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维格纳是20世纪杰出的物理学家之一。他将群论引入量子力学推动了量子力学的发展,奠定了基本粒子理论中对称性原理的基础。他是原子弹计划的积极参与者与推动者,在核物理学和核工程学领域建树颇多。他基于量子力学认识论特别是量子测量问题的研究形成的关于意识是第一实在的哲学见解独特而深刻,已经引起当代物理哲学界的密切关注。  相似文献   

Mario Bunge was born in Argentina in 1919 and is now in his mid-90s. He studied atomic physics and quantum mechanics with Guido Beck (1903?C1988), an Austrian refugee and student of Heisenberg. Additionally he studied modern philosophy in an environment that was a philosophical backwater becoming the first South American philosopher of science to be trained in science. His publications in physics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and the foundations of biology, are staggering in number, and include a massive 8-volume Treatise on Philosophy. The unifying thread of his scholarship is the constant and vigorous advancement of the Enlightenment Project, and criticism of cultural and academic movements that deny or devalue the core planks of the project: namely its naturalism, the search for truth, the universality of science, the value of rationality, and respect for individuals. At a time when specialisation is widely decried, and its deleterious effects on science, philosophy of science, educational research and science teaching are recognised, and at a time when ??grand narratives?? are thought both undesirable and impossible??it is salutary to appraise the fruits of one person??s pursuit of the ??Big?? scientific and philosophical picture or grand narrative. In doing so this special issue brings together philosophers, physicists, biologists, sociologists, logicians, cognitive scientists, economists and mathematicians to examine facets of Mario Bunge??s systematic philosophy and to appraise its contribution to important issues in current philosophy and, by implication, education.  相似文献   

Mario Bunge is one of the most prolific philosophers of our time. Over the past sixty years he has written extensively about semantics, ontology, epistemology, philosophy of science and ethics. Bunge has been interested in the philosophical and methodological implications of modern psychology and more specifically in the philosophies of the relation between the neural and psychological realms. According to Bunge, functionalism, the philosophical stand of current psychology, has limited explanatory power in that neural processes are not explicitly acknowledged as components or factors of psychological phenomena. In Matter and Mind (2010), Bunge has elaborated in great detail the philosophies of the mind-brain dilemma and the basis of the psychoneural identity hypothesis, which suggests that all psychological processes can be analysed in terms of neural and physical phenomena. This article is the result of a long interview with Dr. Bunge on psychoneural identity and brain-behaviour relations.  相似文献   

骑自行周游世界是许多人的梦想.但也许大多数人都无法实现。没关系.我们翻开本朝的推荐书籍,搭上艺人大卫·拜恩的车子,饱览五洲风情。  相似文献   

他未必是中国声望最高的律师,但是最早进行律师合伙尝试的先锋级人物。他是律师中的哲学家。  相似文献   

Research on the complex issues that underpin Talent Identification and Development (TID) appears to be divided into five key constructs: sport specialization and selection, practice, athlete development, junior and adult success, and the role of stakeholders in the sport system. Analysis of each construct indicates that differences exist between research theory and reality in terms of outcomes for practice in athlete development, although the reasons for this are unclear. These differences may, however, indicate reasons for the lack of adult success in young athletes identified as ‘talented.’ Further, analysis of the stakeholders construct also indicates both a lack of coherence in the understanding of TID systems and processes between key stakeholders in the TID process and a lack of research into the importance of such coherence in developing young athletes.  相似文献   

中国莎学一直认为哈姆莱特是人文主义者,直到20世纪80年代才有人开始提出质疑,认为哈姆莱特并非人文主义者。但问题并没有因此得到解决。哈姆莱特到底是什么"者"?这个人物形象的塑造受何思想影响?细读不难发现,哈姆莱特是一个柏拉图主义者、柏拉图"哲学王"政治哲学思想的典范,"莎士比亚的确读过柏拉图"。  相似文献   

扼要介绍了萧萐父在中国哲学史教学、研究、著述的卓越成就及其文史哲兼通、哲理与诗情并重的全面人文素养,扼要评述了其在当代中国环境下所遭遇的坎坷学术人生,从而认定其为海内外有影响、当代中国大陆罕见的人文学家。  相似文献   

This investigation documents an intervention that successfully counteracted a grade inflation trend at a small, Catholic, liberal arts university in the eastern United States. The intervention produced a significant drop in grades awarded by full-time faculty, but not by adjunct faculty who were not yet included in the intervention. Institutional factors affecting grade inflation (i.e., class size, course level, academic discipline, day and semester of delivery) were also analyzed before and after the intervention.  相似文献   

Science & Education -  相似文献   

论诗哲杜甫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜甫的诗歌对社会、人生、自然、宇宙的哲理表现,达到了中国诗歌史上前所未有的广度与深度。杜诗中的哲理,有以议论和警句的形式表现的,更多是寄寓在对自然界和社会生活物象与事象的生动描绘之中。这些作品是诗情、画意与理趣三者完美的结合。大变动的时代背景、杜甫以儒为主兼收佛道的思想、颠沛流离的人生体验,以及他对曲尽物理的自觉追求,是杜诗丰富深刻的哲理意蕴生成的原因。杜甫哲理诗对宋诗理趣的形成有巨大的影响,是宋诗理趣的开山祖师。  相似文献   

出版于1825年的法国萨瓦兰的名著《味觉生理学》(中译本《厨房里的哲学家》)被誉为“两百年不衰的美食圣经”。本书分为美食学冥想和杂篇两个部分。作者在后记“致两个世界的美食家们”向后辈学人殷殷寄语,时隔近两百年后的今天,本书中对于“美食学”的界定对“食学”学科的架构与发展仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

马里奥·佩尔尼奥拉是当今意大利最杰出的哲学家,他以模拟为哲学基础,反对形而上学的二分法和对立,否定本原,否认世界存在隐含本质,强调世界的历史性和不连续性,认为世界是无深度的,是过渡的从同一到同一。他提出的这种现在哲学,重新定位了哲学和哲学家的地位和使命,为解释当今世界的复杂多变提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Emmeche  Claus 《Science & Education》2018,27(9-10):1017-1020
Science & Education -  相似文献   

一代哲人艾思奇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾思奇是人民教育家,马克思主义哲学家,党的理论战线上的忠诚战士.他在哲学、新闻、文化战线上卓有建树,在捍卫、传播、普及、宣传马克思主义哲学方面作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

牛顿开创了现代数学新纪元,集物理、数学、天文学于一身。文中从五方面进行了阐述:牛顿的伟大综合;力学三大运动定律和万有引力定律;牛顿的质量概念;创建微积分;开拓天文光学。  相似文献   

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