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How I became a teacherAfter an English literature degree, I, like many arts graduates of my generation, couldn't see much further than the BBC's general entry trainee scheme, but luckily I spotted an advertisement for 'lektors' to teach English in Sweden with an  相似文献   

teacher, teachertrainer and editor of ELT Journal, demonstrates that it's always the sweetest people who like dark chocolate.  相似文献   

写作是一种以文字为载体的交流方式。写作也是一种对所学知识,词汇,语法的独创性组合和加深记忆的一个过程。在外语教学中,写作被视为学生必须,抑或不得不掌握的一种语言技能。百忙之中,不妨抽空来看这堂别开生面的写作课。  相似文献   

Things we need to know, things we thought we knew, things we tend to forget and things to think about.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the role of speaking in English teaching and the qualities promoted by spoken in-teractive exercises.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the role of speaking in English teaching and the qualities promoted by spoken interactive exercises.  相似文献   

In advanced stage of English language learning,students would meet witmany difficulties in understanding English in the original.Traditionaltranslation method fails to help students to overcome these difficulties,forin translation,they might give a word-for-word version.Translation inmother tongue is able to pour the surface meaning into students'brains,butit is not able to build a bridge from the surface meaning to the implicationin deep structures,and the original language materials can hardly be explo-ited to improve students'command of expression techniches.To avoid the  相似文献   

An English learner usually meets some problems when spelling words.A person who wishes to improve his spelling must systemtically attack onthe problem. Teachers can help their students by introducing word gamesand spelling activities. Some textbooks provide useful exercises. But thelearning always renains the task of the students. How can an Englishlearner spell words correctly? Are there any rules to apply? Here are some  相似文献   

Object Teaching is an ancient form of teaching, through which the teacher uses material things-models,pictures, gestures combined with livhlg words, to direct the students to the full sense of the teaching materials, to enrich the students‘ direct experience and perceptual knowledge, and to help them lay a foundation for a deep understanding of the learning contents.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION For Chinese students of English,grammar learning is so important that their textbooks inevitably entail grammar sections organized in a linear way.These students treat grammar learning as the stepping stone on their way of English learning.They hope to have a good command of grammar both for their present learning and for their further studies.For their present learning,their linguistic knowledge is tested and assessed through examinations  相似文献   


Things we need to know, things we thought we knew, things we tend to forget and things to think about.  相似文献   

<正>Prounclatlon is the essence of any language for language begins withsounds,and is used in oral speech and in reding aloud In order to makeoneself intelligible one must first learn the pronunciation of a languageand English is no exception.However,English pronunciation is beingneglected or even ignored in some schools.Thus many students graduate withpoor Englisn pronunciation.Instead of using the phonetic symbols;thestudents mark English words with Chinese characters,for esanple,“fish”and”费事”,“seven”as”散义”.”good.morning”as“古得猫宁”,“lesson”as“来森”etc,andsome even mark whole texts in this way which sounds rather strange andleaves you unsure whether to laugh or cry Therefore,students with poorpronunciation either have great difficulties finding jobs or areunqualified for the jobs they obtain.  相似文献   

1.a piece of cakeA: What do you think of the final exam?B: It's a piece of cake to me.A: You're bragging again, what if you failed?B: No way.甲: 你觉得期末考试怎么样?乙: 再容易不过了。甲: 你又在吹牛了。你要不及格呢?乙: 不可能。  相似文献   

1.a piece of cake A:What do you think of the final exam? B:It’s a piece of cake to me. A:You’re bragging again.what if you failed? B:No way.  相似文献   

These: The developing of communicative competence is maintained as the goal of language teaching, however,the application of its theories to English language teaching are greatly hindered by the traditional method and teaching situation in middle schol.  相似文献   

AOne,two,three,four,Come in please and shut the door.Five,six,seven,eight,It's time for school.You' re very late.Nine,ten.Nine ten.  相似文献   

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