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分析了中职学生数学素养的现状,从转变教师教学观念、改革教育教学内容、改革教育教学方法、开展多媒体教学及优化学生数学成绩的评价制度五个方面提出了培养中职学生数学素养的对策。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of an ambitious provincial school reform in Canada on students’ mathematical achievements. It is the first paper to exploit a universal school reform of this magnitude to identify the causal effect of a widely supported teaching approach on students’ math scores. Our data set allows us to differentiate impacts according to the number of years of treatment and the timing of treatment. Using the changes-in-changes model, we find that the reform had negative effects on students’ scores at all points on the skills distribution and that the effects were larger the longer the exposure to the reform.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate how grading in primary school affected students’ achievement measured by grades in 7th, 8th and 9th Grade and educational attainment in upper secondary school (12th Grade), and how the effect varied as a function of students’ cognitive ability, gender and socio-economic status. The data derived from the Evaluation Through Follow-Up (ETF) longitudinal project containing information on students who received grades in Grade 6 and students who did not. The subjects were 8558 students born in 1967. A quasi-experimental design was applied where multiple growth and logistic models were fitted to data. The result showed a main significant negative effect of grading on subsequent achievement (Grade 7–9) and there were important differential effects: graded low-ability students received lower subsequent grades through Grades 7–9 and had lower odds to finish upper secondary education, compared to ungraded low-ability students. The gender difference seems to increase over time: graded girls achieve higher grades throughout Grades 7–9 and had higher odds to finish upper secondary education, compared to ungraded girls and graded and ungraded boys.  相似文献   

Based on the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), the study aims to investigate factors that predict students’ interest in pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields in tertiary education both in general and in relation to their gender and socio-economic background. The results of the analysis of survey responses of 2458 secondary public school students in the fifth-largest Israeli city indicate that STEM learning experience positively associates with students’ interest in pursuing STEM fields in tertiary education as opposed to non-STEM fields. Moreover, studying advanced science courses at the secondary school level decreases (but does not eliminate) the gender gap and eliminates the effect of family background on students’ interest in pursuing STEM fields in the future. Findings regarding outcome expectations and self-efficacy beliefs only partially support the SCCT model. Outcome expectations and self-efficacy beliefs positively correlate with students’ entering tertiary education but did not differentiate between their interests in the fields of study.  相似文献   

A straightforward way to prevent students from leaving education without a higher secondary diploma is increasing the compulsory education age. The idea is that, by staying longer in school, more students eventually obtain a higher secondary diploma. This paper examines the impact of a one-year increase in compulsory school-age on dropping out of secondary education by a difference-in-differences analysis. For this, we exploit a recent compulsory education policy reform in the Netherlands. After controlling for confounding factors and observable covariates, we find that the one year increase in compulsory school-age reduces dropout by 2.5 percentage points. The effect, however, is entirely situated in the group non-liable to the policy reform. We observe that native Dutch vocational students, mostly without retention in grade, but also without a higher secondary diploma at hand, more often left school in the immediate period before the policy reform. Given the economic revival at that time, this may reflect anticipation of labor market opportunities.  相似文献   

An acute shortage of mathematics teachers has emerged in the Western world. This article describes a study of the influence of tertiary education experiences on the attitudes of potential mathematics teachers towards their subject.Parallel questionnaires were given to groups of students who were respectively entering university mathematics courses as new undergraduates, and entering postgraduate teacher training courses. Both groups of students answered items pertaining to their experiences within secondary mathematics courses.The undergraduate students were also asked a series of questions about their expectations of tertiary mathematics courses. For the postgraduates a parallel set of questions was provided that required them to rate their actual tertiary experiences.An analysis of responses indicated that the postgraduate students were more positive about their recollection of secondary mathematics than were the undergraduate students with their more recent experience of it. They were also less positive about the reality of their tertiary courses than were the undergraduates about their expectations. Responses of the postgraduates suggested that tertiary mathematics is not merely an extension of secondary mathematics, but a subject with which distinctive and, in general, more negative reactions are associated.Mathematics emerges as a subject which progressively loses its appeal with further study and implications are drawn for both tertiary education and teacher supply.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect on primary school students’ achievement of a Brazilian policy that changed the entry age into first grade from seven to six years old. Before the policy, a typical child spent up to three years in pre-school, and four years in primary school. The reform reorganized the system so that pupils would spend two years in pre-school (at ages 4 and 5) and five years in primary education. The timing of national tests and of the incremental process of implementing the reorganization allowed us to use a DDD approach to make causal estimates of its effect on student achievement. The reform increased 5th grade students’ mathematics scores by 0.10 SDs and reading scores by 0.12 SDs over student gains in untreated schools. These effects are robust across various treated cohorts, and across alternative samples of schools.  相似文献   

在职教大改革背景下,特别是随着"双高计划"的启动和高职本科层次办学持续深入,传统数学教育教学方式已很难满足高职教育质量发展的需求。为顺应改革和发展需要,切实提升数学基础课助推学生技能素质提升的内在育人作用,高职院校的数学教学,既要在第一课堂中进行教学渗透,更加注重数学文化理念、丰富数学教学内容、扩展数学文化教育方式,切实培养学生的数学应用意识和创新思维;也要重视二、三课堂的实践激发和价值引领,使学生既能在学习生活中提升数学文化素养,也可以在今后实际工作中潜移默化地运用数学知识解决问题。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether mothers’ participation in post‐compulsory education impacts on children’s relative inequalities across four developmental outcomes. The empirical analysis uses information from children born in 1958 in Britain. Mothers of the 1958 British cohort were affected by the 1947 school leaving age reform, which increased the age of compulsory schooling from 14 to 15 years. We selected the first‐born cohort members whose mothers were born in 1933 and 1934 and whose mothers completed compulsory schooling only. We found that the additional year of maternal schooling was significantly associated with relative improvements in mathematics attainment for their children, but no significant differences for reading or behavioural outcomes. The impact on mathematics was mainly for boys. These results suggest wider dispersion in mathematics attainment between sons whose mothers benefited from the additional year of schooling in 1947 and those whose mothers did not.  相似文献   

We have followed a group of students in the potential pipeline for science through their last years of upper secondary school and in the context of a university mentorship program. The student group is defined by their choice of Mathematics at A-level which is mandatory for admission to tertiary STEM education in Denmark. Rich data (repeated interviews, questionnaires (pre-and post-) and observations) from 14 target students have been collected. Using Late Modern identity theory as a lens, we have analysed students’ identity narratives in order to establish their trajectories in relation to university in general, and towards science studies and science careers in particular. We find that the diversity of students’ educational identity narratives can be characterized and their trajectories understood in terms of a Four Factor Framework comprising: general identity process orientations (reflecting, committing, exploring), personal values, subject self-concepts and subject interests. In various ways these constructs interact and set the range and direction of the students’ searches for future education and careers. Our longitudinal study suggests that they have enough permanence to enable us to hypothesize more or less secured paths of individual students to tertiary science (or other areas of academia).  相似文献   

代数是中学数学课程的重要部分.在高等代数知识方面,教师能理解一些基础而重要的概念,并掌握公式算法.但理解涉及逻辑知识的一些符号表示的复合命题时有困难.在学校代数知识方面,大多数教师显示出扎实的代数基础知识与技能,特别是常规问题的解法明确,运算准确.高中数学教师具体较为扎实的学校代数与高等数学中有关代数的知识,但在理解学生的学习困难,错误概念等方面有待提高。  相似文献   

We study the impact of higher education financing on the academic aspirations of teenagers and their parents. We exploit a reform which introduced a large increase in the tuition fees universities can charge, more generous support for the poorest students and a more redistributive student loan system, and varied across the UK’s constituent countries. Using rare survey data on post compulsory secondary and university education aspirations, we find that teenagers’ aspirations are not responsive to large changes in higher education financing. In contrast, parents adjust their aspirations, resulting in a reduction of the socio-economic aspiration gap for their children.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-term impact on earnings of attending a tuition-free, top-quality university in Brazil. We identify the causal effect through a sharp discontinuity in an admission process based on test scores. If admitted, low-income students are found to increase their earnings by 26% ten years later. However, admission has a small and insignificant effect on high-income students. The difference between income groups is not explained by educational attainment, program choice, or selection into better-paying jobs. The evidence suggests that most low-income applicants, if not admitted, still graduate from college but with much lower returns to education. High-income applicants who just miss the cutoff, however, can find other opportunities such that earnings trajectories are unchanged. Our results underscore the role of affordable higher education in promoting social mobility.  相似文献   

This article explores how the horizontal differentiation of upper secondary education affects students’ transitions after graduation. It builds upon the institutional perspective on education and draws on data from a nationally representative survey. The analysis shows a considerable variation in graduates’ patterns of transition according to the type of secondary education and that the type of secondary education program moderates the effect of the academic achievement and of students’ socioeconomic background on students’ patterns of transition.  相似文献   

This study examines the consequences of grade inflation at the upper secondary education level on enrolment in higher education and earnings for Sweden. Although grade inflation is unfair and may imply inefficient allocation of human resources, current knowledge of grade inflation effects on individual outcomes is scarce. One explanation is probably the challenge of measuring and estimating causal grade inflation effects. We find that grade inflation at the school level affects earnings mainly through choice of university and the chosen field of education, rather than through enrolment per se, because attending universities of higher quality and pursuing high-paying fields of education have a substantial impact on earnings. On the other hand, high-skilled students attending upper secondary schools without grade inflation and, unexpectedly, low-skilled women attending “lenient” schools are harmed by this. This causes extensive unfairness and, plausibly, detrimental welfare effects.  相似文献   

刘茜 《天津教育》2021,(3):163-164
在小学数学课堂教学中,由于应试教育的影响,很多时候都依然沿用传统的"满堂灌"授课方式,但不利于发展学生的个性。新课改提出,小学数学教学要积极引进合作学习的理念,加强学生与学生之间的合作交流,凸显学生课堂主人翁的地位,体现出以生为本的教育理念。笔者根据多年的教学经验,分析了在小学数学教学中采用合作学习模式给学生带来的积极影响,并总结出了提高合作学习有效性的策略。  相似文献   

This article analyses how social background affects completed upper secondary education and completed tertiary level education of Swedish speakers and Finnish speakers in Finland. Longitudinal register data are utilised. The results of logistic regression models indicate that the impact of socio‐economic and family background is strong and declines with education level. For upper secondary education, the impact of social background seems to have decreased over cohorts, which could be attributed to the education reform in the 1970s. The effects of background factors are very similar among Swedish speakers and Finnish speakers. In the Helsinki and Turku areas Swedish speakers have a higher upper secondary education propensity, whereas no such differences between language groups can be found in the other urban, nor in the rural, areas. Swedish speakers are more likely than Finnish speakers to have tertiary level education, which may be attributed to the relatively higher number of student places for Swedish speakers.  相似文献   

We estimate the impact of external financial support on the labor supply of students during their tertiary education. Using a dynamic labor supply model and accounting for the endogeneity of income from private transfers, we find a significantly lower likelihood of being employed for transfer recipients. Our results suggest that private transfers lead to a shift in students’ time allocation, lowering their hours devoted to working and increasing their time devoted to studying. We find evidence for a psychological component of receiving transfers through an increase in the perceived risk of failure in academic studies.  相似文献   

王以梅 《天津教育》2021,(7):81-82,85
随着教育改革的不断深入和素质教育的发展,社会和教育界对于小学数学课堂教学提出了新的要求与挑战。在教学改革中,小学数学课堂将会更加强调高效性学习,教师的工作重心将转移到引导小学生能够全面、深度地参与到数学课堂上。  相似文献   

Factors of students’ dropout can be studied either by surveys among students or by analyzing data the university collects. In the work reported in this paper, we analyzed data known about students at the time of admission as well as data about the students' study achievements collected on a semester basis. Using data about students who enrolled in the academic year 2013/14, we created several data mining models to predict who will finish their studies successfully and who will not. Our results show that the key factor is the percentage of lost credit vouchers in the most recent semester. The pre-entry attributes have only a very small impact. We also created association rules of different types to find characteristics of students who did not successfully complete the first semester of study. Here, the factor that mainly increases the probability of a failure is the time gap between secondary and tertiary education.  相似文献   

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