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Objectives: To develop a patient information leaflet (PIL) to help local patients meet their drug information needs using the Internet, and to perform a preliminary evaluation of this tool. Methods: Development—a cross‐sectional survey of the drug information needs of local patients using a semi‐structured questionnaire; assessment of websites offering free, consumer‐orientated medicines information using set criteria; identification of consensus criteria to evaluate the quality of health‐related on‐line information; evaluation—views on a draft patient information leaflet from a focus group. Results: Those surveyed felt that being directed to high‐quality websites and being provided with assessment criteria for on‐line information would be useful. The three websites fulfilling most of the set quality criteria were Surgery Door ( www.surgerydoor.co.uk ), InteliHealth ( www.intelihealth.com ) and medline plus ( www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus ). The six most frequently cited assessment criteria were currency, authorship, commerciality, relevance, links and attribution. A draft leaflet was constructed listing the above three websites and six criteria along with tips on how to search the Internet effectively. A focus group reacted favourably. Conclusion: The Internet is a source of drug information—an information leaflet may help to guide local patients through its variable information quality.  相似文献   

Using four test groups, the study compared the efficacy of different approaches to introducing urban adults, including librarians in public libraries, to Internet resources. Models tested included two training period lengths (cursory and in-depth) and two computer interfaces (text-based and graphical) to Internet resources. Two post-test assessments were administered to determine effects of approaches tested on participant skills and attitudes. Findings suggest that the interface used does not significantly affect the users' ability to find information on the Internet. However, longer training did produce better searching, at least initially. User confidence in using a range of tools varied for each resource. Follow-up assessment indicated that differences in user attitudes among the groups decreased over time.  相似文献   

Information inequity is a central concern of the digital age. Many recognize the role of public libraries in bridging such inequities. Unfortunately, however, public libraries are often limited by the funding available to them. This study used a geographic information system (GIS), inequality measures, and multiple regressions to analyze statistics from the Public Libraries Survey (PLS) collected by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and from census tract data. It evaluated the levels of public library funding and services and tested how these resources vary with neighborhood income and urbanization levels. This is one of the few nationwide multivariate studies of neighborhood-level variations. The study revealed significant funding and service variations across the nation's 9000 library systems. Distributions of digital materials, full-time staff with a master's degree in library and information science, and library programs were especially disparate. Library systems in lower-income or rural neighborhoods were relatively less funded and offered fewer information resources. Interestingly, the only variable that was not significantly associated with neighborhood income was the number of public Internet terminals. This suggests that recent funding and research efforts may have made a difference. Similar funding efforts are encouraged for other types of library resources such as staff education and training. In light of the prevalent disparities in resource levels across neighborhoods, the study calls for a fundamental evaluation of the funding mechanisms for libraries. Also, information behavior research should investigate how this structural information inequity affects individuals’ information use decisions.  相似文献   

The connection between democracy and transparency would appear to be strong. Democratic countries have been among the earliest adopters of new legislation in transparency reforms such as access to information (ATI) laws. However, research has not yet tested the connection in the context of democratic reform where transitioning countries have the option to adopt ATI laws, and yet may, nevertheless, neglect or delay passage of such laws. To address this question, this paper uses Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) with 23 countries that are in democratic transition in the fourth wave of democratic transition in the 21st century. The results show that low political competition in conjunction with strong civil society, regional pressure and recognition of international norms is favourable to ATI adoption. In contrast, the non-ATI adopters have encountered high political competition coupled with low regional pressure, weak international norms, and weak press freedoms.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the sources and channels of information in the rural areas of Bangladesh and highlights the information flow and access patterns at the village level of Comilla and Chittagong districts in Bangladesh. It proposes some suggestions for effective information services in rural area, as well as a specific model for a Bangladesh Integrated Rural Information System (BD-IRIS) to improve the information system of villagers. This study uses structured interviews through a pilot survey of 20% of the households from each village and information gathered by personal observations and other secondary sources, as well as appropriate statistical methods. A total of 155 responses is included in the study.Existing conditions of information flow and access in this case study indicate that there are problems in access in spite of interpersonal sources and channels of information. Of course, it is important to remember that the low literacy rate in the villages studied and in many similar communities presents many serious barriers. The author recommends establishing a Village Information Center (VIC) to provide integrated and concerted information services, along with an integrated rural information system for the purpose in the villages studies, and more widely, to meet the requirements of all people in villages in Bangladesh. The case study is one of very few studies focusing on the flow and access of information for rural areas of Bangladesh, particularly as regards information sources and channels, system and services. The approach can be replicated in other communities, and the proposed model for future direction to improve information system of village level people of Bangladesh could be modified for use in other countries.  相似文献   

Online library resources can act as a trusted source to find various references for conducting research or writing research papers. With the increasing number of published papers, the use of online library resources becomes increasingly important for academics, including for university students. This study aims to investigate the factors that lead to the continued use of online library resources among university students in developing countries, especially Indonesia. We investigate the impact of resource quality, confirmation, satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment of users on their intention to continue using online library resources and the effect on e-WOM intention. This study will enhance the Post-Acceptance Model of Information System (IS) Continuance by adding several other constructs and tested using data from 215 university students in Indonesia who have used online library resources. The method used to analyze the data is Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of the study indicate that satisfaction and perceived enjoyment have a significant effect on the intention to continue using online library resources. In addition, it was also found that the continuation intention to use online library resources also affects the user's intention to convey it to others (e-WOM intention). This study provides insight to online library resources service providers in making improvements and formulating strategies to increase users' intentions to continue using their online library resources.  相似文献   

The part-time solo librarian at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana, serves physicians, staff, patients, and other health care professionals in the area. The library is part of the Education Department within the hospital's organizational structure. Recent developments have expanded the requirements of the Education Department, creating new challenges. The librarian is a member of the team developing solutions to the many ways that continuing education needs have to be met for the staff and physicians. A free website that houses education information and material is one of the projects that has been created and is maintained by the librarian.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this work were to identify the sources of information currently received, information-seeking behaviours, information requirements and preferences for future information provision amongst health and social care professionals providing care to children with health care needs. METHODS: Data were collected using a cross-sectional postal questionnaire survey. RESULTS: A wide range of information resources was reported as being available to professionals. However, a large proportion of respondents found it necessary to perform additional searches for information, suggesting that current resources were not satisfying their needs. The majority of professionals reported a preference for electronic formats, whilst a smaller proportion preferred hard copy materials. Participants promoted the use of informal networks as a means of support and exchange of information. CONCLUSION: Supplementing the information that is provided in electronic and hard copy formats, by enhancing informal networks, may be the most effective way of meeting the information needs of this group of professionals.  相似文献   

Few works serve as solid a framework for the field of health sciences librarianship or provide as many insights and detailed knowledge as Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences. Now in its fourth edition, the book's editors and contributors represent an impressive range of experience, expertise, and subject knowledge appreciated by practicing librarians in a variety of settings and by students of health sciences librarianship. Jo Anne Boorkman, Jeffrey T. Huber, and Fred W. Roper answered a series of questions about the latest edition of this seminal work, and offered opinions about reference works, services, and librarians.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to identify literature on: (i) theory, evidence and gaps in knowledge relating to the help-seeking behaviour of people with learning disabilities and their carers; (ii) barriers experienced by people with learning disabilities in securing access to the full range of health services; (iii) interventions which improve access to health services by people with learning disabilities. DATA SOURCES: twenty-eight bibliographic databases, research registers, organizational websites or library catalogues; reference lists from identified studies; contact with experts; current awareness and contents alerting services in the area of learning disabilities. REVIEW METHODS: Inclusion criteria were English language literature from 1980 onwards, relating to people with learning disabilities of any age and all study designs. The main criteria for assessment was relevance to the Guilliford et al. model of access to health care (Gulliford et al. Access to health care. Report of a Scoping Exercise for the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R & D (NCCSDO). London: NCCSDO, 2001), which was modified to the special needs of people with learning disabilities. Inclusion criteria focused on relevance to the model with initial criteria revised in light of literature identified and comments from a consultation exercise with people with learning disabilities, family and paid carers and experts in the field. Data abstraction was completed independently and selected studies were evaluated for scientific rigour and the results synthesized. RESULTS: In total, 2221 items were identified as potentially relevant and 82 studies fully evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: The process of identifying relevant literature was characterized by a process of clarifying the concept under investigation and sensitive search techniques which led to an initial over-identification of non-relevant records from database searches. Thesaurus terms were of limited value, forcing a reliance on using free-text terms and alternative methods of identifying literature to supplement and improve the recall of the database searches. A key enabler in identifying relevant literature was the depth and breadth of knowledge built up by the reviewers whilst engaged in this process.  相似文献   

One ofthe North Thames’ pioneering consortia, the Inner London Consortium (ILC) is a complexbody which includes NHS Trusts with teaching hospital university connections, community-basedTrusts and general hospital acute Trusts. Within the consortium there are 12000 trained nurses,midwives, health visitors and other professional staff working in the professions allied to medicine(PAMs), all of whom require access to and provision of appropriate library information services. In 1994, taking into account experiences elsewhere in the Region and nationally, itbecame clear that library issues were complex and would become acute with the move of nursinglibraries from ILC Trust sites over a very short timescale. A report on the issues commissioned bythe Consortium recommended that a library project, which built on existing NHS Trust PGMDEfunded library resources and moved these to a multidisciplinary base to serve the consortiummembership, be implemented. The objective of providing access to library informationservices for nurses and PAMs was achieved. Successes that emerged from the implementationincluded: The registration in Trust libraries of almost 12000 new members within theinitial 6-month monitoring period. The development of service level agreements andstandards for the delivery of services to these new user groups. This paper describes theprocesses behind these significant and complex changes.  相似文献   

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