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《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(2):199-213

En este artículo se presenta un modelo para la enseñanza reflexiva de la gramática. El análisis de los obstáculos con que topa el aprendizaje de la gramática referidos 1)a las características del objeto del saber, 2) a los modos de razonamiento accesibles a los alumnos y 3) a la incidencia de las metodologías utilizadas habitual- mente, lleva a plantear la necesidad de un modelo de enseñanza que tienda a superarlos. El modelo “Secuencias didácticas para aprender gramática” fundamentado en la actividad de los alumnos sobre los objetos lingüísticos y basado en la reflexión, en el razonamiento y en la necesaria interacción entre compañeros y con el adulto se presenta como un modelo hipotético de acción didáctica y como una macrounidad de investigación sobre la enseñanza gramatical.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyse the attitude toward school that successful students of post-compulsory education possess. We understand school success as a concept that takes into account academic results, but also includes the desire to continue studying, while often overcoming difficulties at school. The data were taken from a sample of 26 students (12 girls and 14 boys) enrolled in Baccalaureate studies and vocational training. It was collected from detailed interviews, context questionnaires and the photolanguage technique. The results show that students are clearly committed to education, which takes the form of positive attitudes toward schoolwork and tasks (perseverance, effort, respect for the rules) and to the development of a defined life project and a high-level of satisfaction with their education. Baccalaureate students, particularly girls, more clearly express these traits.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(4):453-465

Con este artículo se pretende poner a disposición del profesorado de infantil, primaria y secundaria los principales recursos para trabajar en la escuela la diversidad familiar, siempre desde el prisma del conocimiento, la normalización y legitimación de las distintas estructuras familiares. Para ello se han clasificado los recursos encontrados según se trate de programas, cuentos y libros de referencia. Asimismo, se hace un análisis de cada uno de ellos en función del tipo de familia representada, los contenidos con los que se puede trabajar y el nivel educativo más apropiado para usarlos.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(75):21-40

Diversas investigaciones han hallado que características parentales como el nivel de escolarización, clase social, nivel económico, cultural, número de hijos, etc. determinan las estrategias de los padres cuando se les pide que ayuden a sus hijos a solucionar una tarea que no resolverían solos. Varios estudios muestran que el sexo del bebé crea diferencias en el estilo interactivo de las díadas. Y por otro lado, también parece estar mediado por las creencias, expectativas e ideas que los padres tienen acerca del desarrollo de los niños en general, y del suyo en particular, y por las competencias que le atribuyen. El propósito de este artículo es analizar los cambios en la dinámica interactiva (la forma en que el adulto organiza sus ayudas respecto al bebé) en 15 díadas adulto (padre o madre)-bebé, considerando los factores mencionados, utilizando la tarea de “rodeo manual” de Bruner, cuando los bebés tenían 5 categorías de observación. Hallamos que el género del bebé, la condición de “novato” o “experimentado” del cuidador (madre o padre por primera o por segunda vez), su nivel de escolaridady sus “teorías” implícitas sobre el desarrollo de los niños, así como las competencias comunicativas que les atribuyen a los dos años se traducían en cambios en la dinámica interactiva de las díadas, bien en la dirección de los trabajos consultados, bien en otras direcciones distintas a las esperadas.  相似文献   


This paper presents the theoretical and methodological foundations of the Teixint Cultures ‘Weaving Cultures Together project: a communitarian research-action programme aimed at providing literacy skills in Catalan for African immigrant women, which uses their ‘Funds of Knowledge’ to develop bilingual books in Catalan, Arabic and Mandinka for their children. The results show the benefits of implementing projects that promote literacy activities at home as well as the empowerment of immigrant women.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(72):127-138

Este artículo aborda el tema de la adquisición de una lengua extranjera, el inglés, en relación al bilingüismo en el País Vasco. El artículo analiza diversas dimensiones del bilingüismo euskara-castellano (bilingüismo temprano, competencia bilingüe, bilingüismo familiar, bilingüismo escolar y bilingüismo sociocultural) en relación al rendimiento en inglés como lengua extranjera.

La muestra está formada por estudiantes monolingües y bilingües de seis centros de secundaria de Gipuzkoa donde tienen bien el euskara o el castellano como lenguas de instrucción. Los sujetos completaron cuestionarios y realizaron pruebas de inglés que incluian varias medidas de competencia en la lengua (comprensión oral, comprensión escrita, producción oral, producción escrita, vocabulario y sintaxis. En el artículo se presentan y discuten los resultados en relación a los efectospositivos del bilingüismo en el desarrollo de las habilidades lingüisticas y metalingüisticas en el País Vasco y en otros contextos.  相似文献   


Despite the relationship between student teachers’ learning within teacher education programmes and their later teaching experiences, few studies have examined the role of motivation management. To fill this gap, this study examined motivation management, highlighting its relationship with key factors within teacher education programmes from a dynamic perspective. A sample of 18 student teachers enrolled in a degree course in Teaching English as a Foreign Language participated in this study. Analysis of qualitative data obtained from various sources such as reflection memos, videotaped enactment of teaching, personal journals, end-of-term portfolio, researcher’s monthly journal and her notes of weekly group discussions, as well as quantitative data from participants’ performance on classroom quizzes, indicated that although motivational behaviour is dynamic in relation to time and a combination of personal and contextual factors, the participants’ motivational management follows a typical behaviour pattern. In addition, results of a Friedman analysis of variance by ranks revealed that the participants’ performance on quizzes improved over time, implying that the student teachers temporally self-regulated to meet course requirements and safeguard their success.  相似文献   


This article is a practical application of the technique of factor analysis. Its uniqueness lies in the nature of the variables we set out to study (determinants of the quality of university teaching), the data collection instrument designed for the study (scale assessment questionnaire) and the basic goal of this study, which is simply to seek the views of a representative sample of university students on the elements that form a system of indicators for assessing teaching skills in order to establish a profile of the role of university professor.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are twofold: to see if gender differences in social reputation remain stable throughout schooling, and to analyse behavioural differences between boys and girls with rejected status. A sociometric test was carried out and the Allocation of Perceptive Attributes Method was applied to a sample of 777 students in the mid-cycle and upper-cycle of primary education (years three to six) and the first cycle of CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education). The results show that differences in social reputation remain stable throughout schooling, with the exception of a few trends. We also find that rejection in boys is characterized by behavioural attributes, while characteristics associated with rejection in girls seem to be more subtle. It is concluded that gender ought to be taken into account in the design and implementation of intervention programmes aimed at improving the social integration of students.  相似文献   


This article presents a study on a Primary and Secondary Education teacher training network from Catalonia for the implementation of the Reading in pairs program. The goal is to describe, analyse, and assess the training model’s characteristics in relation to the learning promoted among participants, as well as the possibilities of actually incorporating educational innovation in the schools. The results suggest that this formative ecosystem permits a degree of learning and understanding of the program and its conceptual foundations that is relevant to the ability to implement it creatively and to adapt it to each school so that its sustainability is guaranteed.  相似文献   

Computer-based early mathematics education, especially when implemented on a touchscreen device, can help young children learn basic concepts of number and operations in deep and engaging ways. We have developed MathemAntics — antic or playful mathematics — a software system that works on touchscreen tablets, to serve as a key aspect of mathematics instruction for children from age three to the early grades. This paper discusses the need for such software; describes and analyses currently available software; articulates the theoretical and design principles that form the basis of MathemAntics and can serve as the foundation for new software; presents a case study of a child using MathemAntics; and describes potential use of MathemAntics in a classroom setting. We invite readers to explore, investigate and use MathemAntics themselves.  相似文献   

Word reading fluency is a key component in the process of reading. In order to understand its acquisition it is crucial to conduct longitudinal studies. The aim of this work was to describe the development of word recognition in Spanish, considering accuracy and speed, from a longitudinal perspective. A group of 31 children were followed for six years. Reading performance was assessed with a list of 72 stimuli in which lexicality, frequency and length were manipulated. Results show that initial gains in reading accuracy occurred very rapidly. However, the growth of reading speed was found to be more difficult and complex, and automatic word recognition remains low at the end of Grade 6. Low frequency, long words were the most difficult stimuli. High stability in reading speed was observed and it was a relevant indicator that differentiates between good and poor readers. The findings also highlighted the need to develop training programs with the specific aim of improving word reading fluency throughout primary education.  相似文献   

This work is focused on deepening our understanding of family actions when participating in school life and of the intensity of their involvement with the school work that their children perform, or should perform, at home. Specifically, this study examines whether there is a relationship between family participation and involvement, what are the situations that characterize the differential performance of fathers and mothers; an analysis is also carried out of each situation to identify which elements determine their participation or involvement behaviour. To this end, the sample consisted of 279 subjects from Latin America with children enrolled in the fifth or sixth grades of primary education. The results show that involvement and participation are independent phenomena, that mothers are more involved and participate more in their children’s school life, and that the elements determining these two actions are different for both mothers and fathers.  相似文献   

This article sketches a framework for the study and analysis of culture-cognition relations that I present in my recent book, Cultural Development of Mathematical Ideas: Papua New Guinea Studies. Taking an historical approach, I focus on the reproduction and alteration of representational forms for number and the functions that representational forms serve in collective practices in and out of school. My key argument is that, in the context of their goal-directed communicative activities in collective practices in daily life, people unwittingly reproduce and alter representational forms and the functions that these forms serve. The process leads to continuities and discontinuities in form-function relations in communities over historical time. To provide evidence for this process and its role in the cultural development of ideas, I report selected findings from research conducted in 1978, 1980 and 2001 in Oksapmin communities; I focus on historical shifts in the forms and functions of the Oksapmin body part counting system over time. I then update that body of research with a sketch of a recent 2014 follow-up study. I close with reflections on the utility of my framework for the study of culture-cognition relations in other communities and on cognitive domains other than mathematics.  相似文献   


Today, educational change and innovation are a clear priority in educational centres across the world. This article analyses the strengths and opportunities presented by the process of educational innovation taking place in Catalonia from the perspective of school head teachers, employing a quanti-qualitative methodology using 227 surveys and 29 semi-structured interviews. The results locate the innovation process in a phase characterized by efforts aimed at updating existing practice, resistance to change generated by the system itself, and a lack of systematic reflection on current practice. Two strengths of the process reported relate to its scale and transversality across the whole territory on the one hand, and the importance that collaboration between teachers and schools is having in order to facilitate innovation. Other aspects highlighted are: the need to invest more planning in innovation processes; the need for the Deparment of Education to reflect on its own role within the process; and, finally, the need to develop the role of technologies as facilitators of innovation and communication.  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(1):119-128

El presente estudio investiga la relación entre aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos del sueño y el rendimiento académico en niños de 6 y 7 años. Un total de 142 alumnos de primaria (65 niñas y 77 niños) procedentes de diversos centros escolares y sin alteraciones patológicas que afectan el sueño fueron evaluados, a través de un cuestionario presentado a los padres, respecto a sus hábitos y horas de sueño nocturno. Paralelamente, se evaluaron una serie de competencias académicas (comunicativas, metodológicas, transversales y específicas). Los resultados mostraron un peor desempeño escolar en los niños con menos horas de sueño y con unos malos hábitos de sueño, efecto que ya se había observado en estudios anteriores. Dormir menos de nueve horas y acostarse tarde y de forma irregular afecta al rendimiento académico de los niños de esta franja de edad respecto a todas las competencias evaluadas, excepto las específicas, a las que sólo afecta el mal hábito. Los autores concluyen que mantener una higiene de sueño adecuada a la edad contribuye al desarrollo cognitivo positivo y sugieren el desarrollo de programas de prevención al respecto.  相似文献   


Much research on adolescent dating violence has been constrained by the tradition of studies on gender-based violence. In contrast, other studies have indicated that the violence that occurs in these early dating relationships could be the result of adolescent inexperience in the dating process, which may result in erotic-aggressive dynamics. On the basis of this, the present study stresses the need for research focusing on dating violence that is sensitive to the particularities of such violent dynamics. Drawing on an initial sample of 3,256 adolescents, we identified 2,687 participants aged 15 to 21 years who had had at least one romantic relationship. The aim was to analyse involvement in physical dating violence and the forms it takes based on variables such as the frequency and severity of aggression and the roles taken by those involved. The results indicate that violence was mostly occasional and that both boys and girls were identified as victims and aggressors. The percentages of involvement of boys and girls differed depending on the severity of the behaviour (mild vs. severe). These results are discussed in terms of the importance of defining the characteristics of this phenomenon to advance understanding of this violent dynamic and its relationship to other forms of violence in romantic relationships.  相似文献   

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