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This critical race theory (CRT)-framed qualitative study (n = 9) examined racism within a context of urban teacher leadership development. A series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with three White principals, who each identified one White and one African American teacher as “most promising” leadership potential. These teachers were interviewed, leading to analysis of principal support and teacher perceptions of being supported. The findings clarify principals who adopted a language of equity, while simultaneously arguing that their White teachers were more effective (based erroneously on the belief that the White teachers’ students had higher test scores). The African American teachers, on the other hand, were framed as experts in culturally responsive approaches, given increased teaching responsibilities, and not provided similar leadership opportunities. This difference in opportunities and expectations had lasting impacts on the African American teachers, who internalized the lack of resources and negative messages they received from their principals. The paper concludes with CRT implications for inclusive leadership development processes.  相似文献   

在基础教育课程改革全面推进的今天,"教师成 为研究者运动"使我们中小学教师敢于揭开教育研 究头上神秘的面纱,教师们拉着教育研究之手把她 从高高的学术殿堂领进了广阔的学校课堂,使学校 的方方面面都发生了可喜的变化。但我们应该清醒 地认识到目前中小学的教育科研有些"操作"很有激 进之嫌,许多地区的中小学教育科研甚至有搞"大跃 进"的现象。中小学教师为什么对现行的教育科研没 有兴趣,困惑的原因究竟是什么?中小学教育科研的 本质功能应该是什么?教师们渴望什么样的教育科 研?  相似文献   

"立交桥"办学模式的研究与实践始于1992年.面对生产科技水平迅速提高和社会对人才取向的新变化,我们在坚持"立交桥"原有内涵和特色的基础上,于1998年又进行了改革创新.通过模式的整体优化,进一步发挥"立交桥"主要结构功能作用,以"学会做人"为主线,确立主体教育思想,坚持和发展三个结合,探索出一条职业学校实现教育现代化的重要途径.  相似文献   

标准化的模式教育存在严重弊端,关注个性化教育意义重大,个性发展问题成为教育改革深化和发展的重要标志。实施个性教育必须改革与完善教育模式,提高教师素养、培养教师个性,建立科学客观的教学评估方法,重视校园文化建设。  相似文献   

创新是我们长期坚持的治国之道,创造性思维是实施创新活动的基础和核心.现代教育要把开发创造性思维作为一项重要任务,坚持做到:鼓励学生的好奇心、坚定学生的自信心、教导学生努力学习掌握思维的规律,自觉开发创造性思维,积极为学生创造有利于开发创造性思维的环境,为学生尽可能多地提供创造性活动的机会,培养祖国需要的合格的创新型人才.  相似文献   

The National Network of Partnership Schools was initiated in 1996 to assist schools, districts, and states in developing comprehensive programs of school, family, and community partnership as part of their school improvement efforts. Members of the National Network are provided with tools and strategies to implement partnership activities that promote students' success. These tools and strategies are based on over 15 years of research conducted by Epstein and her colleagues at Johns Hopkins University. Through a discussion of the development of the National Network, this article illustrates how research can be used to inform and improve educational practice in schools, districts, and states. It does so by highlighting the center's research on family and community involvement conducted since 1987 with elementary, middle, and high schools; school districts; and state departments of education across the United States. This research generated the knowledge needed to establish the National Network of Partnership Schools, which presently works with over 1,100 schools, 130 districts, and 12 states to help them develop permanent and productive school, family, and community partnership programs.  相似文献   

Ecologisation of Schools is a relatively new development within the international Environment and School Initatives (ENSI) Programme. In this paper three issues are discussed and exemplified by developments in Austria. The first deals with the meaning of ecologisation and with pedagogical, social/organisational and technical/economic quality criteria. Innovation strategies to achieve full coverage in the school system are the focus of the second section, and some organisational and legal conditions to support ecologisation initiatives are elaborated in the final section.  相似文献   

The decade 1980‐90 was one of great importance for educational computing. The outstanding feature of the first half of the decade was the Micro‐electronics Education Programme (MEP) which ran from 1981 to 1986. This period may be described as one of relatively open‐ended exploration. In the second half of the decade, by contrast, there was a sharpening of policy goals and a move towards curriculum compulsion. This paper seeks to establish the key role of central government in promoting the use of computers in schools. It notes a shift throughout the decade away from a rationale based on industrial and vocational considerations towards a rationale based on considerations of effective teaching and learning. But it argues that there is still a need for greater clarification of objectives and more precise identification of the resources necessary to meet those objectives.  相似文献   

2010年6月18日,英国新任首相卡梅伦出台一项教育新政,允许个人和组织创办自由学校,其办学理念可简单概括为政府掏钱、私人管理,其灵感主要来自瑞典的自由学校以及美国的特许学校。创建自由学校主要缘于英国传统教育的弊端及贫富教育差距的不断扩大。英国政府已经设立了5 000万英镑的专项基金,作为2011年3月31日前创建自由学校的启动资金。该计划宣布后,立即有700多个团体表示有兴趣,这对改进英国教育的公平将影响深远。  相似文献   

The benefits of drawing for children are wide‐ranging but are likely to be mediated by the art curriculum and other governmental guidance to teachers relevant to drawing/art. Furthermore, such statutory regulations vary between cultures, and therefore curricula represent an important influence on the cultural differences found in children's drawings. Previous articles on the teaching of drawing in Chinese schools have commented upon the emphasis placed on children copying from adult drawing models. However, a new art curriculum was implemented in Chinese infant schools (3–6‐year‐olds) in 2002, still in operation today, which instead places an emphasis on the children's enjoyment of drawing through making creative and expressive pictures from their imagination. This article describes the key objectives stated in the Chinese art curricula for infant schools. We also present an interview with a Chinese infant school teacher in which she provided in detail how the curriculum is typically applied to the teaching of drawing. The interview also provided some background context to why the curriculum was changed and to its delivery. The article comments on the pedagogical practices adopted, and comparisons are made with Western art education and, in particular, to the teaching of drawing/art in England for the same age group. Finally, we consider what implications the Chinese approach has for the ‘non‐interventionist’ approach to young children's drawing/art that is frequently found in Western art education.  相似文献   

私立学校办学的目的何在?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
私立学校办学的目的在于营利。笔者认为 ,投资办学与捐资助学有着本质上的区别 ,投资办学是一种营利行为 ,而捐资助学则是一种受情感支配的行为 ;在公民投资办学追求经济效益与追求社会效益之间有其根本的一致性 ,但追求经济效益更内在。承认这一点 ,不仅能够维护国家的基本权益 ,而且更有利于私立学校的发展。  相似文献   

民办学校的财务管理中存在的问题严重影响民办教育的健康持续发展,虽然国家和地方制定了一些相关政策,但民办学校财务管理具体操作规范还不完善,财务管理政策执行与监督还难以落实.必须从民办教育兴衰存亡高度认识完善民办学校财务管理政策的重要性,清理不适应的和有歧视性的管理规定,实事求是地对民办学校财务资产进行全面审计,出台民办学校财务与资产管理可操作性规定,加强对民办学校执行财务管理政策的监督,解决好民办学校长期遗留下来的财务与资产管理问题,并通过政府增加对民办学校的直接财政资助,拓宽民办学校办学资金来源,多渠道防范民办学校的财务风险.  相似文献   

教育政策执行效果的评估是教育政策活动乃至教育系统有序运行的基本保障。好的教育政策执行效果的评估,不仅是教育政策目标实现的根本途径,也是强化教育政策操作与执行力度的重要措施,而且是"再造教育政策"或"生产新的教育政策"的基本依据。教育政策执行效果的评估是评估主体依据一定的价值标准,运用特定的方式方法,对教育政策执行活动作用于政策目标领域内的社会系统要素的影响变化进行事实描述与价值审判,并反馈于政策循环的活动,具有涉及复杂的利益相关者、目标模糊且广泛、过程不稳定与不确定并存、方法具有局限性、结果具有反馈性等特征。当前我国教育政策执行效果的评估存在着理论研究匮乏滞后、评估视域困守于实证范式、评估方法与技术单一、评估活动要素专业性有待提升、评估结果的反馈利用低效等问题。基于此,好的教育政策执行效果的评估需要从评估标准坚持事实与价值相统一、指标体系兼顾要素多元与联动协调、评估方法与技术切实可行、评估结果分析说理与反馈应用并重等方面重构分析框架,从而使教育政策执行实践中的政策虚置、政策悬置、政策失灵等现象尽量少出现乃至不出现。  相似文献   


Transforming schools requires educators who design learning with the diverse histories, cultures, capacities, and experiences of all their students in mind. Schools that embrace personalization support teachers and students who learn and grow together. This inclusive vision must be grounded in education’s historical roots. Our research, practice, and policy communities must work in concert to achieve thriving, healthy communities for all.  相似文献   

This article argues that public policy formation cannot be understood without a consistent theory of the capitalist state and politics. This is particularly true with respect to education policies. Expanding capital accumulation and increasing the legitimation of the entire mode of production seem to be the principal roles of the capitalist state, a role that is in perpetual tension. Coming to grips with this tension constitutes a principal challenge for the state. Considering educational policies, programs and practices, to inquire into the reasons for the growth of a given educational level—how programs have been devised historically, by whom, for what purposes, and how they are related to the educational clientele that they are supposed to serve—is to ask for an explanation of the determinants of educational policy formation. In this article a framework for a political sociology of educational policy making and a set of hypotheses on the production rules of public policy are offered.  相似文献   

论教育研究的科学性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何研究都包括结论、证据、结论与证据之间的逻辑链条以及研究情境这四个要素.一项满足科学性要求的研究必然是一种结论具有可证伪性、证据是可以重复获得的经验事实、证据与结论之间的逻辑链条清晰且无矛盾和研究情境可以再现的研究.教育理论由教育思想、教育学基础学科理论和教育学理论构成.教育学理论是教育理论的核心成分,教育研究的科学性主要集中体现在教育学研究的科学性上.教育学要提供对教育在"目的-手段-结果"框架下的整体理解,就必须将教育系统作为自己的研究对象.只有如此,教育学研究的科学性才是可能的.  相似文献   

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