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A multi-disciplinary team research project is described. The project is being undertaken in Papua New Guinea under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and UNESCO. The major goal is to document the relationship between environmental and cultural features, which vary widely in the country, and cognitive development. A second goal is the documentation of mathematics learning and instruction. The paper describes the various components of the project and some of the preliminary findings.  相似文献   

In this article the main characteristics of the dMath project are introduced. With the mathematical modules developed within this project a new tool is made available to the different users as a support of the teaching and learning of mathematics in the context of EHEA and of the Bologna declaration.  相似文献   

Five second-grade classes in two schools participated in a project that was generally compatible with a constructivist theory of knowing. At the end of the school year, the students in these classes and their peers in six non-project classes in the same schools were assigned to ten textbook-based third-grade classes on the basis of reading scores. The two groups of students were compared at the end of the third-grade year on a standardized achievement test and on instruments designed to assess their conceptual development in arithmetic, their personal goals in mathematics, and their beliefs about reasons for success in mathematics. The levels of computation performance on familiar textbook tasks were comparable, but former project students had attained more advanced levels of conceptual understanding. In addition, they held stronger beliefs about the importance of working hard and being interested in mathematics, and about understanding and collaborating. Further, they attributed less importance to conforming to the solution methods of others.  相似文献   

This paper reports the changes that occurred in the didactic approaches of three professors who participated in a project intended to develop new ways of teaching mathematics to second year university students. An enactivist perspective is used to address the process of change that emerged as a result from interactions during project meetings. We describe changes in the participants' actions by looking at data obtained from the meetings and the classrooms. Teachers were able to ‘see more’ and modify their teaching practices incorporating a more open and flexible approach in accordance to their structural state which depended on their previous history. Therefore, the results varied. It was possible to observe, however, similar changes in all members of the group which included the use of vocabulary from learning theories and the inclusion of in-depth reflections on teaching and learning.  相似文献   

文章探讨人教版小学数学教材中蕴含的数学文化,主要从数学家的故事、数学发展史、中国古代典籍《九章算术》、数学的广泛应用这四个方面来阐述。  相似文献   

概率是电大开放教育工程数学中的一项重要教学内容。概率是在古典概型的基础上发展起来的,古典概型在概率中占有相当重要的地位,在社会生产、生活中及理论研究中有着重要的应用。作者结合几年来的教学实践谈谈对工程数学中古典概型教学的一些做法和体会。  相似文献   

我国向来重视教育事业的发展。中职教育也是我国教育事业的重要一环。近些年来,中职学校的招生规模不断扩大。而对于中职学生来说,如何学好数学一直都是一个难题。面对这种情况,作为中职院校的老师,应当努力采取各种教学措施提高数学的教学质量。研究表明,在中职数学教育中,项目教学法是一种较为高效的教学方法,能够有效调动学生学习的自主性和积极性,同时还能够提高学生学以致用的能力。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between university mathematics classroom environments, mathematics beliefs, and achievement in the context of mainland China. As a type of affect in mathematics learning, mathematics beliefs including mathematics conceptions and efficacy were examined as mediators. Based on analysis of a sample of 1443 undergraduate students from a university in northern China, the study not only found that the mathematics classroom environment was associated with both affective and cognitive mathematics outcomes, but also confirmed the mediating role of mathematics beliefs. Specifically, a desirable classroom environment was related to students’ cohesive conceptions, enhanced self-efficacy, and higher mathematics achievement. In contrast, students’ perceived difficulty of learning mathematics was connected to their fragmented conceptions, reduced self-efficacy and lower mathematics achievement. Implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

本文通过笔者的教学实践,对高等数学方法在初等数学的渗透作系统总结,突出高观点下的数学教学的理念。  相似文献   

数学美是数学发展的内在驱动力之一,也是评价数学理论的重要标准之一。本文结合大学数学内容,对数学美进行了浅析。主要揭示了在大学数学课程的相关知识中所蕴藏出来的美的现象,美的规律。数学美作为科学美的一种,它即具有美的共性,更具有独特的个性,它的内容是极其丰富的。我们可以从数学图形,公式,定理,方法中感受的人类智慧的魅力,感受这种美。最后阐述了在数学教学中对数学美教学的重要性。  相似文献   

本文从数的概念起源、数的基础运算和数学的基本特征等方面来解析数学的本质。数的概念来自理性的抽象,现实中来源于可替代物。基础运算中加法是母法则,减法是唯一的分析判断,加减反映了量的连续性。而乘除反映了量的间断性。乘除的二次抽象性无法反映不确定性关系。数学创造力与艺术创造力完全不同。数学演绎中的理性盲点需要经验来弥补。  相似文献   

随着高职高专课程改革的深入,项目化教学的推进,高等数学项目化教学成为必然的选择,文章探讨了以培养能力为核心的高等数学项目化教学,如何通过培养学生运用数学知识解决实际问题的能力,提升学生的职业综合能力。  相似文献   

In modern mathematical teaching, it has become increasingly emphasized that mathematical knowledge should be taught by problem-solving, hands-on activities, and interactive learning experiences. Comparing the ideas of modern mathematical education with the development of ancient Chinese mathematics, we find that the history of mathematics in ancient China is an abundant resource for materials to demonstrate mathematics by hands-on manipulation. In this article I shall present two cases that embody this idea of a hands-on approach in ancient Chinese mathematics, at the same time offering an opportunity to show how to utilize materials from the history of Chinese math in modern mathematical education.
Youjun WangEmail:

The use of the history of mathematics in teaching has long been considered a tool for enriching students’ mathematical learning. However, in the USA few, if any, research efforts have investigated how the study of history of mathematics contributes to a person's mathematical knowledge for teaching. In this article, I present the results of research conducted over four semesters in which I sought to characterize what prospective mathematics teachers (PMTs) understand about the topics that they will be called upon to teach in the future and how that teaching might include an historical component. In particular, I focus on how the study and application of the history of solving quadratic equations illuminates what PMTs know (or do not know) about this essential secondary school algebraic topic. Additionally, I discuss how the results signal important considerations for mathematics teacher preparation programs with regard to connecting PMTs' mathematical and pedagogical knowledge, and their ability to engage in historical perspectives to improve their own and their future students' understanding of solving quadratic equations.  相似文献   

图形计算器作为一种现代化教育技术,在中学数学创新教育中发挥着越来越大的作用.近几年来,北京市有四十多所中学的几百名教师,利用图形计算器开展课题研究,通过教学实践,进行了深入的探索.本文归纳和总结了教学实践中的经验和问题,从理论上对使用图形计算器进行中学数学创新教育的关键、重点、途径、基础、方向等问题进行了阐述,对指导课题研究的深入开展具有一定的作用.  相似文献   

在数学教育中渗透人文教育,弘扬人文精神,是素质教育的要求,是我国新课程改革所规定的数学教育的目的,更是数学教育发展的必然。人文数学是数学与人文的结合,是用数学的精神、原则、思想和方法对学生进行文化陶冶和人格塑造,让数学教育在传授科学的同时起到提高人的文化素养和教化人格的作用。教育者可从创设特色人文课堂情境、引导学生自主学习、重视学生的个体差异三个方面实现人文教育在数学教学中的渗透,进而实现科学与人文在数学教学中有机的结合,进而促进学生人文素养的提升。  相似文献   

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