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我国超常儿童的研究和教育的发展中国科学院心理研究所查子秀一、前言早在两千余年前,中国已开始了对超常(天才)儿童进行选拔、培养和重用,中国的超常(天才)教育有着悠久的历史。但是对超常儿童进行科学的研究,把超常(天才)儿童的教育与科学研究相结合,通过实验...  相似文献   

国际上对超常儿童的研究已开展多年。1995年在香港召开的第11届世界天才儿童学术会议和1997年在西雅图召开的第12届世界天才儿童学术会议,向国际学术界展示了超常儿童研究领域内的丰硕成果。在我国,对超常儿童的研究也已有20年的研究史了。20年来,我国学者在有关超常儿童研究的各个领域内进行了卓有成效的研究和探索,无论在对超常儿童的选拔、鉴别,还是在培养、教育等各个方面都已取得了令国际学术界瞩目的成果。然而,在研究中也面临许多重要的理论问题和实际问题,有待作更深入的研究,本文就此略作探讨并提出一些看…  相似文献   

近年来,我国越来越重视特殊儿童音乐教育。特殊儿童音乐教育是针对身心有缺陷的特殊儿童进行的音乐教育。特殊儿童包括超常(天才)和低常(弱智)、有生理、心理缺陷儿童。本文试图对聋哑儿童音乐教育进行系统研究,探索具体可行的教学方法,以提高社会对聋哑儿童音乐教育的重视。  相似文献   

19世纪中叶,英国学者高尔顿最先开始对“天才”人物的研究,揭开了研究杰出人才、超常儿童的序幕。高尔顿对近千名著名的科学家(包括哲学家)、文学家和艺术家的家谱、个人成长史等资料进行了历史回顾和统计分析,结果发现杰出人才多出自于有杰出长辈的家族。因此,他提出了天才是由遗传决定的观点,并于1869年出版《天才的遗传》一书。高尔顿的研究和观点引起当时社会的广泛关注和争论,也激发了以后关于“天才”(或超常)儿童的科学研究。  相似文献   

《儿童心理与行为研究书系》是教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——天津师范大学心理与行为研究中心主任、著名心理学家沈德立教授主编的。该书系涉及众多研究领域,内容丰富,资料可靠翔实,观点新颖,学术价值高。本文重点评介该书系之一的《超常儿童发展心理学》。该书由世界天才儿童研究协会亚太地区联合会前主席、中国科学院心理研究所研究员施建农和中国育儿领域的权威杂志《父母必读》的副主编徐凡联名撰写。书中,作者大量引用了我国超常儿童心理发展与教育研究方面的成果,对我国该领域的研究和教育有积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

超常儿童是指智能发展远远超过同龄人的一般发展水平或具有某方面特殊才能的儿童(包括少年期)。这类儿童古今中外都有,事例不胜枚举。对这些儿童进行相应的教育,就称之为天才教育或超常教育。现在一些工业发达的国家,都以前所未有的热情和兴趣来关注超常儿童及其教育工作。例如,在美国和英国,都先后建立了天才儿童教育的国家级领导机构,管理和研究天才儿童的教育工作,这方面的经费也逐年增加,不少大学还设置了培养天才教育师资的专业,为天才儿童开办了各种  相似文献   

15年来我国超常儿童的研究和教育超常儿童主要指智力明显高于同年龄常态儿童或具有某方面特殊才能的儿童,在古代被称为神童,外国称他们为天才儿童或英才儿童。称呼虽不尽相同,概念的理解上也有些差别,但都是指智能出类拔萃的那一部分儿童。这部分儿童与弱智、残障儿...  相似文献   

西方发达国家对学前超常儿童(又称天才儿童)的教育极为重视。美国学者詹姆斯·约翰·加勒格尔在《天才儿童的发现和教育》一书中,介绍了美国一些研究人员提出的学前超常儿童的特征和教育目标。一、学前超常儿童的特征1.渴求知识。超常儿童的知识极其丰富,他们很想让这些知识发挥作用。有段时期,他们可能很想把他们知道的东西告诉你。2.需要感受到学习中的进步。教育中应该用各种方法使超常儿童有学习的进步感。在开始学习某种内容时,他们应该知道自己原有的水平和将  相似文献   

超常儿童小学阶段集体教育的初探(1984──1993)天津实验小学超常儿童集体教育实验组我校于1984年11月创办了全国第一个小学阶段的超常儿童教育实验班(以下简称实验班),开始在小学阶段对超常儿童进行集中的、特殊的教育实验研究。近九年的教育实验取得...  相似文献   

美国于1868年制定了“天才儿童教育计划”,1901年建立第一所“天才儿童学校”,实施英才教育已有100多年历史,积累了不少经验:一是要有培养拔尖人才的危机感和紧迫感;二是要破除思想观念上的障碍;三是政府重视,加强立法;四是高度关注5%优秀学生的选拔和培养;五是有完善的选拔和培养体系。美国之所以成为世界头号经济强国、科技强国,与其英才教育密不可分。我国基础教育在“以人为本,立足全体”“大面积丰收”上,取得了很大成绩,但忽视了对5%优秀学生的选拔和培养、忽视了英才教育,是一大缺憾和失误。中国基础教育应打破在英才教育方面的沉闷,理直气壮地对“超常”儿童、天才学生实施英才教育;充分发挥我国制度优势,既要关注全体学生的全面发展,实现“大面积丰收”,更要立足5%优质学生的早期选拔与培养,为建设社会主义现代化强国培养大批创新人才、杰出人才、领军人才。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the results of research in which the Finnish public discussion of giftedness and gifted children, and conceptions of giftedness and gifted children presented in it, were examined. The research was conducted by analyzing articles from the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat and the teachers’ periodical Opettaja, using the content analysis method. The results show that giftedness is seen as multidimensional, and both intrapersonal and environmental contributions are recognized as essential in talent development. The conceptions of gifted children were quite diverse, and gifted children’s possible problems were frequently discussed. Moreover, misunderstandings were revealed as well as areas that have not been adequately addressed.  相似文献   

The term “intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children” refers to intellectually gifted children who are in migration from rural to urban areas. We compared performances on seven attention tasks among intellectually gifted (n = 26) and average (n = 30) rural-to-urban migrant and intellectually gifted urban children (n = 31). Our results showed that intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children performed more correctly and faster on some attention tasks than did the intellectually average rural-to-urban migrant children, but they did not perform as well on some attention tasks as did the intellectually gifted urban children. Based on the attentional structures, it was evident the intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children developed more mature than did either the intellectually gifted urban or the intellectually average rural-to-urban migrant children. This suggests the intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children’s attention is overall superior to that of their intellectually average peers. However, there are advantages and disadvantages in terms of the quality of their attention compared to the intellectually gifted urban children. While their attentional structures seem to develop earlier, their accuracy on some of the attention tasks seems to suffer. This suggests that rural-to-urban migration is a double-edged sword for intellectually gifted children.  相似文献   

School psychologists in today's schools have the unique opportunity—and responsibility—to guide identification for gifted programs. “Who is gifted?” remains a perennial question in the gifted education literature, not answered by group intelligence screeners that purportedly level the playing field for all. As the student body grows more diverse, there is increasing necessity to ensure that all students have equal access to gifted programs. Failure to identify and develop the advanced abilities of gifted children who are culturally diverse, economically deprived, highly gifted, or twice exceptional is justifiably viewed as a civil rights violation. The National Association for Gifted Children's 2018 position statement, “Use of the WISC-V for Gifted and Twice Exceptional Identification,” offers important considerations for identifying the gifted. Based on a national research study of 390 gifted children on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V), the statement recommends that the traditional practice of mandating Full Scale intelligence quotient scores be abandoned. Instead, it embraces the use of any one of six expanded index scores that are better measures of abstract reasoning for selecting students for gifted provisions. As gifted children are oftentimes asynchronous, alternate index scores are less biased and better able to document the strengths of all gifted children. What is learned from the WISC-V can be applied by school psychologists to improve the choice of comprehensive individual intelligence tests, brief intelligence tests, and the body of evidence gifted children must exhibit.  相似文献   

本研究选取2-5岁超常儿童46名、普通儿童54名,通过实验考察了早期超常儿童的计数及其策略。结果显示:(1)超常儿童更早掌握“一一对应”的计数原则;(2)4岁前,超常儿童相对同龄普通儿童能掌握更大范围的基数;特别是3-4岁超常儿童,基本已经掌握了20以内的基数概念,显著优于同年龄普通儿童;(3)2-5岁超常儿童普遍具有比同年龄普通儿童更好的计数策略;(4)4-5岁超常儿童相对同龄普通儿童和3-4岁超常儿童,能够更有效地运用计数策略完成“随机性”计数任务。  相似文献   


Six contemporary leaders from the field of gifted education responded to questions concerning past, present, and future issues surrounding the education of gifted and talented youth. This report was designed to provide expert perspectives on (a) the accomplishments of gifted education, (b) core non‐negotiables about educating gifted children that all teachers should know, and (c) future challenges and directions for this field of study and practice. Qualitative analysis of the responses yielded core themes in each of the major areas, which are reported with summaries of responses and quotes from each respondent.  相似文献   


The accuracy of the Brigance K&1 screen in the early detection of Head Start children with possible cognitive/academic giftedness, was explored in this study. Data were collected from a sample of 134 children, 13 of whom were identified as potentially gifted on the basis of performance on the K‐ABC. Potentially gifted children performed significantly better on the Brigance than nongifted children. Group differences were large and exceeded one standard deviation on the K&1 total score. Classification analyses indicated that use of the technical manual criteria underreferred potentially gifted children. However, use of local criteria established that the K&1 screen has good sensitivity (>80%) and acceptable specificity (>70%) in relation to concurrent and predictive cognitive/academic outcomes. Teacher ratings were ineffective in detecting potentially gifted children. The K&1 screen may be helpful in the early detection of low‐income children who may be cognitively/academically gifted.  相似文献   

探究课堂环境中的同伴因素在超常儿童内部动机与创造力关系中的影响对培养超常儿童创造力的教育实践有重要意义.本研究选取277名3-6年级普通班中的超常儿童,采用《学习自我调节量表》、《创造性课堂环境问卷》以及改编的创造力测评工具对其内部动机、课堂同伴互动水平及创造力水平进行评估,分析三者的相关关系,并建立结构方程模型,验证...  相似文献   

To truly understand gifted performance, it is necessary to merge research on giftedness with current thinking in cognitive development and intelligence. This article presents traditional research on gifted children's cognitive development then considers how the application of newer models and theories from the field of cognitive development can be combined with research on giftedness to change the way people think about gifted performance. First four factors that have often been associated with giftedness are discussed from the perspectives of cognitive developmental psychology and gifted education. Next, emphasis is placed on investigating the strategic development of gifted children. Specifically, R. S. Siegler's (Emerging Minds: The Process of Change in Children's Thinking, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996) model of strategy development is addressed in terms of what it may contribute to understanding gifted cognition. Finally, future lines of research using models from cognitive development and complex systems models of development are recommended.  相似文献   

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