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Lyn Carter 《Cultural Studies of Science Education》2017,12(4):929-942
In this paper, I have positioned myself with Kean Birch and explored some of the political-economic actors/actants of policy suites implicated in the biotechnologies and bioeconomy. In particular, I have considered Australia’s recent National Innovation and Science Agenda and allied documents and entities (that is, Innovation and Science Australia, the National Science Statement and the 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap) as one of the National Innovation Strategies in place now in OECD countries and beyond. In overview, these policy suites utilise the same high knowledge creation/low translation and commericalisation arguments as elsewhere to press for particular ideologically based ‘improvements’ to public science. Mapping the terrain of these entities has revealed the innovation, biotechnology and bioeconomy policy space to be inordinately complex and challenging to navigate. Reviewing Australia’s position enables the type of comparative work that contributes to a closer understanding of the largely neoliberal global economic imperatives shaping contemporaneity. Moreover, while these policy suites attempt to constitute and circulate particular visions of science education, their complex nature mitigates against science teachers/educators grappling with their implications. 相似文献
亲子游戏有助于儿童身体、智力的发展及性格的塑造。《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》要求:"家长应该主动亲近和关心幼儿,经常与儿童一起做游戏或活动,让幼儿感受到与长辈交往的快乐,建立亲密的亲子关系。"可见研究亲子游戏的意义重大。当前,我国对亲子游戏与幼儿发展的关系已有相当研究,但因亲子游戏理论研究起步较晚,所以,在实施过程中存在着家长参与度低、教师缺乏相应指导知识、幼儿园管理不当、整体开展质量低等问题。将亲子游戏纳入幼儿园课程的实施路径是家长积极配合、教师提升组织能力、幼儿园加强管理及政府提供政策支持等。 相似文献
This action learning study in a year three classroom explored the implementation of five formative assessment principles to assist students' understandings of the scientific topic of liquids and solids. These principles were employed to give students a greater opportunity to express their understanding of the concepts. The study found that the principles of formal assessment worked well in concert with the pedagogical framework of the interactive teaching model. 相似文献
构建高职文化基础课程体系的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文化基础课在高职教育中未得到应有的重视,为专业课服务功能未得到充分体现,课程体系未形成科学合理的整体。主要是由于人才观的错误、能力观的偏差、课程观的误区所造成的,应系统构建文化基础课程体系,使之成为基础与专业渗透、必修与选修互补、统一与特色并存、先修与后续搭配的科学体系。 相似文献
The computer and related technologies as tools for teaching, learning, and assessment are the latest wave of innovations in education. These technologies are neither gender neutral nor benign in effect. Available research suggests that widespread use of these technological tools raises significant issues for females and underrepresented populations in mathematics, science, and technology fields. Questionable assumptions frequently guide current implementation efforts with little consideration of the trade-offs inherent in these technologies and their possible cumulative effects. 相似文献
Seven computer applications to science assessment are reviewed. Conventional test administration includes record keeping, grading, and managing test banks. Multiple-choice testing involves forced selection of an answer from a menu, whereas constructed-response testing involves options for students to present their answers within a set standard deviation. Adaptive testing attempts to individualize the test to minimize the number of items and time needed to assess a student's knowledge. Figurai response testing assesses science proficiency in pictorial or graphic mode and requires the student to construct a mental image rather than selecting a response from a multiple choice menu. Simulations have been found useful for performance assessment on a large-scale basis in part because they make it possible to independently specify different aspects of a real experiment. An emerging approach to performance assessment is solution pathway analysis, which permits the analysis of the steps a student takes in solving a problem. Virtually all computer-based testing systems improve the quality and efficiency of record keeping and data analysis. 相似文献
陈旭阳 《淮南师范学院学报》2015,(3)
在对档案袋评价的方法和特点进行归纳总结的基础上,将其应用于我国大学生创业教育教学过程的可行性和必要性进行了分析,结果是档案袋评价的应用可以加强大学生创新创业教育的针对性,优化创新创业教育教学效果,提升大学生创业能力。同时,在创业教育教学过程中使用档案袋评价法时,需要根据不同的项目和教学要求进行共性个性相结合的设计,明确使用原则和使用方法,注意及时纠偏。该评价方法的使用在创业教育教学过程中有利有弊,但从长期发展趋势来看具有较好的应用前景。 相似文献
孙丽琴 《贵州教育学院学报》2013,29(6)
在知识经济时代,协同创新的本质是以合作求突破.河南高校要在中原经济区建设中不辱使命,就必须紧密结合地方经济发展实际,强化科技创新能力,在协同创新的机制下全面发展.通过对协同创新内涵的阐述,指出新时期河南高校协同创新的必要性,分析了河南高校科技创新能力发展的不利因素,研究提出提升河南省高校科技创新能力的对策. 相似文献
闫智勇 《十堰职业技术学院学报》2007,20(2):54-56
科学创新与文化有着密切的关系。西方科学几乎是唯一存留到今天的科学形态。西方文化因素在科学创新中起到积极和决定性的作用。其中探索自然界是科学创新的初衷;为了求知和摆脱愚蠢而不为任何实用目的是科学创新的本意和目的所在;注重探寻自然现象背后的原因使科学创新的源泉永不枯竭;怀疑和批判精神使科学创新永无止境;而个人自由和人与人平等是科学创新良好氛围的前提。 相似文献
艺术与科技专业作为国家教育部2011年的新增专业(专业原名会展艺术与技术),迎合了我国会展产业的高速发展,近年来在国内各大高校逐步建立起来。笔者所在单位作为安徽省内第一批开设此专业的本科高校之一,近年来在教学一线进行了初步探索。本文以艺术与科技专业模块化教学创新设计为内容展开研究。 相似文献
赵荣 《教学研究(河北)》2009,32(6)
高中思想政治课是对中学生进行思想政治教育的主阵地和主渠道,也是基础教育中培养学生创新能力的重要环节,政治理论与创新能力在中学生成长过程中不可或缺,联系紧密.要真正发挥高中政治新课程课堂教学在基础教育创新能力培养中所具有的独特作用,实现"双赢",必须把新课程教学推进到新阶段,进一步创新教育理念、教学手段、教学形式和评价方式,努力提高教学质量和教学效果. 相似文献
植物学教学改革的探索与实践 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了提高植物学的教学效果,适应21世纪科学发展的趋势和对人才培养的要求,本文结合多年来植物学的教学经验,就教学内容、教学方法、教学手段、实验方式及考核方式等方面对植物学教学改革进行了探索与实践。 相似文献
高校科研管理自主创新主要包括三个方面的涵义[2]:一是管理理念要创新.这是提高高校科研管理自主创新能力的前提. 相似文献