature on blockchain, supply chain and network theory, as well as on technology acceptance models (TAMs), we have developed a model based on a slightly-altered version of the classical unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The model being developed was then estimated using the Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). As the model was eventually supported, the results obtained revealed the existence of distinct adoption behaviors between India-based and USA-based professionals. In parallel, the findings appear as a useful contribution to and a sign of progress for the literature on IT adoption, SCM, and blockchain.  相似文献   

In the information management literature, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is recognized as a technology capable of providing operational and financial benefits to firms, and it is rising as the dominant IT service delivery model. Considered to be a promising solution it is garnering interest among researchers and professionals. However, SaaS can represent a vulnerability to firms due to its nature. The weighing of the pros and cons leads to firms’ uncertainty regarding SaaS adoption. Through the lenses of technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework we examine the contextual factors that influence the adoption of SaaS. Furthermore, this study explores the moderating effects of the environmental context in the adoption of SaaS and how it shapes the direct influences of technological and organizational contexts of the TOE framework. Data collected from 259 firms were used to test the proposed model. The study found the significance of the technology, organization, and environment context for SaaS adoption. Moreover, it was found the moderator influence of the environment context between the organization context and SaaS adoption. This study contributes to a deepest understanding of the determinants of SaaS adoption by providing a holistic theoretical lens, advancing newer paths of approaching the TOE framework.  相似文献   

薛彩霞  黄玉祥  韩文霆 《资源科学》2018,40(7):1418-1428
农户对节水灌溉技术的采用行为是一个“逐步”的动态学习过程,需要经历采用和持续采用两个阶段的决策,而农户的持续采用行为直接影响节水灌溉技术效益的发挥。本文运用陕西省白水县284户苹果种植户的微观调研数据,采用Heckman选择模型重点探讨政府补贴和采用效果对农户节水灌溉技术持续采用行为的影响。实证结果表明:① 政府给农户任何形式的补贴都可以有效地激励农户采用节水灌溉技术,相对于资金补贴,基础设施补贴和设备补贴更有利于农户持续采用节水灌溉技术;② 采用效果对农户节水灌溉技术的采用行为有显著的正向作用,成本投入对农户持续采用行为影响不显著,技术适用性对农户持续采用行为有促进作用,及时解决农户在技术采用中遇到的问题有助于提高农户技术采用的经济效益。基于此,提出以下建议:实施政府补贴、优先补贴基础设施和设备、多元化的配套措施,有助于提高农户节水灌溉技术的采用率和采用效果,并促进农户对节水灌溉技术的持续采用。  相似文献   

在"科技强国"的背景下,基于2007-2016年中国沿海11省市面板数据,利用门槛模型考察海洋科技创新对海洋经济增长的门槛效应,分别以对外开放和金融发展为门槛变量,研究表明海洋科技创新对海洋经济增长有明显的双重门槛效应,并提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

张熠  徐艺玲  程慧平  金玲 《现代情报》2018,38(11):123-129
[目的/意义]对UTAUT模型在国内IT/IS采纳中的应用现状进行归纳总结,指出UTAUT模型应用中存在的不足、发现可能的发展趋势,以期启发国内应用UTAUT模型进行IT/IS采纳的未来研究。[方法/过程]选用中国知网学术期刊数据库,以UTAUT为检索词进行全文检索,采用文献计量法和内容分析法从研究主题、理论或模型应用方式、调查对象、采纳行为影响因素4个方面对筛选出的实证研究文献进行归纳整理总结。[结果/结论]国内应用UTAUT模型进行IT/IS采纳研究主要围绕互联网+"X"、移动服务领域展开,大部分文献通过扩展UTAUT模型方式,以学生为调查对象借助结构方程模型进行分析,实证研究中萃取的影响因素除UTAUT模型常规变量外,更多关注的是风险、成本、信任。UTAUT模型应用方式主要分为:单一模型、模型扩展、模型组合、模型整合4种方式;按影响因素属性不同可以分为:技术因素、经济因素、个人因素、环境因素和质量因素;按影响因素的作用原理分为:直接因素、间接因素、两栖性因素、调节变量。最后,对未来研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

In this digital era, it is important to make a wise course choice since the building blocks of a career starts from choosing the career-specific course. With the number of online courses available, it is tough to differentiate a relevant career-focused course from a mediocre one. Hence, the authenticity and validity of a particular course influence the career choice of individuals. The other important factor is perceived benefits. Additionally, an increasing number of educational businesses has already integrated or plans to integrate social media applications into their marketing plans to reach and attract future students, thus showing a shift from traditional ways of marketing. As the nature of this study is both purposive as well as probabilistic, a mixed method approach has been chosen. The study consists of two phases: the exploratory research process consisting of the literature review, the semi-structured interviews with information technology professionals to form the questionnaire and hypotheses. The researchers found that through personal inputs strongly influence the learning experiences, authenticity and perceived benefits of a course plays the most important role in the individual’s decision to adopt a technical course. The practical and research implications have also been discussed.  相似文献   

杨俊秀 《大众科技》2012,(2):121-122
通过对中小型永磁电机主要零部件的加工、工艺、工装简介,阐述制造过程对保证永磁电机性能和质量的重要性。  相似文献   

The technology acceptance model (TAM) has proven to be one of the most powerful theories to explain user's technology adoption. Among many external variables incorporated into TAM, trust is considered to be an important factor that influences the user's online behavior, especially in the e-commerce context. This study conducts a meta-analysis based on the previous TAM studies in an attempt to make well-grounded statements on the role of trust. Furthermore, the paper examines those TAM studies by considering moderating effects of subject type (students or non-students) and context type (commercial or non-commercial). Results indicate a significant influence of trust on TAM constructs. Moderating effects are found for most pair-wise relationships. The findings yield implications for both researchers and service providers.  相似文献   

基于文献研究,从技术吸纳视角,研究多维距离对企业技术转移的影响,并探究行业类型、企业规模和企业性质等异质性因素对多维距离与企业技术吸纳关系的影响。采用杭州技术交易市场技术吸纳数据分析,研究发现:(1)地理、经济、技术和社会距离均对企业技术吸纳有显著影响,其中技术距离对企业技术吸纳影响最大,其次是地理距离和社会距离,最后是经济距离;(2)技术距离对小规模企业技术吸纳影响最大,而社会距离对大规模企业技术吸纳影响最大;(3)技术距离对非高新技术企业技术吸纳影响最大,而社会距离对高新技术企业技术吸纳影响最大。  相似文献   

区域(行业)科技成果转化评价方法研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
石善冲  韩款 《科研管理》2000,21(2):75-81
本文提出了区域 (行业 )科技成果转化的评价指标体系 ;并建立了科技成果转化的综合评价模型和详细评价模型 ;最后 ,对河北省九大工业行业的科技成果转化工作进行了评价。  相似文献   

Recent changes in innovation development are related to the new technological revolution (Industry 4.0), pandemic, economic crises, and new legislation. These trends provide new opportunities for the improvement of production materials, construction, processes, and capacities. Innovative technologies improve the processes of business analyses and forecasting, as well as new product development, order processing, logistics, production automation, quality control, and marketing. Modern technologies are gradually replacing ergonomically demanding and dangerous occupations. Such innovations are particularly necessary for the transformation of problem companies and regions, as they often have a significant impact on economic development. This study is part of our long-term research on the technology innovation of problem companies and regions. Its primary goal is to methodically emphasize the importance and role of technology innovation management, mainly in problem companies, and analytically compare the innovation success of regions and countries from a global perspective. The study was carried out from 2015 to 2021. The time scope of the analyzed data is 2000–2018. The results show a certain Asian dominance in technology innovation management, in terms of the number of technology patents as well as of the growth dynamics and the ability to overcome the pandemic and crises in general.  相似文献   

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