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凝练、培育和传承大学精神是大学文化建设的重要使命。上海理工大学在105年的办学历程中,栉风沐雨,育人无数。百年学府文博资源丰厚,拥有弥足珍贵的历史遗存和人文教育资源,学校秉承“信义勤爱、思学志远”的校训,坚持“理工与人文相长、科学与艺术交融”的人才培养理念,以人文校园和智慧校园建设为抓手,凝聚引领师生,提升学校文化软实力。  相似文献   

王美芸 《教育评论》2022,(9):134-138
“新文科”的提出是对文科教学模式改革、文科人才培养方式等方面的重新思考,明显表现出了对传统人文学科的反省与革新。在新文科建设背景下,大学写作课程必须超越“工具性”的目标定位,承担价值塑造和引领的功能,更直接地回答“培养什么人”的问题。当前大学写作课程对标新文科建设的标准,还存在诸多方面的问题。文章以浙江农林大学为例,探讨新文科建设背景下大学写作课程改革的路径。  相似文献   

"新文科"与"传统文科"相对,是一个随时代发展而不断变化的动态概念.当今意义的新文科以新技术革命为背景,在学科内容方面注重跨学科融合、知识理论创新,在目标任务方面突出全人培养,引领和服务于社会需求.新技术革命与新文科建设的关系主要体现在三个方面:一是新技术革命为新文科建设提供内容;二是新技术的发展为新文科建设提供技术手段;三是新技术变革需要新文科提供价值判断和对人文思路的启发.新技术革命背景下的新文科建设应服务于全人培养、学科内涵建设及国家战略、现代生产力发展需求.我国新文科建设在学科内容方面要推动学科交叉融合;在文科教学方面要积极融合新技术,推动文科教学现代化;在学术研究方面要积极回应社会实践,加强文科学术理论建设.  相似文献   

课程是人才培养的核心要素,课程质量影响到人才培养目标的达成度进而影响人才培养质量。“国际贸易理论与政策”是国际贸易学专业学术学位硕士生的核心课程之一,在专业课中具有重要地位。新文科背景下,研究生精品课程建设既要体现学科之间的交叉融合,又要体现创新与高质量发展。本文以沈阳理工大学“国际贸易理论与政策”研究生精品课程建设为例,介绍新文科背景下的课程定位、特色与教学内容创新“234”模式,师资队伍建设“三个坚持”,教学方法改革“三个注重”,教材选用“三个原则”,教学案例与思政专题“双十设计”以及日常教学管理与教学效果等,以期为新文科背景下研究生精品课程建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

建构管理理念是省属综合性大学实现跨越式发展的重要理念,是加强教师资源能力建设的必然选择.建构教师个体及团队复合型的结构,如教师个体复合型能力结构、集约型团队结构、矩阵型团队结构、同素异构型团队结构、“使用”与“借智”结合型团队结构、异质互补型团队结构、情商与智商互为促进型团队结构,是提高省属综合性大学教师资源能力的有效途径.  相似文献   

一、激发学生创新精神的情商  “情商”即情感智商 ,情商在某些时候比智商更重要。美国著名心理学家丹尼尔·戈尔曼说 :“过去一般人认为高智商等于高成就。研究表明 :人生的成就 ,至多只有 2 0 %归于智商 ,而 80 %则受情商影响。智商决定一切的观点 ,实践证明是不正确的。”因此 ,帮助学生形成良好的情商 ,应该是语文教学的目的之一。新教学大纲也强调语文教学要“发展健康个性 ,逐步形成健全人格。”首先 ,要培养学生对语文学习的热爱。新编语文教材里古今中外名作荟萃 ,可以说是用丰富多彩的形式 ,向师生展现了崇高的理想境界美、文章…  相似文献   

为了破解“文科危机”,文科发展必然要被赋予新使命,其核心特征应体现为学科间交叉、跨学科融合、创新性发展。发展新文科是彰显斯诺所说的“第三种文化”的必然过程。发展新文科的最终目的,必定要紧扣人才培养这一大学本体功能。回归人才培养,绝非生搬硬套地复古和重提,而是基于大学发展包括文科危机在内等现实困境而作出的一种理性明智选择。长期以来“五唯”现象的客观存在,已对我国大学乃至新文科发展造成一些不良影响,甚至形成一些严重后果。因此,“破五唯”必然成为大学发展新文科、回归人才培养的根本手段。五唯之“破”与文科之“新”是双向奔赴、互动协同的关系。在此意义上,“破五唯”是发展新文科的逻辑前提。  相似文献   

工科类行业特色研究型大学是我国“双一流”建设的重要力量,发展文科是其构建一流学科生态体系、推动实现“双一流”建设目标的必然要求。通过实证研究发现,工科类行业特色研究型大学的文科发展已成规模,在历轮全国一级学科水平评估中总体进步,且学科育人能力整体优于学科创新能力。然而,学科领军人才缺乏、标志性教学和科研成果产出不足是这类大学文科发展的普遍短板。按照学科组织生命周期理论,工科类行业特色研究型大学的文科发展已度过“生成期”,目前处于“成长期”的前期。依据“量力而行、按需而为”的原则和欧内斯特·博耶的四类学术观,工科类行业特色研究型大学未来可以采取发展教学型文科、整合应用型文科、发展创新型文科等三种不同策略建成精品文科。  相似文献   

“新文科”建设是一场新时代我国高等文科教育创新发展运动,涉及人文教育、文科教育以及相关学科教育改革。人文具有精神和学科两方面的含义,人文教育与文科教育既相关联又相区别,“新文科”建设不是要否定传统文科,而是要明确文科教育的人本理念,注重学科发展与人才培养的有机结合,以高新科技丰富文科学术范式,并将全球变革和人类命运纳入文科及其教育教学之中,为建设人类命运共同体作出中国贡献。  相似文献   

“情商” (EQ),即“情绪商数”的简称,是美国哈佛大学心理学博士丹尼尔·戈尔曼在轰动全球的新作《情绪商数》中阐述的一个新概念。戈尔曼博士的“情商”理论是对传统的“智商” (IQ)理论的挑战,也是对“聪明”和“人才”的一种全新的诠释。在一阵高过一阵的“情商”热中,美国《人物》杂志及时采访了今日美国的新闻人物戈尔曼。问:“情商”与“智商”究竟有哪些区別? 答:我们早就发现,相当多的  相似文献   

The key purpose of this research was to investigate the mediating role of academics’ self-efficacy in teaching and research (termed ‘academic self-efficacy’) in the relationship between emotions in teaching and teaching styles. Two hundred and thirty-two academics from 13 higher educational institutions in Shanghai, mainland China, responded to three self-report inventories, each assessing academics’ emotions in teaching, efficacy in teaching and research, and teaching styles, respectively. Results showed that academics’ emotions in teaching statistically predicted teaching styles, both directly and indirectly – through academic self-efficacy. Findings have enriched the literature on emotions in teaching, that on teaching styles, and that on teacher/academic self-efficacy. Practical implications are proposed in relation to academics and university senior managers.  相似文献   

In an attempt to raise China’s international competitiveness, the Chinese government has instituted a series of sweeping reforms in recent years, all with the aim of rapidly expanding the number of higher education places within tertiary institutions. However, this rapid rate of expansion has led to a new set of problems, most notably a scarcity of resources, a drop in educational quality, and a weak international academic standing. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has attempted to alleviate these problems by initiating a series of employment reforms. However, the new reforms have posed a new set of challenges for university academics. Based on the data reported in this study, we can see an increased implementation of managerial measures into the university employment system. The new employment system was viewed by university academics with a great deal of scepticism and disagreement. Ultimately, after serious consideration, the academics we interviewed chose to sacrifice their standards of living in order to maintain a focus on producing serious academic work. However, they also urged the state and university to offer a more agreeable environment in which professors could concentrate on authentic academic endeavors without having to sacrifice work stability.  相似文献   


Currently, Russian academics are facing significant demands because of a new, urgent requirement to pursue their research in accordance with international standards. Until recently, these academics were used to working within a familiar community and communicating their research via the Russian language, but now, they are expected to move beyond that and function on a global level, which can challenge their academic identities. A qualitative study was carried out in a research-intensive Russian university. The aim was to explore academics’ experiences and perceptions of the dynamic changes in their academic work with a particular focus on the limitations and pressures they meet in their career path towards global research. The data were collected by means of reflective journals during a course on English for academic purposes. Thematic analysis was employed for data analysis. The results showed that global trends turned out to be unachievable for Russian academics due to the lack of specific knowledge, attributes and skills required to do research globally. This might be the first study from Russia contributing to the literature on academic identity construction. The article provides insights into the experiences and perceptions of Russian academics and offers a research agenda for further investigation to bridge identity shifts in academia. In terms of practical purposes, the results will be used as a source of preliminary data within a broader research project aimed at supporting Russian academics in their research in an international English-speaking academic context.  相似文献   

在我国当前学术界学术主体人格缺失和学术行为不规范已成了不争的事实.通过分析学术主体人格的现存问题,提出从建立和健全学术制度、强化学术道德建设、提高学术工作者的自身素质、完善学术评价体系等方面建立学术规范,以塑造与时代相匹配的学术主体人格.  相似文献   

Despite universities’ enthusiasm for internationalization, international academic mobility requires considerable institutional and cultural adjustment in terms of teaching and supervision styles, research expectations, and departmental relationships. Although language competency underpins these practices, research on international academics has neglected the impact of language proficiency on professional identity. This article uses autoethnography to document conversations about language ability during my first two years as an academic in a French-language university. My responses to language-related comments evolved over time, reflecting how I positioned myself as a linguistic – or audible – minority, vis-à-vis the linguistic majority. Using cultural phenomenology, the findings highlight the interactional, unstable nature of international academic identities and the importance of positive collective support for international academics who shift from majority to minority linguistic status.  相似文献   

中国梦是中华民族复兴梦,既是经济上的崛起,更是文化上的复兴和腾飞。建设具有中国气派的学术、实现学术中国梦是近现代以来知识分子孜孜以求的重要目标,是今天建设中国梦的重要组成部分。学术期刊是学者发布学术成果、组织学术活动的重要载体和平台,学术期刊的健康发展是学术中国梦的重要内容。坚持正确的政治方向是学术繁荣和期刊健康发展的保障和根本,学术专业是学术繁荣和期刊健康发展的主体内容,而积极创新又是学术期刊健康发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

In this Reflection on Practice we propose a triple nexus of research, public engagement and teaching that could provide a new pathway for academic developers to enable greater engagement in learning and teaching issues from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) academics. We argue that the public engagement activities demanded by STEM research funding can become proxies for the development of similar skills and dispositions essential to good university teaching.  相似文献   

文科发展关系到一流大学的建设和高校竞争优势的形成。理工见长高校文科发展具有阶段性、长期性、渐进性,每一所大学发展历史不同、发展水平不同、所处阶段不同。理工见长高校的文科发展,大体要经历起步、发展、提高三个阶段。理工见长高校文科建设要实施阶段性发展战略。在建设的过程中,不同的学校要分析自身的发展状态,弄清自身所处的发展阶段,明确本阶段建设的思路、目标、行动方案、评价标准,并适时地推进发展阶段之间的战略转变。进入全面提高阶段后,理工见长高校文科建设要坚持把握文科发展的方向性,着力加强文科师资队伍建设,努力建设良好学术生态。  相似文献   

余三定主编的《当代学术史研究》是关于中国当代学术史研究的重要学术成果,它标志着中国学术界已经开始自觉对当代学术研究进行反思和总结。其学术旨归在于"求是",可从三方面理解:一是对以前的学术成果进行客观切实的总结评判,包括对学者进行客观中肯的评价定位;二是对一切学术不端和腐败行为进行"除恶务尽"式的批判,肃清学术不良风气,还学术界一片净土;三是对学术发展的内外部规律进行分析探索,为学术自身的发展不断提供理论生长点。  相似文献   

Place is a concept used to explore how people ascribe meaning to their physical and social surrounds, and their emotional affects. Exploring the university as a place can highlight social relations affecting Australian Indigenous students’ sense of belonging and identity. We asked what university factors contribute to the development of a positive sense of place for these students. Findings are presented from two Australian universities, based on focus groups with Indigenous students, and interviews with Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff. Students prioritized relationships with academics as a key theme, stressing academic’s flexibility and understanding enabled their persistence at university. Students situationally manage self-identification, requiring academics to engage effectively with diverse students, but staff felt they required further professional development. We argue that academics can ‘make’ university places in their pedagogies and mentoring roles, but require universities to recognize this pedagogical caring as a legitimate and valued element of their work.  相似文献   

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